Chapter 5 (Final)

Another Chance



If we'd go again

All the way from the start

I would try to change

The things that killed our love

Yes, I've hurt your pride and I know

What you've been through

You should give me a chance

This can't be the end




Mina woke up very confused, she doesn't remember the moment she changed her clothes


"Momo?"  Mina looked around the room but she didn't see anyone


On the table there was a small note, Mina took it and inside it she had only written a small phrase "I'm sorry" 


Mina left the room and started calling the older 


"Momo?"  Mina knocked on the door of the first room next door and Jeongyeon got out


"Momo is here?"  The Korean looked at her confused 


"I thought she had spent the night with you" Jeongyeon winked at her, but Mina was desperate


"No, I'm not sure what happened, but Momo is not here and she left a note in the room" 


Nayeon had a horrible hangover, but got up as soon as she heard that Momo was not there


"Where's Momo?"  Nayeon stumbled to the door and Jeongyeon helped her stay still


"I have no idea, but she wasn't with me this morning" 


"What!?"  Sana had just gotten up and immediately approached the other Japanese


"What happened Mina!?"  


"I have no idea, I was talking to Momo and suddenly I started to feel very sleepy and when I woke up Momo was gone and she just left this note" 


Sana snatched it from her hands and immediately took out her phone 


"That girl will hear me!"  Sana called Momo's number, but the call didn't go through


"What the hell! Damn ing phone!"  Sana tried again, but still nothing


"I'll go to her house and kick her " 


Sana went back to her room and changed, saying goodbye to Dahyun and running down the stairs with Mina behind her


When they got to Momo's apartment, Sana took out the spare key and walked in 


"What the hell Momo!? Did you drug Mina!?"  


Her voice boomed throughout the apartment, echoing off the walls


"Boo? Dobby?"  There was only a deep silence


Sana went to Momo's room, but there was nothing, her things were gone, much less her


Mina went to the kitchen and there were only some packaged products, but nothing else


"Where the hell is that girl!? Her stuff isn't there either!"  Sana was angry, sad and desperate 


"I don't know, Boo and Dobby aren't here either" Sana tried to breathe, this is not possible


Sana tried to call Momo's phone again


"Answer damn it" The call finally entered 


"Momo!, for God's sake, I swear I almost-" 


Hirai Momo at your service, left a message and I'll listen to it later-


Sana couldn't even speak, she was sad, angry, confused and terrified 


Mina still didn't understand what was happening, but she was very worried about Momo's well-being


"Sana? Did she answered you? What did she tell you?"  


Sana removed the phone from her ear and walked over to Mina and hugged her


"Satang?"  Sana hugged her even tighter 


"Hug me, she didn't answer me and I'm scared" Mina didn't complain and hugged her immediately


Sana began to cry on the shoulder of the younger and Mina tried to comfort her, still not knowing what was happening





1 week later




None of the girls knew anything about Momo, it seemed that the earth ate her up


Jihyo tried her best to find any information


Advertisements on TV, on the internet, rewards for any information, and even a search group, but nothing gave results


When they contacted Momo's family, they were the same or worse, they didn't know anything


Hana even went to Korea to look for her sister, but they still hadn't gotten even a single clue


Sana and Mina sent messages and calls every 5 minutes, begging for Momo to see or answer one of their calls, but it never happened


The girls were very upset, but Sana and Mina were especially affected, Mina moved in with Sana and Dahyun, although the younger Japanese insisted that it was not necessary, Sana was not going to allow Mina to be left alone




Dahyun did her best to cheer them both up, but nothing seemed to work, Sana was sleeping with Mina now, they both cried themselves to sleep as anguish consumed them alive


The rest of the girls kept working and helped each other to help Dahyun with Mina and Sana, none of them could go out to work in the state they were in


"It's my fault right?"  Mina couldn't stop crying


"I made her suffer so much that she decided to leave, it's my fault" Sana immediately hugged her 


"Of course not Minari, none of this is your fault" 


"Yes it is!!"  Mina cried out in the middle of her wails 


"I hurt her so much that she decided to get away from me!"  Sana hugged her tightly, while she caressed her back


"None of this is your fault Minari, we're going to find Momo and bring her back, okay?"  


