A human baby, how terribly boring

Magic Double Date Night: Babysitting edition

A/N: So I decided on a babysitting edition of this series, because one I thought it would be cute and possibly something fun to write. This will be a two part story because I didn’t want to rush everything into one oneshot, thank you!



She might not have been human, and she couldn’t really relate to them in a lot of ways. But Joohyun really did enjoy the fact that she could masquerade herself so easily amongst them without anyone thinking anything different. It certainly came in handy as an actress. The succubus even made human friends from time to time. Lately most of them are fellow actresses or actors, all of whom never suspected she was anything more than a human like them. And because she considered these humans friends, and it had been easy to hide her true nature. 


The humans felt comfortable asking her for favors from time to time. 


“What did you just say?” Joohyun asks for clarification at what her friend and co-star in her current film has said. She heard it surely, but she still needed the clarification because it just sounded absurd.


“I have business out of town this weekend, and it wouldn’t really be ideal for me to bring my baby. So I was hoping you wouldn’t mind watching her? If it’s not too much trouble.”


“Me watching a human baby?” The succubus knows her mind has shut down. It’s one thing to take care of a demonic baby of some kind, or even someone’s monster child, and Joohyun does mean that literally, as she has watched kids in the monster realm, and her own realm. It’s another thing entirely when you’re watching a human baby.


“Joohyun?“ her friend asks with a concerned frown. She doesn’t think she’s seen Joohyun out of it before in this way. 


“I….” Surely, she can just say no. Joohyun isn’t sure if she can babysit a human baby, though it probably wouldn’t be much different from watching a demonic baby. Except for some few obvious differences. However, with her friend looking at her now with such a hopeful look. Joohyun just knows she can’t really say anything other than yes.


“Alright, I’ll do it. What time does it need feeding?”


Joohyun had been completely serious, but the way her voice came out it did sound like the succubus was kidding. Her friend laughed out loud and shook her head.


“You are funny, Joohyun.”


“Who’s kidding?” However, now she was tasked with caring for her friend’s child. Joohyun knew she needed to give Seulgi a heads up, but surely her wife wouldn’t mind?


“I better give Seul a call.” At this time of day, Seulgi was probably in some work meeting or handling some other work related matter. Joohyun hated to interrupt Seulgi at work but this was important, and she knew the monolid woman would  certainly understand. Taking a moment to excuse herself from her friend, who had been in the middle of writing a list of important information she needed while babysitting. Joohyun took the first chance she could to call her hybrid spouse.


“I hope she’s not too busy right now.”





The truth had been a little different from what Joohyun imagined. While she imagined her other half behind her desk, working hard, reading through scripts, or signing important documents. That wasn’t exactly the case….


“Hi.” Seulgi smiled cheerfully, as she reached her destination. “Can I please order two rare steaks and a large fries. The largest size you have. Oh and a box of your chocolate cake too.”


“Uh…” The person at the to-go counter of the restaurant pauses at the lunch order, while wondering what was their largest container for fries. “Sure, Ms. Kang.” After all, they know this woman as a regular and they don’t really want to see this woman hangry. Besides, she tips really well so they always try to accommodate the movie studio owner no matter what.


“Thank you!” Seulgi nods and can’t wait for her food, she’s starving. But as she’s waiting suddenly the hybrid gets this strange feeling that something is about to happen. It’s a feeling she only gets when Joohyun is up to something.


“Oh no, what did she do?” 


And barely seconds later her phone is ringing with a call from her beloved wife. Seulgi debates for a moment whether she should answer or not, but only for a moment. She knows better than to actually ignore her wife. Joohyun would only call her until she answers or worse, appear out of thin air and potentially scare some innocent humans. 


“Hi, Hyunnie.”


“Hi, baby!!” The succubus is cheerful, a little too cheerful and it tells Seulgi one thing. Her suspicions were right and Joohyun is about to drop some sort of bomb on her. Seulgi only hopes she’s not calling to say she’s in trouble or there’s some sort of early Christmas sale.


“Oh, no. What did you do?”


“What did I do?” Joohyun feigns being offended. She can’t really fault Seulgi for saying this, as Joohyun herself knows she’s called for all sorts of random and unpredictable reasons.


“Yes, what did you do? I love you, Hyunnie. But I know you, and I’m sure you’re up to something. Now, how much trouble are you in and do I need to send the lawyer or…”


“I don’t know if I should be offended, you already are assuming I’m in trouble. Or happy that you are ready to defend me with our lawyer.”


