
Meant To Be
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Meant To Be




“Miss Shon, we clearly informed you that your interview is at 8 yet you’re late, we can’t reschedule it.” 


“I know, but please understand that I had minor problems to tend to. Can you please help me out here?”


The receptionist sighs, clear annoyance showing in her brows, “Your personal problems shouldn’t be an excuse to why you’re late for your interview ma’am unless someone died.”


“Did someone die?” Wendy warily shakes her head, too tired to even function this early in the morning and the fact that the person opposite to her is trying to corner her slightly agitates her.


“Not that I recall.”


“This closes the conversation, Miss Shon. We’re sorry but you need to look for another company.” 


Stern and simple. Wendy doesn’t leave but stands there a good two minutes whereas the receptionist icily glares at her. She opens and literally begs, asking if they have anything open—even cleaning or mopping the floor, that it’ll still be huge for her as she is on the verge of getting kicked out from her apartment building. But to her dismay, the receptionist throws her the fakest smile, her white teeth shining at her and monotonously grits, “I would love to help you, I really do but it’s really not in our hand. If this was so important, you wouldn’t have been late.” 


Wendy grunts and starts packing her stuff up, “Thanks for pointing out the obvious.”


“Have a nice day, Miss.” The receptionist eagerly waits for Wendy to leave.


“It’s already ruined.” 


If you’d ask a nineteen years old Wendy about what she’d be doing in the future, this right here wouldn’t be in her mind as a potential answer. It could’ve been something science related as she has always been invested in chemicals. Not to mention a few mishaps in her combination almost leading to a blast in high school, surprisingly the science club still kept her around. She was also in the soccer team, bringing victory almost every season which entitled her the nickname ‘top dog’ much to her dislike. A perfect combination of nerd and athletic, everyone told her she’d achieve greater things. That’s what Wendy Shon’s life was about.


Was. Past tense.


Now, the reality hits in; she’s twenty eight and has tons of bills to worry about—not just worry, but actually pay. After working for a tech company for almost three years, she had been fired for poor judgement or it was solely because of her emotional wreckage. 


And she has only one ing person to blame.


Krystal Jung.


The sick beautiful girl screamed red flag the moment Wendy first saw her at the greasy bar, draped in all gloriousness between two men. But being the nation’s sloppiest lesbian, she still welcomed that wretched human being with open arms and god forbid—loved her. And to think that the feelings were returned, Wendy feels like a damn fool for being so happy when Krystal proposed even though they’d only been dating for six months. Or when Krystal cuddled her that one night whispering sweet nothings and manipulated in taking all her life savings as an ‘investment’ to start her incomparable business so they could live a happy life only to find her missing the next day when all transactions had been done.


From then onwards, everything went downhill. 


“So, no luck today too?” 


“God must’ve dipped me in the jar of ‘unluckiest of all time’ before throwing me into this crazy round ball we so like to call home.”


“I can’t believe you got there late because that dog chased some poodle to .” Jisoo laughs, handing Wendy a warm cup of tea.


“I ran like 3 kilometers searching for that dog, and when I did find him, he was that poor poodle. Probably traumatized for life.” Wendy switched through the channel not wanting to watch yet another episodes of the marine life that Jisoo loved. Despite the howling and protest of Jisoo, Wendy settles for tom and jerry instead.


“How is this whole pet service thing even going for you? Is it helping?”


Wendy sighs, “I think the landlord is going to kick me out next month, I’ve already delayed payment of two months. All of my interviews either sink or go bad as , and the cash I get from looking after pets goes to my cat, or groceries.”


“You can borrow money from me, Wen. I’ve known you since college and at the least, I consider you my friend.”


“Too early, don’t you think?” Wendy shakes her head, “but I know you and Lisa are trying for a baby, you guys need the money.” 


“We can take a loan, we both want to help you.” The doorbell rings and Jisoo slowly stands up, eyeing Wendy for a bit.


“You’ll do no such thing! I’ll try to manage something.” 


It’s a good offer for her but Wendy knows that her friend is also in a very financially tight situation with searching for a perfect donor, looking for a new place once the baby’s arrival and the expenses for the baby’s necessities, she doesn’t want to trouble her more. 


