Ch. 3: Warp Pad Adventures

Coal: A Low Thing Loathing [su x male Coal reader]

"Steven, let's go!"
Pearls voice could be heard from the warp pad.

"Uh, coming!"
Steven ran down the stairs, wearing what seemed to be... A Cheeseburger backpack?

Steven approaches the warp pad, where Pearl, Amethyst, and Garnet were standing.

Steven then realized something weird.

"Wait... Where's Y/N? I thought he was coming with us on this mission"
Steven asked the gem trio.

"Oh, Y/N? He couldn't come. Something about 'work'. ugggghh... bummer..."
Amethyst muttered the last part.

"He has already apologized about it, Amethyst."
Garnet said.

"Aww man... I wanted to show him this cool backpack"
Steven slouched.

"Don't worry Steven..... Hey, at least you can surprise him when you get back from the mission!"
Amethyst cheered Steven up.

"Yeah... You're right! Umf! Let's go!"
Steven said, hopping onto the warp pad, before finally being warped away to wherever the Mine their mission is.
(Mine, as opposed to Hell)




Just as Steven and the Crystal Gems left, Y/N's room opened up with Y/N casually walking out of it.

Y/N wipes sweat could be seen running from his temple, and he stretched his arms.

Y/N looks around, quite startled from the silence. Steven always came running whenever Y/N came out of his room.

"Hello? Steven?"
Y/N walked around, when he didn't hear a reply, he figured Steven must still be waiting for his package.

He checked outside, but Steven wasn't there either.

Y/N went back inside, slightly panicking now, he checked Steven's room, but he wasn't there either.

Y/N called out again, still no reply.

Y/N looked down, and realized that most of Steven's stuff was on the floor.

Y/N looked to the right, and noticed a strange statue on Steven's bed.

'this was what the Crystal Gems were supposed to retrieve, was it not?'
Y/N thought, examining the statue.


"Duuuude! were going out on a mission! Are you coming?"
Amethyst asked, standing on the warp pad with Garnet and Pearl on either side of her.

Y/N is still relatively new to this whole Crystal Gem mission thing, so he doesn't really have to come with them all the time.

"My apologies, Amethyst. I have work to do back in my room"
Y/N replied.

"Aww, bummer, dude. Good luck anyway!"
Amethyst said.

"Take care of Steven, Y/N. We need to retrieve a statue for the spire!"
Pearl said excitedly.

Y/N cutely tilted his head.

"Yes! Oh, Y/N, it looked beautiful! Imagine how it would look in the flesh! Er- well... In the stone!"
Pearl said, showing Y/N a projection of the statue through her gem.

Amethyst rolled her eyes with Pearl's fangirling.

"We have to go now. Take care, Y/N"
Garnet said.

"I will. Safe travels, Garnet, Pearl, Amethyst"
Y/N bid them farewell, as they got teleported away.

End Flashback

"If the statue was of utmost importance... Why did they leave it?"
Y/N pondered, turning the statue and studying it.

Y/N stared at it, before finally coming to a conclusion.

"Must have not been that important..."
Y/N concluded, as he walked around the house and sat on the couch, still holding the statue.

'Must keep it safe...'
Y/N thought, holding the statue as if it were his offspring.

Y/N conservatively sat on the couch. he then began to fluff a pillow.

Y/N plopped the pillow beside him, and gently places the statue on it. The statue immediately sunk in the pillows softness.

He gently backed his hands away, cautiously checking if the statue would fall or not. Fortunately, it didn't.

Mission complete! The statue is now more comfortable than Y/N...

Y/N then stiffly sat on the couch, his knees basically glued together, and both his hands on his lap. He would often tap his fingers on his leg out of boredom.

And, boy, he was bored. You may think that a gem almost, if not older than the diamonds themselves would be patient... But, no! Quite the opposite actually.

Y/N still wants to experience new things. Y/N only knows the very basics of the world... Language structuring, types of food, mission commands. But that's all, there's still more he hasn't witnessed... He hasn't had 'fun' in a while.

Y/N cautiously looks around... He's all alone in the house... Normally when people are alone, they do things that they usually can't do when other people are around.

Blasting music to the max, dancing around the house, singing obnoxiously loud, ... The usuals!!!

But, Y/N, doesn't really have any hobbies... He doesn't even know the first thing about having fun! How he acts alone, is how he acts when people ARE home... There's no changes!

He doesn't even know the first thing about doing IT. Not like gems need to... Y'know... Relieve themse-

'Steven must've went with the gems on a mission'
Y/N thought.

He begins humming a soft upbeat tune, idly tapping his fingers, while still having a stoic look on his face.




A few minutes later, Y/N was still sitting like a rock.

That was when... He had an idea.

His eyes then slowly wander to the warp pad...

His mind filled with curiosity.

He has never used the warp pad on his own before... How does it even activate? How does it work? How does it know exactly where to warp them to?

His mind filled with so many questions, and yet... There wasn't an answer.


He's gonna get some answers...

Slowly... he began to stand up from his previous sitting position. Y/N slowly approached the warp pad.

Y/N stood in front of the warp pad, studying the intricate patterns that the crystal warp pad formed.

Tilting his head, Y/N placed his hand on the warp pad. He could feel a weird pulse of energy coming from it.

After a while of basking in the strange feeling, Y/N decided to step on it.

Y/N pondered on how it works.

"Do I simply... Think of where to go? But... I don't know the areas where other warp pads are..."
Y/N said to himself.

Just then, the warp pad suddenly activated. Y/N's eyes widened, concerned to where it was taking him.

The warp pad shined bright, creating a strange noise.

And then... Y/N vanished.




The blinding light from the warp pad cased Y/N to shut his eye. When the weird noise ceased, Y/N opened his eye.

Y/N looked around, curious as to where the warp pad has taken him.

It was a barren field... Broken weapons stretched for miles, most of which were imbedded on the ground.

"What is this?"
Y/N said.

Y/N looked around, intrigued about the story the land told.

It told a story or a great war... A war Y/N wasn't in.

The wind blew across the land, flapping any cloth that was attached to the weapons. It was an eerie sight.


Before Y/N could ponder any further, the warp pad suddenly activated once more.

The teleportation noise fills his ears, as a bright light blinds him.

Then, once again... He was gone.




Once again... The noise has stopped.

Y/N peeked through his eyelids once more, adjusting to the sudden change of light.

Once his eyes settled, he looked around once more.

This time, Y/N recognized the scene. It was something Y/N knows all to well...

A Kindergarten...

The same thing he was forced to make during his slave days.

Y/N looked at the hole-filled mountains.

Holes of different shapes and sizes.

Some were rough around the edges... While others were smoother.

The question was... What type of gem was produced here?

A single hole caught his eye...

It was... Perfect... True perfection.

It was smooth... Perfectly smooth... As if a Diamond herself smoothened it.

The strange thing was... The edge wasn't made of rock... It was lined with gold...

A Gem of perfection was born here...

The hole interested Y/N. He couldn't get his eye off it.

"So this is what perfection looks like..."
Y/N said.

Y/N looked at his own palm.

Y/N didn't remember how HIS hole looked like. What he did know... Is that he was a defect... That his was rough, small, and imperfect.

A male, Coal, gem... Of course it wouldn't be anywhere near as perfect as the gold-lined hole.

It was almost... Disappointing to know that he'll never be as perfect as whatever crawled out of that.

But before Y/N could sulk any longer, he was, once again, teleported away.

And this time...

Y/N is about to meet a strange individual...

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