Chapter 3

Love life and Strawpips
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Chanyeol wakes up by the giggles of the smaller entering the room after being asleep all night.

" Hey good morning you too" He sits up tossing his hair as Kyungsoo and Kai jump on the sofa beside him.

" Morning " Baekhyun enters the room looking embarrassed as he too fixes his bed head

" Mommy you're ok" Kyungsoo rushes towards his mom hugging him around his waist as Baekhyun leans down and kisses the smaller on his head

" I am ok and wow you had a sleep over" Baekhyun tosses his hair before looking at Chanyeol who is smiling at him while hugging his son Kai

" I would offer to make breakfast, but I don't have any food in yet so how about I take us all out for breakfast" Chanyeol says as the kids get excited and start jumping around

" No need to do that, I have plenty at my place. I can cook something for us all" Baekhyun says still not moving from when he entered the room.

" Please let me buy us all some food " Chanyeol says while moving closer to the smaller who seems rather off this morning.

" Please please please can we?" The kids say together making Baekhyun and Chanyeol smile

" Ok ok but we need to get cleaned up and changed" Baekhyun says as the kids scream with excitement

" Ok ok calm. Kyungsoo, you head home and get changed with your mom and Kai and I will get changed and we will all meet at the tree in the garden in 15minutes" Chanyeol says as Kyungsoo grabs Baekhyun's hand and drags him out the door back to their bungalow

" Daddy why did Kyungsoo stay here with his mommy?"

" There was something wrong in their bungalow so Baekhyun needed to stay here" Chanyeol hopes that will stop his son asking questions

" Ok then, I hope he ok now because he was crying in the room last night" Kai says making Chanyeol pick him up and carry him to get changed

" He was upset over his daddy but its none of our business Kai ok "

" Ok daddy, can I bring brown nose with us to get some yummy food?"

" Of course you can, now off you go pick out some clothes and I will race you to get dressed" Chanyeol puts him down on his feet as Kai rushes off to his bedroom picking out his clothes. Chanyeol takes his time and slowly gets dressed so his son can win.

" Daddy, I can't find my other shoe" He hears Kai shout from another room as he stares into the full-length mirror checking himself over.

" Daddy, I called you" Kai appears in the doorway of his dad's room as Chanyeol pulls on a hoodie over his t-shirt.

"I heard you sweetheart, and did you win me getting dressed?" Chanyeol rushes to his son and picks him up before dropping him onto the bed and tickling him the same way Luhan used to do

" Daddy, stop it stop it " Kai giggles as he tries his best to push his giant daddy off him.

" Come on let's find your other shoe or we will be late for Baekhyun and Kyungsoo" Both race into Kai's room in search for the shoe.

Next door

"Mom are you ok?" Kyungsoo asks his mom with a whisper after what he saw last night.

"Yes, sweetheart I am fine see" Baekhyun smiles as he helps his son put on his shoes.

" I didn't like daddy doing that" Kyungsoo whispers again with his head low as Baekhyun tries to hold back his anger after what Kris did in front of their son.

" I know sweetheart, but I am ok, Now let's get going because we are late for Chanyeol and Kai.


Everyone rushes outside and meet at the tree all excited and ready for the day.

" Hey since I have the kid's car seats still in my car how about we take my car to get food" Chanyeol says as he unlocks the car door.

" Yeah, sounds perfect plus it will save time" Baekhyun smiles as he rushes after the excited kids and help them get in the back of the car.

" Ok is everyone in yet?" Chanyeol says as he and Baekhyun climb into the car after safely putting the boys in their car seats.

" Yes, daddy we are in" Kai shouts making Chanyeol click his seatbelt on.

" Wait I can't get my belt to move" Baekhyun giggles as he tries to pull the seat belt, but it just won't budge.

" Ok hang on " Chanyeol leans over the smaller and pulls the seatbelt slowly as it comes free before he clicks and secures Baekhyun to the seat while the kids laugh in the back.

" Thank you" Baekhyun looks into Chanyeol's eyes as Chanyeol remembers what happened last night and kinda liked it.

" No problem" He whispers as he moves back to his seat and starts the car.

" Ok so you need to tell me where to go " Chanyeol says as the car pulls away from the bungalows.

"Just go straight down this road and take a right "Baekhyun smiles a nervous smile as he looks out the window remembering what he did last night.

" Ok now if you just take the next left there is a beautiful café, we can get something nice to eat" Baekhyun turns a little and glances at Chanyeol looking so hot driving. His mind flashes back to when he first started dating Kris and how he would try hold Kris thigh when he drove, but Kris would give out.

" Baekhyun?" Chanyeol calls waking Baekhyun from his daydream.