“I’d always defend you, Hyunnie.”


Joohyun can’t help that she has the brightest smile on her face. She knows Seulgi would always defend her. But it’s always nice to hear her wife say those words. Just as she’s about to tell Seulgi how much she loves her. She can hear the unmistakable background noise of Seulgi picking up a food order.


“Seriously!” The succubus’ mind rages. Here she was worried about interrupting Seulgi’s work day, when all that’s happening is a food run. “Of course, you’re ordering food.”


“What, it’s lunchtime. Lunch is the most important meal of the day, you know?” Seulgi defends herself before exiting the restaurant. “Anyway, Hyunnie. What’s wrong?” 


The hybrid hopes it’s nothing too bad. It’s not that she’s always expecting to hear some awful sort of news. Joohyun often calls her just to be sweet, check on her during her work day, or even just to make sure she’s eaten because of how hectic Seulgi’s schedule can be. 


“Honey.” Seulgi doesn’t even have to be looking at her wife to know she’s probably frowning in concern. “It’s breakfast. That’s the most important meal of the day.”


“W-What, really?” How come this is the first Seulgi’s hearing of this? Before the hybrid can even ask for more clarification on this subject. Joohyun is once again talking, but this time it’s to explain what she’s called for.


“Seul. I don’t want to take away from your lunch time, so I’ll be brief. The reason I called is to ask you…”


Seulgi listens intently as Joohyun speaks. Her mind absorbs the information and she is positive of what she hears. The movie studio owner just wants to be fully sure.


“Did you just say we have to watch a human baby?”


“Yes!” Her wife nods enthusiastically into the phone as if Seulgi can hear her. “My coworker needs this favor and I’m good with babies! Well demon babies but how different can it be. So what do you say?”


“I think I’m going to faint..”


The succubus pauses on the other end. Not sure if Seulgi is being serious or simply messing with her.


“So is that a yes?”


“I….” Seulgi is sure they know next to nothing about human babies. Sure, they’ve spent time with babies in the monster realm. But that was entirely different. The hybrid isn’t sure if either she or Joohyun is qualified to handle a human baby.


“If you say yes, we’ll do that role play fantasy you’ve been dying to try out.”


“You mean…” the monolid woman pauses and there’s an audible gulp. Joohyun is not playing fair at all by using such tactics.


“Uh-huh. I’ll even place the order for the costume too. But you have to help me babysit because you’re my other half and I need you.” She’s not even kidding about that. She is always at her best when she’s with Seulgi. They aren’t the perfect team for no reason.


“Alright, f-fine. But I suggest we call Sooyoung and Yerim for backup.”


“What!!” Joohyun screams so loud she is positive some of the other cast and crew heard her. Not that she cares about that right now. Is Seulgi insane? Asking those two is like wanting a complete disaster to happen.


“We might need the help, Hyun. I’m sure they wouldn’t mind.”


“Alright, baby. I’ll ask Sooyoung and Yerim but I sure as hell won’t like it!”


Meanwhile, at the same time, halfway across town a auburn-haired witch breaks out into a fit of sneezes. She startles her vampire wife who didn’t expect such a display.


“Are you sick!” Yerim hurries over and touches her face.


“Babe.” Sooyoung sighs.


“You’re sick, aren’t you? I told you to wear a sweater when you went back to the monster realm for work, but no. Now you’re probably all contagious and now we have to disinfect you.”


“Yerim!” The taller of the two gets up and grabs a hold of her shoulders. “You need to calm down. You’re overworked and talking like a crazy vampy. I told you about working those 48 hour shifts, didn’t I!”


Yerim blinks curiously like Sooyoung has suddenly started speaking in another language entirely. The blonde snaps out of it when she realizes again that Sooyoung is probably sick and contagious.


“This isn’t about me. This is about your sick self, we need to get you to quarantine right now. Because I can’t afford to get a vampire cold.”


“A vampire cold?” Sooyoung is positive she’s never heard of such a thing. Yerim really must be exhausted and talking out of her at this point. Before she can even explain to her wife why she sneezed in the first place. The vampire is already running up the stairs with her.


“Let’s go! If we quarantine you now, it should be okay.”


“If you don’t calm your down and let me explain!” Getting frustrated, Sooyoung freezes her in place with a spell to stop the vampire and then she moves to stand in front of her.


“What the hell! I thought I asked you not to freeze me anymore.”


Sooyoung has to hold back a laugh at the huge pout on her vampire’s face. What else is she supposed to do when her wife is acting like a complete lunatic? Sooyoung has to be the reasonable one in this situation.


