
Meant To Be
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Meant To Be




Wendy is no fool, she likes to think. But these past few days, she’s been acting like one and she wholeheartedly blames it on Irene, the person behind all of these dopey feelings inside her heart. The way the latter walks, talks and always glances at her while laughing or the way that colorful smile fills up the entire room, the subtle touches here and there makes her stomach churn in a nostalgic way. She finds herself floating way up in the cloud and she knows she shouldn’t be feeling this way, that she’s breaking the rule, so she tries her best to act normal. She keeps muttering that this is work and she’s getting paid to act her part.


She does give Irene a massive applause though, for her impeccable acting, and wonders what goes around her mind when she leans to kiss even if they’re not surrounded by her family members. All these doubts and fears gradually takes her back to the time with Krystal. Love is a big word, it scares her and the fact that Irene can simply ruin her by just existing is another level of fear she’s felt within this week. All her life, she’s been struggling, trying to find a way since her parents death and somehow, she did find a simple way but Krystal had taken all of that away; she took her pride and left no crumbs. Threw her away like she’s a piece of dirty page in her perfect clean book.


Wendy knows how Irene is spreading in her scattered heart and she doesn’t want to act on those impulses. Strictly professional, ignoring the small voice in her head to pursue this bubbling hot feelings.


“Good morning.” Wendy snaps back to reality and looks at Irene, and goddamn her heart flutters noticing that enchanting sleepy face. Who looks like that at five in the morning? Wendy seriously thinks that God played favorites with Irene.


Tying her hair in a low ponytail, she smiles, “Go back to sleep.” 


“Getting rid of me that fast?” Irene sits up groggily, covering with her hand as she yawns, “how do you have the energy to go running this early?”


“It’s a perfect way to start a day.” Wendy goes to Irene’s side of the bed and softly the soft hair, “Did you sleep well?”


A tender smile makes through Irene’s lips as her eyes go incredibly pure and Wendy clenches her jaw to keep her cool. Irene turns slightly and rests her head comfortably on Wendy’s abs, and sighs in content, “I should be the one asking you that. Is the sofa doing you any good?”


“I could sleep in it forever if I was given that choice.” 


“We could always share this bed, you know. It’s too big for me anyway.” Irene voices out, and it’s not the first time she’s proposed the idea. It happened the first night when they were given this massive room, Irene excited and nervous for a reason oblivious to Wendy, chooses the left side of the bed. But, Wendy knows better than to share a bed with the person who has control over your whole body so she opted to sleep in the couch of their shared room, leaving Irene frozen and flustered for a good ten minutes. Though she doesn’t force or fuss over it, just gives a small smile with a nod.


“I heard that you grew up in a bed bigger than this.”


“Yeri is feeding you lies again.” Irene groans, leaning away to look up at Wendy. 


“Or your father communicates well.” 


Irene shakes her head, laughing, “You guys are becoming besties with the amount of time you spend together.”


“I thought that was obvious? He’s only keeping up with me cause he likes getting ahead of me on our run, and he’s fun to be around.” 


“I’m surprised he hasn’t bored you to death, he has a tendency to talk a lot if he finds something interesting.”


Wendy leans and kisses Irene’s head adoringly, “Talking about him, I better go or he will cut off my hard earned points and your mother would be incredibly disappointed.”


Hearing that, Irene rolls her eyes and takes Wendy’s hand, squeezing it in a comfortable way like they’ve been doing it for years now, no hesitation at all, “Ignore my mother’s bluntness and stubbornness. I know she hasn’t been very keen on welcoming you, but you’re doing great. She’s not driving you away like how she usually operated with my exes, so it’s a good start.”


With a heavy sigh, Wendy crouches down in eye level with Irene and kisses her knuckles lightly, “I know you’re upset with her but don’t ignore her. I don’t want you to drift apart from her because of some silly reason.”


“She knew what she was saying. And it’s not silly, I care for you and I cannot let it happen.” Irene murmurs, looking to the other side of the windows.


“It’s okay, I don’t let it get to me because it’s all an act anyway. I knew what I was getting myself into, I literally signed up for this, you know. So, don’t glare her every fifteen minutes.” 


There’s a sour expression in Irene’s face, her eyes distant, “I…I don’t do that.”


Wendy chuckles as she stands up, letting go of the softest hand she’s ever held, “You should go back to sleep, I’m already ten minutes late to your dad’s estimated time.”


“Yeah, he must be pacing right now, have a good run.”


“You have a good sleep.” Wendy moves away, staring at Irene one last time before giving a smile and heading for the door.