“Why are you being so stubborn about this?” Jisoo walks in with a package in her hand, putting it on the kitchen counter whilst glaring at Wendy.


“You know, I should’ve listened to you when you said Krystal was hella sus.” A quick diversion, but Jisoo knows better not to poke around. 


“I said that while we were playing Among Us.”


Wendy shrugs, “Still, maybe that was a sign.”


“She proposed on call. That should’ve been your biggest sign.” 


“I was in love with her, I’m so gullible, .” 


Jisoo is besides her in seconds, wrapping her in a warm embrace like any other times she was in the verge of breaking down, “She’s a , I’ll punch the out of  her when I see her.”


“You can’t even win arm wrestling with any of us.” Wendy adds, getting back a salty groan from Jisoo.


“I’ll ask Lisa to strangle her then, she’s super strong…” Wendy immediately gets the gist of the Jisoo’s indication with the tone.


“I am not hearing about your life, Jisoo.” 


“You’re missing a lifetime chance here.”


“If hearing about it made me rich, I would’ve done that years ago.” Wendy pulls away from the hug.


“What do you think of a sugar mommy?” Jisoo sits straight with a delightful smile, “there are some who don’t want anything ual, it’s a lonely world and they just want someone to chat. Easy money.”


Soon, Jisoo is showing her dozens of websites; some filthy but some not so sketchy, “One of my colleagues got this sugar daddy who pays her just for saying goodnight or good morning. Last month, she moved to this classy neighborhood and her house is freakin gold.” 


“I think it’s alarming seeing how excited you are.” 


“Oh, hush, I would never leave Lisa even if she smells like diarrhea.”


“I didn’t need to hear that.” 


Jisoo pinches her arm and she winces in pain, “Do I need to remind you how sappy you were with that who can’t be named?” 


“Please don’t, I might just jump of the cliff.” 


“Stay for dinner? I’m making ravioli.” 


“Last time you made something, the fire department came here.” 


“Let me rephrase that; stay for dinner? I’m ordering ravioli.”


Wendy laughs, “Much better and I’m sorry I’ve been eating dinner here everyday, I’ll pay you back when I find a stable job.” 


“No such things here, Wen. You’re invited here for breakfast, lunch and dinner, anytime.” 


“You might as well adopt me instead.”


“I’ll try to talk with Lisa.” Jisoo winks, and calls the Italian restaurant down the street to order. After that is settled down, both of the women silently watch the television waiting for their food.


“Did I tell you I almost got arrested today?” Wendy casually adds in.


Jisoo turns to look at her from the other couch, “Man, this is so not your year.”


“I know,” Wendy murmurs, “after I left my so called late interview, I tried to get a coke from the vending machine but it didn’t return my change.”


“You kicked it, didn’t you?” Jisoo is certainly ready to laugh.


“Did that, didn’t work. So, I’m shaking the vending machine with all my might, cause I really need my change, money is everything to me at this point. Even the coins equal to gold. Okay, so I’m shaking it for like fifteen minutes, and someone pats my back. I was ready to bark at whoever it was but instead I was on my knees because holy , it was a cop, fully armed.” 


“Male or female?”




“My parents, sister or me?”


“What does that even mean?” 


“Old, young or hot like me?” 


“No comments on the last one, but I’m pretty sure she’s around our age.”


“Make her your sugar mama!!” 


“Shut the up, Jisoo. I couldn’t even look at her because I broke down, literally my fat tears dropped on her shiny shoes as I miserably cried about my money!” 


Jisoo adds, “You really do have a y that both Lisa and I can’t deny.”


“She listened to me for about an hour ranting about Krys— that liar, and got me three cans of coke. As if the pity wasn’t enough, she advised me and I quote ‘as a stranger and not as a cop’ that I need to get laid to ooze out on this massive stress.” 


“That’s true! I have some people that I know who would love to have a one night stand.” 


“You’re of no help.” 


Apart from the teasing, Jisoo softly says, “Seriously though, Wendy. I know how everything has been these past months for you, and you’ll be alright. It’s just a rough road right now but you’re an amazing person, you can get through this. I’m always here, we’re here for you. And I know you won’t like what I’m about to say right now but Lisa and I have decided to pay off your two months rent.” 


Wendy stands up, “You will do no such thing!”


