Joohyun's POV


You see, Joohyun is never the type to talk to others about her problems. And that, more often than less, results in big misunderstanding. Like right now, she knows she’s making Seungwan confused, sad, and hurt. But she can’t, for the sake of her life, brave herself and go talk to the younger girl.

Joohyun know this is wrong. She knows this is very selfish of her. But she also knows that this is the only way to make the younger girl hurt less. If making Seungwan hate her is the only way she can do to make the younger girl hurt less, she will—with no hesitation—do it.

It’s so hard to hold her self back to stop text, call, and visit the younger girl. And that’s why Seulgi is here. She begged her best friend to help her. To help her to remind herself not to contact Seungwan, to protect her Seungwan.

Joohyun is not dumb. She knows what she’s doing and that’s why she’s trying to make Seungwan hate her as soon as she can. She wants to make sure the younger girl is safe as soon as possible. 

This is all started when Joohyun received a package at her house. She first thought that the package was the durian she ordered just earlier, but when she opened the box, all of her excitement disappeared. Inside the box was a doll with Seungwan’s name stitched to it. And the doll’s hands and legs were ripped apart with fake blood all over the doll.

Her heart dropped to her stomach. She immediately called Seungwan, making sure that the girl is okay. When she got off the phone after talking with the younger girl, Joohyun inspected the box. Looking for any clue of what could this mean. That’s when she found a tiny letter clipped between the doll’s head and the box.

Dear Joohyun,

Joohyun, you should’ve known better when I told you years ago that I’ll come back for you after I’m released from the jail. That day, when you sent me to jail, when you looked at me with so much hatred in your eyes, I promised myself that I’ll make sure to come back for you. 

All these years I spent in jail, I always keep up with news about you. Even though we can’t use our phone, do you know they still give us newspaper and magazine? But of course the newspaper and magazine still not enough to keep up with news about you.

So imagine how shocked I was when I got out of jail and found out that you’re secretly dating someone. That, also a woman! I just know I have to do something. Joohyun, this is unacceptable! I can’t let you date someone, even more a woman!

So take this as a warning. If you still continue to date her and choose to ignore this, OR you tried to sue me again, don’t blame me if something ever happen to her.


To say that Joohyun is scared is not enough, she’s terrified. She knows who sent her this package and what this person is capable of doing. Years ago, when she just started her career, this so called fan of her was so obsessed with her. He would do anything to grab her attention. At first, he was just like any other fan who would come to any of her public schedule and cheer for her. And Joohyun was grateful for that, she would notice him every time.

As her career get more successful and the number of her fans keeps on getting bigger, she can’t notice him on her every schedule anymore. This is when he started crossing the line, just to get her attention. He would follow her everywhere, no matter if it was a public schedule or Joohyun’s free day. 

Every day, it keeps on getting worse. She started getting calls, texts, and mails sent to her house. And even though there are CCTVs in her house, they can’t catch him on any footage. It’s like he knows her place like it was his. Even when she moved to a new place, Joohyun still felt like she was being watched. She can’t sleep at night, she’s terrified. It come to the point where she ask her manager unnie to live with her.

One day, Joohyun was doing a public fansign at a mall. The fansign was going smoothly until the end. She had fun with her fans, there were fans who wore funny costumes like banana, kaonashi, or horse mask. She laughed a lot.

But when the event was over, because there are so many fans that came, her bodyguards were having some difficulties shielding her to keep some distance between her fans and her. She got some scratches because so many fans were trying to touch or grab her. And the worst of it all, this obsessed fan of hers tried to grab her hair and throw a drink on her. Fortunately, the bodyguard were able to catch his hand and the man was dragged away by security.

After that incident, it just keep on going downhill. The man would show up at her door ringing her bell continuously until she pick up his call, even when he knows that Joohyun lives with her manager. 

It’s not until the day where the man disguised himself as a delivery driver and put glue on her drink that Joohyun lost it. She spent a week at the hospital and with her company help, she sued the man. On the day of the trial, she came to the court to give her testimony. The judge gave the man 5 years in prison, with 10 million won fine to pay.




It’s halloween. She’s been stressing over if she should just go and spend her time at Seungwan’s place like she usually did or not. 

