Who said babysitting was hard, it was so easy

Magic Double Date Night: Babysitting edition

A/N: Thank you all so much for the reviews, and for enjoying. I have the second and final part of this latest part of the series. It’s a fun series so it means a lot that it’s enjoyed as well. Thank you all for reading and maybe I can add more stories in the future to the babysitting edition! 


To say it was the longest night ever felt like an understatement. Joohyun just didn’t understand how two people could be so loud and disruptive in a house this big. She even made sure to put Sooyoung and Yerim way way down the hall. But still she could hear them. Whether it was their classic bickering, Sooyoung threatening to cast spells, and the sounds of bat wings as Yerim was probably flying away. Joohyun heard everything and she cursed the fact that she could be such a light sleeper.


But if she had to suffer this unending noise. The succubus knew she wasn’t going to suffer it alone and so she woke up Seulgi at 3 am. Because it was the appropriate thing to do, of course.


“Honey.” She started off with a light tap to the hybrid’s shoulder. Seulgi was not a light sleeper by any means. Her wife could sleep through literal loud thunderstorms, fireworks, and apparently even their annoying friends.


“Kang Seulgi?” Joohyun now taps her a bit harder. 


It works as well as Joohyun would have suspected, which means it doesn’t work at all. Seulgi actually turns over and that simply won’t do. The succubus takes to poking one of her tanned cheeks and then whispers something that is sure to work.


“I left all of your steaks and ribs out of the refrigerator.”


Eyes pop open immediately and Seulgi looks at Joohyun. “What did you say?”


“Oh good, you’re up.”


“Hyun…” Seulgi frowns and nearly falls back asleep then. Only to hear what sounds like an electric guitar that forces her awake. What the hell was that? She doesn’t even ask because Joohyun’s expression gives it away. 


“Are they serious?” Seulgi gets up because she knows she has ear muffs around here somewhere. Only, Joohyun pulls her right back into bed.


“Oh, no. If I suffer through this, then you have to suffer with me. That’s what marriage is about.”

“I don’t remember that being in our vows.” The taller of the two still wraps her arms around Joohyun and immediately the succubus snuggles into her warm embrace. She can almost not care about all the noise Sooyoung and Yerim are making. Besides, those two have to go to bed at some point. They haven’t forgotten that they are supposed to be helping babysit, right?







“If you don’t stop playing that guitar and get into this bed with me right now. I will shove a lightning bolt so far up your cold !” Sooyoung shouted so loud that Yerim fell onto the floor with a thud.


“Excuse me! I am trying to serenade you with romantic music! Is that not what you said I should do!” Yerim shouts just as loud. Sooyoung could do nothing but grab up her shorter partner and push her down into the bed. They should really be asleep right now since Sooyoung knows she is going to have to work at some point. That and they were going to be on babysitting duty.


“Be quiet, babe. We should really be sleeping right now.”




The witch sighs and grabs her vampire’s cheeks. “I worry about you in your old age, Yerimie.”


“I’m not that old. And if you’re talking about babysitting that human baby, then that’s hardly what I would call work, Soo. We’re not dealing with a monster baby.” Yerim does lay down beside her other half. Right away, Sooyoung pulls her into the tightest hug ever. 


“I don’t know, babe. I don’t think we should be underestimating this human baby. It could be the worst job we ever have.”


“Yeah, but we already agreed to help, so even if it . We got this.”


Sooyoung smiles and kisses the side of her face. This is the side of Yerim that she always loves. “That’s my vampy. You’re right, I’m sure four strong monsters like us can definitely watch one human brat.”


And while it was finally quiet, everyone went to sleep. 




But by morning, Joohyun had woken up first, like she always does, and shook Seulgi awake. Seulgi woke up right away this time, even if she was a bit disoriented. 


“What, where, who? The answer is chocolate!”


“That’s okay, sweetie.” The succubus carefully kissed her forehead. “I know you’re tired.”


“What time is it, Hyun?”


“It’s 6: 15 am in the morning and the house is quiet.” She pauses when she realizes what she just said. “The house is quiet! We better see what the hell Sooyoung and Yerim are up to.”


“But…” Before Seulgi could finish her sentence. Joohyun is already dragging her out of their bed and down the hall to one of the guest rooms. The house is particularly quiet and that is worrying. Especially because they knew their friends. There was no way to be sure the other two weren’t up to something.


“Okay, now what the hell are you…” Joohyun pauses when she notices the bed in the guest room is made and there doesn’t even seem to be a trace of either Sooyoung or Yerim. 


“This doesn’t mean there’s trouble.”


Seulgi might have said that and maybe there’s a chance that Sooyoung and Yerim aren’t up to anything crazy. However, the house is much too quiet for Joohyun’s liking and if you combine that with their friends. It’s bound to mean trouble. The couple leave the guest room and are about to head downstairs. Just in time too as they finally hear some sort of noise.