“Cannot hear you!” Jisoo replies.


“You both have been waiting for a donor for over a year now, I know how hard it is for you guys too, I can handle myself.” 


“We can wait for another donor, we don’t want to see you homeless, Wen!” Jisoo slips her words, and Wendy stares at her, “You ing got a donor?”


“I—we did, but that doesn’t matter. Lisa and I, we both want to help you, even if it means—”


“Ow, what the ? Why are you hitting me with a pillow?” Jisoo dodges herself from another attack.


Wendy is sobbing at this point, “I love you but you will not do that, Kim Jisoo!!! I ing know how much you want it, all you talked was about a baby ever since your marriage with Lisa! You are not holding it for me! I’ll kill you if you disagree. And,” another pillow throw, “why didn’t you tell me you got a donor?? I am so happy for you and I can’t wait to be a godmother!”




“Don’t ruin the moment.” Wendy goes in to hug Jisoo, who returns it with a heavy sigh, “If you’re still unable to, I’m calling my family.” 


“You hate them.”


Jisoo shrugs, “But I’m still their daughter. I’ll tell them I’m dying, that ought to do the magic.” 


“Thank you for even thinking that far for me, Jisoo. I’ll come up with something, even if it comes to sugar mommy so don’t think for me. You will go through the procedure and give me my damn godchild.” Wendy whispers, with a series of chuckles and Jisoo can’t help but get teary too.


“I’m having a baby,” Jisoo whispers, still finding it unbelievable, “I’m finally having a baby.” 


After a long session of crying, cuddling and crying again, their dinner finally comes through, so they break apart and start to set up the table to eat. Wendy, very happy for her bestfriend, grabs two plates but stops to scan the big package that Jisoo got earlier. 


“What’s this?” Wendy calls out to Jisoo, who is readying the glasses with juice.


“Something Lisa sent from Dubai, she told me it’s what the riches afford.” 


“Caviar?” Wendy’s eyes sparkle.


Jisoo stands next to her, “She didn’t go much in detail about it. Wanna unbox together?”


“Heck yeah! I’m taking some if it’s caviar!” 


They quickly find a knife to cut through the tape and packaging, both of them quite excited and giddy like a ten year olds going through Christmas present. 


Jisoo is the first one to choke from her own saliva after opening the box and Wendy immediately jumps in to look over Jisoo’s shoulder for the grand present, but her jaw drops, “Holy cow.”


“It’s really big.” Jisoo’s only sentence at the gift.


“Of course, Lisa sends in a strap on all the way from Dubai,” Wendy says, “Where did she go wrong in life?” 


“I wonder too.” Jisoo puts the box away from their eyesights.


“You’re having a baby with her.” 


“I’m rethinking everything right now.” 




Jisoo was freaking right.


This was so not her year. 


She stares back at those blue eyes and hisses, “Get back here!!” 


Not too happy with her own tone, she tries to calm herself but she’s been doing this for thirty minutes now, so she is allowed to get mad. She glares at her three year old rag-doll cat, who is it’s hand with no care in world in her neighbor’s balcony; which is next to her own with a little space in between. It wouldn’t be such a problem if her neighbor wasn’t a stuck up who has threatened to throw Patch(cat’s name) from the balcony if he ever finds it in his territory. So, she is highly pissed to find her cat at that jerk’s balcony once again.


“Patch, please don’t do this to mama,” Wendy sighs, which gets the cat to look at her while stretching her back, “

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Chapter 5: Why you leave us like this??😭😭😭😭
moonlight90 #2
Chapter 5: Hi?
knoihjobi #3
Chapter 5: please dont leave us hanging we need another update i have to know what taeyeon said to her. Please Please Please 🥺
CLNkks #4
Chapter 5: dang it hurts even more now realizing it’s not finished and have yet to have an update too. bruh this hits so hard
Chapter 5: Awwww..
Hopefully, this story will be finish 🤧🤧🤧
Riscark #6
Chapter 3: Rereading this cause why not
Samy327 #7
Chapter 5: SAD 😢😢
smarty0821 #8
Chapter 5: Re-reading this story and still waiting for an update 🥺 hope you continue this author-nim
zorbakz #9
Chapter 1: me too, I feel y and empowered when pooping 😌