
you're my heartshaker

Random person: Can I have your number?

Mina, dense and confused: Yeah, sure—

Nayeon, slamming Mina’s phone to the ground: Sorry, no. It’s broken.





Mina is a walking god among mortals.

Of this—Nayeon is sure.

Moles like constellations, a smile rivaling the shine of the stars, and eyes so bright and expressive there are literally not enough words for Nayeon to describe them.

But that also means that Mina is seen and appreciated by other people.

Which is normally not a problem. Unless they’re at a club and Mina attracts every person’s attention every time their eyes fall on her.

Now, listen, Nayeon is a jealous person by nature. If Mina subtly showers Momo with affection, Nayeon would pout from her place on the couch. If Mina laughs at something Jeongyeon said (no matter how unfunny it is), Nayeon would glare even from afar. If Mina naturally leans against Dahyun when they’re seated beside each other on the couch, Nayeon would wish it were her shoulders instead that Mina’s resting against.

The point is that even though she and Mina may not be romantically involved—even if Nayeon desperately wishes that weren’t the case—Nayeon can’t help but be jealous of other people receiving Mina’s attention.

And now, there’s someone hogging Mina’s focus as she patiently waits for her drink at the bar.

Ugh, why can’t the bartender mix Mina’s drink faster?

Despite her irritation, Nayeon readily walks up to Mina just in time to hear the stranger ask, “Can I have your number?”

And Mina—the pure but dense soul that she is—only blinks confusedly at the random person before saying, “Yeah, sure.”

Before Nayeon can think of her actions, she plucks Mina’s phone out of her hand, drops it to the floor, and steps on it. Then without remorse, she looks up to the stranger and says, “Sorry, no. It’s broken.”

Mina is surprised at Nayeon’s sudden appearance and actions, evident in the shock written all over her features. Yet she doesn’t get angry at Nayeon for making her need to buy a new phone. Instead, she sighs and probably chalks it off as another one of Nayeon’s protective unnie instincts.

It’s not. It’s jealousy. Of the romantic kind.

But Mina doesn’t need to know that.

The guy has his mouth hanging open and Nayeon uses the end of her undamaged phone to close it for him. “Find someone else, tough guy. This one’s unavailable.”

The bartender finally finishes Mina’s drink and Nayeon doesn’t wait for Mina to react before she reaches for the said drink with one hand and Mina’s wrist with the other.

“That was overkill, unnie,” Mina whispers to her as they carefully navigate their way back to their VIP booth.

Nayeon is still incensed that another stranger was brave enough to come up to Mina but decides to simply hide it behind humor. “Good thing I could buy you tens of that phone if you wanted, huh?”

“Not the point. That was the fourth time.”

“What? I’m a very protective unnie, what can I say?”

At this point, they’re nearing their booth and Nayeon hopes that Mina will drop the subject already. Heaven knows how their friends will react when they overhear their conversation.

Except Mina isn’t done. “That you’ll stop breaking my phone every time someone comes up to me and asks for my number?”

The question is loud enough for their friends to overhear.

Jihyo looks sympathetic, Jeongyeon is holding back her laughter, Sana and Momo are amused while the maknae line avoids looking at Nayeon to evade her visible irritation.

“Again?” Jeongyeon asks. “That’s what? The third time, Nabong?”

Nayeon sticks her tongue out in Jeongyeon’s direction who only responds by throwing a potato chip at her head, which Nayeon readily dodges.

“Fourth, actually,” Mina replies with a sigh. “The retail guy is probably thinking that I’m either very accident-prone or I like throwing away my money.”

That gets Nayeon’s attention. “He talks to you?”

“He flirts with her,” Jeongyeon corrects, unhelpful.

Mina whips her head to the traitor and throws her a glare that even Jihyo flinches away from.

And if Nayeon proceeds to threaten to report the retail guy to his manager and makes Mina promise that they’ll only buy online from now on, well, Nayeon just excuses it as her being a protective unnie.

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Myoui_Arukhan #1
Chapter 7: im waiting for a new chapter pleaseeeee
aglaonema #2
Chapter 7: 🤣🤣
1521 streak #3
Chapter 7: "you're not a thing. You're a human." Goddamn she's a mess lmao
Taitai84 1234 streak #4
Chapter 7: Yep she’s hopeless… that’s why it’s fun for us
1521 streak #5
Chapter 6: Yeah, I'd roll my eyes too.
aglaonema #6
Chapter 6: Omg 🤣🤣🤣
Taitai84 1234 streak #7
Chapter 6: Whut… the snakes also don’t have legs…
aglaonema #8
Chapter 5: Lol
1521 streak #9
Chapter 5: Giiirl! I'm gonna cheer for anyone during that choking scene lmao
Taitai84 1234 streak #10
Chapter 5: Hahah referring to herself as a snack too