1 - Determination

The Puppeteer
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[CONTENTID1] The Puppeteer [/CONTENTID1]








Mingyu entered the building of the police department.
As always, he looked to his right and waved to his colleague, who finally opened the security door for him. The guy nodded nervously and Mingyu ignored the tension swirling around the man. A policewoman greeted him as he walked past her table but he saw her body language become defensive, probably subconsciously. Another detective approached him with a pile of papers and stopped at the corner so Mingyu could pass him so the papers wouldn't fall.
Bull. They just weren't used to him yet.
Mingyu was still a special officer and was treated with sometimes too much respect no matter who. He sighed and walked down the corridor.
They respected him, but they also feared him. He pressed the button when he stood before the elevator, and the silver glass doors opened after a while. He tapped the code.
"Seventy-eight floor." He said, and the doors closed.
Mingyu took out his pills and swallowed two of them. It took 17 seconds to get to the department door, and 14 seconds for the effect of the drug.
"Bragging about to work with a mutant but still can´t stand my eyes..." he mumbled, feeling that the color of his plasma got less white because his vision blurred a little. The color didn't disappear altogether, but at least his boss and another co-worker wouldn't freak out in fear.
The only other Mind Reader working in the building was Jisoo. Sometimes, they had to work together on particular cases, and they got along quite well when it came to working. But Mingyu was a reserved person. He avoided relationships with both humans and mutants.
A disturbing noise told him that he had arrived. The doors slid open, and he stepped out.
After six steps, he placed his hand on a large scanner template.

Kim Mingyu. Mind Reader. Access granted.

Humans used eye identification, but his eyes were different. If humans had an iris to see with, to recognise outlines, to identify colours and to see and analyse movements near you perfectly, his ability to see was completely different.
He had neither irises nor a lens with which he could capture images. In human terms, his ability could be described as, in addition to the human physical capabilities, he could also see things with a plasma, at least that's what they called it, that were beyond the reach of a normal eye.
He could penetrate a network of the other person's thoughts and filter and analyse information in order to arrange the necessary thoughts so that humans could use it as evidence.
He still felt weird when he heard the name the society had given him. Kim Mingyu was the legal name that humans used in official documents. He preferred his real name, Mingyu. Mutants were using one word as a name. He would always need to understand why humans used two words. He was Mingyu. Not Kim Mingyu. It didn´t make sense for him, but at some point, he had given up and just followed their regulations to keep it simple for everyone.
When the door opened, he braced himself for the worst.
As expected, the department was in chaos as humans could not work in an orderly manner, at least from a mutant´s point of view.
A large glass wall in the center of the room reflected several 3D maps and blueprints in current investigations.
Mingyu groaned. Why did humans have to be so uncoordinated?
"Hey. You´re early." He heard a voice behind him.
"Chief." Mingyu nodded as a greeting.
"Thank you for coming."
Chief Lee Taeyong was pretty young for his position but different from the other cowards and show-offs. He had strong willpower and was not afraid to work with mutants who were intimidating, and Mingyu was no exception. Most people couldn´t even talk to him because his eyes made them uncomfortable.
"Please go to the meeting room." Taeyong said.
"Why?" Mingyu asked.
"We have a new case."
"We always discuss everything in your office, Chief." Mingyu narrowed his eyebrows.
"Not today. So get your in the meeting room." Taeyong did not lower his gaze at all. It was strange for Mingyu. On the first day they had met, he had told him that he would rather call him by his original name, which had put Taeyong in an awkward situation in front of his superiors more than once, but he had always prevailed. Mingyu knew that the reason it was important to him was that everyone, human or mutant, felt like they belonged to the team.
He was a strange guy.
"What are you waiting for? Do you need a handwritten invitation?" Taeyong snorted.
Mingyu sighed, turned, and walked toward the meeting room.