“I can’t believe there’s not a single thing of coffee in here.” Yerim sounds like she’s looking through the cabinets.


“You don’t need coffee, you know what that stuff does to you.”


“Conjure me up some coffee, Soo. You’re not doing anything.”


“I’m trying to get this stupid waffle maker to work. You’d think those two never use it.”


“Just use magic!”


“Good idea, Yerimie.”


“No!” Both Joohyun and Seulgi run down the stairs and to the kitchen. The last thing they need is for there to be a magical accident with one of their very expensive appliances.


“What are you two doing?” Seulgi asks first to see that Yerim is sitting at the kitchen island flipping through a magazine, and Sooyoung looking like she was about to make the waffle maker come to life.


“Trying to make breakfast, of course.”


“Trying to survive without coffee.” Yerim admits while looking like someone just told her there would be no more blood smoothies ever.


“Let me make breakfast. You two just sit down and try not to get into trouble.” Joohyun tells the other couple who look highly offended by the idea that they can’t keep out of trouble even just by sitting at the table. Sooyoung takes out a tablet and starts looking up case notes and all the information her assistant sent her. Yerim keeps looking through the magazine and Seulgi looks like she’s going to pass out at the table.


“Hey, Seul. When is the baby coming here?”


“Oh..” She has to take a moment to think about the answer to Yerim’s question. She remembers Joohyun talking about it with her. “I think they’re going to be here by 9. We do have time before 9 right?”


“It’s 8:50, Seulgi.” 


“Oh, oh, . I gotta go! I got to baby proof the house. And buy baby food. Whatever human babies eat!”


“Seul!” Joohyun tries calling after her poor wife who has been pranked by Sooyoung. The roaring laughter of the vampire and witch is all that can be heard.


“You know she’s already defenseless because she’s so tired, and you just had to scare her.”


“Uh, yes. That’s the best time to prank someone.”


“Idiots.” Now she had to go make sure Seulgi was actually fine and not running around in a panic when they had at least two hours before the baby came over. Which wasn’t the exact thing Joohyun needed now. Because although they did have time before their babysitting gig began. The baby would be here before anyone knew it, and Joohyun wanted to have everyone mostly sane for this.


“Don’t touch anything.” She practically begs the two of them before running off to find wherever Seulgi went. God, did Joohyun hope her other half was okay and not losing her . 


“Seul, it’s going to be okay. We still have time before the baby gets here.”


“What?” Seulgi is all the way up the stairs looking like she’s trying to set up a homemade baby gate of some kind. “They were just messing with me.” The hybrid sighs and sits down. She is much too tired for this and the worst part of all is the baby they’re babysitting isn’t even here yet. Seulgi didn’t think she was cut out for this sort of thing, and now she felt bad because she was already losing it now. She was certain she would be a complete and utter mess. 


The next thing she knows, Joohyun is up those stairs and by her side. If your partner needs reassurance then it’s not even a second thought to make sure they’re going to be okay. If the situation was reversed, Seulgi would be reassuring her. Because she has many times. 


“You’re okay, Seul.” She places her arms around her. “I think you’re stressed out and overthinking, but I understand. It’s not like we’ve ever watched a human baby. But what did you tell me earlier? We’re a team and we can handle this.”


It’s amazing how powerful words can be. Seulgi finds herself relaxing and calming down in her wife’s arms. She doesn’t even know why she’s freaking out so badly. There are four people in this house. If they can’t handle one small human baby then she should panic. Seulgi thanks her with a kiss and promises she will calm down.


“Good, because you’re the calmest one out of all of us, Seul. If you lose your mind we’re screwed.”


“I know you’re just trying to make me feel better.”


Before Joohyun could assure her that she wasn’t actually kidding. Joohyun was getting a text from her friend that she needed to be here around 8:30 instead and if that was okay.


“Haha, no!” The succubus thinks but does promise that it’s fine to bring the baby over sooner. “Seul, I’m going to need you to pull yourself together. My friend is bringing her baby at 8:30 instead.”


“You’re kidding right?“


Joohyun doesn’t answer because she’s already heading back to the kitchen to tell Sooyoung and Yerim about the change of plans.


“You’re just messing around, right?”


“Come on, Seul. We have even less time to be ready so really, get it together!”


Seulgi didn’t have to ask again to know that Joohyun wasn’t kidding. She had to get it together because truly the last thing she wanted to do was fall apart. After all, it was just one human baby.


What trouble could they get into with one human baby?


Not much, right?





