Chapter 3

Another Chance





Only love

Can bring down the wall someday

I will be there

I will be there




After what happened in the bathroom, Mina realized how much she had hurt Momo, but she couldn't give up like this, she had already hurt her once and now she wanted to make it up with her, she also wanted to explain her motives and her reasons for doing what she did


She never wanted to hurt her like that on purpose, but she couldn't help it  




Mina was very tired, but completely satisfied with the way their group choreography looked now


On the other hand their "couple" choreography was going well in terms of steps and rhythm, but the chemistry was non-existent, although Momo now imitated the gestures of the song, her eyes were dead


Mina could feel that Momo really detested her now and although she couldn't blame her, she was determined to make it up with her and explain everything that happened 


Momo for her part tried her best in every practice, the faster she learned the sequences and steps, the faster she could get rid of that stupid couple dance


"Let's get started Myoui-san" 


Mina nodded and they moved into their positions, ready to start their choreography


Mina and Momo started separately, walking diagonally, where they would meet and start their dance


When Momo took her hands, Mina looked into her eyes and again the same situation


Mina didn't wanted to sound picky but this way their dance would   


"Momo, I know you hate me now, but could you at least pretend for a few minutes that you ever felt something different" 


That was a low blow, made worse still because Mina reminded her of everything that happened


Momo let go of her hands and took a few steps away, afraid of doing something stupid in front of her members


"You know, you're right, maybe we should cancel this nonsense, it's not going to work" 


Momo took her things, ready to go home


Mina took her wrist and looked into her eyes


"Momo, I'm just asking you to pretend, for the sake of our perform, aren't you a professional?"  


Momo gritted her teeth, she was already very upset


She just wanted to go home to avoid doing something stupid


"I don't give a about doing a couple dance and less with you... I only put up with you because I have no choice... Mina" 


Momo moved away from her grasp and left the room in a hurry


Mina stood up crying, at last Momo had called her by her name, but not in the way she wanted


Sana immediately went after Momo, she had already given her a warning, as if that were not enough, she made a scene in front of everyone else


"Momo! Stop right now!"  


Momo ignored her and continued on her way 


"Hirai Momo! If you don't stop now..." 


Momo turned around, completely enraged and faced her best friend 


"You want to hit me!? Go ahead" 


Momo put her cheek and pointed at her


Sana really wanted to, but she held back


"Momo, you don't have to treat her like that, it's hard and awkward to see both of you like that" Momo rolled her eyes


"I don't care, but if you want to see me as the villain of the story, go ahead" 


Momo turned around, but Sana stopped her 


"Momo, you know it's not like that, but I also hate seeing you fight when you were best friends" Momo got away of her grip 


"You said it yourself... that was in the past" 


Momo walked away from her and left


Sana wasn't sure what to do, so she went back to Mina to comfort her other best friend


She felt the need to do something, she couldn't bear to see her two best friends fight


Sana grabbed Mina and took her to the bathroom, the girl had some makeup spilled and Sana helped her clean up


Mina was still sobbing a little, but the tears stopped


"Are you okay Minari?"  Mina shook her head 


"N-No, I-I really want to fix things and I know I deserve this, but I don't know how long I can resist" 


Sana hugged her and rubbed her back


"Don't worry Minari, I've got you" 


Mina sobbed into her shoulder 


"Tell me Mina, how do you feel about Momo?"  


Mina tightened the hug and buried her face in Sana's neck 


"I love her, I always have... b-but I was so scared, s-scared of what people were going to say, scared of what my family was going to think about me, afraid of losing my career, I-I was so scared and l-look what I did..." Mina sobbed again 


"Now Momo hates me and I deserve it, b-but I wish things weren't like this" 


Sana squeezed her and placed a small kiss on the top of her head


"If that's true... go for her, don't give up and fight until the end, if your love is true you can reach her" 


Sana separated from her and cradled her face


"Go get her Minari, I'll give you a hand" 


Sana took out her cell phone and sent her Momo's address


Mina was a bit confused


"It is your house?"  Sana smiled 


"No, Momo's... if what you say is true, you will find a way to make your feelings get through, the rest is up to you and Momo" 


Mina felt so moved and hugged her


"Thank you very much Satang" Sana squeezed her back


"I haven't done anything Minari"




If we'd go again

All the way from the start

I would try to change

The things that killed our love

Pride has built a wall, so strong

That I can't get through

Is there really no chance

To start once again?