Sana took Mina's face in her hands and wiped away her tears with her thumbs


"No one is to blame for anything" 


Mina buried her face in Sana's neck and cried at the top of her lungs, her body trembled and her tears soaked her clothes 


Sana tried to comfort her but she was devastated herself


"We're going to find her, you'll see"




I'm still loving you

I'm still loving you

I'm still loving you

I need your love

I'm still loving you

Still loving you, baby




1 year later




Sana left work and went to Momo's house


Although it had been a year since the last time they saw her


Sana still held out hope that Momo would come back, so... sometimes she went to clean up a bit, nobody likes her house dirty and it would be a shame if Momo came back and her house was in a bad state 


Sana arrived and entered the house, closed the door and prepared to clean


Things had returned to normal a bit, after a whole month of tears and endless suffering, Sana decided that they couldn't stay like this forever 


On her part, it took Mina a little longer, but fortunately she managed to convince her to work again


Sana continued her career as an actress, doing some series and soap operas, while Mina modeled for some magazines and other commercial brands


Life without Momo changed a lot, Sana was still cheerful and outgoing, but the deep sadness in her eyes was impossible to erase


Mina for her part became even more closed off than before, she didn't go out and stayed in her room most of the time, Sana still heard her cry from time to time, but she didn't say anything


Sana sighed and continued cleaning, remembering her past only made her melancholic


The front door burst open and Sana immediately grabbed the broom 


"Boo stop biting Dobby, in a few minutes I'll feed you" 


Sana immediately threw the broom to the ground, ran to the front door and stopped in the hall, while she saw two small puppies fighting with each other and a woman who was trying to pick one of them up




The woman looked up and straightened, the puppies began to bark and wag their tails as they circled Sana's legs




Momo raised her eyebrows, she wasn't planning to meet anyone until tomorrow


Sana's phone suddenly started ringing 




"Sana! I got a message that Momo was seen at Seoul International Airport, they say she took a taxi" 


Sana almost dropped the phone, but she needed to give the news 


"J-Jihyo, M-Momo is at home" 


A loud bang was heard from the other end of the call 


"Don't let her escape, I'm going to kill her!"  


Jihyo hung up and Sana still wasn't sure what she wanted to do


Momo looked at her confused and slowly approached 


"H-Hello Satang" Momo wasn't sure what to do either


Sana quickly approached her and... 




"You're a stupid, selfish, bad best friend!"  Momo rubbed her cheek, now red from Sana's slap


"I should kill you myself for making me suffer and cry like this!" Tears spilled down her cheeks uncontrollably 


"I would like to slap you a thousand times so you understand how much I suffered because of your selfishness!" Momo stayed where she was, she knew she deserved it


"But most of all... I want to hug you, damn best friend!" 


Sana hugged Momo with all her strength and buried her face in the crook of the elder's neck, while she cried with relief and joy


Momo hugged her back and rubbed her back gently


"Sorry Satang" 


Sana released the hug and looked at her carefully


"Wow, what happened to you Momo?"  Momo smiled 


"I took advantage of this last year to improve my physique, it was really difficult to manage a low profile, but I got it" 


Sana noticed that Momo's arms and abs really looked a little bigger and very toned


"Was it really necessary for you to wear a sleeveless top?"  


"I had a sweatshirt on, but when I got here it made me hot" 


Sana couldn't stop smiling, her best friend was back


Sana hugged her again and Momo left her


"I'd really like to hit you some more, but I can't... idiot" 


"I'm so sorry Satang, but it was something I needed to do" 


"You're going to have to explain everything to us, but for now... the girls are going to kill you... especially Nayeon, Jihyo and Tzuyu" Momo felt a chill run down her spine


"Maybe it's better if I buy something before…" 


BAM!  BAM!  


"Hirai Momo! Open the door!"  


Sana broke free of the hug and went to open the door, while Momo ran to her kitchen


Jihyo stormed into the apartment 


"Where is it!?"  


Jihyo started walking around the house, until she saw Momo on the other side of the kitchen 


"I'm going to kill you!"  


Momo circled in and out of the same spot as Jihyo tried to catch her, but Momo's condition had improved a lot


"S-Stop at once Hirai!"  


