
you're my heartshaker

(Upon seeing Mina crying)

Sana: What’s wrong Minari? why are you crying? what happened?

Momo: Are you okay? did someone make you cry? I’ll go talk to them if you want me to.






Nayeon is naturally protective of Mina.

Because have you seen her?

Nayeon thinks that the younger woman will fall over if a strong wind were to blow over her.

Okay, that’s a lie. Mina can probably bench-press Nayeon if she wants to. Nayeon has seen her abs and knows that Mina works out as much as Momo does.

Still, though, despite Mina’s obvious physical strength, Nayeon knows that Mina is still too kind-hearted and sensitive to not get hurt by little things.

So Nayeon takes it upon herself to protect Mina at all costs. As much as she can. Because seeing Mina cry makes their group sad, and what kind of unnie will Nayeon be if she lets her members be upset?

And also because Nayeon’s heart breaks every time she sees Mina teary-eyed and Nayeon is very selfish so really, she’s just looking out for herself here.

With that said, it’s only natural for Nayeon to go ballistic when she stumbles upon Mina in the living room with tears streaming down her face.

She’s openly sobbing.

Sana and Momo are already on either side of Mina but Nayeon still strides towards the couch to see for herself what’s happening, her heart clenching so hard in her chest at the sight of tears on Mina’s ruddy cheeks.

“What’s wrong, Minari?” Sana asks as she brings a comforting hand to Mina’s shoulder. “Why are you crying? What happened?”

On her other side, Momo is supplying tissues as Mina blows her nose with one hand and grips her phone on the other.

“Are you okay?” Momo says, “Did someone make you cry? I’ll go talk to them if you want me to.”

Mina doesn’t answer but she sniffles and it’s enough to make Nayeon snap. “Where are they? I’ll ing kill them. Tell me, Minari. Who made you cry?”

They don’t receive a reply, but Nayeon is already thinking of possible murder plans to make the person responsible for making Mina cry suffer a slow, painful death.

No one makes Mina cry and gets away with it. No one!

Eventually, Mina calms down enough to finally speak, “I just watched a video of snakes.”

Nayeon kneels in front of Mina and puts her hands against her knees in a form of comfort. She doesn’t want to seem pushy but she needs to know what exactly happened that made Mina sob—in an open space no less. “And?” she prods.

“And…” Tears streak down Mina’s cheeks again and Nayeon swears she’ll need heart surgery at this point. “And they have no arms.”

Sana groans, “Oh, you have got to be ing kidding me.”

But Nayeon doesn’t care. Stupid video making Mina cry. “Who uploaded that video?” she demands. “I’ll kill them!”

Sana and Momo both roll their eyes at the same time, less concerned now that Mina’s reason for crying isn’t as grave as they first thought.

“Chill it, unnie,” Sana advises Nayeon. Then, turning to Mina, she asks, “It’s the time of the month, isn’t it?”

Mina sniffles. Nayeon clenches her jaw. “Probably.”

It’s then and there that Nayeon swears she is tracking down the OP once Mina’s tears dry. For now…

Nayeon throws her arms around Mina and cradles her head against the crook of her neck, making sure to rub soothing circles against Mina’s back. “Shh, it’s okay, Minari. The snakes don’t even know they don’t have arms.”

The whine Mina lets out against Nayeon’s neck sends shivers up her spine and makes goosebumps rise on her arms. Nayeon desperately hopes that Sana and Momo don’t notice, or she’ll have to murder three people and she doesn’t have enough time for that.

Sana and Momo do notice, though, and they share a glance with each other as the hug between Nayeon and Mina lasts too long to count as platonic.

Interesting, indeed.

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Myoui_Arukhan #1
Chapter 7: im waiting for a new chapter pleaseeeee
aglaonema #2
Chapter 7: 🤣🤣
1521 streak #3
Chapter 7: "you're not a thing. You're a human." Goddamn she's a mess lmao
Taitai84 1235 streak #4
Chapter 7: Yep she’s hopeless… that’s why it’s fun for us
1521 streak #5
Chapter 6: Yeah, I'd roll my eyes too.
aglaonema #6
Chapter 6: Omg 🤣🤣🤣
Taitai84 1235 streak #7
Chapter 6: Whut… the snakes also don’t have legs…
aglaonema #8
Chapter 5: Lol
1521 streak #9
Chapter 5: Giiirl! I'm gonna cheer for anyone during that choking scene lmao
Taitai84 1235 streak #10
Chapter 5: Hahah referring to herself as a snack too