“Do you want me to make you breakfast? I saw that you liked Joy’s blueberries pancake yesterday.” Irene’s voice cut through the silent room.


“Seulgi warned me about your cooking skills, and from what she said about the only two dish you can create, I’m pretty sure pancakes weren’t included.” Wendy turns her head with a goofy grin. 


“Goodness, everyone in this family loves to lie.” Irene groans.


“Hate to say it but you’re the biggest liar in this house.” Wendy laughs.


“ off or I will throw you down the lake myself.”


Wendy’s eyes twinkle with a warm smile, “You know what?”


Irene lazily looks up, “What?”


“I want four blueberries pancakes stacked with maple syrup.” 


Irene snorts, “You’ll get five if you give me a good morning kiss right now.” 


It comes off so easy from , the teasing smile with a hopeful look and it takes everything in Wendy to not jump over to capture those inviting lips. “Tempting but I don’t want to disappoint your dad by ditching him.”


“Oh?” Irene grins, “Are you hinting we would be consumed by it the whole day?” 


“Not hinting but stating. No one can resist my lips.” Wendy strikes back teasingly.


The sweet laugh fills up the room, sooting Wendy’s troubled heart for a bit, “I can vouch for that.”


Wendy chokes on her saliva as her cheeks warm up, “See you in an hour, I can feel your dad’s wrath from here.” 


And of course, Seunghyun is waiting for her downstairs ready in his workout outfit, but he doesn’t nag her about being late. Joy and Jin are a different case though, both of them give her a very nasty smirk about getting some after she tells that his princess of a daughter was awake. They’ve been running every morning since they’ve been here(exactly a week now) with Jin and Joy tagging along for their own refreshment and exercise, by now all of them know the trail to the woods very well. It can’t be said to Jin and Seunghyun because it’s not their first time residing in their own lake house. 


Twenty minutes of silent running and heavy breaths, Seunghyun breaks the silence, eyeing Wendy with concern, “We’ve planned boating today.”


Jin shakes her head trying to discard the event, “We can’t do that, uncle. Jen and Rene both have motion sickness, you do remember what happened in our cruise vacation right?”


“It’s just for a few hours and it’s not an ocean here, a mere lake, perfect for us to boat.” Seunghyun says.


“Hopefully, no helicopter would have to come to take those two idiots off from the boat this time." Joy adds on.


“Are you okay with it, Wendy?” Seunghyun asks.


Wendy doesn’t get at first on why he asked for her opinion in this matter but when she does, it warms her heart because it shows that he listened about her parents. She smiles widely at him, “I’m okay with it, thank you for even thinking about me, sir. I do get a little weird around boats but I don’t have any trauma or anything.”


“Sir? What medieval period are you on? He is your future father in law.” Joy smirks, knowing exactly what she’s doing.


“Ah, I have to pass the mother figure first before jumping to that conclusion.” Wendy awkwardly smiles.


“That means you’ve thought about marrying Irene in the future.” Jin points out, “Damn, it’s so weird to see both of those hypocrites getting all soft with their partners. Imagine them married, they’ll be soft as clouds.” 


“What—I wasn’t talking about marriage..” Wendy clears , trying not to take her imagination to a different height and visualize Irene in a white weddIng gown. 


Seunghyun laughs, “Don’t worry about Taeyeon at all, she doesn’t hate you like she shows she does. She’s a bit tough nut to crack; it took me three years to convince her on a date.”


“That means another ten years till she accepts this one right here.” Joy points at Wendy with a shrug.


“I don’t think she can wait till that long to hold her grandchild.” Seunghyun winks at Wendy, who embarrassingly trips down on a small branch alerting all of them. 


“Are you practicing to kneel down for later, my dear?” Seunghyun jokes and it makes the other two laugh while helping her up.


“This family is perfectly insane.” Wendy mutters with a disgusting blush.


“Oh, come on..you’re a part of this family now.” Jin bumps her shoulder with his own with a grin. 


“Okay, stop now. I don’t want to embarrass my daughter in law anymore or Joohyun will throw a fit.” This whole damn family are made to tease others is what Wendy thinks, staying quiet and averting her eyes elsewhere.


“Let’s talk about Seulgi and you, Joy. Last vacation, we found you ripping each others mouth like animals, what are we in for this vacation?” 


Wendy and Jin bursts out laughing at that as Joy huffs with shyness, putting energy into her footwork in an increasing speed, “This is why I don’t like hanging out with you, uncle Seunghyun!! As if your daughter isn’t there to taunt me every single day.” 


“At least it’s proven that she’s my daughter?? Otherwise Taeyeon would have some serious explanation to do.” 