"Only if you promise to talk instead of hitting me" 




Jihyo lunged again, but Momo dodged her again, after 10 minutes, Jihyo gave up


"F-Fine, you win" Jihyo sat on the sofa trying to recover, but Momo still stayed away


Sana looked at the whole scene completely amused


"I told the girls you were here, get ready to give us a good explanation Hirai" Momo gulped


"Actually, I thought I could explain everything tomorrow, I didn't expect Sana to be at my house" 


"Too late, I already warned everyone" Jihyo looked at Momo from head to toe


"Wow, I think whatever you've been doing... worked really well for you" 


Momo was about to speak when Nayeon entered the house, dragging Jeongyeon with her 


"Where's Momo!?"  Nayeon yelled and scanned the entire place 


"Momo!"  Nayeon let go of Jeongyeon and bolted towards the Japanese 


Without giving her time to do anything, Nayeon grabbed her by the neck and pinned her against the wall  


"You better have a good-" Nayeon stopped as soon as she saw the woman's toned body 


"Wow, wow, wow" Nayeon let go of her neck and Momo was able to breathe again 


"Maybe a break won't hurt so much" Nayeon traced the Momo's abs with her fingers


Jeongyeon grabbed her girlfriend and pulled her away from her


"My God, what am I going to do with you?" Jeongyeon stood in front of Momo and smiled at her


"I'm glad to see that you're okay Mo" Jeongyeon hugged her


"But we need an explanation, Sana and Mina had a really bad time" Momo nodded 


"Maybe it wasn't the best idea I've ever had, but it helped me clear up some things" Jeongyeon walked over and gave her a punch to the arm 


"Ouch! Are punches really necessary?"  Momo groaned as she rubbed her arm


"Trust me Momo, Jihyo wanted to give you a real beating, but apparently she couldn't get it" Momo turned to her ex-boss 


"I really wanted to at first, but I'm tired, I'll let Tzuyu take care of it" 


Right at that moment, the door opened again and Chaeyoung was trying to stop Tzuyu


"Chewy, calm down love" 


Tzuyu ignored her and walked directly to Momo


If looks could kill, Momo would already be underground


The Japanese swallowed hard and mentally prepared herself


Tzuyu stood in front of her and looked her straight in the eye


Momo didn't mean to be rude and she resisted her gaze, but Tzuyu was really scary when she was angry




Momo could barely register what had happened, her cheeks burned and she didn't even realize when she was hit


"What you did was very selfish Unnie" Momo collected herself and looked at the younger one again


"I had never seen the group so distressed and sad... Jihyo-unnie made a great effort to locate you, just like all of us, we were very scared and confused" Tzuyu took a deep breath 


"I'm really very angry with you Unnie, but if Sana-unnie and Mina-unnie are able to forgive you, so I will too, no one suffered more than them because of you" Momo nodded and took one of her hands 


"I just wanted to know and check some things, I understand you and I will accept any claim, but maybe... worth it" Momo smiled at her and Tzuyu hugged her


"I-I'm glad you're okay Unnie" Tzuyu couldn't take it anymore and cried on Momo's shoulder


Momo held back her tears and patted the younger girl's back


"I'm so sorry Chewy" 


Tzuyu broke away from the hug and Chaeyoung threw herself into Momo's arms


"You're a fool!... but I still love you so much Unnie, I'm glad you're back" Momo smiled and tightened the hug 


"Thank you very much Chae"


The door opened again and Dahyun entered the apartment, as soon as she saw Momo she ran out and the Japanese received her in her arms


"I missed you so much Unnie, please don't do this again" Momo nodded in the hug 


"I missed you so much too, Dahyun" Dahyun wiped away her tears and separated from her arms


"There is still someone who misses you more than anyone in the world" 


Dahyun looked towards the door and Momo could see Mina peeking out 


Sana ran to the door and opened it, grabbing Mina and dragging her into the apartment


"It's time Manari, go with Momo" Mina bowed her head and denied 


"She doesn't want to see me" Sana sighed but Momo intervened 


"Calm down Sana, let her decide" Mina turned slowly and looked at Momo for a few seconds and looked away again


Momo sighed but it was time for an explanation


"Do you want to know why I left Mina?"  They all paid attention as Mina kept her head down


Momo took a deep breath 


"I left because I loved you… because actually… I never stopped doing it" Everyone in the room was confused 


"Momo, what the ?"  Nayeon didn't understand anything, but Momo continued 


"When I talked to you at our mini comeback party, I was able to check something" Momo approached Mina slowly 


"I realized that you didn't love me, but you said yes" Mina raised her eyes with a completely confused look


"Every time you said you loved me, you said you wanted to make up for all the damage you did to me, you wanted to make amends for all your mistakes, well…" 


Momo took Mina's hand and looked into her eyes


"You don't have to do it anymore" 


"You are free to hate me for drug you and get away from everyone"


"You are free from any burden that your conscience has imposed on you"


"You are free to choose someone else and be truly happy... I did you the same damage and now... you don't have to compensate me for anything anymore Mina" Momo spoke slow and soft, she looked Mina straight in the eyes 


"Tell me Mina, what do you want to do?"  


