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"We don't have anything to eat in the house, right?" 
Wonwoo sighed. "Go inside. Any sniper can see you with closed eyes."
"You know, parents' food is always the best. For some reason, every dish we ate at home always tasted better to me than at the fanciest restaurant." Mingyu said, smiling.
"Minghyu-ah, come in. I'm serious. This is not a request."
"And then? Shall we order something? It will taste different from now on anyway." muttered Mingyu.
Wonwoo was getting nervous. He had to think of something. Mingyu was on the verge of a mental breakdown, and sitting on the cliff's edge behind the house didn't make the situation any better.
Mingyu sat beside a cold body he had been with for two hours.
"I won't repeat it. I can force you in, you know that. " said Wonwoo, more irritated than before.
"You can´t do as a second family member. You'll stay with me, do what I tell you because it´s your ing job to listen to me, and if we go back to Korea, you'll never see me again because my first family will probably chop your head off. That's exactly what we'll do, hyung. So get your in the house yourself, and don't get on my nerves."
Wonwoo suppressed his anger at Mingyu's disrespect and that he was treating him like a dog.
- You are. - his subconscious chuckled.
"As long as we are here and I have orders to protect you, I will. I already told you in Korea. I must keep you alive but not unharmed."
After a few seconds, Mingyu stood up, and Wonwoo prayed that he wouldn't lose his balance.
"It's ridiculous that we must get along now." Mingyu giggled, half hysterically.
Wonwoo bit his lip and ignored Mingyu's comment.
"Get inside." he said, almost losing control of his vocal tone. The last hour hadn't been easy for him either.
Mingyu suddenly sighed, grabbed the body next to him by the arm, pulled once jerkily, and added a twist to the movement. The body next to him was pulled forward and fell over the cliff's edge after a grotesque floating moment. 
Mingyu looked at him and wordlessly walked past him into the house.



12 hours earlier


Mingyu stubbornly looked down as they walked through the entrance hall of Bangkok's airport. The large glass doors to the parking lots, cab stands, and bus stops seemed at the same time liberating to finally be able to leave the airport and at the same time horrifying because he did not know what would happen behind them.
Wonwoo had let him sleep the entire flight and only woke him up on landing. Mingyu had been surprised and had not even noticed that he had fallen asleep. What he did notice was the wound. Wonwoo claimed it was not deep, but it still hurt. Mingyu watched Wonwoo now since they had passed the security gate without problems, and the older seemed more relaxed. 
"How do we get out of the airport, hyung?" he muttered, watching Wonwoo stiffen. Mingyu had noticed that he seemed uncomfortable calling him that. But for Mingyu, Wonwoo was the only one holding his world together now, and he was older. He needed a hyung now, and Wonwoo was there.
"Keep your eyes open. Jeonghan has arranged transportation." murmured Wonwoo unobtrusively.
"Transportation?" asked Mingyu in surprise.
"Yes. How to get to the house then." 
"You mean we'll be picked up, right?"
"Then say picked up, not transported. We are no cows on our way to the auction."
Wonwoo stared at him, and Mingyu's eyes almost fell out of his head as he grinned briefly. A genuine grin, not an act. He had that expression under control after a second, but Mingyu had seen it.
And it was ing beautiful.
"Are you being the smart now?" Wonwoo looked at him angrily.
"I am just saying that your way of communicating ." grinned Mingyu. 
"Shut up and just follow me. " grumbled Wonwoo, turning around again to cross the terminal. Mingyu could already hear the organized chaos at the airport entrance..