When Joohyun told both herself and Yerim that they would be babysitting sooner than they first thought. Sooyoung’s first thought was to send an email to the office in case this babysitting job became more work than she imagined. Then she had to find Yerim because as usual her vampire was always missing in action when it mattered. By the time she found her wife. Yerim looked like she was ready for a fight, combat boots, army fatigues, and a small duffle bag, which Sooyoung knew could not be good.


“What in the hell are you doing, Yerimie?”


“I’m ready for that baby. I’ve got water balloons, a pocket knife, water canteen, candy…” She starts rummaging through her duffle bag and naming things that don’t exactly sound safe for babysitting. Sooyoung grabs a hold of her face and gets her to focus.


“Babe, I love you. But you have got to be kidding me. We are babysitting, remember?”


The vampire blinks. “Yeah, what do you think I have all this stuff for?”


Sooyoung is seconds away from shaking some sense into her when Seulgi comes running past them so fast, they almost thought she was in werewolf mode.


“What the !”


“The baby is on the way. The baby is on the way, oh my god. Oh my god…”


“Oh, great now she’s losing her mind. This is already starting off bad, and the baby isn’t even here yet.”


Fortunately, Joohyun gets everyone to calm down in only the way she can. By freaking everyone out with deep black pools that were truly like staring into an abyss. She didn’t even have to raise her voice. Everyone was so freaked out they sat down in the living room and waited.


“That’s more like it. We’re four capable adults and it’s one human baby. Now everyone calms down before she gets…” The doorbell rings and Joohyun screams in a panic, which is honestly hilarious after she just told everyone they needed to calm down.


“What a hypocrite.” Sooyoung mouths to Yerim.


“Oh ! The baby is here, the baby is here. What do we do? What do we do?” Joohyun asks out loud and it’s more comical than it should be.


“I don’t know, Joohyun. Maybe you should try opening the door, Joohyun.” The vampire calls out to her.


“It couldn’t hurt, Hyun.” Seulgi agrees.


“You know what…” She doesn’t even finish her sentence because there goes the doorbell again. Joohyun runs to answer the door and sees her friend holding on to a bag that was clearly stuff for the baby, and the child in her other arm. The baby had to be a year old at least. Joohyun greeted her friend and listened to the instructions she gave. Which honestly sounded like too many for one human child, but soon enough she was being handed a child. Joohyun was just grateful she didn’t drop the kid out of shock.


“Thanks again for doing this for me, Joohyun. I really appreciate it.”


“Yeah, no problem. What time does it need to eat?”


Her friend laughs out loud because she thinks Joohyun is kidding. 


“You’re hilarious, Joohyun.”


“I wasn’t kidding!”


But her friend simply kisses her daughter goodbye and promises to be back before night time. Joohyun sighs, closes the door, and turns back to see everyone is now in her face. Or rather they’re all inspecting the baby.


“It really is just a human baby.” Sooyoung speaks and pokes a round cheek. “How terribly boring.”


“The baby isn’t so scary up close.” Seulgi admits and thinks she’s kind of cute really. With her big bright eyes and round chubby cheeks. That doesn’t mean Seulgi is ready to hold her or anything. 


“Can I hold it!” Yerim actually reaches for the child and that takes everyone by surprise. 


“She’s not an it, Yerim.”


“I know that! Anyway, can I hold it!”


Joohyun isn’t even sure it’s safe to just hand over the little girl to Yerim. But she does let her hold the baby, to which the vampire pokes one of her round cheeks too.


“Yep, it smells all human. Such a shame.”


“You two are ridiculous!” Joohyun sighs, and takes the child back from Yerim. “I hope one of you has already set the playpen up?”


Everyone else looks around and starts pointing fingers at one another. Joohyun can hear distinctly accusatory words of I thought you were going to do it, No, I thought you were going to do that, and that was your job, Sooyoung. All in all it was useless to the succubus who wanted to curse them all out. Only couldn’t because she was holding a small child in her arms.


“Well, if it’s not too much trouble. Can one of you please put the playpen up now?”


“Yeah, of course, Hyun. I’m on it.” Seulgi thankfully agrees to put the playpen up and Joohyun thanks god for Seulgi pulling herself together right now. The same could not be said for Yerim or Sooyoung. As the witch made up some excuse that she had to work right now, and the vampire did actually fly off in bat form.


“I don’t know if you know the definition of the word help. But this is not it.”


“Sorry, Joohyun. The law never sleeps, I just need an hour. I’ll be back.”


Well, there goes the idea of everyone joining together to help. Thankfully, her other half seems to have the playpen up.


“That wasn’t so bad.” She can hear Seulgi say and look up when she notices that neither Sooyoung or Yerim are around. When the heck did that happen?


“Where did they go?”


“They’re off being useless of course. Anyways, let’s get the baby settled.”


“What’s her name?” Seulgi asks and Joohyun draws a blank. She knows she heard this child’s name at some point.


