
Downside Up [stranger things x male child reader]



My name... Is Y/N! I am a 12 year old boy, just doing 12 year old things!

And this... is my story!




*crunch!* *crunch!* *crunch!*
I am currently running through a barren field!

Where, You might ask? In the Upsidedown of course! Though... I didn't know it was called the Upsidedown until very recently...

I used to just call this place... Home.

I know what you might be thinking...

'oOh, Y/N, wHy iS yOuR hOmE a DesOlaTe lAnd oF gArbAge AnD deAtH?'

Well... Well! W-Well....... Yeah you're right... It's pretty bad... But that's why I'm not staying here for long!


Oof... Now you might be asking

'What was that?!'

Well... A Home isn't a home... Without family!

"No biting, Nelly!"
I say, still running for my life.

That's Nelly... Sure, she may be a Demo-pup, but she's MY Demo-pup... and a REALLY good friend... Even if she's trying to kill me...

Also, at this point, I didn't even know Nelly was called a Demo-dog... I just used to call her, Family!

Anyways! Back to the main scene!

I yelled out, jumping over fallen trees and holes in the ground.

Nelly swipes her clawed... paw? Hand? I'll just say paw... She swung her clawed paw at me, nearly hitting me!

I dodge her paw.
"That was close! Calm down girl!"

But she didn't listen, instead, she kept running at me... She was basically right behind me now!

"Oh, jimminy crickets- Sorry, Nelly! but I'll have to use it!"
I say, stopping in my tracks and facing the raging Demo-pup.

I shout, stretching my hand out in a 'stop' motion.

My command seemed to echo from my mouth... Like a sound wave of... sound!!! Once it reached Nelly, she skidded to a halt... Right in front of my hand.

Nelly growls, as she sits still.

I immediately close the gap in-between her head, and my hand. I patted her flower-like head.

"Gooooood giiiirl! Whose a good girl? You are!"

Nelly coos at my touch.

Now I know what you're thinking...

'What the hell did I just do?'

To answer your question... It's one of my powers... I call it... HIVEMIND!

Basically, if I activate it, the creatures of the Upsidedown will think I'm one of them! And not just ANY one of them... They think I'm their leader! Their Alpha! Their big man~!

This power is what kept me alive for... Basically my WHOLE life!

And I think the power is the coolest one I have! Cuz then it allows me to have friends! Albiet... Murderous friends...

"Phew~ you got pretty close there, didn't ya?"
I say, sitting beside Nelly, while still patting her head.

Nelly coos as I pat her head. She tilts her head against my touch, allowing me to access her more sensitive spots... That sounds wrong...

"You ever think there's a better world out there?"
I ask Nelly.

She doesn't reply.

"Heh... Look at me, talking to myself....... I really need friends to talk to....... You ever think there are people like me out there? Or am I the only one?"
I ask Nelly, knowing she wouldn't reply.

I continue to pat her head.

Nelly simply coos at my touch.

"I wish I could have friends, cuz... No offence, Nelly... But you aren't really the IDEAL friend to have..."
I say.

" ever think there's a world that isn't so... Dark and ashy? A world where the trees are alive, or... The structures are clean? A place where friendly creatures exist?"
I ramble.

Nelly purrs.

"You're right... There's no way a world like that exist... Guess I'll just be alone here... Forever..."




The ground suddenly vibrates, as a bright light could be seen emanating from a nearby tree.

I immediately stand up and look yo where the noise came from.

"What is that?!"
I yell out.

Nelly growls at the noise, before turning tail and running off to the opposite side of the noise.

"Nelly! Where are you going?!"
I yell out.

Nelly simply keeps running.

"Daaaamn you Nelly! We're not friends anymore!!!"
I yell out, but she doesn't hear me.

The ground shakes again, as the light in the tree gets bigger.

I almost lost balance, but caught myself at the last second.

"Whoa! ...What the..."
I look to where the bright light is coming from.

"What... Is that?"
I ask myself, as I approach the hole on the tree.


I stand in front of the weird wriggly hole... It looked like organs... Was it alive? It looks alive!

