The So-Called Normal Girl from The Underworld

Blooming Feelings in My Heart (yours too, soon...)
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Minjeong would like to think her life is pretty normal compared to other mortal beings, hell, even for some of the Immortals too. She's that confident of it.

Every morning she wakes up with a bright smile plastered on her face though it’s always dark outside her window – Often seen munching on breakfast with her favorite Doom Loops cereal with its milk separated on a glass like every other normal being, pecked her dad on his cheeks as a sign for goodbyes as she’s leaving, not forgetting her ever-so-lovely Cerberus, who’d just wagged its tail as he let his owner do her affectionate actions before finally reaches to the surface to attend school, studies the basic curriculum taught in the overworld, subjects like biology, physics, you name them all!

Perhaps with the little addition of power-controlling s along with their subjects. If she’s not too tired either she’ll do some extracurriculars- or just hang out after with her friends, and finally go home.

Well, home with the elaboration of the freaking home-land buried deep under the Overworld – and yet the only way to reach the place was to create this huge crack on the ground, forming a hole formed like a huge-long tube that would end up right at the Underworld's area.

Totally normal.

Even then, when she finally reached down to her homeland – she needed to go through every sort of obstacle to get to her so-called Home, one of which's example, like maybe… swimming through a whole ocean?

Now bear with her now, this… isn't that much, right?

Indeed, her house is located exactly at the end of the huge-black ocean, the Death Ocean is what people here like to call. Her dad, The Hades wanted their place to be quite hard to be reached– only for the true Immortals of the Underworld could access their place, using their own special wings.

But sadly, Minjeong herself hasn't mastered the skill of flying completely, due to the fact that she’s quite the lazy girl and would skip some of her training schedules. (also her wings take too long to fully form its shape, you can’t blame her completely when all she wants is to arrive at her bed in immediate!) So for now, rowing boats to get to her humble abode will be the only safest option, that is.

And oh, please do note her house is this huge-freaky ancient castle, that has literal numerous bats hanging by its side. Outsiders would think it as some abandoned prison in the middle of the ocean, but no, it’s just Hades and family who live there.

The dark-armored knights stood still by the gates with their long swords gripped and were attached by their side. They've been trained even by tiny bits of presence sensed they would immediately go on defensive mode, pointing their swords into the Intruder’s chest.

“It’s me, Charon.” Minjeong rolled her eyes lazily, cause, "Zeus!" She sighs all the time, how many times have they replayed this same exact scene over and over yet they still couldn’t recognize that she’s literally Hades.

“Sorry kiddo, it is what it is.” They replied with a stern voice while retreating back their weapons, proceeding to lift the gate up for the Goddess to come in.

Still normal, Minjeong guessed.

Trudging her slacky steps through her front-lawn with eye-sight focusing to a TikTok video she’s glancing now at her phone, absolutely ignoring the fact that she’s walking on a graveyard, real cemeteries– actual tombstones with coffins of actual dead people buried under it, dried-brown flowers being the only (non)living thing planted on the area.

Minjeong went past it like it was nothing serious, dusting off some of the dirt on her shoulder as the area was quite dusty. Without knocking, she immediately pushed the door open – greeted by the familiar yet strange sight of her dad.

Hades, with his back her.

Pulling out a pie he probably just baked a few moments before she got here.

“Oh, Minjeong!” Startled her dad, his firm grip to the hot tray in his hands was slightly loose ‘cause of the sudden surprise of her daughter having already arrived home. He juggled the pie between his hands until it finally landed on the kitchen counter. “Sorry dear, welcome home!”

“What are you baking?” She asked him, making her way to the counter out of curiosity. “Y’know, the usual pie I used to make when you were ten." Hades rolled his words playfully, waiting for his daughter’s reaction for the pastry he just made.

Minjeong awed in surprise, her favorite peanut butter blueberry jam pie (you heard that right) was finally back! She remembered she absolutely loved eating these when she was little, absolutely devoured that masterpiece like a piece of cake… or pie, in this context.

In a flash, the Goddess took one of the forks by the cabinets and was about to dig in, when the pie suddenly disappeared from her vision, looking at her dad with a slightly disappointed frown, “Give me the pie back, dad!”

Hades had snapped his fingers resulting in the pies disappearing into thin air, “It’s still too hot. Besides, you haven’t even cleaned yourself up from school!”

“But I–“

“No buts, dear.” Her father commanded sternly, “I do not tolerate a messy princess of mine eating hot pies on my kitchen counter. Now, shoo~!"

Minjeong grunted at her spot, glary eyes she shot at her dad’s to which he responded with the same intensity. Minjeong being the 'mature' one disconnected their staring battle before fleeting herself upstairs.