“Uh… Mimi or Susie or something. I don’t know. Do you mind watching her for a moment, Seul? I’m just going to see if I can get Yerim to come help. Sooyoung did honestly have a legit excuse.”


“Oh, but…” Joohyun is already handing over her friend’s daughter and Seulgi stares down into those big eyes that are eyeing her just as curiously.


“Uh, hello there…”


The baby giggled and reached up to pat her cheek. Seulgi laughed and thought this baby wasn’t so bad after all. She was pretty cute and maybe this babysitting job might turn out fine.


“I’m back!” Yerim appeared out of nowhere with two different flavored lollipops in her hand. One grape and one strawberry. 




Of course Seulgi and Yerim both screaming makes the baby cry. Which makes both the hybrid and vampire freak out and nearly start crying.


“Here, take some candy!” Yerim tries to offer one of her most precious lollipops. Because when does candy not calm someone down? The baby only cried louder and Yerim couldn’t believe this. 


“I don’t think she wants any candy, Yerim.”


“What’s wrong with it! How can anyone not love candy with its sweet and wonderful sweetness…” Now she looks at the candy longingly and Seulgi knows she’s going to be absolutely useless for a while.


“What in hell is going on! I can’t possibly focus on my work with all this screaming. What are you doing to the child!” Sooyoung demands to know. Seulgi and Yerim both start pointing at the other while making no sense. The witch sighed and proceeded to take the crying child into her arms.


“Babies need peace and quiet! Not all this shouting and screaming. What is wrong with you idiots!”


“Uh, Soo?”


“It can’t be all that hard to watch a human baby.” She placed the child down in the playpen. Proceeds to conjure up a toy mobile that has stars and mini moons in different colors. The baby does seem to be calmer, or at least not screaming her head off at the moment.


“There, that’s better.”


“This is where you all are…” Joohyun finally returns to what is a quiet sight. She is surprised to say the least.


“Is Sooyoung the baby whisperer?” Seulgi asks Yerim who can only shrug. She has no idea. But she knows the next time that baby cries she is handing it right to her wife.


“It looks like you all have things under control. I need to get back to work. Tons of important case notes to prepare and what not. But..” Sooyoung stops to look at the little girl who is looking up at her with those cute cheeks and bright eyes. She has to admit she’s pretty cute for a human baby.


“She’s cute for a human baby. Not as cute as a dragon baby.”


“Of course not.” Joohyun nods, though it’s not clear if the succubus is kidding or not. 


“What’s her name?”


“Oh, I don’t know. It’s Susie or something.”


Sooyoung frowns. “Susie or something? You didn’t even ask what her name was?” 


Joohyun laughs in embarrassment. In her defense she is sure that she was told what the baby’s name was. And seeing how the baby is barely one, why should it matter what its name is, really?


“I like it.” Yerim mentions while eating one of her lollipops.


“We can’t go around calling the baby it!”


“Why not?”


“Babe…” Sooyoung sighs, but a beep from her phone alerts her. “Sorry! I’ve got to get back to work. Be good to baby Sooyoung!”


It takes all but a few short seconds for Seulgi, Joohyun, and Yerim to realize what Sooyoung just said. They all start shouting after her only it didn’t really matter as the witch was long gone. The only thing they ended up doing was startling the baby. All they could hear was a loud crying and wailing, almost as if Sooyoung never got her to be quiet at all.


“Oh great, now it’s crying again. Did your friend leave a list or something? Maybe the baby is hungry?”


“Ooh. I’ll get the ribs!”


Joohyun reacts to what Seulgi says strongly. She might not know a lot about human babies. But there is no way in hell they should have entire ribs.


“Honey, no! Ribs are not good for babies.”


Seulgi looks as if she’s just now learning new information. “That can’t be right.”


Joohyun frantically searches through the baby bag for something that looks like food, and fortunately finds a bottle.


“This must be food. Here you go, try this.”


She then picks the child up and offers the bottle in what she remembers from watching old human movies. Thank goodness she remembered something useful. The baby settles down after having eaten and Yerim takes her to gently pat her back.


“All babies need to burp after food. It just makes sense.”


“Wow, that was the smartest thing you said all day.”


“Oh yeah! Say that to my face!” Yerim puts up fists like she’s about to fight Seulgi, only for Seulgi to remind her that she was in fact still holding a baby. Yerim laughed uneasily and placed her down into her baby seat for what she hoped would be a nap.


“I think a nap sounds so good right now…”


In all honesty it was barely 11 am. But it felt like they had been at this babysitting gig for even longer. However, there was something appealing about a nap right now. Maybe the baby was in fact drifting off to sleep. And it was quiet. 


“I’m just going to..” Yerim transformed herself into a bat and curled upside down on the ceiling.


