5 - The Crime Scene

The Puppeteer
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[CONTENTID1] The Puppeteer [/CONTENTID1]









Even after two hours, Jeonghan still seemed a little dazed. 
Jisoo hadn't said a word about the vision he had done with Jeonghan, and the Controller stubbornly remained silent as well. The atmosphere between them seemed worse. Wonwoo had never doubted Jeonghan while stabilizing Jisoo´s mind, but he finally realized that the relationship between these two mutant species was more profound than he had thought. 
But he still didn't understand it. Without Jeonghan, Jisoo would not have been able to carry out the vision, so they would not have received the evidence and information. He understood Jisoo and Mingyu's skepticism and prejudices to a certain extent, but Jeonghan was a teammate. 
Mingyu and Jisoo were working on some information and Wonwoo saw the meeting room´s door open. Jeonghan entered with a coffee and Wonwoo waved towards him. Hesitantly, Jeonghan slowly approached him."What?" he asked.
"Sit down, I'll start with your part and download your data first," Wonwoo mumbled, and Jeonghan looked at him in surprise.
"My side? Jisoo is the one who found the last moments in her mind, not me."
"But you stabilized him. And you should have seen basically the same thing as Jisoo, just with a different approach. It is just interesting to see what or if you saw something from your perspective. After all we shouldn´t miss any information. Do you understand what I mean?" asked Wonwoo with a smile."No." replied Jeonghan and Wonwoo sighed.
"He's made up some nonsense about professionalism because he's basically just curious to see what you look like. Like a kid trying to peek down the chimney to see Santa Clause." Mingyu muttered behind Wonwoo and Jeonghan froze.
"Shut up, Mingyu." mewed Wonwoo angrily.


Jeonghan was confused.
Wonwoo had already said, done or demanded things a few times that were either too much, too little or too intimate for Jeonghan, but downloading data from a Controller out of curiosity was king class even for him.
"You know I'm a Controller? That I'm the one who gets inside people's heads. I'm the one who looks at things in your mind, evaluate them and can delete them if I feel like it. Or turn you into a complete idiot. Why the hell would you voluntarily get close to me if the information Jisoo could provide is enough?" Jeonghan snapped, hoping to scare Wonwoo away."Because you are part of our task force. You were involved in gathering evidence and the information and you as a teammate are valuable to me. Oh, and because I've installed a camera from the tattoo that's already recording. And if you refuse, I'll go to the boss and tell him about it." Wonwoo grinned at him.
Jeonghan stared at him, stunned. "You..."
Jisoo suddenly giggled beside him and Mingyu grinned.
Jeonghan was unexpectedly thrown off balance by the sound. At first, Wonwoo wasn't impressed by him at all, on the contrary, he was practically blackmailing him. Mingyu was still trying to hide his grin when he noticed Jeonghan's look and Jisoo fled back into a pile of documents.
Jeonghan panicked.
"I'm going to get some coffee," he stammered and left the room.



Wonwoo was confused. "What the hell happened? Did I say something wrong?"
Jisoo looked up from his papers. "You always say something wrong. As soon as you open your mouth, you're annoying."
"Not everyone thinks like that." Mingyu suddenly hissed and Wonwoo again had the feeling that he was just out of place as Jisoo and Mingyu stared at each other but Jisoo finally lowered his eyes.
"If you say so..." 
Wonwoo waited for a few seconds, but when none of his teammates moved to say anything, he stood up.
"I'll go and find him. I've probably put my foot in my mouth again. And since none of you have the decency to care about him, I'll do it."
Mingyu looked at him for a long time, groaned, and finally stood up. "You're getting on my nerves with your decorum lessons. Grab Jisoo and do the download; I'll take care of our controller."
"That's decent of you." Wonwoo grinned and looked at Jisoo.
"Hyung, are you coming? Then I'll do the download with you."
"Stop calling me hyung. Using a polite form is a human trait just because someone is older. Being older doesn't necessarily mean you have to be respected." Wonwoo got angry again. "Just come here and stop complaining."
While Mingyu was leaving the room, Jisoo ran to him. Wonwoo pointed to a chair before him and motioned for him to sit down.
Wonwoo shook his head. "Sit down. You might get a bit dizzy." "What will you do?" asked Jisoo, and Wonwoo looked after him curiously.
"Please take this cable. There's a little clip at the front, see? It just needs to go on your earlobe." 
Jisoo took the small cable Wonwoo gave him in his hand: "This activates certain neurons, and I can see them. Then, I download the data from your pupil. Or the plasma, in your case." 
"How does that work?" asked Jisoo.
"In principle, you could compare it to Mingyu's ability to dive into a mind and read it. But I need the physical connection to my transfer partner. There are special transmitters in the ink of my tattoo that can then download this data. Although you don't have pupils per se like a human being, the vision that has taken place in front of you remains in your plasma. You could compare it to a mirror. You look into it, and I turn the angle so that I can watch even though I'm not in the room," Wonwoo said, and Jisoo saw him open several files on the screen, and finally, a red dot started flashing on the screen.
"I don't understand," Jisoo mumbled but came closer as Wonwoo adjusted his head.
"Don't worry, just keep your eyes open. And don´t be surprised, I´ll get close to you. The distance between your plasma and my camera affects my download quality." Wonwoo chuckled, and Jisoo huffed in annoyance.
Wonwoo touched his tattoo, and he felt it getting hotter. He accessed the hard drive and opened a new file to begin the download.
Jisoo grinned. "You look like a lava lamp." 
"Shut up, idiot," Wonwoo smirked and adjusted Jisoo´s head slightly.
"Don´t move now, please."
Jisoo nodded.


