Ch. 4: Big Red Heart

Coal: A Low Thing Loathing [su x male Coal reader]


The noises coming from the warp pad had stopped... Where am I this time?

I opened my eye. It took a moment for my eye to adjust. The flashing light was too bright for my comfort.

Once my eye adjusted, I took note of my surroundings.

The first thing I saw... Were stars... Countless of stars.

Then... I saw vegetation... But they were all withered... Did no one water them?

"Poor plants..."
The words slipped out of my mouth.

Lifting my foot, I stepped out of the warp pad. I am not quite sure why... But for some unknown reason, I had a feeling I should explore the area more.

Stepping across the withered field of dead vines, I took in the scenery.

It felt... Desolate. Lonely even... But for the right people... Quite calming. Like a place you go to when you want to be alone.

It was quiet... The land feels abandoned... No living thing in sight.

I did not want to be here... I do not know what I would do I I was left alone here.

In a way, it was worse than the mines... At least in the mines, there are gems I could talk to... Not like they reply...


I whip my head to the source of the sound.

Could there be a living creature here?

That's when I saw it... Her...

A pink gem...


Author POV

Y/N tilts his head in confusion.

'What is a pink gem doing all alone in this desolate land? ...And why is she wrapped in vines?'
Is what he thought.

He slowly approached the lonely gem, checking to see if she was going to be a threat.

The closer he went to her, the clearer her appearance looked. Unfortunately He could only see her back side.

What did stand out, was her unkempt heart-shaped hair that sits on either side of her pink head.

Out if nowhere, Y/N decided to speak.

Y/N said in a low voice.

The pink girl slightly flinched. Clearly frightened by the sudden noise.

"W-Who- P-Pink? Is-Is that you?"
The girl spoke in a hopefully tone, still not moving from her original spot.

"My apologies... I do not know who you speak of"
Y/N replied, getting closer to the pink girl.

The girl said in a disappointed tone.

Silence washed over the two gems.
Y/N used that time to get beside the girl. Y/N stood to the left of the girl, still looking forwards and not at her.

For a few minutes... They both just stood there. Not saying a word. They just... Took in the scenery in front of them. Endless stars rotating around a floating dead garden.

They stood in, a somewhat, comfortable silence.

Two abandoned gems... Just chilling... One free, the other trapped... Literally, and figuratively.

Literally because the vines stopped her from moving.

And figuratively... Because the pink gem still has to play the twisted game Pink gave her.

Y/N slowly turned his head to the right, to finally witness the pink girls' facial features.

What he saw was a lost gem... A gem without purpose.

The pink gem simply looked out in the distance. Not knowing whether to talk to the new arrival, or to just stand and play Pink's game.

Her dead and broken eyes stared deep into the distance. Her face covered in scratches and dirt. Her hair... Was just a mess...

Y/N hated it... He hated how broken the gem looked... And he hated whoever did this to her.

"My name is Y/N"
Y/N finally decided to speak, after what felt like hours. But in reality, it was just a few minutes.

The pink girl finally turned to Y/N. She tilted her head. She had never seen a gem such as Y/N.

'what gem is he?'
The pink girl questioned in her mind.

"I- oh- my name's Spinel!"
The, now named, Spinel introduced. Her voice attempting to be cheery, but still came out as tired.

"Hello, Spinel... Tell me, what are you doing in a place like this?"
Y/N asked, now walking in front of the pink gem.

"I- I'm playing a game with Pink! I- I... I think I'm winning..."
Spinel said, smiling at the last sentence.

Y/N tilted his head at her answer. Who was this Pink person? And what was the game she is playing?

"What game are you playing?"
Y/N asked.

Spinel beamed at his question.

"It's! It's... It's uhhh..... I gotta stand still, until pink gets back! That's th-the game! I can't wait to see her face when she sees that I haven't moved an inch! She'll be so happy I followed her rules!"
Spinel smiled, albiet a crooked smile.

"...Is that a real game?"
Y/N asked, furrowing his brow.

"It is if pink says it is!"
Spinel said in a singsong tone.

Y/N nodded his head.


there was a short silence, before Y/N spoke once more.

"Who is pink?"
Y/N asked.

"Well... she's only my bestest friend in the whole wide universe!!!"
Spinel cheered, raising her arms above her head.

"...How long has she been gone?"
Y/N asked.

Y/N's no stranger to abandonment. He could clearly see this 'Pink' person abandoned Spinel.

"Uhhhh..... Somewhere around six thousand years... I think!"
Spinel replied.

'six thousand years?'
Y/N thought

"...Spinel... I do not think Pink is coming back..."
Y/N said bluntly.

Spinel's eyes grew the side of plates... Literally... She stretched her eyes.

"Whaaaaat? Nooo... Hahaha, good joke Y/N!"
Spinel laughed, stretching her arm to pat Y/N on the back.

Y/N didn't quite understand why it's so hard for her to understand.

Y/N is pretty new to emotions, and doesn't quite know how to handle them... Especially if it's from another Gem.