“You’re acting crazy. What do you expect from me? Now you will stand there and let me explain to you why I started sneezing suddenly.”


Yerim does listen to Sooyoung. She still isn’t completely sold on her other half not being sick. She also isn’t sure she buys Sooyoung’s explanation either, and that’s why she looks at her skeptically.


“Are you being serious? You sneezed because someone was talking about you?”


“Yep!” The witch nods eagerly. It might be a silly human thing, believing that when you sneeze suddenly it’s because someone is talking about you. Sooyoung really believes it. That and she has a strange, unsettling feeling right now that something awful is about to happen. Sooyoung is never wrong about her intuition, not to brag of course. 


“You’re silly, Soo.”


“I’m silly? Who’s the one running around acting like a complete and total moron, huh?”


“A complete and total moron!” The vampire frowns. “Oh, yeah… why don’t you say that to my face!”


“I already did!”


And before the shorter of the two could come back with another remark. Sooyoung’s phone goes off with a text message. The witch almost feels terrified to look. Yerim not so gently reminds her that she needs to, if for no other reason but to hurry up and free her from this spell as soon as she checks her phone.


“Oh, …” 


“What, what’s wrong?” Yerim finds herself curious. Not even minding that she’s still stuck in Sooyoung’s spell for the time being.


“I told you someone was talking about me.” The auburn-haired woman smiles triumphantly, while showing the text from Joohyun on her phone. All Yerim could do was shrug as she still thought her witch was losing her mind.


“Fine, now can you let me go.”


“Alright, sweetie. But we best be on our guard, something tells me Joohyun is about to tell us some awful news.”


And because Joohyun had such a vague message. All it said was to meet them at their house later tonight. It only worried the witch and vampire all the more. Especially the witch.


“It’s time for the hugest sage prayer circle to end all sage prayer circles!”


“Idiot!!” Yerim screams. “I told you those stupid sage prayer circles don’t even work. Also, you didn’t let me go from this spell….” 


Sooyoung was already running off for her tower to grab the sage. Yerim knows that once Sooyoung goes into that tower she often doesn’t come back out.


“Soo.” She sighs. “Why the hell did I marry a witch again…”


Of course, she knows exactly why she married that woman, other than the fact she just loves her very much. Since Yerim knows she’ll be here for a while she has only two things on her mind. One, she wonders just why the hell Joohyun wants for them to go to their house. And secondly, she really wishes she’d bring her phone or something so she’d at least have something to look at while she’s suspended in air like this.


“Really….” The vampire groans. “Will it help if I say I love you?”


Seconds later, the taller woman appears before her with a smug smile on her face. “Aw, that wasn’t so hard, was it?” Sooyoung gently pats her cheeks.


“You…..” Of course, Sooyoung did this on purpose. Why not? “You did all this just so I could say I love you.”


“No, not really. But it’s an added bonus. Okay, I’ll let you go, because before we know it, it’s going to be time to go over to Seul and Joohyun’s house. And we have no idea what the hell they want. It’s best to be prepared for anything.”


Finally, Sooyoung said something she could agree with. They really did need to prepare themselves for anything.





The first thing Joohyun had expected when Seulgi arrived home was a warm greeting, hugs, and kisses. In any order, but she expected hugs, a warm greeting, and kisses. She received something else entirely.


“What in the world….” Joohyun mouths when Seulgi places several ancient looking books in her hands. Books that look like they probably have been sitting in the darkest corner of some human library. Probably not even opened in at least twenty years or more.


“We need to research, Hyun. You said it’s a human baby? Not even part monster or anything…” Seulgi looks like she will faint seriously, and Joohyun is worried to say the least. 


“Baby.” She tenderly grabs a hold of her wife’s face. “You are the calmest person I know. What is wrong?”


“We know nothing about babies, Hyun. Especially not human babies. This could go really bad and then what? Huh, then what…”


“I’ve never seen you this agitated, baby. You know what, you need to sit down and relax. We don’t need any of these books.” Joohyun takes the books and throws them into a random open portal. 


“AH!” Seulgi screams. “Those were library books. Those were library books.” She repeats like a mantra, and tries to get up from the chair Joohyun must have helped her sit down on. Her succubus is already wrapping her arms around her to make her sit back down. 


“Calm down, sweetie. What is some dusty old librarian going to do to you?”


“Librarians are scary, Hyun.” Seulgi shutters at the thought.