" Sorry what?"

" Is this the place you were talking about?"

" Oh sorry yes this is the place" they all quickly get out of the car as the kids wait for their parents on the sidewalk.

"Is everything ok?" Chanyeol moves closer to Baekhyun as the smaller just nods " I will tell you later" and with that said they both head into the café with the kids' holding hands.

After the café

"Can we go to the park please mummy" Kyungsoo grabs Baekhyun's hand as he looks down at his excited son.

" Yeah, dad can we" Kai joins in begging Chanyeol as both parents look at each other and shrug their shoulders.

" I have no problem if Chanyeol and Kai don't mind"

" Please daddy Mr Baekhyun said they can go if we go" Kai looks up at his father with his big puppy dog eyes hoping his daddy says yes.

" Ok that's ok with me" Chanyeol says making the kids jump into the car and wait for their parents.

" I am so sorry about this you probably wanted to spend time alone with Kai " Baekhyun waits by the car after putting Kyungsoo into his car seat.

" To be honest with you Kai needs to play with people his own age not an old man like me" Chanyeol closes the door after putting Kai into his seat.

" You're not old " Baekhyun giggles as he steps around the car to get in.

" Wait can you tell me what you were going to say when we pulled up here" Chanyeol pushes as Baekhyun looks down at his feet.

" Kyungsoo asked me why his dad did what he did last night"

" Baekhyun I'm so sorry. I'm sorry Kyungsoo saw it too" Chanyeol reaches his hand across and touches Baekhyun's arm in comfort.

" We will be ok " Baekhyun looks up at Chanyeol wanting to be held and tries to send a message to him with just his eyes.

" I know you will be, and I will be right next door if you need anything ok now let's get these too excited kids to the park and ill buy you another coffee" Chanyeol lets Baekhyun's arm go as Baekhyun looks down at his arm haven't not felt affection in so long.

" Ok let's go to the park" Baekhyun says with excited as he climbs into the car not letting Kris get to him or upset his day out.

"Ok what the directions to this place" Chanyeol smirks as Baekhyun watches him start the car again as he smiles and tells him where to go.

At the park

" Love you mommy" Kyungsoo hugs Baekhyun before he grabs Kai away from Chanyeol as they rush over to the climbing frame in the park.

" Oh wow where do they get their energy from?" Baekhyun sits on the park bench one side of a table as Chanyeol sits on the other side.

" This is what I mean by feeling old" Chanyeol laughs as he knows he would never be able to do what the kids are doing now.

" Fancy a coffee" Baekhyun askes as he stands up from the bench.

" Hey, I'll get them" Chanyeol stops him but Baekhyun puts up a fight.

" Let me you got breakfast " Baekhyun says as he heads over to the coffee truck.

Taking a seat Chanyeol looks out towards the kids playing so happy in the park together and can't help but smile seeing his son so happy.

"Penny for your thoughts?" Baekhyun takes his seat passing a cup towards Chanyeol

"Oh just looking at Kai being so happy" Chanyeol says while mixing some sugar into his coffee.

" Yeah, it's nice seeing your kids smile and be happy and just be kids" Baekhyun sips his coffee as he too watches the kids playing.

They sit quietly for a while before Baekhyun breaks the silence.

" I cant get over this morning when Kyungsoo said he didn't like his daddy doing that last night " Baekhyun lets out a sigh after saying it again.

"What did you tell him though?"

" I told him I was ok now and that we were to get ready to meet you guys" Baekhyun finishes off his coffee.

"Do you want to get back with him?" Chanyeol asks the question he heard Kris ask Baekhyun last night.

" No way in hell he made his bed he can lie in it now. He cheated so many times on me. He lost Kyungsoo all over woman . He hurt me mentally and physically I don't want that . All I ever wanted was to be loved and do cheesy things you know"

"Cheesy things ?" Chanyeol looks confused as Baekhyun laughs.

" Yeah, like you know when you first get together with someone and if you're going on a drive you want to hold their thigh or hand as they drive, things like that I love . I love romance I thought I found it with Kris, but I was so so wrong . I didn't notice the big red flags with him because I was so blinded by love"

" Holding hands while driving I like that and it's not cheesy Luhan and I used to do it all the time. He would place his hand on my thigh as we drove anywhere. Even if we had a disagreement about something he would always touch my leg as kind of like an apology without saying any words" Chanyeol smiles thinking of those good days.

" Yeah, see that's what I want in life someone to do that stuff with. Even fall asleep on the sofa and be carried to bed small little things" Baekhyun eyes light up thinking of all the cute ways he wants in a relationship.