Jisoo looked around.
"I wonder what it is this time..." mumbled Jisoo to himself and planned on teasing the younger at their meeting.
He openend the door to the meeting room that the chief had told him and he raised an eyebrow.
"You?" he asked suprised.
"Me." answered the Mind Reader.
"Don't tell me the Chief called you here, too."
"He did. I guess this is a job for both of us." Mingyu grinned.
Jisoo nodded. He didn't like to work as a team, but Mingyu was a typical proof-thinker. He was precise in his job and had a reserved personality.
The door opened, and the secretary, Hendery, peaked in. "Coffee, gentlemen?"
"Black with sugar."
The door closed again.
"What do you think it is this time?" Jisoo heard Mingyu question.
"I don't know, but we'll know soon. Sit down."
Mingyu nodded and sat down.
"How was your last investigation?" asked Jisoo, curious about his department's work.
Jisoo came from another department on the 71st floor.
"A man, mid-thirties. Robbery. Pretty simple. I had the evidence in ten seconds."
Jisoo nodded. "Sometimes I wish I had your skills." He grinned at Mingyu.
"Looking into a living mind?"
"It's kind of depressing to go to work and sneak around in dead people's minds to see what they saw in their last moments."
Mingyu sighed.
"True. I like my ability better."
Jisoo heard the door and waited until Hendery had left them with two coffee mugs.
Jisoo was about to say something when the boss walked in, followed by another guy.
A second later, he recognized his breed. He had purple shades around his eyes. The man's eyes had a greyish tint and a vague expression.
Jisoo began to tremble slightly, and after a few attempts to hide it or sit still, he gave in to his instinct, jumped up, and took three steps back.
"Get out of here!" he growled, seeing Mingyu's shadow next to him, who had stepped up beside him.
"Guys, listen..." began Taeyong, but Jisoo interrupted him.
"I don't care why. Or for what or whatever reason? If he doesn't leave the room immediately, I will leave." 
He could see Taeyong clenching his fists angrily.
"If you leave now, you can leave your badge here while you off. He's been a police officer for decades, so pull yourselves together. I know you guys have some trouble depending on your skills, but I don't give a ."
Jisoo glared at the guy behind Taeyong, and he seemed to avoid his gaze. Jisoo noticed that he looked intimidated.
"What the is a Controller doing in our department?!" Jisoo finally heard Mingyu's voice and stepped back when he felt Mingyu's hand on his shoulder. He pulled him around a bit.



Jeonghan remained calm.
He was used to such reactions. Humans fainted in fear, and Mutants freaked out. And they had a good reason for it.
"Sit down, gentlemen."
Two guys, obviously mutants, stood in the corner. He wondered why this ing idiot of a Chief had put them in a room together with him.
"Forget it. He's a Controller." he heard a good-looking guy growl. Another guy shook his head adamantly.
"Get your asses on the chairs." Taeyong almost yelled at them.
Jeonghan scanned every movement of the two mutants. They stared at him. One of them was a Death Catcher. His white eyes made him look intimidating.
"We have to wait for the last team member; I don´t feel like explaining it all over again." the Chief said, and Jeonghan was surprised.
"We're forming a team?" he asked cautiously and saw Taeyong nod. Out of the corner of his eye, he noticed the mutants shaking their heads frantically like kindergarten children.
"Sir, but ... it's not the best idea to have catchers and controllers working together. We'll stay out of each other's way and avoid each other." Jeonghan tried to remain polite but still make sure Taeyong understood that his idea was more than nonsensical.



Mingyu leaned back in his seat.
"A team with Catchers and a Controller. What kind of case could this be?" he asked, carefully scanning his mind to see if this er was digging into his thoughts. That was his skill. Mind control. Usually, they worked for underground divisions, most of them for silent assassinations. 
"Last month, a young girl died." Taeyong started the conversation.
"It happens." He heard Jisoo's voice.
"Two weeks ago, another girl."
"Happens too." Mingyu said, ignoring his boss's stare.
"Last week again. Another victim. And they all died the same way." Taeyong sighed.
"Do we have a suspect yet?" asked Jisoo, pulling out a paper and pen.
"No. We have absolutely nothing. You don't need to write it down, Jisoo. The fourth member will join soon."
"I don't need to write? Don't tell me... is it a second Controller?!"
Mingyu saw that the Controller was turning pale. "Chief... Do you know that Controllers can't work together? We... interfere with each other."
"I'm aware of that. But you guys will work it out. You NEED to work it out."