“You weren’t so scared when I dressed up as one for that roleplay fantasy thing.”


“That was different. You looked hot and there was whipped cream and…” Just like that Seulgi forgets about being stressed out. Her mind elsewhere and onto more pleasant thoughts. That and Joohyun is kissing her neck in the way she likes, so that also feels nice too.


“See, doesn’t it feel nice to just calm down. Seriously, I never see you freak out in this way. Well, unless you’re upset about your food. But that’s something entirely different. Are you nervous about kids, baby?”


They’ve been together a very long time. The topic of kids being in their future might have come up a few times. Joohyun is positive she’d like to have kids with Seulgi. After all, this woman is the very love of her life. 


“I like kids just fine, Hyun. Monster kids, demonic kids, screechy-siren kids, fire breathing babies, all fine. Human babies though…” 


It becomes clear what Seulgi is worried about. Joohyun understands herself, as she had the same worries. She hasn’t ever looked after a human baby before, and so her wife makes a valid point.


“Seul?” She whispers gently. “I get it, sweetie. But really, it’s going to be fine. You and I are a perfect team. How bad can it be?”


“HI!” A sudden loud and unexpected shout startles the couple as they see Sooyoung now in their living room. The witch smiled happily with one hand on her waist.  “Do I know how to make an entrance, or do I know how to make an entrance?”


Joohyun is staring wide-eyed with an accusatory finger at their friend. “What the hell are you doing here? I said to come tonight. It’s not night!”


“Nope.” Sooyoung beams. “But you also never specified what time. I hope you don’t think I have nothing better to do with my time than be here. Some of us have the law that they work for you, just saying. Now just a moment I have to do my sage prayer circle before you speak.”


“Um…” Seulgi starts, but stops because Sooyoung is really about to open up a jar of sage.


“Never mind all that, where is Yerim?” The succubus asks her, as it’s very clear they are missing one vampire. The smile from Sooyoung’s face instantly fades as she closes her sage jar.


“Where is Yerim…” She repeats the words, slow in a calm way. Almost too calm if Seulgi and Joohyun were being honest. 


“You’re not going to go crazy, are you?” Seulgi whispers, as she knows how Sooyoung can be when she can’t find Yerim, or worse when Yerim is playing tricks with those infamous disappearing acts.


“Me, go crazy? That’s absurd. Why would I care where she is?”


Two audible gasps from Joohyun and Seulgi as the other couple can’t believe their ears. Did they hear right? Did their very own Park Sooyoung really say that? 


“Did she just…”


“I think she did?” Joohyun nods.


“Anyways, back to saging the living room! Because I know you, Joohyun and you usually have some awful news to share.”


“That’s not true.” The succubus denies. She can think of hundreds of times she’s had wonderful news to share. Before she can even start listing those alleged hundreds of times. Yerim flies down from the ceiling and now in a more human form, places her arms around her witch.


“What do you mean you don’t care where I am! How dare you?”

Sooyoung looks pleased with herself; it's almost hard for the hybrid and succubus to keep a straight face. They should have known this was probably her plan all along. Or at least her attempt at reverse psychology of some sort. Pretending she doesn’t care to get a reaction out of Yerim, because clearly it worked like a charm.


“Oh, vampy, there you are.” Sooyoung smiles and pats her head affectionately. “Well, now that you’re here. You can help me sage the room.”


“Oh, no, I’m not doing that. I’ll sit down now.” She hurries to sit down at the table with Joohyun and Seulgi. But not before saying a quick hello to the other couple, because honestly whatever they have to say might not be that bad after all, maybe. Sooyoung doesn’t seem particularly offended as she does indeed start saging the area.


“Anyways, now that you’re both here. I guess I better explain why I asked you to come.”


“That would be nice, like I said I have court tomorrow and it’s a big case. So hurry up.”


Joohyun ignores the rude tone from their friend and gathers herself. After all, when asking for a favor you do have to try your best to ask nicely. No matter how often Sooyoung and Yerim irritate her. At the end of the day they are their best friends. They have never truly let either herself or Seulgi down. Mostly they are harmless and she knows that if she explains how they need their help. The witch and vampire will indeed help.


“Seul and I need a favor. One of my friends is going away for a work related matter and I have to babysit their child so…”


“Okay!” Sooyoung nods eagerly. “What kind of baby are we talking about? I just adore babies. Even those cranky giantess babies, they love me.”


“They really do.” Yerim agrees. “I’m fine with most babies I guess. I can just turn into a bat when they start crying.”