Wendy chortles at that, loving the sense of humor and Jin snickers beside her, “Wait until I tell Aunt Taeyeon about this.”


Seunghyun’s eyes widens, “Don’t you dare, Jin.” 


“Seems like you still wet your pants hearing your wife’s name.” Joy fires back naturally once the spotlight isn’t on her anymore. 


“As I should,” Seunghyun says with a shaky voice, “do you know she almost killed me when Joohyun decided to pop out later than the due date?”


“You jerk!!! If this baby doesn’t come out in the next four hours, I will personally choke you and your friend down there!”  


They only laugh hard with Seunghyun’s poor imitation, Wendy’s eyes filled with tears due to the heavy laughing along with Joy, who is breathing for air. Jin cracks up, “That’s TMI.”


“What’s that?” Seunghyun asks innocently and they fall into another fit of laughter.


“Too much information.” Wendy answers.


“I am capable of hearing it even if it’s too much so you better explain me what this TMI is.” Seunghyun states in a serious manner. 


That’s how their run go for an hour; bickering and explaining the new generation’s slang to the oldest one there. They get to hear about Jin’s notorious patient showing up in a lingerie in hopes of wooing him one time and Joy tells about the most recent case she’s closed with her department, earning a small applause from all of them. Seunghyun goes on to tell about the new pottery hobby he’s come to like, even getting ahead to book a few classes once they all return back. As for Wendy, she gushes about her lifeguard job few years ago and meeting the stupidest people who thought leaving ten dogs unsupervised on the shore was a good idea. 


Wendy appreciates these moments as she’s never been too open with others, well, she did once but look where that got her? But, she knows that she’s welcomed by the way Joy, Jin and Seunghyun’s face light up when she speaks some utter nonsense. It makes her giddy and joyful, but guilt hugs her delicately when Seunghyun catches her stare giving the biggest smile ever known with a thumbs up….as if he’s proud to have known her. As if he truly cares for her. As if she’ll be staying in their life forever. 


Cursing in her breath, she gulps down nervously and thinks about seagulls, rainbows and cotton candy to push the guilt away. She knows she’s lying.


It grips her heart that she’s fooling them yet laughing with them like she’s their own. 


Joy shrieks when she enters the house, laughing like a hyena afterwards and it confuses both Jin and Wendy, who stare at eachother. Seunghyun tries not to laugh but fails miserably as Joy goes crazy besides him, “Is it too late to turn back?”


“What’s up?” Jin furrows his brows while wiping the sweat trailing down his forehead. 


“Yeri did it again.” Seunghyun laughs and walks away to his room for a nice shower and change of clothes. Wendy blinks as she fully gets inside the house and is immediately greeted with two angry faces sitting on the big vintage couch, but what amazes her is the different kind of doodles all over their faces. It’s hard for her not to laugh when a crow ting on Seulgi’s cheek is staring back at her.


“Uhm…this is…” Wendy trails off, dares not to speak when Jennie glares at her, with poop emoji, flies, middle fingers, and a beast? decorated on her face. 


“This is a masterpiece!” Jin is taking pictures religiously and Joy for a change, is calm now, checking an angry Seulgi’s face with a very proud smile. 


“Jen, do you want milk on your coffee or not?” Roseanne walks in from the open kitchen area with a playful smile.


“Don’t talk to me!”


“Baby! You don’t look that bad!“ Roseanne lightly laughs.


“You partnered up with that satan for this!?” Jennie stands up and icily glares at her fiancé, who bursts out laughing. Jennie’s expression hardens, “I’m this close to breaking this engagement off, Park Chaeyoung.” 


“Sorry…I—she tried to perfect that boar in your cheek but it looks like a Yeti.” 


“I’m suing your and Yeri’s miserable .” Jennie turns away, walking awa

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Chapter 5: Why you leave us like this??😭😭😭😭
moonlight90 #2
Chapter 5: Hi?
knoihjobi #3
Chapter 5: please dont leave us hanging we need another update i have to know what taeyeon said to her. Please Please Please 🥺
CLNkks #4
Chapter 5: dang it hurts even more now realizing it’s not finished and have yet to have an update too. bruh this hits so hard
Chapter 5: Awwww..
Hopefully, this story will be finish 🤧🤧🤧
Riscark #6
Chapter 3: Rereading this cause why not
Samy327 #7
Chapter 5: SAD 😢😢
smarty0821 #8
Chapter 5: Re-reading this story and still waiting for an update 🥺 hope you continue this author-nim
zorbakz #9
Chapter 1: me too, I feel y and empowered when pooping 😌