Mina looked her straight in the eyes and the tears began to come out on their own, as she left a little punches on Momo's chest


"I-I want to hit you for making me suffer like this"


"I would like to turn back time so I didn't drink that juice and not let you go"


"I-I want you to understand that what I feel is real and always has been" 


"I want you to understand that even if I want to hate you, I-I can only love you more and more like a fool" 


Mina hugged Momo with all her strength, tears running down her cheeks, but now they were from happiness


Mina broke away from the hug but buried her face in Momo's chest, feeling a little embarrassed and a lot of happiness


Momo hugged her and placed a soft kiss on her hair


"You're not the only fool here Mitang" 


Mina buried her face even deeper into her chest, as tears of happiness and relief continued down her cheeks


Jihyo cleared


"Sorry to ruin the moment, but we still need an explanation... we've been looking for you all over Asia Momo, where the hell were you?"  


Momo sighed and tried to push Mina away, but the younger wouldn't let her go


"Mitang, don't you want to know?"  


"Yes, but I'm not going to let you go" 


Momo laughed happily and walked as best she could to the sofa, she dropped down and Mina looked like a koala on top of her


"Wow, I've never seen Mina-unnie so clingy with anyone" 


Tzuyu and the rest of the girls settled in the room and Sana quickly sat down next to the couple, leaning her head on Momo's free shoulder


"Well, I was in the United States last year" Mina immediately straightened up and looked into her eyes 




"I had everything planned and well, I had to do it" The rest of the girls couldn't believe their ears


"Momo, no offense, but you at English" Momo rolled her eyes 


"Thanks for the compliment Jihyo, but I am aware that I am not very good, so I hired a translator from here, she accompanied me for almost 3 months, helping me in everything what I needed" 


Mina didn't like what she was hearing 


"Were you with a stranger during all that time?"  


"Well, she's not exactly a stranger, she's a friend, I know her from tours" Mina frowned 


"How did you make it so no one recognized you Momo?"  


"Well, it wasn't easy... Yuko helped me rent a small apartment in Dallas, she took care of all the paperwork so that I could work in a small dance studio" 


Nayeon and Sana didn't understand why no one noticed her


"And no one recognized you? Are you serious?"  Momo lowered her head a little embarrassed


"Well, actually I had to bribe some people to be able to disappear" 


"Bribe!? Are you serious Momo?"  Mina was still on her lap and Momo couldn't meet her eyes


"My plan was only to stay for 6 months, but I had to work for them for another half a year so they wouldn't say anything to the press" 


"Did they exploit you!?"  


"No, of course not, they gave me access to the gym and the pool, plus I rested for 3 days, it really was a good deal" Nayeon looked at her and smiled 


"Now I understand where that body came from... you're a lucky Mina, enjoy it" 


Mina blushed and hid her face in the crook of Momo's neck


The older Japanese could only laugh and cuddle the younger


"And why didn't you say anything Momo? I was dying of anguish not knowing anything about you" 


Sana looked into her eyes and Momo sighed


"I couldn't, I needed Mina not to know anything about me, I wanted to check if her feelings were true" 


Mina straightened up and looked into her eyes


"You know I'm still upset, right?"  Momo sighed 


"I know, I knew it wasn't the best idea, but I didn't have a choice" 


"Unnie, your family was just as desperate as we were" Momo smiled 


"They're good actors, aren't they?"  The girls looked at each other confused 


"What do you mean Momo?"  


"They already knew what I was going to do, at first they didn't like my idea, but I managed to convince them" 


"S-So it was all an act?"  


"Yes, I told Hana that in order not to raise suspicions she would have to come to Korea and pretend to look for me... maybe it was cruel, so I'm sorry" 


They all looked at Momo with their mouths open




"That was cruel Momo, I thought you had been kidnapped" 


Sana and Mina hit her at the same time and Momo protected her face with her arms


"I-I know, many times I thought of giving up and going back early... but I didn't want to have any doubts about a second chance" 


Mina and Sana stopped and looked at her with wide eyes


Sana backed away a bit and looked at them with a huge smile


"S-So, a-are you going to forgive me?"  Momo smiled and tucked a strand of hair behind her ear


"Actually yes, only if you forgive me too" Mina smiled showing her gums and hugged the eldest tightly


"Of course I forgive you" Momo smiled and returned the hug


The girls looked at the cute scene with a smile


"Actually…" Momo broke away and cupped Mina's face in her hands


She slowly leaned down and placed a soft kiss on her lips


"I wish we were much more..." Momo took a deep breath 


"Mina, would you like to be my girlfriend?"