I'm loving you




Momo wanted to take advantage of the weekend to rest and although she didn't want to see Mina, she still planned to go to the group rehearsals, at least she wanted to do half of her work


Momo personally talked to Jihyo to cancel her dance with Mina, claiming that it would be better to avoid fights between them


Her leader and boss didn't quite agree, but she didn't want to force anyone to do something they didn't wanted


Momo was at her house, feeding her pets while she was preparing for a movie marathon


She hadn't seen anyone from the group for two days, and although it was normal for the weekend, her apps were overflowing with messages, but Momo only read those related to her work


"Ready?, be good guys and in a while we can go for a walk" 


Momo caressed them both and was about to lie down on the sofa in her living room when the doorbell rang and the Japanese let out a growl of annoyance 


"Now who the hell?" 


Momo tried to look through the peephole in the door, but there didn't seem to be anyone there, curiosity got the best of her and she opened the door a little to see if it had been a joke or something


As soon as she opened the door and looked out, she wanted to close it again, but the intruder put her foot between the frame and the edge of her door


"Stay away from me, you're not welcome" 


Momo kept pushing the door trying to close it


Boo and Dobby watched the scene curiously, until they recognized the scent of the supposed intruder 


Momo got a little scared when Boo and Dobby started barking and jumping excited, wagging their tails very fast denoting how happy they were


"Please Momo, I just want to fix things" 


Momo sighed as her pets started banging on the door happily, trying to see the person on the other side 


"Traitors" Momo whispered and opened the door


Mina stepped forward and was immediately surrounded by Boo and Dobby


She leaned down and petted them, while the pets tried to her face  


Momo had gone to her living room, leaving her treacherous pets and the biggest traitor of her life behind her  


Mina walked into the apartment with Boo and Dobby behind her and closed the door, looking around the room and realizing there weren't any pictures anywhere, but the place looked very spacious and elegant 


"You have a nice apartment" 


Mina wasn't sure how to start, but she didn't want to be so direct


Momo ignored her and turned up the volume on her movie


Mina knew it wasn't going to be that easy, she sighed and mentally prepared herself for what was about to come


Mina walked over to the television and turned it off


Momo immediately tried to turn it on with her remote control


"Momo, we are already affecting the group with our behavior, if we continue like this-" 


"Then leave again, you are a specialist in doing that" 


Momo stood up and walked towards her kitchen, Mina followed her


"Let me explain... I understand that I hurt you and I'm really sorry" Momo laughed without humor 


"Wow, it's good that you realize it, do you want me to clap for you now?"  


"No Momo, please... look at me" 


Mina took Momo by the hand and looked into her eyes 


"Could we talk?"  


Momo sighed and took a packet of cookies


"Fine, if you want to give your version, I'll listen to you, but don't expect too much" Mina smiled and nodded 


"Okay Momo" 


Mina took a deep breath 


"I was scared" Momo rolled her eyes 


"I was scared of everything, of my career, of my family, whatever people were going to say..." 


"You didn't even respond to my confession, you just walked away" 


"I-I know and I'm sorry, I didn't think about your feelings and I hurt you, it wasn't fair of my part" 


"Well, at least you accept it" Mina sighed 


"I'm really sorry for what I put you through Momo and I would like to get your forgiveness, to start again" 


Mina tried to take her hand, but Momo pushed her away


"I said I'd listen to you, but I'm not going to do anymore of that" 


"Momo, we need to move on" Momo scoffed 


"Wow, that's easy for you right?"  