He was annoyed. Mingyu kept chattering, and the younger one wouldn't stop talking.
Wonwoo knew he was trying to cover up his nervousness, but it was still irritating. The problem was that Mingyu's behavior affected him. Sometimes Mingyu would say something funny, and Wonwoo would have to stifle a grin. Or Mingyu didn't get his way like earlier when he wanted a milkshake, and Wonwoo forbade it because the waitress might stab him in the eye, and he looked cute when he pouted.
Wonwoo tried not to let it show, but that changed how he worked. He had already caught himself getting careless from time to time. Not to mention his incompetence at the airport that almost cost Mingyu his life.
He had to stop seeing him as a person. Mingyu was a job. Nothing else.
They finally left the terminal, walked through the large entrance doors, and found themselves at the arrival terminal in a chaos of people, vehicles, and suitcases. 
He looked around and found what he was looking for.
"Come." he said, and Mingyu followed. Wonwoo squinted at him. He was sweating slightly, and he knew Mingyu was in pain. But he couldn't do anything here, and they had to go to the house first so he could take care of the wound.
"Holy . That bike is fantastic." laughed Mingyu next to him, and Wonwoo had to force himself not to turn around and walk in another direction.
Wonwoo had already feared that this particular motorbike would wait for them since Jeonghan was an , but having it in front of him almost made him lose his composure. He remembered sitting on it behind him.
"It looks so cool." blabbered Mingyu next to him, and Wonwoo nodded.
"Is this yours?" the younger asked excitedly, and Wonwoo would have liked to punch him to make him shut up. This motorcycle was something he didn't want to use or talk about.
"No. It was my father's."
Mingyu stared at him. Wonwoo could have slapped himself. It had happened again. Mingyu gradually brought down the wall he had built up over the years.
And that was dangerous.



Mingyu had not expected this statement and stared at Wonwoo in amazement.
"Your father?"
"Get on. We've got to get going. The house is three hours away, and you idiot will probably fall again. And you surely want me to take care of the injury, right? You can´t run around with an open cut for long." muttered Wonwoo, his voice pitched, making it clear that the issue was settled.
Mingyu had a thousand questions on the tip of his tongue, but the last thing he needed right now was an angry Wonwoo on a lady who could go so fast the wind would sweep him away.
- Motorcycle. Not lady. Get a grip. - chuckled his subordinate.
Mingyu took a closer look at the machine. It had a few scratches and didn't look new anymore, but it was still in great shape. Und Wonwoo seemed comfortable on the machine even though Mingyu knew it was something that reminded him of his past.
"Why is it in Thailand?" Mingyu tried again.
"Jeonghan must have brought it here. I hate Minghao´s bike. It´s slow and way too noisy. So he probably used his brain. And now stop bugging me, and get on."
Mingyu gave up and got on the motorcycle, but he felt he was gradually getting Wonwoo to be a little more open. It suddenly felt strange to be on the bike. He would not have forgotten the sentence that had slipped out of Wonwoo's mouth about his parents' execution. The motorcycle had to bring back some memories for Wonwoo, but he hid them well. 
"Hold on. I'll avoid the highway, but we must still get to the hideout quickly. Can you do that?"
"I have to hold on with both arms then, though." Mingyu muttered. He knew it would take some effort on Wonwoo's part.
- Why do you care?! Two weeks ago, he wanted to shoot you. - A voice in his head murmured again.
"Then it's like this. Better than you getting thrown under the wheels of a truck when I pass him."
"Okay." Mingyu nodded.


Wonwoo helped Mingyu off the machine. The younger one was so scared that he didn't even dare to move now that the engine was already off.
"I thought you could handle it?" asked Wonwoo, smirking, but he tried to stifle it. But the younger man had clung to him for almost 3 hours, even though Wonwoo had not fully used the lady´s speed. The curves to the cliff had probably crushed the rest of his mental safety net left after the highway.
"Leave me alone!" cursed Mingyu and looked around.

Wonwoo checked his injury when Mingyu got off the machine. 
"I need to treat that. Get inside."
"This is the house?"
"Yes." said Wonwoo, and Mingyu beside him looked surprised at him.



Mingyu was surprised. He had expected something inconspicuous, but this was very special. They were in an area with many trees and bushes. Near the house was a cliff behind, and the only way up was a small path. 
Mingyu smiled bitterly as he thought about it differently a moment later.
The house was well protected. A sniper did not have a good view of the house through the dense forest growth. For someone who knew the area, it was easy to use that as cover and knew the positions to cover the area with a sniper without a problem. The cliff ensured that an attack from behind was almost impossible, and the small path to the top was directly in the field of view of all windows. Any other vehicle would have to drive up the slope, and Mingyu was sure that he had seen red circles on the way. Probably a network of motion detectors. 
Instead of a cute little wooden house in the middle of a forest, he saw a bunker disguised as a logging hut.
"Isn't the gentleman pleased with his residence?"
Mingyu looked at Wonwoo in surprise. The latter quickly looked away and ran toward the house.
Had Wonwoo just made a sarcastic remark?
Mingyu stifled a comment that would probably make Wonwoo uncomfortable and slowly followed toward the house. It was smaller than he had assumed as he got closer. It reminded him of a hut where people tried to make ends meet in just two rooms. And the second thing he noticed was that it was cute. A bit run down but a nice wood color. A small terrace and even a small area that one could have called a garden if something would grow there.
Wonwoo walk

