Housewares and Decoration

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[[CONTENTID1] Vengeance  [/CONTENTID1]


[CONTENTID2] Housewares and Decoration [/CONTENTID2]





Two weeks later


"Any news?" asked Wonwoo.
- Nothing so far. Minghao is still gathering information. The only official information on her death is that she was killed in action. Nothing more, no details or names. They keep the door open for you and want you to come back. - Jeonghan said and Wonwoo adjusted the volume of the earplug.
"Do you think that would be an option? I've had to eliminate several family members because of this rescue mission and had a few casualties. I expected to be on the top of the blacklist." Wonwoo muttered.
It had been two weeks since the incident, and the First Family's approach had not been what he had expected.
Instead of declaring him an outlaw, they had officially presented the matter differently, and he had neither been threatened with consequences nor had they been attacked again at the house. And Wonwoo knew, thanks to Jeonghan, that Bangkok was teeming with hitmen out for his blood—mostly Joshua's bloodhounds.
And another thing had surprised him initially but finally made him skeptical. An official statement of the First Family forbade Joshua and Wonwoo to neither duel nor hunt each other. Their feud had been known for years, but no one had interfered so far, and neither Wonwoo nor Joshua had tried to get in each other's way. Joshua had now crossed that line by using Mingyu's appearance as an excuse to eliminate Wonwoo if he did not comply with the orders.
Even the First Family knew he was a cunning bastard.
Wonwoo sighed deeply. And now the First Family had ordered him to return to Korea and continue working for them. 
- To be honest, since you've been gone, some jobs have either gone wrong or not been done because of the lack of a specialist. So I think they are serious about this way of handling the situation. - Jeonghan said, but Wonwoo sensed the skeptical undertone.
"Minghao is as qualified as I am, in many ways even better." Wonwoo muttered.
- You may be right, but you are from the first branch, and Minghao is from the second branch. This divides you into two branches, so Minghao only gets special jobs. -
"So after all this, I'm supposed to come back and keep doing my job, hoping no one will stick a knife in my back and Joshua will keep his end of the bargain?" Wonwoo laughed bitterly.
- Something like that. - Jeonghan explained.
"It's complicated enough, I don't feel like explaining the complexities of the branches to him now. Right now he just hates the First Family. If he now learns that we are actually no better than them, he'll run away like a little girl."
- At some point you will have to explain to him who is actually pulling the strings - Jeonghan urged him again, but Wonwoo meant exactly what he said. 
Some of the structures in the Second Family were worse than in the First Family. Eventually he would explain to Mingyu what the branches were all about, but at the moment it was irrelevant to the execution of his job.
There was a short silence between them.
- When are you coming back? - the older one finally asked.
Wonwoo bit his lip. There it was, the question he had been trying to avoid all along, even though he knew his order to go back would come. 
- Why don't I believe a word you say? - Jeonghan chuckled.
"I will return to Korea when a suitable protector will arrive." Wonwoo was annoyed by his answer a moment later. And he was even more annoyed when Jeonghan chuckled.
- What would the suitable job description be, then? Someone nice? Preferably good at cooking? Would Mingyu like a good night story every night? - 
" you, hyung. Seriously." grumbled Wonwoo and cut the connection.
Wonwoo had to restrain himself from throwing the small earbud on the floor and stepping on it until it would have broken into all its pieces. But Jeonghan was right. The atmosphere between Mingyu and him was more than tense after the incident.
It had been two weeks since the fight, and Mingyu had not said anything about it except for the conversation at the cliff. And Wonwoo had not asked either because he was not interested in Mingyu'semotional struggles. What interested him was a reasonable basis to do his job because Mingyu gave him a hard time on purpose. Mingyu had gone from being a constant nervous wreck to a calm but cold person.
And Wonwoo was more than grateful for that because it made his work much easier.
Problematic was rather that Mingyu needed more to do.
Wonwoo had secured the house and made it clear to Mingyu that every sparrow could be a bomb that flew into this house. Therefore, Mingyu was almost locked up, and Wonwoo conceded him at most of the front garden. And Mingyu accepted it. Wonwoo had feared that he would behave like a toddler, but the mood between the two was more business based. They got along because they had to. 
But as much as Mingyu had probably subconsciously shut himself off from any emotion, he also lost the connection to daily things.
In other words, Mingyu was ing bored. And he was constantly getting on Wonwoo's nerves like a teenager asking permission to go to the movies.
And still, Mingyu was different than before. Sometimes Wonwoo was surprised by some words Mingyu said or things he did that would have been unthinkable four weeks ago. 
"As if I care." whispered Wonwoo and adjusted his zoom. 