Mina was shocked, her cheeks red and her heart threatening to burst out of her chest




The youngest came back to reality and could see that Momo was still waiting for her answer


Mina lunged forward and kissed her hard, trapping the older one beneath her


"Girls, find a room please" 


Mina came back to reality and hid in the crook of Momo's neck again


"Yes, I want" Mina barely whispered, but Momo heard it loud and clear


Momo raised her head with a smile and the girls congratulated the new couple


"Uff, it was a long road, but it was worth it, right Momo?"  Momo nodded as she patted Mina's back


"I think it will be better if Sana and I leave, tomorrow we can plan something" 


Sana groaned and clung to Mina's back 


"But I missed Momo too, can I stay Dahyun?"  


"But Sana... maybe Momo and Mina would like some privacy" Dahyun wiggled her eyebrows suggestively


"I don't care!"  


Mina almost screamed, scaring Sana and Momo a bit


Mina separated from Momo and sat down next to her


"I mean, I know how much Sana misses Momo" All eyes were on Momo


"I guess I can't say no, can I?"  Sana grinned and pounced on her best friend


"No, you can't"


The girls said goodbye to the J-Line and were about to leave the apartment, when Jihyo remembered some details that they hadn't talked about yet


"Before I go... how do you plan to work Momo?"  


Jihyo raised an eyebrow as she crossed her arms


"W-Well, I was thinking about looking for a job in a studio, either as a choreographer or a trainee guide" 


"Umm, if I remember correctly, I never fired you and you didn't quit either" 


Momo couldn't move, Sana and Mina had her cornered in a hug


"So, that means..." 


"That you work for me" Momo smiled widely


"Thank you very much Jihyo!, I really appreciate you for-" Jihyo held up a hand and stopped her


"Don't thank me yet, there has to be a punishment, right girls?"  


Sana and Mina slyly smiled and Momo gulped




I'm still loving you

I need your love

I'm still loving you

I need your love




"Momoring get out of there baby" 




Mina sighed and went downstairs to look for the key to open the room


"Momo locked herself?"  


Mina almost had a heart attack


"Sana! Learn to knock on the door please" 


Sana smiled and hugged Mina from behind


"What are you doing?"  


"Looking for Momo's room key" Sana smirked 


"Her room? So where do you sleep when you stay with her?"  


Mina turned redder than a tomato 


"Shut up Sana" 


Mina found the key and went up the stairs followed by a smiling Sana 


Mina and Sana entered the room and Momo was covered with the sheets 


"Momoring, it's not that bad" 


"Yes it is" 


"If you don't get up and get out of bed, I'll upload all your videos sneezing" Momo got up immediately 


"Don't you dare" Sana smiled triumphantly 


"Or would you rather if I record you with your kitty pajamas?" 


Momo looked down and saw her pajamas  


"Fine, you win" Momo sulked and sat on the bed 


"Momo, the video is funny, the Onces loved it" 


"That's even worse" Sana sighed 


"Momoring, the video is cute, you look cute in a crab suit" 


Mina approached slowly and hugged her from behind 


"It's not cute, I look silly" Sana rolled her eyes 


"Come on Momo, it's a minor punishment compared to the year you disappeared" Momo finally gave up 


"Okay, okay, I already understand, I'm sorry" 


Mina smiled and gave her a small kiss on the back of the neck 


"God, do you want me to go?"  


Sana still needed to get used to the intimacy of her best friends 


"No need Satang, I'm glad you came" 


Momo extended her arms, as a sign of receiving a hug and Sana never says no


Mina leaned against the headboard of the bed, avoiding being crushed by her friends


Momo got caught between her girlfriend and her best friend


"You know... sometimes I feel like I have 2 girlfriends" 


Momo whispered in the middle of the hug and Mina pinched her ear 


"Ouch! I'm sorry Minari" 


Mina rolled her eyes, but the comment didn't bother her at all 


Sana was very sweet to everyone, including her, she also trusted Sana to take care of Momo


"I feel like I have 8" 


Sana couldn't help but make the comment and Momo rolled her eyes


"They call you Sanake for a reason" 


Sana and Mina couldn't help but laugh and Momo laughed with them


The three of them enjoying each other's company... enjoying the calm after the storm








Love is where the heart races and the head rests




Thanks for reading guys and see you in my next story



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MIMOnster #1
Chapter 5: mina looked like a koala 🤣🤣🤣🤣 clingy mitang
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Chapter 2: Looking forward for the next update 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰 Thanks for the update ❤
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