'Spinel is not going to listen to me'
Luckily, Y/N is smart enough to know when someone is in denial.

Y/N decided not to push any further, seeing as Spinel probably wouldn't believe him.


A couple seconds of silence passes by... That's when Y/N had a great idea.

"Spinel... Why don't we play a game?"
Y/N asked.

"A game?! Ooh! Ooh! I wanna play!"
Spinel raises her hand and waves it excitedly.

That's when she realized a flaw...

"Oh... But, I can't move from my spot..."
Spinel said sadly. Her arms drooping to the side... Like wet noodles.

Y/N places a finger at his chin, clearly thinking of another way he could play with Spinel.

"...I know"
Y/N proclaimed.

Spinel looks up from her depressed state. Secretly hoping she could play with the strange gem.

"We could play thumb wars..."
Y/N said, going closer to Spinel.

"Thumb... Wars?"
Spinel tilts her head.

"Yes. You will not even need to move. All you need is your hand"
Y/N said, raising his hand up in from of Spinel's face.

"My hand?"
Spinel looks at her gloved hand.

"Yes. Your hand. Here, let us try. Steven taught me this game, so I myself do not know the strategy to this game"
Y/N said.

"Hmm.... Alright! Show me how to play!"
Spinel beamed, putting her arm forwards.

"First... You grab my hand... like this"
Y/N grabs Spinel's hand.

Spinel got visibly pinker from the sudden contact, but she brushed it off.

"L-Like that?"
Spinel pits her hand in the correct position.

"Yes... I think....... Then, you put your thumb up"
Y/N does just that.

"Put my thumb up!"
Spinel follows Y/N, her gloved thumb proving to be quite big for the game... But Y/N didn't mind.

"Then... We simply... Try and bring the other's thumb down... Like this"
Y/N places his thumb above Spinel's gloved hand, and pushes her thumb down.

Spinel mused.

"If your opponents thumb stays down for three seconds... You win"
Y/N finished.

Spinel listened to Y/N's explaination intently, nodding to every word he says.

"Do you understand?"
Y/N asked, looking right in Spinel's beautiful eyes.

"Mm-hmm! I think I get it! Now let's play!"
Spinel said excitedly.

"Okay...... Ready?"
Y/N readied his thumb. Spinel did the same.

Y/N said monotonously.

Spinel immediately jumped into action. She increased her thumb side to immediately bring down Y/N's thumb.

"3... 2... 1... I win! Haha!"
Spinel cheered, raising her hands up and doing some weird celebration dance.

Y/N smiled slightly at her excitement. He didn't want to ruin her celebration by telling her that wasn't how you play the game.

Y/N simply smiles at her.

Y/N says, trying to get Spinel's attention.

Spinel froze mid dance to look at Y/N.

"Want to go again?"
Y/N asks, bringing his hand up in a thumbs up position.

"Hehe, YEAH! Let's do it a lot!"
Spinel beamed, as she grabs onto Y/N's hand again.

They both began their fight once more.




















"Whoa! That was a wild adventure!"
Steven shouted.

Him and the Crystal Gems are now back home after suddenly exiting the warp pad.

"Yeah, dude. I can't believe your backpack was actually useful!"
Amethyst chimed in.

"I never want to be on a raft again..."
Pearl said, arms sagged down as if they would break off.

"Y/N! We're baaaack!"
Amethyst called out.

No response...

Amethyst calls again.

Still no response.

"Huh... Maybe he's still in his room?"
Steven says.

"For five hours?"
Pearl arched her brow.

Amethyst calls once more.


"I am here..."
Y/N's voice is heard from the living room.

"Ah, there you are!"
Amethyst shouts, running up to hug him.

"I... Barely left"
Y/N said a half-truth

"Sorry for leaving you Y/N... I just really wanted to go with them!"
Steven said apologetically.

"That is fine, Steven...... That reminds me..."
Y/N approaches the couch and grabs something that was laying atop a pillow pile.

"Here is the statue"
Y/N handed Garnet the statue.

They all sighed.

"You are going to need it for the temple mission, right?"
Y/N asked.

The gems all winced.

"Riiiiight....... About that....."
Amethyst said slowly.

They all then began to explain their adventure to Y/N.

















It was late at night, everyone is doing their own thing... But Y/N?

Y/N was getting ready to use the warp pad.

Y/N stood on it, as it began to teleport him away.

The warp pad's Wring noise ceased... And Y/N was once again back in the garden.

"Y/N! You're back! You really came back!!!"
Spinel said excitedly, still standing in the spot she never left.

"Yes, Spinel. I promised I would come back."
Y/N said, marching towards Spinel.

"Ooh! Ooh! What'd ya bring?! What'd ya bring?!"
Spinel said, slightly bouncing in place.

Y/N smiled at her, before replying.

"Let us play Monopoly"
Y/N smiled, bringing the box out from a plastic bag.

Spinel copied his smile. She couldn't wait to play with her new friend.














"What's Monopoly?"

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