"Oh I hear you but I'm better off staying asleep on the couch like have you seen the size of me I can't be lifted just leave me there with a blanket " Chanyeol laughs making Baekhyun laugh too

"I'm sorry about Kris Baekhyun"

"I will be fine I just need to hold my own with him and not let him upset Kyungsoo" Baekhyun gives a soft smile before looking down at his empty cup.

" Chanyeol about last night "

"Don't mention it we sorted it"

"I just feel so bad"

" Hey, its ok honestly " Chanyeol touches Baekhyun hand showing him comfort as they both look into each other's eyes before being shouted at by their kids.

"Ok ok I hear you" Baekhyun stands up and rushes over to the kids who seem to have climbed something higher than they would have liked and are now scared.

"Daddy" Kai shouts as Chanyeol rushes over to them.

" Oh wow look at you too what shall we ever do to get you down" Chanyeol says playfully as Kai gives him a pouty face.

"I can't reach them" Baekhyun says while trying to figure out a way to get the kids down.

"Daddy reach up" Kai says as both kids are holding hands waiting.

"I don't need to reach up look if you walk across the bridge, you can slide down the slide" Chanyeol points the way as both kids walk along the bridge with their parents close by.

" Now come down the slide" Baekhyun waits at the end as Chanyeol stays near the top.

"Wheeeee" Kyungsoo says as he slides down the slide into Baekhyun's arms.

" See you did it, good job" Baekhyun kisses his son's cheeks before they move out of the way for Kai.

" Go sweetheart" Chanyeol rushes to the bottom and catches Kai as he slides down into the arms of his daddy all happy.

"I don't like being that high but that was fun" Kai says as he and Kyungsoo hug each other.

" Ok maybe we should head back now we have somewhere to be later" Chanyeol say as the kids look confused at each other than back to their parents.

"Where are we going daddy "Kai asks as Kyungsoo looks up at Baekhyun.

"We are going back to the fair but this time I will be able to enjoy it with you " Baekhyun says making Kyungsoo delighted that he finally gets to be with his mom at the fair.

" Right well everyone in the car then " Chanyeol's says as he smiles and starts to walk towards the car.

"I'm gonna race you all " Baekhyun shouts as he runs quickly over to the car with the kids following him making Chanyeol smile at just how cute Baekhyun is.

"Oh baby what am I gonna do" Chanyeol whispers looking at Baekhyun running with the kids and just how beautiful he really is.

"Luhan I am so confused I know you told me to move on, but I'm scared "Chanyeol thinks to himself as he gets closer to the car.

"Ok everyone in now" Chanyeol helps Kai into the car and closes the door as he climbs in with Baekhyun.

"Ok I think I need a nap" Baekhyun say as he yawns before looking back at the kids seeing they need a nap also.

"Yeah, I think I need one myself " Chanyeol starts the car as they head off home.

"What time shall I pick you up at later?" Chanyeol asks breaking Baekhyun out of his daydream of wanting to touch Chanyeol's hand while he drives.

"Oh sorry eh maybe 5 it starts earlier tonight" Baekhyun says while he checks on the kids who have gone out cold in the back.

"Ok 5 it is then may as well let me drive since I have the car seats " Chanyeol says as he slows the car a little.

" Is everything ok?" Baekhyun looks around to see if something has happened outside or there are police up ahead.

" Yeah, I just thought why rush home they are asleep I can keep driving that way they won't wake up" Chanyeol looks back at the road ahead before looking back at Baekhyun.

" Yeah, I like that idea" Baekhyun says while getting more comfortable in his seat.

"Do you think you will ever love again?" Baekhyun closes his mouth

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Hey dear! Will u pls pls pls update? 🩷
Chapter 3: Omg, so much happened in this chapter! I'm glad u update this story! Kris is an idiot but I'm glad Chanyeol was there to help Baek. The boys are adorable like always.💓💓💓💓
Beau1996 1371 streak #3
Chapter 3: Definitely baby steps - thankfully Chan has been there to help Baek!!
CaffeineDriver #4
Ooh! Need to catch up on this!!!
Beau1996 1371 streak #5
Chapter 2: Good chapter - Chan stepped in at the right time! Since Chan is still grieving, he is working through his feelings for Luhan - he hasn't really accepted that he's not coming back!
Chapter 2: Baek has a kid as well! I like that! I hope bith can find happiness soon. I always see Kris as the bad Guy, idk why 😅 anyway, Great chapter ^.^ thank u🥰
Chapter 1: i love it:)
Chapter 1: This looks interesting! 💖💖💖💖 I'm always weak for Kai baby.
Vampirella77 #9
Chapter 1: I love it❤❤❤❤❤
CaffeineDriver #10
Chapter 1: Kai is soo cute 😆