It was calm and comfortable when Minjeong decided to chill in her room today. The only daughter of the Underworld was sitting by the huge window on her bedroom, looking outside of her tinted dark glass as she spotted a few flying death-phoenixes on the sky, some of the Underworlds’ kids she can see riding on top of it, leading the phoenixes to go wherever direction they wanted. So carefree.

As much as Hades had wanted so bad to try and be close, she knew she couldn’t even get near them. No, she’s not talking about the phoenixes. She’s talking about the kids, those kids.

Minjeong remembered their faces, she remembered seeing them before in her old middle school around the Underworld’s land. Truthfully there are various schools down here too, but her father, Hades had stated himself he wanted the best education for his one and only daughter, so she moved him up on the overworld so she could explore various natures, meet with other people too.

Hades wasn’t really the most extroverted one out there, and so making friends down here was quite a challenge for her. Knowing that some (all) of them are intimidated by her huge title of being the Underworld’s next queen, all of them were scared if they would get punishment, or worse a curse over accidentally making Minjeong cry.

In the overworld though, it’s different. You can have people with the same titles and struggles as Minjeong currently has, so they could relate in some way. Also her royalty won’t play a big role in the overworld of punishing mortals and nymphs for the slightest things they do to their future ruler, as it’s not their piece of land to deal with.

So no, no one would get cursed five generations below of death and scary nightmares, just because Minjeong got hit by a pencil accidentally,

The phoenixes were slowly flying out of her sight – until it completely went away in a blink. She exhaled loudly before going back to her desk – reviewing for tomorrow’s homework and re-learning the whole chemistry lesson she wasn’t able to catch on earlier.


Hades lets out a huge puff from her lips, twirling her pen in fast speed as her sight focuses on the current class she’s in.

Truthfully, Minjeong has this kind of love-hate relationship with this class. Biology, ‘cause who likes them, let’s be real now. Biology, made out of two different term. Bios and logos. Bios in her land with its literal translation is life, and logos; or -logy translates to a study. So a study of life, living organisms there are existing.

Minjeong is always enthralled with this subject. She's been a fan of the nature of the overworld, nothing to deny here. She finds herself listening to the teacher tentatively, she’s not sure she could catch every single word by her on point but hey! at least she got the spirit for it.

But sadly, it has its own cons too.

No one, in every single land existing (not even Newton if he were to still be alive too!) wants to memorize every material of this subject, especially the weird-special creatures that could only be found on some worlds. It’s too much, even for Minjeong herself.

The pen on her hand had started floating on its own, Minjeong just realized it when she couldn’t feel the object in her grip anymore. She stared at it in awe before pulling it down forcefully, hiding it inside of her puffy black hoodie.

No powers could be used without teacher’s permission during study time, number thirteen rules & regulations here that everyone must sign at the bottom left of it. Breaking rules could lead you up to having points, points and more points could lead you up to detention, penalty time, or even bad… kicked out.

Gosh, it is harsh here.

Her eyes are immediately averted to the girl who just arrived to class, thirteen minutes late. She was standing there by the door, catching her breath as she fixed her appearance a bit. “I’m sorry Mr. Proteus. I got lost a bit trying to get my way here.”

Mr. Proteus stopped himself from writing on the chalkboard, looking right at the newcomer. “The new student, ha? Mrs…”

“Yu Jimin sir, it’s Persephone.”

“Ah Persephone!” He exclaimed in delight, “Goddess of Nature, right? You suit perfectly for my subject!" Still with the huge smile he has, he continued, "Don’t worry kid, we all get you.” He signals her to come inside, excusing her from a punishment she could've faced for coming in late -- The teacher faced the class to tell them an interesting fact, “I remembered my first day here, it was…1977 I think, I got lost trying to find my class too!”

Maybe not so interesting…

“Ms. Persephone, you could sit…” His eyes scanned through the room, once Minjeong looked up and both their eyes had met, she knew she’s doomed, after all her right side was one of the only unoccupied seats left.

“Why don’t you sit next to Hades, ha? Hades is quite interested in Biology too. Maybe yo

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unedited as kkk but i really want to put this out real quick, hope ya enjoy!


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Chapter 2: Ahh! It's back! I love them! They're so cute! Can't wait to see more of their interactions together!
Chapter 2: AAA i can't wait for the next chapter. they are so cute oh my god 😖
reveluv316 814 streak #3
Chapter 2: its been a while, but thanks for the update
Chapter 2: Cuteee
Uyy this looks sooo cool! 😭 as a fan of percy jackson and greek mythology i'm looking forward to this fic
Taitai84 1234 streak #6
Chapter 2: Hades running away is so funny
Chapter 2: Cutie
Chapter 2: Gosh ang cute nila
Chapter 1: Update plssss but tyt.