Jeonghan needed to figure out where to go. He paced nervously in the kitchen, hoping no one would enter. Wonwoo had managed to tear a tiny hole in his emotional fabric for a moment, which hadn't happened for a good decade.
And Jeonghan didn't know how to deal with it. Wonwoo treated him almost painfully normal, like a normal mutant or like he treated Mingyu or Jisoo. It sent a shiver down Jeonghan's spine that someone, especially at Wonwoo's age as a human, had such an unshakable belief in a person's character rather than their lineage.
"If you run around here any longer, the chief must pay you mileage."
Jeonghan jumped when he suddenly heard a voice behind him. He stared at the mind reader, who suddenly stood beside him at the coffee pot and took a cup.
"Return to the meeting room when you're done with the marathon. Wonwoo just downloaded it from Jisoo, and as far as I know, you're probably next." Mingyu grumbled, and Jeonghan took two steps away from Mingyu. He wasn't used to people standing so close to him.
Before he could say anything clever, Mingyu turned and left the kitchen.
Jeonghan knew his behavior was childish. For years, he had hoped to be accepted, especially by his fellow officers. Until the incident with his partner, he had even built up a good reputation. Jeonghan looked up when he heard a knock on the open door.
"What the hell are you doing here? Get to work!" the chief snapped at him as he went to get coffee. Jeonghan sighed. 
"Chief, we need to talk. It's not going to work with me and the..."
"Yes, we'll talk after the case is solved. So get your arse back to the office and get to work. And don't give me that species crap again. My ex-wife was scarier than any controller, so don't try."
Jeonghan glared at him angrily but left the kitchen.



Wonwoo felt the particles in his tattoo connect with Jisoo's nerve pathways, opened the video file, and started downloading.
He hoped that Jisoo's vision would bring them new information. He had never downloaded a vision before, but he was sure that...


... she ran. She knew she would die if she stopped. She slipped several times as her feet mixed with the muddy ground she was barefoot on, trying to hold on as the rain fell like buckets from the sky.
And she knew the bastard was only letting her run because he allowed it, but her survival instincts screamed for anything that led away from him.
The girl gagged as she was pulled backward by her slave collar, a shadow looming over her and a searing pain in her thigh. She felt fingers in her hair as her head was brutally yanked backward. She felt the immense pressure he was applying to her neck.
"Please... please don't..." she whimpered, trying to make out the person above her, but all she could see was blackness.
"I've gone to so much trouble with you now, I'm not going to mess up the finale, and I can´t afford you to wiggle around and up my angle. Be a good girl and give the Deathcatcher number thirty-eight, yes?"
"I didn't do anything... Please let me go... Please..." she pleaded again.
"Oh, sweetie, I know. It's not fair, but it is what it is." the dark voice echoed in her head.
She saw a glowing object above her and a nasty giggle just before her head exploded in pain. A sticky warmth suddenly poured over the left side of her face, and she stared with her remaining eye at the eyeball the man over her had ripped out.
"Pretty, isn't it?" he asked in a murmur, and she cried out in panic as the same pain robbed her of her sight. A moment later, she felt her body hit the muddy ground and tried to move, but all the strength seemed to have drained from her body.
"Remember. Thirty-eight." She heard his voice before she grew cold, and her surroundings became quieter. And quieter... 