Mingyu snorted in annoyance, stretching as far as possible to get a glass from the wall cabinets. He was quite tall, and Minghao was nowhere near his stature, but for some reason, the little brat seemed to enjoy putting everything higher than usual on the walls.
And every time he reached for it, he had to stand on his toes like a shy high school girl at prom for her first kiss. Finally, in hand, he lingered to the fridge, opened it, and reached for the melon juice. He filled the glass halfway and the rest with water. 
Mingyu gently kicked the fridge shut as he was already balancing a sandwich on a plate in his other hand. 
He walked carefully toward the couch so as not to spill anything and pushed aside the Beretta lying on the sofa with his knee which had been blowing his stepmother's brain out a week ago.
He put it on the table and placed his feet beside it.
His subconscious tried to dig a way through the anger to mourn the woman who had practically raised him, but his anger at her and the First Family and the whole ing world blocked any reasoning.
So he didn't give a and drank his melon juice and ate the sandwich he had just made.
There was only crap on TV, and after about 15 minutes, he gave up and turned it off. 
Mingyu tried not to let it show, but he knew they were in constant danger. He had never mentioned it, and Wonwoo had never talked about it, but since they lived here, Wonwoo had shot his rifle eight times, and eight times he had left the house, probably to get rid of a body. Mingyu overheard one or two conversations he had with Jeonghan, and he didn't hear much, but he did hear that the First Family didn't seem to want Wonwoo dead. 
And yet Wonwoo was tense most of the time. Mingyu rarely saw him relax. When Mingyu came into the kitchen, and Wonwoo stood with his back to him, the older one always moved with him, bringing the left side out of Mingyu's reach.
Mingyu did not understand the problem at first, but he realized that Wonwoo did not trust anyone, and it made Mingyu angry that Wonwoo did not exclude him from this assumption. Mingyu sighed, Wonwoo was probably on the roof, his usual routine. Roof, eat a little, barely sleep, and back to the Roof. 
Initially, Mingyu was angry with Wonwoo because he had not told him anything or warned him about what would await him mentally. Or that his life was a bulled lie, and his blood-related family members had been killed, and other non-blood-related members were now trying to kill him too. After that, he was desperate and felt so sorry for himself that he returned to the cliffs a few times to throw himself off.
But he had not dared to do so. Mingyu was constantly torn between the desire to meet all these wankers and put the whole puzzle together before he would murder all of them and the hope that everyone would forget him and he would live forever in this forest with Minghao as a rare but welcome guest.
Mingyu knew that Wonwoo would not stay forever. Especially not after Wonwoo had thwarted another attempt to kill him. In other words, he would eventually be alone.
He stood up and slowly eased up the stairs toward the roof, knocking three times briefly and four times quickly.
"No." Wonwoo's muffled voice answered from behind the door.
He walked back down the stairs, disappointed. The only goddamn person who wouldn't kill him refused to eat lunch with him.
Mingyu laughed bitterly, grabbed the remote again, and surrendered to Thai media fate.



Three months later


It was September.
Mingyu was sitting in front of the house on the small porch. Wonwoo was cleaning his Beretta, but Mingyu knew that one eye was on the pieces of his gun, and the other eye checked the display connected to seven drones circling in the nearby forest.
Mingyu sighed and closed his eyes again. He listened to the rain pattering the trees, leaves, and stones in front of the house.
He sighed again, this time with obvious intent to get that idiot´s attention.
"What?" Wonwoo snapped at him.
"It's raining." 
"I know." Wonwoo agreed.
Mingyu gritted his teeth and clicked his tongue a few minutes later.
"What's wrong now?" Wonwoo finally looked up from his girl.
Mingyu wanted to slap himself. A gun. Not a girl. 
"You can´t do anything around here because you get soaking wet. It´s frustrating." Mingyu stated.
He heard him groan. "Wait until it stops."
"It´s been raining for two months! TWO months!" he yelled at him. They had this conversation daily, and Wonwoo never got tired of telling him to wait.
"One day, it will stop." Wonwoo mumbled, focusing on the pieces again.
Mingyu's patience had been slowly wearing thin over the past few weeks. "Why Thailand? It's a country where it rains three months out of the year. Why not Hawaii or some other country?!"
"It's the same in Engla