“Did she just…” Seulgi points, not so much that Yerim went to sleep, oh no. It’s more the fact that Yerim just ditched them on the job. Joohyun grabs her face and leans in for a kiss.


“Don’t worry, let her sleep. I think it’s perfectly okay if we close our eyes for a few moments, not to sleep but to rest. Besides, we’ll be right here.”


It did sound tempting. Seulgi looked at the couch that did look suddenly very inviting. The baby was sleeping, Yerim was up there sleeping, and Joohyun wasn’t wrong. They could just rest their eyes and not fall asleep? Surely, they could do at least that. 


“Alright, that sounds good, Hyun. I think resting our eyes won’t be a bad idea.”


Joohyun knew why she was so tired and that was largely thanks to their two houseguests keeping her awake. Now, their same old couch did look more inviting than ever, and she couldn’t resist practically dragging Seulgi over to sit down. At first they did just sit there, but it didn’t take long for Seulgi to wrap her arms around her, and for Joohyun to lean in closer. The two of them couldn’t have sat there more than five minutes before they were out cold.


So much for resting those eyes


But what could go wrong? They were still three adults in one room with a human baby, even if all three of those adults were asleep. 


Nothing could go wrong?


They all should have probably taken into account that the child was probably a curious one. So curious in fact, that when she first woke up she found a way to escape the playpen. The two big people were sleeping on the couch and as fascinating as she did find them to be. She wanted to find the other big person, the one who made the music mobile appear out of nowhere, and so she quietly crawled away with nobody noticing her.





Sooyoung was thankful for whoever decided to make it possible to have an internet connection all the way in the human world. Because she would have been screwed otherwise, and she did have a ton of work to do.


“Thankfully everyone decided to be quiet so I can work!” 


That is a little strange though, now that the witch thinks about it. She isn’t ungrateful for the peace and quiet by any means. She just finds it odd that it is quiet. Well, as long as the baby isn’t screaming her head off, it should be okay?


“Now, where are my case notes…”


Sooyoung gets up for a moment to check around the table since she has a lot of things everywhere. And while she’s up searching for her notes. She might as well make herself another mug of tea.


“Now, where is.. Ah!” Sooyoung screams when she notices the baby on the floor just smiling up at her. What the hell? How did that happen and why didn’t she notice the child there before?


“Now how long were you sitting there, hm?”


The baby simply giggled excitedly and reached up for her. Sooyoung picked her up and carefully placed her onto her hip. “I guess someone out there wasn’t doing a very good job of watching you.”


Sooyoung finds out how accurate that was when she sees Seulgi and Joohyun knocked out cold on one of the couches. She also sees a very familiar bat curled up asleep on the ceiling. 


“Completely ridiculous. Look at them just asleep on the job. That’s alright, you’ll hang out with me.” She carefully pokes one of the baby’s adorable round cheeks and she smiles happily. Sooyoung didn’t see this coming. She enjoys kids just fine, magical babies are her favorites. So the fact this human baby has taken such a liking to her is flattering.


“Alright, but you’re going to have to be useful with the law. I have work to do.”


The baby spoke in some nonsensical way that made Sooyoung smile as she carried her back into the kitchen with her. “Still more useful than that wife of mine.”


With Sooyoung on full babysitting duty. Three other monsters were fast asleep or rather sleeping when a small bat fell from the ceiling and landed on a succubus, who is usually a light sleeper, who ended up screaming and smacking the bat away. The scream also alerted her hybrid wife who woke up to see Yerim no longer in bat form, but sitting on the floor looking livid.


“Hey, why did you smack me?”


“That was you!” Joohyun didn’t know what the heck that was. All she felt was something warm on her that didn’t feel like her loveable hybrid wife, and her first instinct was to smack it away from her.


“Yeah, it was an accident. I forgot I wasn’t asleep in bed. You didn’t have to smack me. That hurt!”


“I’m sorry, what the hell were you even doing sleeping on the ceiling anyways!”


“I like to sleep on the ceilings, besides I was able to keep an eye on the baby from where I was.”


Seulgi who wasn’t paying all that much attention to her wife and Yerim arguing back and forth. Deciding she better be the responsible one and check on the baby. She walked over to the playpen only to see it open and no sign of the child at all. 




“How would you keep an eye on the baby if you were sleeping!”


“You were sleeping too, Joohyun.”


“Guys!” Seulgi comes running over to them. “We have bigger problems. I don’t want to freak anyone out or anything, but the baby is kind of missing.”


The moment Seulgi says those words. Joohyun and Yerim turn to her right away. What did Seulgi mean the baby is kind of missing? She better be joking. Though she looks like she’s about to pass out so maybe she’s not joking.


“What do you mean she’s missing? We left her in the playpen where it’s safe.”