“Hey!” Seulgi shakes her head. “That’s just like running away.”


“Exactly!” Yerim nods with thumbs up, only to have Sooyoung not so gently smack her in the head. 


“Okay, so what kind of baby? Werewolf baby?”


“Um, no..” Joohyun shakes her head.


“Mutant baby?”


“Uh, no…”


“Dragon baby!” Now Sooyoung looks thrilled. “I kind of need to get more dragon scales.”


“No, not exactly…”


“Not a mermaid baby!” Yerim screams. “With their freaky tails? You don’t even have a pool here?”


Joohyun could see this would go on forever if she didn’t put a stop to it. Too bad it wasn’t an actual monster baby of some kind. Because then they’d all have some kind of expertise.


“No! It’s not…it’s just a regular baby. A human baby, that’s it.”


As soon as she says it’s a human baby. The room gets quiet. Sooyoung and Yerim both sit back down.


“Oh…” Sooyoung sounds disappointed now. “A human baby, how boring.”


“Human…” Yerim just sounds indifferent. “Better than a mermaid, I guess. But who cares.”


“Alright,” Seulgi nods, pretty much expecting responses such as those. “What does that mean? Will you help us babysit or not?”


Now it becomes clear as to why Joohyun said she wanted them to come over. She needs the backup, which makes sense to the other couple as they don’t really spend that much time with human babies. Sure, in the human world they do interact with some humans here and there. They even have a close human friend in Seungwan who runs the restaurant they all go to from time to time. That doesn’t mean they make a habit of spending time with human babies. 


“I mean…” Sooyoung would have preferred it was a cool monster baby. Still, she won’t leave her friends hanging. She knows they need the help. “Yeah, sure. Yerimie and I will help. I can do a lot of my work from my laptop, until I’m needed at court, so it’s fine.”


“Really?” Seulgi looks impressed. “They’re making internet connection possible from the monster realm?”


“Of course.” The witch nods. “It’s some highly classified magical thing that would take way too long to explain to you right now. But my firm understands I live part time in the human world, and they know how absolutely invaluable I am.”


“Naturally.” Joohyun speaks in a deadpan voice. Though, she is grateful that Sooyoung and Yerim are going to help. She is not surprised they would. “Thank you, both seriously.”


“So when do we watch the little monster?” Yerim asks, because in her humble opinion all babies are little monsters whether they are actual monsters or not. 


“Oh did I not say?” Joohyun supposes she did leave out that most important detail. “Tomorrow.”


“Tomorrow!” Both Sooyoung and Yerim react the most to that. Since clearly, Joohyun already told Seulgi that part of the news. 


“That’s not going to be any problem for you guys, right?” Seulgi hopes it’s not going to be. As she’s already made sure to clear her work schedule so she could be around to help. 


“No, I already said I could work from home. Just so you know, Joohyun. I think the easiest thing for everyone is if Yerimie and I stay here.”


“You two stay here? What, like some weird sort of sleepover?”


“Alright!” Yerim perks up at the idea. “It’ll be fun, we can tell scary stories, make popcorn, stay up all night, and then go outside and play pranks on humans!”


“Sweetie, sweetie.” Sooyoung sighs and cups her face in her hands. “You are thinking about Halloween again.”


“Oh, oh yeah…”


“I don’t see any problem with you two staying over.” Seulgi agrees. “We have plenty of room, and you guys will already be here for tomorrow.”


“Yeah, it should be fine.” Joohyun speaks, and really why shouldn’t it be fine? The four of them watching one human baby? Really, there should be absolutely nothing to worry about.


“I like to sleep . I hope that’s not a problem for you two freaky monsters.” The vampire randomly announces. 


“What a coincidence, so do I. Who knew we had something in common, vampire? ” The succubus nods proudly, to which Seulgi shakes her head, and Sooyoung coughs in exaggeration. 


“This is going to be a long night.” Seulgi mutters to herself. Soon enough, Sooyoung and Yerim leave to get a few things they both need, and while they are gone. Seulgi and Joohyun use the opportunity to prepare one of the guest rooms. Joohyun takes the time to check on her wife and see how she’s feeling. Seulgi seemed okay when they were talking to their friends. But she also knows this woman better than anyone and she could very well be pretending to be alright. 


“Are you sure you’re feeling better, Seul?”


Seulgi could tell that Joohyun was worried about her. She knew from before, even when they were simply sitting down and having a conversation with their friends. She knew that Joohyun was waiting for the moment they were alone to talk to her. Just to make sure she was actually alright. 


