The New Kid in Geography Class

Blooming Feelings in My Heart (yours too, soon...)
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The first time Hades had seen the beautiful Goddess that is named Persephone, she was left with complete awestruck. 

Not that she'd admit it publicly, but deep down, it was her first impression when they first met.

Properly met, please keep that in mind!

It was the beginning of post-summer break, school was back on and quite possibly made everyone’s life miserable again. The sun was up good and bright this morning, the wind breeze was cold yet it felt right with how the current sunlight is shining right now (Apollo must be in a good mood right now), varieties of flowers were blooming by the side bushes as the kids went rustling through the entrance, not wanting to be late on their first day.

The hallways were filled with chattering left and right, some doing questionable activities such as the group of girls who were recording themselves dancing with their phone in front of them, or some even playing uno cards in the far corner – which, pretty sure was prohibited to bring, but who cares about the rules really? Minjeong was walking through the crowded corridor, saying sorry to everyone she had bumped into, making her way to her class. 

As soon as she finally found the classroom, she released a quick huff and turned the door knob, only to be greeted by a sudden, “Hey Hades, catch!” with a rugby ball flying right at her direction. The ball (thankfully) didn’t hit right on her face, but it did hurt a lot right down on her stomach. Minjeong groaned at that feeling.

The ball thrower – Eros came up on her and grabbed the ball from her grip, “Man, Minjeong! Told you to catch it. Geez, you’re getting rusty alright.” She said playfully as she started spinning the ball on one her finger, Minjeong was left stunned as her friend didn't even have the heart to help her. “Goddess of Love is such a fake name for you, you clearly don’t have a single ounce of heart for me.”

“Eros is still my dad, that's why. Now you’re just talking to your silly ol’ pal, Hyunjin.” Eros proudly stated, her face now turned to a shocked expression as she remembered her friend’s words, hurt was evident by a single glance of her face. “And I told you, I do care for you! Infact, this is my act of care for you, by giving you all my attention… to piss you off!” She said with a teasing smirk plastered on her face, a hand reached out to rustle Minjeong's hair.

Hades was having none of her friend’s teasing as she shoved her and went onto her seat, her special seat that was located by the window, placing her bag down as she brought up her pen and notebook up to her desk. The classroom was, as usual, incredibly noisy, and so Minjeong did one thing that always calms her in these kinds of situations, looking outside.

Thank Zeus for her, a table was empty by the window, her friends probably understand that the girl likes it there and lets her have it. Honestly, the only reason why she likes the spot is because of her own thrilled emotion when she's at the overworld's land. 

She can't explain how adored she is by the scenery of broadlight in the overworld, with actual green grass and green plants with colorful flowers growing, actual birds and not those monstrous creatures with terrifying wings like the ones at her place. Nothing like these can be found in the underworld, and Minjeong wants to enjoy it the fullest while she’s up here.

She delicately twirled her pen between her fingers, a method she's been doing over and over to not get herself bored – or just, to let her fingers do some exercises as well.

The bell ringing can be heard by the entire building, signaling the first class has officially started. She doesn't understand why her teacher didn't come in immediately after it rang though. 

As far as she knew, Mrs. Gaia, aka her geography teacher, wasn't the kind of teacher that would be late to her class. Heck, she remembers how last year she was 15 minutes early for her class, yet there stands Mrs. Gaia waiting by the door, greeting and smiling at the students who were coming to her class.

She doesn't dwell on it too much though, geography isn't really something she personally favours. Minjeong's future has already been decided, being the ruler of the underworld replacing her dad. She needs school though just for the 'experience' cause come on now, she can't be a queen yet be a dumb when someone asks her, "What's the value of the Avogadro constant in reciprocal moles?"

Well, it isn't like someone's going to ask her chemistry numbers once she had became the queen, but hypothetically speaking!

Her mind wanders whereabouts, thinking of any possible thing to not bore her. Maybe she got a little too lost until Eros tapped her shoulder from behind, her eyes snapped back to reality as she saw Mrs. Gaia finally stood in front of her class looking straight at her, with a girl Minjeong didn't know standing right beside the teacher.

"Thank you, Eros." Mrs. Gaia thanked the girl who's sitting right behind her, "Now that I have all your attention, I’m glad to inform you all the news that we've got a newcomer to this school!” She said before turning her head towards the girl beside her, "Why don't you introduce yourself, my dear?"

She can see the girl giving the teacher beside her a smiling nod before clearing , "Hi, I'm Yu Jimin, aka Persephone, Goddess of Spring. Pleasure to meet you all!" The girl beams and Minjeong swears to god she can't avert her eyes off from her.


"My, my! Such a lovely girl indeed.” Mrs. Gaia seemed smitten for Jimin as well (same), “You can pick wherever empty seats you want dear, no worries.”

She sees how Persephone scanned through the whole classroom, there isn’t really that much of an empty seat left. Minjeong thought the girl would pick somewhere near the cooler (like other girls were, there was even a fight that happened last year of Cybele and Eileithya fighting over who gets the seat under there!)

Minjeong sees the girl moving from her place, closer and closer to her– wait, she’s standing right in front of her?