Momo pinned Mina against the counter


"So... you think you can come to my house... tell me you're sorry and ask me to forget everything that happened because you want a fresh start?"  


Mina was a little scared, Momo was quite close 


"I-It's not like that Momo, I just want to go back to how we were before" 


That only made her even more angry 


"Ah, so... you think you can trample on my feelings, ignore me for 3 years and then come as the victim to ask me to ignore everything you did to me?" 


Momo got even closer to Mina and the younger one didn't know what to do or what to say 


"And what about what I feel!?"  


Momo placed her arms at Mina's sides, trapping her completely against the counter


"What about what I want!? You don't mind?"  


Mina wanted to do something, say something, it was never her intention 


Momo was practically on top of the younger one, her face was very close to her


Mina looked at the older girl's lips and she knew that she was possibly going to regret about what she was going to do, but it was worse to do nothing


Mina leaned forward and kissed her 


Momo widened her eyes completely surprised, Mina's lips were very soft and her mind was completely confused


Momo broke away from the kiss and walked away from her


"What the hell do you think you're doing!?"  


Momo had no idea what was going on 


"M-Momo, I-I…" 


"You come to my house, you ask me for all those things and then you kiss me?…" 


"Tell me Mina, is it all part of your plan? What's next? Get into my bed? Take advantage of me?, Haven't you done enough!?"  


Momo was crying angrily as her legs tremble and her heart sank in her chest


"Momo, j-just listen to me please" 


Mina approached her, but the older one backed away


"No Mina, you've already said and done too much" 


Boo and Dobby barked loudly because of the girls screams


Momo collected herself and took a deep breath


"I still have work to do and that's why I'm going to the group practices, but our dance is canceled and that's good, because I don't want to see you" 


Mina had no idea that their dance had been canceled, it was one of the opportunities she had to try get Momo back  


"M-Momo, just listen to me..." 


"Get out of my house now" 


Mina grabbed Momo's wrist, in a desperate attempt to do something 


"M-Momo p-please" 


Tears were rolling freely down her cheeks now 


"I don't care what you have to say-" 


"I LOVE YOU!!"  


Momo stopped in her tracks and looked at the younger one kneeling on the ground 


"I love you Momo! T-That's why I couldn't reject you that time, b-because I loved you dammit!"  


Mina was a mess, her tears had ruined her makeup


Momo couldn't believe her ears


"B-But I was scared, t-that's why I left, because I needed time to think and make a decision... b-but when you went to my house in Japan I didn't know what to do, my family still didn't know anything and... and I know now that I was wrong, that's why I came back... I came back for you" 


Mina tried to smile and Momo was trying to take in everything that was going on




Mina stood up and tried to grab her face but Momo moved away from her


"I-I need time to think, the damage you did to me was real and I still can't forgive you" 


Mina felt sad, but at least she managed to say what she wanted


"D-Do you think we could -" 


TOC!  TOC!  


The sound of the main door interrupted her


"Momo! I know you're there, open the door!" 


Momo sighed as she recognized Sana's voice


"I think you should go now, before it gets too late" 


Momo walked towards the door and Mina followed her slowly


The older Japanese opened the door and Sana immediately scolded her 


"Why did you cancel your dance with-" 


Sana fell silent as she saw Mina behind Momo


Sana immediately went to Mina and hugged her 


"What did you do to her now Momo? It seems that she was crying" 


Sana took out a handkerchief and wiped Mina's cheeks


"Calm down Satang, I'm fine, it's not Momo's fault" 


Sana looked at Mina suspiciously, but she let it go, for now 


"Okay, so do you want me to take you home? It's already getting dark and I don't like you walking alone at this hour" Mina smiled and nodded


"Thank you very much Satang" Sana smiled at her 


"Okay, then... wait for me in the car please, I just came to give Momo some reminders" 


Mina nodded and turned to look at the older 


"So... see you tomorrow, Momo" Momo nodded 


"See you tomorrow... Mina" 


