

It’s been two weeks since you left me your letter. It’s really hard for me to resist the urge to come meet you, explain everything to you. I want you to know that I’m truly sorry for putting you through all those heartbreaks. But I need you to also know that I did all that to keep you safe..

Every night when I listen to your radio broadcast, I can hear the hurt in your voice that you tried so hard to masked from everyone. But I know you Seungwan. I know how you act, how your voice sounds like when you’re truly hurt on the inside.

How I wish I could just hug you right there and then and tell you that everything is going to be okay. That we’re going to be okay. But I’m a coward. Instead of fighting for us, for you, I ran.

But Seungwan-ah, ever since I read in your letter that you’re letting me go, it feels like I’m living in hell. I miss you so much, I don’t know what to do. So every time I’m home alone, I’ll play your songs on repeat.

I crave to hear your voice, to feel your touch, your warm hugs, to taste the foods you made for me, your bakes goods.. I miss you.. I miss you so much that it hurts.

How do I make things right? How do I fix things? Why am I so useless? So powerless?

Seungwan, if you were me, what would you do? You’ll most probably fight for me right? Can I do it too? Fight for you? For once I want to be brave.

But will you take me back? After everything I put you through?

I’m being very selfish, I admit. But God, I wish you’ll take me back.

I’m late, but I’ll fight from now. For us, for you.

I love you, Seungwan. Please wait for me.




It’s been a month since I last wrote a letter to you. This last month, I’ve been researching about matters like this. What action should I make, what choices do I have, and all about the laws basically. I think I can pass as a law student now hahaha. But hey! Hard work won’t betray us right?

Progress. Even if it’s little by little, like baby steps, I still made progress. And I’m proud of myself. Myself from 3 months ago won’t even do this.

I talked to my manager too, and she said she’ll helped me talked about it to the company. But she said that this will indeed going to be a long fight. But she reassured me that she’ll be there every step of the way, and that I don’t need to fight this battle alone. Because I have people around me that truly supports me. And to be really honest? I almost cry when she said that. I didn’t realize how bad I needed to hear that.

Soo.. yeah that's basically it for now. I’ll keep fighting.

I love you, Seungwan. Please, please, please.. wait for me.



It’s been three months since my last letter. How are you? I hope you’re doing well. I’ve been so busy with learning about all this legal stuffs in between my schedules, that I missed some of your radio broadcasts. I’m sorry.

The company is helping me a lot too. They set up a meeting with a big law firm. I’ve been consulting with them along with my manager. But it’s harder to do this in secret more than I thought.. You know, because we don’t want to warned the stalker, we need to be extra careful. We are afraid that he might do something dangerous if he knew what we were doing. We want to stop this for once and all. That’s why we’ve been collecting proofs. The more the better. Good thing I kept some of the notes he left at my door, I knew it would be useful someday!

We’re aiming to officially announce the legal action by next month too! Finally!! I hope everything can go smoothly..

I miss you.. so much. How I wish I can hug you right now. I’m so lonely without you, Wan-ah..

Just a little more.. the battle is almost over.

I love you. Please wait for me.



Finally! We’re officially announcing the lawsuit tomorrow!! After months of working hard, the results of our hard works are finally here.

I can finally breathe a little. It feels like a big portion of weight just lifted off of my shoulders. I’m so happy tonight!!

Seungwan! Wait for me. I’m going to win you back!! I love you!!



[BREAKING NEWS] BJH Enterprise Announces Strong Legal Action Against Bae Joohyun’s Sasaeng Fan




[BREAKING NEWS] Wendy Shon And Doh Kyungsoo Are Confirmed To Be Dating!



[A/N] Hi👋  how's everyone doing?👀 

Do let me know what you guys think about this update!! Should I end it here or.. 👀👀 Anyways that's it for now. I'll see you guys again soon.. or maybe not, who knows🤷‍♀️

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Chapter 3: What the hell?? My ship has sunk 😭
Chapter 2: the reply letter was no less sad 😭
Chapter 1: Oh my gosh, Seungwan's feelings here are actually like the feelings of some fans who like Wenrene but are not approved by the agency :")
Chapter 3: What do you mean end it here? This can't be...
Chapter 3: Waee seungwan!!!
Namkai #6
J don't talk anything with W 3 month 🤨
bluorange #7
Chapter 3: Even if Wan's dating scandal just a rumor, you can't let J and W fix their relationship again. Wan doesn't deserve that. What J did was selfish. What she did was hurting Wan not what best for her. She is just a coward. She don't believe Wan enough to tell her the truth.

I am really sorry author-nim, I am a bit sensitive about it.. Thanks for your story.
wenrene_trash #8
Chapter 3: If you ended the story like this.. YOU’RE SO CRUEL😭😭😭 MY HEART CANNOT TAKE THIS💔💔
Chapter 2: don’t mind me, I’m just crying in the club
Chapter 2: Can we just kill the obsessed fan? :")
This is so frustrating:")