“Unnie you know if you’re this concerned about Wendy’s feelings, you can just go right?” Seulgi who’s been watching her walking in circle since forever finally ask.

“You know I can’t Seulgi” Joohyun sighed and sit across her friend

“But unnie, what would your reason to her be? You literally have nothing planned, she would found it strange of course. I mean Seungwan unnie is smart” Yerim, her mutual friend with Seungwan asked.

“Let’s throw a party” Joohyun said after some thinking.


“I have no other choice Seulgi”

“You do realize this will hurt her so much right?”

“I know.. but I have to keep her safe..”

“Alright, Yerm let’s go out and buy decorations and foods”





Joohyun heard her doorbell ringing. She is confused as she’s not expecting anyone nor any delivery, so she check her camera. The moment she saw Seungwan outside her door looking nervous, with her shoulders slumped, she almost ran towards the door to hug the girl. But Seulgi held her, and looking at her friend’s eyes, she sighed defeatedly. They quickly made up a scenario while looking at Seungwan through the intercom camera.

When they saw Seungwan walked away from the door, Joohyun finally let her tears fall down. Seulgi hugged her. No words were exchanged, all Seulgi knew is that Joohyun loves Wendy so much and even though she didn’t personally knew Wendy, she could tell that the girl also loves her best friend just as much if not more. And she felt bad because she can’t do anything to help her friend.

After Joohyun calmed down, she thanked Seulgi and walked to the kitchen like everything is fine again. And Seulgi can only shake her head and sighed.

Joohyun is an actress after all.




Spring is coming. And Joohyun remembers her promise to Seungwan. She desperately want to bring Seungwan to Jeju but she knows that she can’t. So instead of Seungwan, she asked Seulgi to go with her. For that she knows this will make Seungwan hate her more. 

So here she is. Sitting at a restaurant with Seulgi. Knowing full well that people will surely take pictures of them.




todayis_wendy is live on instagram

Joohyun saw the notification popped up on her screen, from her secret instagram account of course. She tap the notification at the speed of light and came Seungwan’s face on her screen. The face that she misses so much, the face she longed for everyday, now smiling on her screen. She runs her finger on her phone screen, aching to touch those nose, cheeks, and lips again.

‘Hey guys!! I wanted to sing so I came on live tonight’

‘I’m sorry I always went live this late hehe, I’ll try to do it more early next time!’

‘I already have a list of songs that I wanted to sing, but you can still comment down bellow what songs do you guys want me to sing! I’ll sing it if it’s possible’

‘Ahh!! Everyone! Joy is here!! Sooyoung-ah!! Hii!!’

‘Alright everyone I’ll start singing now, the first song is hug me by Jung Joon Il sunbaenim’

Joohyun put her phone beside her pillow then close her eyes, focusing herself to listen to Seungwan’s voice. She misses this. Listening to Seungwan singing her to sleep. At least tonight, she can fall asleep with Seungwan’s voice beside her, eventhough tonight the younger girl didn’t sing only for her.

I’m sorry Seungwan.. I’m really sorry.

Please forgive me Seungwan.. 

With that, Joohyun fell asleep.




“Seungwan? did you forgot the passcode? why didn’t you just come in?” I’ve been waiting for you.

“Ohh umm.. yes I can’t seem to remember the passcode unnie. I’m sorry” 

“It’s okay. Why are you sorry? I can just tell you the passcode again silly” I know you’re lying Seungwan..

“Umm.. okay?”

“Are you sick? you look pale. Come on in!” You lost so much weight, you need to eat well.

“I’m fine unnie”

“Are you sure?” 




“The passcode” The day we first held hands

“Ahh.. yes. Thank you unnie”




“Do you want to stay over tonight?” I miss you.

“I would love to, but I’m sorry I think I can’t unnie” 

“Why? We haven’t spent time together for a long time” 

“I need to go practice” 

“Right now? It’s already late at night though?” Please be careful.

“Yeah, I’m making a comeback soon so I need to prepare myself” 

“Oh? I didn’t know that! We need a lot to talk about” I knew about your comeback.

“Yeah.. next time?”

“Okay. Do you need a ride?” I need to make sure you’re safe.