“She’s missing. She must have gotten out when we all fell asleep.”


“Human babies are that smart?” Yerim is surprised to say the least. 


“We need to find her. She couldn’t have gotten that far.”


“In this huge house, Joohyun. She can be anywhere.”


“Okay, so we will split up. Think like a human baby, where would you go?”


“I’d go where the candy is!” 


Before they could tell the vampire that there was no way the child would truly want her candy. Yerim was already running off to protect the candy. Joohyun sighed and turned to her wife.


“Okay, it’s up to us. Let’s meet back here in a bit, I’m sure she couldn’t have gotten far.”


“Right,” Seulgi agreed. The baby wasn’t even walking all that well yet, so really how far could she have gotten.


They’d find her, after all. They were three capable adults and this was one human child. No problem at all, of course.





Sooyoung didn’t expect that her day would turn out this way, with her trying to work, and a small baby human beside her. There was something nice about being able to talk to someone who looked absolutely fascinated by every word she said. Even if it was clear that said person didn’t understand a single word she said.


“So after all these years I’m still a defense attorney, even though I’m basically one of the best if not the best attorney in the whole damn monster realm.” Sooyoung sighs. “I’ll be partner soon, you’ll see!”


The small child giggled and clapped her hands together. “See, you think so too!”


The first person who then opened the kitchen door and ran in fast was Seulgi. Sooyoung noticed she did look panicked and freaked out, but when Sooyoung asked her what was wrong. The hybrid only said she was looking for the baby.


“Can’t talk, Soo. I have to find the baby!”


“Oh, but…”


Sooyoung shook her head in disbelief as Seulgi ran out the door just as fast as she came in. Now what the hell was that all about?

“Now that’s a silly woman, isn’t it?” She asks the child. “Anyways, so about this case. It’s really important. I’m representing the owner of a chain of restaurants back in the monster realm, who’s on trial for money laundering. I’m sure he’s guilty but it wouldn’t be the first time I represented someone who actually committed their crimes.”


The door opens again and this time it’s Joohyun. She runs around the kitchen looking in every possible place for the baby. She looks in the cabinets, the shelves, and opens the back door that leads outside. All in an attempt to locate this one child who is currently sitting with Sooyoung. 


“Missing something?”


“Yeah, my friend’s baby! Where could she have gone, oh gosh. This would be so much easier if I knew her name. Let me know if you see her, Soo.”

“Yeah, sure thing, Joohyun.”


Sooyoung takes a moment to write an email to everyone that she’s going to need time from the case after all. She wrote and said it would be an unexpected family matter since no one would really question if it’s family related, and in a way everyone in this room is family to her. Yerim, who is her wife and other half, and those two idiots running around looking for a baby who she is sitting with, are like family too. Sooyoung is going to have to let them know she’s got the baby. Otherwise, they’re going to lose their minds.


“Well, come on then, little one. Let’s go break the news that you’re safe and sound.”


The closer Sooyoung got to the living room. She could hear three very distinct voices going back and forth. Joohyun was freaking out that she lost her friend’s baby. Seulgi was trying to keep Joohyun calm, and she could hear Yerim going on and on about candy.

Yeah, it sounded about what Sooyoung expected.


“Are you idiots missing someone?”


They all turned to see Sooyoung levitating the child very carefully in the air. Joohyun is the first to react and breathes the loudest sigh of relief. “Thank goodness.”


“Where did you find it, Soo?”


The witch ignores the fact her vampire keeps referring to the baby as it and explains to them all that the baby had found her way to her. “She was with me the whole time. I guess she likes me.” 


“Baby whisperer.” Seulgi mouths in awe.


“Who would have thought our Sooyoung would be good with human babies?”


“I resent that! Babies love me. Even boring non-interesting human babies.” At that the child looks at her with a curious look as if finally understanding what Sooyoung has said. 


“I’m just glad she’s not actually lost. Anyway, we’re up now, so how about we break for lunch? I’m sure you’re hungry too, right.” She asks the child who babbles on and that’s good enough for Joohyun. 


Lunch time was the only time no one was freaking out or going crazy. Everyone was simply too focused on their food. Yerim seemed to be interested in playing with the baby, or rather asking her a lot of questions that the child couldn’t possibly understand.

“Why don’t you like candy?”


“Babe.” Sooyoung sighs and pulls her wife back toward her. “I hope you don’t act this crazy when we have kids.”


“W-What! Us having kids, you must be joking?”

“And what if I’m not!”


“Uh…” Yerim is sure Sooyoung is kidding. What on earth would they need with some kids? It’s hard enough keeping an eye on her crazy wife. She can’t imagine having to watch a baby too.


“I think I’d like kids too.” Joohyun mentions and Seulgi nearly chokes over her steak. 