Wonwoo stared into the office with a dropped jaw.
"This ... is so cool ..." he stammered.
This would be his workplace as a Saver. He would process evidence, record interrogations, create analyses, sift through vast amounts of data to provide hints, details or solutions for cases and thus support his colleagues working in the field. He hoped for nice colleagues, a reasonable workflow, and the opportunity to work at least partly independently, as absolute concentration was key to his ability. 
"Excuse me. You are ...?" he heard a voice behind him and turned around with a bright smile.
"Sir, my name is Jeon Wonwoo, Sir. I'm starting today. Please guide me well."
"We don't use legalized names with Special Agents." The person in front of him smiled warmly.
"Special Agents? But I am human." Wonwoo stammered.
"You are a Saver. This is a special agent. Not just a normal officer. Since we make no distinction betw

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Chapter 18: The date is going well for Jisoo and Jeonghan. Now I can only hope that the same will be for Mingyu and Wonwoo. As the younger literary got so much information dumped on him, his minds seems about to explode.
Chapter 17: It is funny and interesting to see how frustrated and Flustered they become. Their dynamic has changed, they are no longer enemies but good friends, even couples.

Hopefully Wonwoo is alright. He is my favorite character in this story, his troubles, curiosity and love life has me hooked.
Chapter 15: Yaya, Mingyu will have another chance to get Wonwoo's heart. He is trying to think and act humanly. That has impressed Wonwoo who can't deny that the Mutant has become someone important in his life.

Excited for the date and have fingers crossed that none of them mess it up!
Chapter 14: Hendery talked some sense into Wonwoo. Now he will act differently and will try to understand his teammates.

Ar those feelings blooming in Wonwoo's heart? Maybe he acted way too fast by rejecting Mingyu.
Chapter 13: It was sad that Mimgyu got rejected and now he will spend decades being sad about it. Maybe if he had been bit more romantic, maybe then Wonwoo would at least consider their connection.

At least Jisoo and Jeonghan are doing a bit better. Jisoo has his chance to prove himself

I really hope that Wonwoo didn't mess up on purpose. Something sketchy is going on. Wonwoo betraying them would be awful, especially after finding out how much he meant to the team.
Chapter 12: Mingyu shows that he really cares about the Saver by allowing him to see his thoughts. That is also a great chance to talk about their connection.

While I do feel bad for the new Saver, it is understandable that wonwoo would be mad. Even with best intentions, they managed to hurt him.
Chapter 11: Wonwoo should not push himself too far or it will end much worse than the situation now. Luckily, Mingyu was there to help as much as he could.

It is ironic how both Jisoo and Mingyu have found the connection with someone else but still are ready to unleash their anger on one another for that.

Hmm, just a guess but maybe Taeyong is involved. Not a killer but someone to cover the tracks.
Chapter 10: Wonwoo's plan might be a bit risky and crazy but it got them results, hopefully. Any information will be useful, even if it is just a small file or a photo of some random object.
Chapter 9: The guys are right. Wonwoo needs rest, it is obviously taking a toll on him. His first official case is full with unpleasant surprises.

The numbers are a great lead. At least they have something rather than nothing.

Mingyu showed the most care to Wonwoo which is awesome as their bond grows deeper day by day and both of them don't even notice it.
Chapter 8: Wonwoo and Mingyu are slowly building a bond. They all are in one way or another.

Jeonghan should not feel that bad about himself. It is worrisome that he doesn't want others to be associated with him just because of who he is.

Now the interesting part awaits. The victims last thoughts. It seemed that the procedure went lot better than expected. Wonwoo will have lot of work on his hands.