There was a pregnant pause between the two of them as they locked eye contact, but Persephone turns her head back and sits in the table right in front of Minjeong.

Ah, of course, the place that has clear views of the green plants too. Why didn’t she think of that?

“Be careful Jimin, Hades behind you might scare you to death.” Mrs. Gaia throws in a joke, she could here chuckles from the other kids as well — Minjeong didn't think too much of it she isn't wrong though, Mrs. Gaia shushed them all before finally starting her class. It went on nicely, the new girl wasn’t really the talkative one on this subject, as she’s probably still hesitant to be loud here. She did raise her hand a few couple of time, answering the teacher which Minjeong failed to do ever since the beginning of when she rolled in Mrs. Gaia's class.

It felt fast when the bell finally rang again, signaling for the next class. Mostly because Minjeong wasn’t even paying attention, mind too occupied with whatever goes on in her head. Minjeong can see in front of her class that Zeus, her other best friend is waiting for her by the entrance, probably wanting to sit with her for the next class. Minjeong sees the new girl in front of her was approached by some other girls in the class, crowding her – a series of, "Nice to meet you! My name's ahdhsjs–" can be heard from where she's sitting. She eventually takes the cue to leave as she doesn’t really like crowded places too much.

She hungs her bag on the shoulder before going outside, only to be treated douchily by her best friend, same as Eros, annoying the out of her. They were both walking down the hallway, Zeus trailing right beside Hades the whole time, never stopping her usual rambling (Which, she might note this happens every single day!) until out of anger Hades slammed her locker close, causing a huge bang followed with a loud voice of hers.

“Ryujin, I swear to Zeus if you don’t stop–“

“Stop mentioning my dad, ugh.” The Goddess of Sky and Thunder rolled her eyes, “Will that convince you to join practice again?”

“No!” Ryujin was basically begging her again, this time even more annoying than yesterday’s. “Let’s go to Physics 1 now, Zeus.”

“Follow me after school to the court though, I’m swearing in my dad’s name you’ll not be disappointed!” Zeus raised one of her hands, the other one to her chest, acting like she’s solemnly swearing, keeping an oath and wanting her to hold her words.

"Fine, fine! I’ll think about it, just please…" Hades trailed her words, looking straight at her friend's eyes. "Please shut up for the rest of today."

Ryujin gave her an 'ok' sign with her fingers, then zipped an imaginary zipper in front of . Hades rolled her eyes, giving up and dragged Zeus to finally go to their next class.

Minjeong rolled her eyes lazily throughout the whole class, sure Ryujin had agreed to shut up for the whole day, but that doesn’t stop her right there, does she? 

Tapping her shoulder when the girl was seemingly busy focusing on the lesson, making loud noises with whatever is on her table – with every objects and stationery that was near her sight she’d grab it and ‘unintentionally’ drops it, throwing crumpled paper on her head countless times, and the list goes on…

Hades was regretting all her life decisions leading up to them being friends.

When last class felt way too fast, this class felt slow – painfully, dreadfully slow. As soon as the teacher got out Minjeong was so sure of beating the other girl up, collecting her books and putting it inside her bag, she scanned her surroundings seeing Zeus who was already by the entrance again, shooting her teasing glares with her tongue rolled out.

Oh, Minjeong had enough of this.

“You son of a–“ Hades ran immediately towards her, trying to catch Zeus who ran outside the class as soon as she saw Hades coming her way. Minjeong was behind her chasing her from the back, trying to catch up on her and at least grab the back of the girl’s collar.

“Excuse us!” Minjeong being the polite one saying excuses, trying not to bump into the crowd of students who were all in the corridor – which was a mission: failed.  “You can’t catch me, Hades!” She more, running as fast as she could through the long corridor, turning left right around the corner.

Hades who saw Ryujin immediately disappeared at the corner went at full fast speed in that direction, little did she know a figure came right from the corner as well, Hades who couldn't stop her track just in time as she was running too fast ended up bumping into the figure.

They both fell to the ground at the same time, Hades could hear books and papers hitting the ground as well. Minjeong groaned as she felt pain all over her back, but she got up quickly when she realized she just bumped into someone. 

The figure – woman thankfully landed with her landing first, saving her from the immense pain she could’ve gotten. Picking up all her books and papers – even her phone was scattered right the floor, all while mumbling apologies towards her. “I’m sorry I bumped into you, it wasn’t my intention, I was just chasing my friend and–“

Her sentence was imm

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unedited as kkk but i really want to put this out real quick, hope ya enjoy!


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Chapter 2: Ahh! It's back! I love them! They're so cute! Can't wait to see more of their interactions together!
Chapter 2: AAA i can't wait for the next chapter. they are so cute oh my god 😖
reveluv316 814 streak #3
Chapter 2: its been a while, but thanks for the update
Chapter 2: Cuteee
Uyy this looks sooo cool! 😭 as a fan of percy jackson and greek mythology i'm looking forward to this fic
Taitai84 1234 streak #6
Chapter 2: Hades running away is so funny
Chapter 2: Cutie
Chapter 2: Gosh ang cute nila
Chapter 1: Update plssss but tyt.