“We’d have pretty babies, Seul. Don’t you want one just like her.” She picks up the child who is really adorable and Seulgi only moves back like she was threatened with something dangerous.




“Why the hell don’t you want any kids with me!” Sooyoung demands to know and Yerim looks frightened. She hides behind the couch and mouths something that sounds like  don’t throw lightning at me, please don’t throw lightning at me.


“I asked you a question!”


Yerim doesn’t answer because the child starts hollering probably because of all the noise. Sooyoung calms herself long enough to apolgoize to the little girl who seems to relax.


“Wow, you really are the baby whisperer.”


“We should go outside for a walk.” Seulgi announces. “A nice relaxing walk will calm everyone down.”

“That’s a great idea. Maybe she’ll tire herself out with a walk. When is her mother coming back to get her, Joohyun?”


“She’s going to be out of town but I think her husband is coming to get her later on.”


“Alright, so we just have to last until tonight. We got this!” 


And so they went out in the Kang’s spacious backyard for a walk. Everyone even took turns holding the baby and surprisingly she didn’t freak out. She liked Sooyoung the most. But she happily touched Yerim’s cold cheeks and laughed at Seulgi making silly faces. She didn’t even seem bothered when Joohyun purposely made her eyes go black as a magic trick of sorts.


“You know, she’s really not so bad for a human baby.” Seulgi looks down at the child nodding off in Joohyun’s lap.


“Yeah, she’s not so bad. She obviously has great tastes since she likes me the most.” The witch seemed proud of herself and everyone rolled their eyes in an exaggerated way.


The walking had tired her out so much that all the four of them had to do was put her down for a nap. This time everyone stayed close by without even thinking of falling asleep and Joohyun had to admit so far this hadn’t been the worst experience ever. In fact, it’s making her think of her own possible kids with Seulgi. She would be a great mom that Joohyun is positive of. 


“She just doesn’t know any better, Soo.” Naturally, Yerim is there to burst her bubble. Because why not? 


“Idiot vampire. Guess who will be sleeping on the floor tonight.”


“I like the floor. It’s cold just like me.”


“You two are the weirdest couple I’ve ever seen.” Joohyun tells them and they don’t seem fazed by that all. They take it as a weird compliment and the succubus doesn’t even know why she bothered. 


“I’m going to see what baby Soo is doing.” Sooyoung announces suddenly as she seems fond of calling the child after her. 


“I want to see too!” Joohyun decides and runs over to check on the child who is adorably sleeping. Seulgi grabs a hold of Yerim and pulls her into the kitchen and the vampire is none too happy to be honest.


“What are you doing!”


“We have got to get out of here, Yerim. Those two have suddenly gone and got baby fever, and you don’t see it?”

“Baby fever, what’s that? Sounds gross.”

Seulgi leans forward and explains that spending time with Joohyun’s friend’s child is making their wives think of babies of their own. 


“Oh, well . Hey, I’m dead so…”


“Your wife is a witch! Who’s to say she doesn’t have some creepy magic spell that could be instant family. Hyun might also do some succubus on me and then there will be babies! Then what are we going to do?”


Seeing her usually calm friend is not helping. Seulgi is the most calm out of all of them, so to see her freaking out is only making the vampire nervous. Maybe Seulgi was right and they needed to get out of here now.


“Okay, I’m with you! Let’s get out of here.”


“Yeah, sounds good, let’s…” Seulgi stops when she hears Joohyun calling for her. “Oh, oh no…” She didn’t know what Joohyun wanted but it was time to get out of here. 


“That’s okay, we can…” She notices that Yerim isn’t even standing near her anymore. Of course, Yerim would leave her hanging. She had no choice, because Joohyun would be one angry succubus if she kept on ignoring her. 


“I’m coming!”


At first nothing looked out of the ordinary. Seulgi even thought maybe she possibly misheard Joohyun calling her name, since said wife didn’t even look like she wanted her anymore.


“Is everything..”

“Here, you’re on diaper duty.” Sooyoung states and hands the child over to her. 


“What? Why me?”


“Joohyun and I flipped a coin and decided it should be you, duh! Come on, you can do it.”


Seulgi was sure the last time someone flipped a coin it had to do more with the people involved, and not another person. So why exactly is she on diaper duty? 


“She likes you best, so…” The hybrid tries to hand the baby over to Sooyoung who moves back.


“We already flipped a coin.”

“Oh, alright…” 


“You’re braver than me, honey.” Joohyun gives her a thumbs up and Seulgi can barely believe this is happening. Joohyun and Sooyoung honestly didn’t think they’d handle diaper duty well, and it was either Seulgi or Yerim. Naturally, no one trusted Yerim to handle the job so Seulgi was the best choice. The same Seulgi who got halfway through before passing out.


“Did she just…”


“I can’t believe she passed out!”