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747 streak #1
Chapter 16: It took me a couple of days to binge read all the chapters, but I am finally caught up. I feel sorry for Mingyu and Wonwoo, they’re both victims of circumstance, through no fault of their own. The entire life that Mingyu thought he knew, has been completely blown to bits. I wonder what will happen once they leave Thailand. I’m also waiting for Wonwoo to deal with Joshua, once and for all. Looking forward to the next update.
Shinee2020 #2
Chapter 16: In his place, I would go crazy too. To be limited to a few rooms and no one to talk to, no radio or tv. Mingyu litterally feels like the only one who actually care for him being alive is Wonwoo. I wonder how they will get through this with everyone after them to kill them. They can't keep being alert 24/7!
Shinee2020 #3
Chapter 15: Holy s***!!! To be attacked by the one you considered your mother all these years... To see your whole life, that you thought you knew, disappear in front of your eyes in a few minutes, must be horrible. He is the cause of Wonwoo's parents execution, but it was not really his fault. That is so sad that his existence by itself is a problem, just for being born and alive. He has been used as blackmail by both family, lied to, lot of people have die for him and kill because of him. I would have a nervous breakdown earlier than that. Can't wait for the next chapter!
Shinee2020 #4
Chapter 14: Could Wonwoo's parents be Mingyu foster's parents all these years? Being taking away to take care of Mingyu at 4 years old because he chose them.. So they had to abandon their own child since first family always come first? (just a fun theory , to be confirm... Can't wait for the next few chapters! This is so good!!!)
Shinee2020 #5
Chapter 14: Wow... This chapter is intriguing: So who's that body Mingyu had thrown over the cliff? His foster mother is someone from the second family too? What is going on? I have more questions as you give more informations. Can't wait for the next chapter! 😊
Shinee2020 #6
Chapter 13: This chapter is amazing! We started to understand a bit more about Wonwoo's past. And it seems like Mingyu might be the reason Wonwoo's parents are death. We can see that Wonwoo takes his responsibilities very seriously and try not to let his emotions take over his job, but can't help developing some softness toward Mingyu. He's gonna do this job even if it means dying at the end if it. Mingyu is starting to rely on his instincts more but on top of his old reflects coming back, he still have a softness that he wouldn't have if he had stay all his life with the first family. Can't wait for the next chapter ! THANK YOU!!!😊
Shinee2020 #7
Chapter 11: Wow... They are all blood-relate family, but they are always trying to kill each other, help each other or fight... In a kind of caring way?! lol :P Very strange indeed. Mingyu is completely lost with everything he is learning and hearing every day! They will probably be a lot more surprise in Thailand. Poor Minhyu... wanting to be more than a ''job '' for Wonwoo, but that poor man is already breaking all of his personal rules and unable to think coherently to the point of making a rookie mistake trying to get him faster to the first family just because of a kiss... Can't wait to see what is in store for them in the next few chapters! :)
Shinee2020 #8
Chapter 10: Holy cow! This was so exciting. I was also wondering why he was in such a hurry to get to the house, because just like Joshua, if I know where they are heading, I would go wait at the house (final destination). I really got a feeling that Joshua has been hired by someone in the first family to get rid of Mingyu before he get to the house. I look forward to learn more about the traitor and who had killed his biological family and put him for adoption. The person who put him for adoption probably did it to protect him, but who was the traitor who cause him to need to be put somewhere safe in the first place. Anyway, it is getting more exciting every new chapter, so I can't wait to read more. :) I really hope Minghao will be alright, he really doesn't look like he wants to kill Wonwoo, so maybe he'll try but ''miss''.
Shinee2020 #9
Chapter 9: Thanks for the update! :) Very unfair for Minghao & Wonwoo when you think about it. Mingyu accuse them of being heartless and not just walking away or saying no to all the killings, but if they did, they would be the ones being killed. Their own family have been killed in the past too. Basically anyone who call themselves the first family can order anyone in the second family to kill people for them or protect them or take the blame for them. And the second family have no choice but to follow orders. If Wonwoo had killed Mingyu as originally planned, wouldn't he have been killed to after for killing a member of the first family? I can't wait to read more... Please don't wait too long to share the next update... This is too good! I need to know more! :)
Grats on the promotion