I closely look at the hole. I could see something in the other side... Though it was a bit blurry.

"What are you?"
I say.

No reply... I should've expected that.

I reach towards the hole, and poke it with my hand.

When my hand was close enough, the hole suddenly opened up... As if it was outlining my hand.

"Whoa... This is the most interesting thing I've ever seen........ Well, aside from seeing Sarah's children..."
I mutter.

I go closer to the hole... The closer I got, the more it opened up.

After my head got close to it, it created a window... And on the other side... I saw trees! Actually alive trees!

"Whoa... haha... trees.......... W-Well, heh... Wish me luck..."
I say to myself, before fully entering the hole.













The moment I was passed it... I looked behind me, only to see that the hole disappeared behind me, leaving nothing but a tree trunk.

The sky seemed to be... Crying? Why is the sky crying? Stop crying, sky! You're making me all wet!

Where was I?

I was... In the same place?

"Hey! I recognize that tree! ....why does it have green stuff on it?"

But it was... different... As if this place was a more lively version of my Home...

"This must be... A mirror area? Yeah... I'll call it a mirror area..."
I mutter.

I look around, taking in the area... But then...

I hear a sudden rustle in a... A BUSH! an un-withered bush... With weird green things attached to it!

Now that I look around properly... There's a lot of green things attached everywhere... In the trees, on the ground... It's just, wow!

Now onto the noise!

I slowly approach the shaking bush... And when I was close.

a small creature jumped out of it!

I jumped back.

I looked at what had jumped out... It was a small weird creature, with a brown hairy body, and a fluffy tail... It was also holding a weird tree cone.

"Hello there..."
I say, slowly approaching it, only for it to run away from me.

"Hey! Come back friend!"
I yell out, but it didn't listen.

Now I was all alone again.

"Huh... That happened... Now, where am I?"
I look around.

The sky was still dark... But there wasn't any ash floating around, so that's a plus!

There also seemed to be different creatures... The thing is... It didn't attack me! Was I right? Is there really a world where there are friendly creatures?!

Is this... The world I imagine? A better world? It exists... And I'm in it!!!


Another bush rustles to my left.

"Hey, you came back!"
I say, thinking it must be the little critter from before.

"Hey, don't be scareeeee......d?"
I tilt my head at the creature.

The creature has exited the bush, and I could fully take in it's appearance.

It... Had the same appearance as me?

It's head was round, it seemed to be bleeding, and panting heavily, as if it had just ran a mile.

"Hello? What are you?"
I say, tilting my head.

I slowly approach the creature.

The creature was afraid of me, seeing as it backed away slightly... I had to calm it down!

"Hey, hey, hey, don't be scared... I'm not gonna hurt you... I'm a friend!"
I say, showing it that I had nothing in my hands.

It seemed to calm down a little.

"See? No claws..."
I reassure, as I slowly walk towards it.

The creature waits with baited breaths as I approach it.

Then... I was now standing right in front of it.

I slowly bring my hand above it's head. It slightly flinched, but I reassure it.

I then....... Pat it's head!

After showing it that I meant no harm, It seemed to calm down.

"See? I'm friendly. I'm a friendly friend... Speaking of friend, let's be friends!"
I beam.

The creature seemed to be confused with what I said.

Oh well... Not like it could understand me.

"What's your name? Where do you live? Why is the sky crying? Where are we? Wh-"

Another rustle could be heard.

I could hear a noise behind us.

The round-headed creature and I turn out heads toward the noise.

Suddenly, three beams of light was focused on our eyes, as I could sorta make out three figures...

Figures that had the same appearance as me! So maybe there are creatures like me!!! Yay! More friends!!

The three figures seemed to be different from the round-headed one I found.

Each of them had their own unique parts!

One was even black! .....why?

And they all had hair! And a hood! The same clothing I'm wearing right now!

The three figures looked at us, as they slowly lowered their beams of light.

'They seem to be friendly'
I thought.


Little did I know...

this was gonna be that start of an amazing adventure!

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