“I’m fine now, Hyunnie. I really do think we’re going to be okay with Soo and Yerim to help out. It’ll be four of us and one human baby. What could possibly go wrong?”


“A lot.” Joohyun hates to be pessimistic, but a lot could go wrong. Naturally, it’s Seulgi’s turn to try and be comforting to her. The taller of the two wraps her arms around her wife and places the softest of kisses to her forehead.


“It’s going to be alright, Joohyun. You always do everything you set your mind to, and since this is a favor for a friend. You will get this done, I know you. Besides, we’re all here for you. Sooyoung and Yerim aren’t that bad.”


“Yeah, you’re right, baby. I just…”


Moments later there is the sound of loud noise that sounds suspiciously like several water balloons going off all at once.


“Sorry, that’s just me testing out a new prank.” Yerim must have returned already. “It’s not for you though! Maybe for Halloween or possibly Christmas.”


Joohyun groans loudly and buries her head into the crook of Seulgi’s neck. She inhales her wife’s familiar scent to help her calm down. This really would be a long night indeed if their friends intended to act out like crazy people. 


“Hey, Joohyun.” Sooyoung calls out. “Do you have any spare cauldrons? Don’t ask why!”


“Seriously!” The succubus screams, and is halfway about to run downstairs to ring one or both of their necks. Who said it was a good idea to invite Sooyoung and Yerim to stay the night?  Heck who said it was a good idea to have them help babysit tomorrow? In fact, maybe this won’t even be a good idea to babysit. 


“This really will be the longest night ever.”


A/n: Okay, first part complete! I tried to make it fun and not terribly boring, but this is really one of my most favorite things to write so I usually have fun with these stories, so thank you so much if you did read or enjoyed too!



Sponsor Mentions: As always, thank you very much to my sponsors. I appreciate all of you so much: Tay_84, royalshipper2122, DTHDHR, Bernkaset, jasonds,  ZombieJuhyun, falsuki, Eris78, User_name1200, Androsssss, theRequiem78, Seosunny, sleepyhead, pinkpinkypin, iamforeverlame, Mmm2392, CheezeeMyoui, Supergirl03, taeyang729, RedPaint, Shouto818,  jjlevi93, LOCOppl, AliyaViktoria, j33200, Karasxo, Mehrus, HornedDevil, Shaolan, Zesev7, PengusTigerClub, Mia317, Kim_saehyun97, Mustafina, Jiminiepabo707,  s1786343, satozaki, noob101, j3200, dmac20, Zesev7, Jewster88, shinneay, aseulo, Mmm2392, Taitai84, km3bty, somebbboy, mondongo1, Angelline152, ajhoon, Pinkbubl, Itheartisti, drunkenseul, ainijt, sonexpikachu64, Simpz11, Revelsone, Moonstunt, Fantasii, ericakate, dmac20, seulseulseul,  YANGx_, Tempurany, bbongdrr, okay54321, Username_1200, zwilson4, AlineKwon, issiswain56, captainsnsd, wannis3s, YANGx, born10966, anonymous, shinneay, Informedpuppy, anonymous, aya_ah98, Lpoppp, Cheorrybat, raej02, Pinkbubl, KaiserKawaii, Mia317, born10966, bbongdrr,  L1d14LF5, hanz316, f0fbf5a0a202038595a4c, Morning-star_06, dianafeng, Rated_pg, Xoxosonegg, Locksmithtaeng, Supergirl03, baetokki9, Maria2308, Mari102002, MsVSR69, ultchae, conysilvaa, roroan, km62001n, Seulsbear, Thank you so much for being sponsors. :)


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Chapter 2: this is just so soft.. I'm waiting for babies for both couple next
found this gem
reveluv316 815 streak #3
Chapter 2: loved the story, so cute
Chapter 2: Baby soo XD
Chapter 2: The baby is so cute and adorable .
Favorite chapter so far: I hope to see more of these 4 monsters and their choatic moments.
Chapter 1: Looks like irene and seulgi will babysitt not only the baby but yeri and sooyoung too hhh
Also i really like this monster series can't wait to read the next chapter when it opens
Good job author-nim
Taitai84 1235 streak #7
Chapter 2: The baby is so sweet and lovable.

The pair wanting to run away from the baby fever wives is funny
Chapter 1: I see that the next chapter finally dropped and I'm really excited to read it. The human baby might be making fools of them for all I know 😆
2078 streak #9
Chapter 1: So excited!