“Well, it’s up to me to handle this when others fail.” Soooyoung starts rolling up her sleeves like she’s getting ready to handle a big assignment. She manages to finish the job and tells Joohyun the least she can do is throw away the dirty diaper. Even though she looks like she might pass out from doing so.


“This child was fine before it needed to go to the bathroom.”


“Joohyun! I am surprised at you. I thought you liked babies.”


“I like monster babies.”


“Well, so do I. But you don’t hear me whining about it.”


Neither woman really bicker because the child is truly adorable and now reaching out toward Joohyun like she wants to be held. Joohyun, who is really a softie inside, can't resist and takes the little girl.


“I guess you’re not so bad.”


“Alright, what did I…” Yerim returns suddenly with her duffle bag and dressed to go. “Oh, what the hell?” She sees Seulgi out cold and her first thought is Joohyun probably unintentionally knocked her out.


“Where are you going?” Her witch demands to know. “Babysitting duty isn’t over yet.”


“But Seulgi and I were going to escape…”

That ends up being the wrong thing to say as Joohyun and Sooyoung both demand answers as to what Yerim is talking about. Somewhere, the child gets out of Joohyun’s arms and crawls over to Seulgi who is still pretty out of it. She wondered why one of the bigger people was sleeping and so she tapped Seulgi’s cheek to find out. It took several pats to her face but Seulgi woke up and saw those big round eyes staring at her.


“Oh, hey there…” She sits up with the baby in her lap. “I wasn’t hurt if you were worried.”


The baby happily babbles something or another and Seulgi laughs. Really, why was she so freaked out. 


“Oh, is that so?”


She ends up having a full on conversation with someone who probably doesn’t understand her much and yet it’s endearing. She doesn’t notice that Sooyoung and Joohyun have stopped yelling at Yerim long enough to watch this sweet interaction. Joohyun is reminded again that Seulgi would be such a good mom if they did decide to have kids, however they decide. 


“You should be like that.” Sooyoung tells Yerim. “I can’t have you scarring our kids for life.”


“Me, you should worry about you with your useless sage prayer circles and exploding cauldrons.”


“That was only once!”


Joohyun sat down next to Seulgi and her friend’s daughter. “It looks like you’re okay now. Maybe you’ve got a new friend?”


“Yeah, I think so.” Seulgi agreed. “If only we knew what her actual name was though.”


“We can find out. Besides, we are all doing such a good job. I don’t see why we can’t have more babysitting gigs.”

“Are you sure about that, Hyun? We’re not experts or anything, and those two are probably going to break something in a minute.” She gestures to Sooyoung and Yerim who haven’t stopped bickering yet. Her wife still has this soft smile on her face and it makes Seulgi smile too. 


“We can handle this. Besides, maybe next time we’ll watch a monster baby.”


“Yes!” The witch heard that, naturally. “Now you’re talking. If we watch a monster baby next time I want the first choice of monster.”


“No mermaid babies!” Yerim lets it be known and everyone laughs and agrees there won’t be any mermaid babies. This is quite the way to end the night as they all wait for the baby’s father to come pick her up. Already making plans for their next babysitting adventure.


Joohyun had to say she was really glad she asked her wife and friends to help out after all. Chaotic as it can be for the most part, they always come through when it matters.


“We should make a list. Because I want to babysit the dragon babies.”

“Where are we even going to find dragons on such short notice, hm?” Seulgi asks and Sooyoung promises she knows a few. Joohyun looks down at the little girl in her wife’s arms who is curiously looking at all the adults, like she has no idea who to focus on.


“We didn’t do bad for a bunch of monsters watching a human child, right?”


The child simply reaches out for her hand and Joohyun swears her eyes are not getting moist from tears, no of course not.


Yeah, not bad at all.


A/N: Hope this was alright! Maybe we can see a future fic with Joyri and Seulrene kids who knows lol, but yeah thank you all so much for reading :) 



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Chapter 2: this is just so soft.. I'm waiting for babies for both couple next
found this gem
reveluv316 814 streak #3
Chapter 2: loved the story, so cute
Chapter 2: Baby soo XD
Chapter 2: The baby is so cute and adorable .
Favorite chapter so far: I hope to see more of these 4 monsters and their choatic moments.
Chapter 1: Looks like irene and seulgi will babysitt not only the baby but yeri and sooyoung too hhh
Also i really like this monster series can't wait to read the next chapter when it opens
Good job author-nim
Taitai84 1234 streak #7
Chapter 2: The baby is so sweet and lovable.

The pair wanting to run away from the baby fever wives is funny
Chapter 1: I see that the next chapter finally dropped and I'm really excited to read it. The human baby might be making fools of them for all I know 😆
2077 streak #9
Chapter 1: So excited!