Mingyu couldn't react as quickly as Wonwoo suddenly fell backward from the chair and hit the floor, breathing heavily.
"F......What was that?" he whispered and stared at Jisoo in bewilderment.
"That is a vision of a Death Catcher. The Victim´s Last Moment. Did you expect a tea party? Do you think my ability is something pleasant?" growled Jisoo, and Mingyu grasped the situation." Was that your first Death Catcher Vision?" he asked Wonwoo, who still sat on the floor and looked utterly upset.
"Yes. That... is that how you always see it?"
"What do you mean, like this?" Jisoo asked casually, but Mingyu saw his black eyes flash white momentarily.
"That... felt like I'd been killed," Wonwoo muttered and groaned as he got to his feet. Mingyu thought about giving him a hand to pull him up. Still, he enjoyed the little misery before him, pretending that working with mutants was so calm and collapsing like a baby at the first practical experience.
Jisoo looked at him in confusion. "I see the victim's last thoughts. Not next to the victim or below or above the victim. I AM the victim because I see the last moments before me. Not mine, but the victim's."
"I'm sorry about that." Wonwoo suddenly whispered, and Mingyu looked up in surprise.
Jisoo looked at the Saver in confusion. "Don't be. It's my ability, and I'm just using it."
"Still, it takes a lot of willpower to see something like that and then process it to solve cases."
"For a human, maybe. For a mutant, this is what we can do. It is an ability, not something we whine or brag about."
"So it does not affect you to see young mutant girls getting their eyes ripped out of their heads, experiencing their pain and fear?" snapped Wonwoo at Jisoo.
Mingyu fired up immediately.
"Stop talking to him as if he doesn't care about these acts against victims. You don't know how our abilities work or what Jisoo's characteristics are in his job."
Wonwoo looked at him with the same mocking look as in the morgue.
"I don't know what your problem is again, but meddling is part of it."
"Okay, stop. It's okay, let it go. I´ll solve that matter later." Jisoo mumbled next to him. Mingyu's opinion was very diff

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Chapter 18: The date is going well for Jisoo and Jeonghan. Now I can only hope that the same will be for Mingyu and Wonwoo. As the younger literary got so much information dumped on him, his minds seems about to explode.
Chapter 17: It is funny and interesting to see how frustrated and Flustered they become. Their dynamic has changed, they are no longer enemies but good friends, even couples.

Hopefully Wonwoo is alright. He is my favorite character in this story, his troubles, curiosity and love life has me hooked.
Chapter 15: Yaya, Mingyu will have another chance to get Wonwoo's heart. He is trying to think and act humanly. That has impressed Wonwoo who can't deny that the Mutant has become someone important in his life.

Excited for the date and have fingers crossed that none of them mess it up!
Chapter 14: Hendery talked some sense into Wonwoo. Now he will act differently and will try to understand his teammates.

Ar those feelings blooming in Wonwoo's heart? Maybe he acted way too fast by rejecting Mingyu.
Chapter 13: It was sad that Mimgyu got rejected and now he will spend decades being sad about it. Maybe if he had been bit more romantic, maybe then Wonwoo would at least consider their connection.

At least Jisoo and Jeonghan are doing a bit better. Jisoo has his chance to prove himself

I really hope that Wonwoo didn't mess up on purpose. Something sketchy is going on. Wonwoo betraying them would be awful, especially after finding out how much he meant to the team.
Chapter 12: Mingyu shows that he really cares about the Saver by allowing him to see his thoughts. That is also a great chance to talk about their connection.

While I do feel bad for the new Saver, it is understandable that wonwoo would be mad. Even with best intentions, they managed to hurt him.
Chapter 11: Wonwoo should not push himself too far or it will end much worse than the situation now. Luckily, Mingyu was there to help as much as he could.

It is ironic how both Jisoo and Mingyu have found the connection with someone else but still are ready to unleash their anger on one another for that.

Hmm, just a guess but maybe Taeyong is involved. Not a killer but someone to cover the tracks.
Chapter 10: Wonwoo's plan might be a bit risky and crazy but it got them results, hopefully. Any information will be useful, even if it is just a small file or a photo of some random object.
Chapter 9: The guys are right. Wonwoo needs rest, it is obviously taking a toll on him. His first official case is full with unpleasant surprises.

The numbers are a great lead. At least they have something rather than nothing.

Mingyu showed the most care to Wonwoo which is awesome as their bond grows deeper day by day and both of them don't even notice it.
Chapter 8: Wonwoo and Mingyu are slowly building a bond. They all are in one way or another.

Jeonghan should not feel that bad about himself. It is worrisome that he doesn't want others to be associated with him just because of who he is.

Now the interesting part awaits. The victims last thoughts. It seemed that the procedure went lot better than expected. Wonwoo will have lot of work on his hands.