Mina couldn't help the smile that formed on her face and with rosy cheeks, she ran to Sana's car


Momo watched Mina get into Sana's car and turned around


She immediately regretted it as soon as she saw the smile on her best friend's face


Momo rolled her eyes and sat on her couch 


"Don't think you're going to run away from me Momo" 


Sana sat next to her, if not almost on top of her 


"Now tell me what happened" 


Momo sighed, she knew that she wasn't going to get rid of Sana if she didn't tell her something


"Well... Mina and I had a little argument" Sana grinned 




"Many things happened" 


Sana was slowly getting closer and closer


"And what else?"  


Sana basically breathed in her face and Momo stood up, she felt suffocated


"Well... she kissed me" Sana jumped 


"Great Momo and what did you do!?"  


Momo sighed and covered her face with her hands 


"I pushed her away and basically called her a viper" 


Sana's smile immediately faded 


"So that's why she was crying?"  


"Not exactly" 


Sana raised an eyebrow in confusion 


"Then why?"  


"She said she loves me... and always has" 


Sana couldn't help showing her joy 


"That's great, I'm sure you feel the same" 


"It's not as easy as you think" Sana disagreed 


"But... if she loves you and you love her, why can't you be happy and that's it?"  Momo ruffled her hair 


"You don't understand Sana, it's not that easy" 


Sana pinched the bridge of her nose 


"No Momo, the one who doesn't understand is you, you just have to accept your feelings and that's it, you'll be happy" Momo was getting angry 


"You don't understand Sana, I can't do that" Sana sneered 


"You're just a stubborn girl, stop playing the proud girl and accept your feelings once and for all" 


"You don't understand Sana, you better go with Mina at her house for once" 


"No Momo, I won't leave until you accept what you should already know" 


Momo clenched her teeth, Sana was getting on her nerves 


"Sana, you don't understand, now leave me alone" 


"No Momo, you just have to accept that you love her and-" 


"You don't understand a Sana!!"  


Sana was startled by Momo's tone of voice


Boo and Dobby had gone into hiding a long time ago due to all the fuss 


Momo faced Sana completely angry 


"You don't understand how much I suffered!"  


"She didn't leave you with a broken heart, chocolates and a letter on your hands!!"  


"She didn't flee away from you to another country for confessing your feelings!!"  


"She didn't leave you on the street while you begged for forgiveness!!"  


"And you weren't ignored for 3 ing years!!"  


Sana was completely still, Momo was basically on top of her and looked like she wanted to eat her alive


Momo moved away from her and tried to calm down


Sana wanted to say something, anything, but she had no idea what to say


"J-Just go Sana, let me rest... please" 


Momo had tears in her eyes, and Sana knew she was wrong 


"O-Okay Momo... I'll go now, take care and see you tomorrow, good night"


"Good night"


Sana left Momo's apartment and got into her car


"S-Sorry Mina, it took a little longer than I expected" 


Sana was trying to hold back her own tears


"Are you okay Sana?"  


"Yes, don't worry, I'll drop you off at your house, could you give me the address?"  


"Sure" Sana started the car and drove


Momo fell to her knees on the floor as soon as Sana left her apartment


Her head was in chaos, she couldn't understand a single thing


She didn't know if she should believe Mina, besides having no idea what to think about her own feelings


She really hated Mina?  


What was her heart really saying?


Momo couldn't take it all in so quickly, she stood up and looked for her pets 


"Boo? Dobby?"  


Momo found them on their beds and reached down to pet them 


"Sorry for scaring you guys" 


Momo watched them fall asleep and smiled 


"Guys... would you like more company in this house?..."







To be continued....



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MIMOnster #1
Chapter 5: mina looked like a koala 🤣🤣🤣🤣 clingy mitang
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Chapter 4: I'm guessing Momo will leave the country or smth
Chapter 2: Looking forward for the next update 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰 Thanks for the update ❤
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