“No, it’s okay unnie. My manager is downstairs. She came to pick me up”

“Oh you really are on a rush huh?” I still want to spend time with you.

“I’m sorry unnie, you know how hectic it can be with comeback preparation”

“Yeah.. text me when you’re done?” 


“Let me walk you to the lobby”

“Oh you don’t have to unnie!

“But I want to Seungwan-ah” 

“You really don’t have to.. but okay.. oh! and before I forget, I left a letter on your coffee table unnie. I hope you can read it in your free time”

“You wrote me a letter?” I’m sorry.


“Okay, I’ll read it right after I walk you out” I love you.

“Thank you unnie” Take care Seungwan.




Dear Seungwannie,

Seungwan-ah, you won’t ever read this because I’ll never send it to you, but I need to write my reply to your letter.. 

I know. I do know just how much you love me. And Seungwan, I need you to know.. I love you just as much.. I love you so much that I can’t imagine my life without you in it. I love you so much that I’m so scared I might lose you.

I want you to be happy Seungwan. Everyday, I pray to God to keep you safe, to ask Him to make sure you’re surrounded by people who loves you and appreciate you. I pray for your happiness. There is no other sound in this world that’s more beautiful than your laugh, so please don’t ever lose it. You’re most beautiful with a smile on your face, so don’t ever cry.

I don’t know what I’ll become if I didn’t met you 10 years ago. You changed my life for the better Seungwan-ah.. I’ll forever be grateful to you. You made me who I am today. For the last 10 years, you’ve shown me how beautiful life can be. I’ll never forget everything that you did for me.

And I’m sorry.. I’m sorry that I hurt you. I’m sorry that I made you cry. I’m sorry I can’t keep my promise to give you all the love that you need. I’m sorry.. 

I’ll keep on loving you, but you don’t need to know that. I hope you find someone who can make you the happiest in this world Seungwan.. I hope that person will take care of you 1000x better than I did. I hope that person will keep you safe like you’re the #1 treasure in this world, because you are. I hope that person will love you as much you love to sing. 

I’m sorry for I’m such a coward. I’m sorry that I didn’t fight more for you, for us. I’m sorry that I’m too scared you might get hurt because of me. I’m sorry that I’m too scared to lose you. I’m sorry that I made you think that I don’t love you anymore. 

Please be happy Seungwan.. I’d rather see you moved on with your life with someone else from afar rather than living a life where I can’t see you anymore. I’m sorry that I’m selfish like this Seungwan..

I might’ve broken too many of my promises to you, but I want you to know that I’ll keep my promise to protect you for as long as I live. I’ll protect you Seungwan. You can trust me with this one.

I love you and I’m sorry Seungwan.





Helloo thank you so much guys😭 I was not expecting getting more than a hundred views.. I was only expecting like 10 views to be honest😭 You guys are the best! Thank you!!

And since you guys are asking for Irene’s POV.. here it is! This is what I had in mind while writing the previous chapter. So yeahh let me know what you guys think about it! And please keep in mind there might be a lot of grammatical errors, I’m working on it!! I’ll see you guys on another story!

That’s it for now, stay safe guys! xx

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Chapter 3: What the hell?? My ship has sunk 😭
Chapter 2: the reply letter was no less sad 😭
Chapter 1: Oh my gosh, Seungwan's feelings here are actually like the feelings of some fans who like Wenrene but are not approved by the agency :")
Chapter 3: What do you mean end it here? This can't be...
Chapter 3: Waee seungwan!!!
Namkai #6
J don't talk anything with W 3 month 🤨
bluorange #7
Chapter 3: Even if Wan's dating scandal just a rumor, you can't let J and W fix their relationship again. Wan doesn't deserve that. What J did was selfish. What she did was hurting Wan not what best for her. She is just a coward. She don't believe Wan enough to tell her the truth.

I am really sorry author-nim, I am a bit sensitive about it.. Thanks for your story.
wenrene_trash #8
Chapter 3: If you ended the story like this.. YOU’RE SO CRUEL😭😭😭 MY HEART CANNOT TAKE THIS💔💔
Chapter 2: don’t mind me, I’m just crying in the club
Chapter 2: Can we just kill the obsessed fan? :")
This is so frustrating:")