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747 streak #1
Chapter 16: It took me a couple of days to binge read all the chapters, but I am finally caught up. I feel sorry for Mingyu and Wonwoo, they’re both victims of circumstance, through no fault of their own. The entire life that Mingyu thought he knew, has been completely blown to bits. I wonder what will happen once they leave Thailand. I’m also waiting for Wonwoo to deal with Joshua, once and for all. Looking forward to the next update.
Shinee2020 #2
Chapter 16: In his place, I would go crazy too. To be limited to a few rooms and no one to talk to, no radio or tv. Mingyu litterally feels like the only one who actually care for him being alive is Wonwoo. I wonder how they will get through this with everyone after them to kill them. They can't keep being alert 24/7!
Shinee2020 #3
Chapter 15: Holy s***!!! To be attacked by the one you considered your mother all these years... To see your whole life, that you thought you knew, disappear in front of your eyes in a few minutes, must be horrible. He is the cause of Wonwoo's parents execution, but it was not really his fault. That is so sad that his existence by itself is a problem, just for being born and alive. He has been used as blackmail by both family, lied to, lot of people have die for him and kill because of him. I would have a nervous breakdown earlier than that. Can't wait for the next chapter!
Shinee2020 #4
Chapter 14: Could Wonwoo's parents be Mingyu foster's parents all these years? Being taking away to take care of Mingyu at 4 years old because he chose them.. So they had to abandon their own child since first family always come first? (just a fun theory , to be confirm... Can't wait for the next few chapters! This is so good!!!)
Shinee2020 #5
Chapter 14: Wow... This chapter is intriguing: So who's that body Mingyu had thrown over the cliff? His foster mother is someone from the second family too? What is going on? I have more questions as you give more informations. Can't wait for the next chapter! 😊
Shinee2020 #6
Chapter 13: This chapter is amazing! We started to understand a bit more about Wonwoo's past. And it seems like Mingyu might be the reason Wonwoo's parents are death. We can see that Wonwoo takes his responsibilities very seriously and try not to let his emotions take over his job, but can't help developing some softness toward Mingyu. He's gonna do this job even if it means dying at the end if it. Mingyu is starting to rely on his instincts more but on top of his old reflects coming back, he still have a softness that he wouldn't have if he had stay all his life with the first family. Can't wait for the next chapter ! THANK YOU!!!😊
Shinee2020 #7
Chapter 11: Wow... They are all blood-relate family, but they are always trying to kill each other, help each other or fight... In a kind of caring way?! lol :P Very strange indeed. Mingyu is completely lost with everything he is learning and hearing every day! They will probably be a lot more surprise in Thailand. Poor Minhyu... wanting to be more than a ''job '' for Wonwoo, but that poor man is already breaking all of his personal rules and unable to think coherently to the point of making a rookie mistake trying to get him faster to the first family just because of a kiss... Can't wait to see what is in store for them in the next few chapters! :)
Shinee2020 #8
Chapter 10: Holy cow! This was so exciting. I was also wondering why he was in such a hurry to get to the house, because just like Joshua, if I know where they are heading, I would go wait at the house (final destination). I really got a feeling that Joshua has been hired by someone in the first family to get rid of Mingyu before he get to the house. I look forward to learn more about the traitor and who had killed his biological family and put him for adoption. The person who put him for adoption probably did it to protect him, but who was the traitor who cause him to need to be put somewhere safe in the first place. Anyway, it is getting more exciting every new chapter, so I can't wait to read more. :) I really hope Minghao will be alright, he really doesn't look like he wants to kill Wonwoo, so maybe he'll try but ''miss''.
Shinee2020 #9
Chapter 9: Thanks for the update! :) Very unfair for Minghao & Wonwoo when you think about it. Mingyu accuse them of being heartless and not just walking away or saying no to all the killings, but if they did, they would be the ones being killed. Their own family have been killed in the past too. Basically anyone who call themselves the first family can order anyone in the second family to kill people for them or protect them or take the blame for them. And the second family have no choice but to follow orders. If Wonwoo had killed Mingyu as originally planned, wouldn't he have been killed to after for killing a member of the first family? I can't wait to read more... Please don't wait too long to share the next update... This is too good! I need to know more! :)
Grats on the promotion