Chapter 2

Love life and Strawpips
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⚠️ warning  ⚠️


The person I have being the bad guy in this chapter I mean no disrespect towards . It's just a story

Author pov

" Mommy" a cute little dark haired boy shouts as he climbs out of a car and rushes up the driveway.

Chanyeol collecting the rest of the bags from his car turns to see Baekhyun his neighbour get down on his hunkers and hug the small boy who called him mommy

" I missed you so much" the little boy says as Chanyeol smiles seeing the big smile on his neighbors face. A tall dark haired guy climbs out of a flash car with a baseball cap on flashing a massive oversize watch .

' fake' Chanyeol smirks to himself knowing that watch is fake and the car is last year's model  but he takes his time so he can spy on his neighbor a bit longer

" Daddy tell mommy what you bought me " the little boy says as the father steps closer passing a bag towards Baekhyun

" What did you buy him now Kris ?" Baekhyun huffs as he takes the bag

" It's a little car he can sit in and drive at my place, no big deal" The father smiles and all Chanyeol can do it roll his eyes knowing full well this guy is a waste of space

" It is a big deal" Baekhyun tries to whisper while covering his son's ears

" Oh shut up " the tall guys says making Chanyeol slam down the booth of the car making them both look towards him.

" Go inside Kyungsoo I picked some strawberries for daddy can you get a little basket for me " Baekhyun kisses his son's head as he watches him leave before he says anything to the father of his son.

" Don't speak to me like that Kris especially in front of our son" Baekhyun says while hugging himself

" I didn't mean to princess I'm sorry " Kris cups the smallers face making Baekhyun pull away

" Is everything ok Baekhyun ?" Chanyeol ask as Kris gives him a daggered look

" Yeah everything is fine pal" Kris smirks as he places sunglasses on

" I wasn't asking you pal" Chanyeol walks closer as Kris just laughs

" Ok well none of your business pal , Baekhyun I'll see Kyungsoo in about 2 weeks or so"

" What, do you mean two weeks your supposed to have him the weekends Kris" Baekhyun looks at his ex wanting to hurt him

" I can't I'm flying out "

" Daddy here look strawberries , from me to you" Kyungsoo says as he hands his father a little basket of strawberries

" Thanks my boy, ok so give daddy a kiss and I will see you really soon ok" Kris kisses and hugs his son as Kyungsoo moves and stands beside Baekhyun

" Can't I see you this weekend ?" Kyungsoo says as Chanyeol moves away a little but still close enough

" I can't I have plans. I'll see you soon"

" Laters" Kris says as Kyungsoo rushes into the house upset leaving Baekhyun furious

" You can't keep doing this to him Kris"

" What am I doing, I make up for the time I don't see him baek" Kris shouts back as Baekhyun gets more annoyed

" You cant buy him everything thinking it will fix things he needs you not what money can buy"

" He is my son I can buy him whatever I want " Kris eats a strawberry and throws the rest into Baekhyuns arms and walks away

" See you in a few weeks " Kris says while getting into his car and drives off

Baekhyun crouches down with tears in his eyes and rushes to pick up the strawberries

" Let me help" Chanyeol rushes over and helps pick up the strawberries.

" I can't let Kyungsoo see that his father did this " Baekhyun sniffs a little as they both hurry to pick them up

" Mommy?' Kyungsoo shouts as Baekhyun panics

" Here give them to me" Chanyeol opens one of his bag and throws the strawberries into it and closes it before Kyungsoo notices his father didn't take his gift

" Daddy ?" Kai rushes out of the bungalow and over to his dad as Kyungsoo also joins them

" Who's that?" Kai says seeing Kyungsoo behind Baekhyun

" Kai this is my son Kyungsoo, Kyungsoo say hi to Kai and Mr Park"

" Hello" Kyungsoo says with a smile

" Hey call me Chanyeol and nice to meet you Kyungsoo" Chanyeol says getting onto his hunkers so the smaller isn't scared of him

" How old are you?" Kyungsoo asks as he walks closer to Kai

" I am 6 years old" Kai says with pride as Kyungsoo smiles " me too wanna go play in my back garden?" Kyungsoo asks as they both look at their parents

" Sure but only for a little while we have to go to the fair soon " Baekhyun smiles as Kyungsoo and Kai rush off before Kai stops and returns "can I go play dad?" Kai whispers forgetting he never asked his father for permission

" Of course you can sweetheart just be careful ok" Chanyeol bumps his nose making his son giggle with excitement as he and Kyungsoo rush off to play

" Thanks for that " Baekhyun says as he looks up at Chanyeol who is looking at him with concern

" Is that Kyungsoo's father?" Chanyeol questions as he passes the little backpack from the ground to Baekhyun

" Yeah that's the donor " Baekhyun smirks as Chanyeol knows what he means

" Come in for a cuppa?" Baekhyun asks as Chanyeol excepts and follows him inside

Looking out the back garden he can't help but smile seeing Kai and Kyungsoo having fun outside

" Does he always talk to you like that ?" Chanyeol asks softly hoping not to cross the line

" Sometimes yes but I just brush it off and he leaves " Baekhyun turns to make the tea as Chanyeol can't understand why anyway would tell his child's other parent to shut up

" So about this fair?" Chanyeol decides to change the subject

" Mommy , daddy" the kids rush in shouting at the same time

" Can we go the fair together ?" They both say all excited looking up at their parents

" Kyungsoo sweetheart you know aunty lulu takes you so I can sell our beautiful strawberries"

" Oh please can't I go with Mr Park and Kai" Kyungsoo huffs as Chanyeol joins in

" Hey can you both go play for a little bit longer so us parents can talk for a bit " he watches as Kai pushes Kyungsoo out to the garden again as they play

" I can take him with us if you like we can follow behind you and I can take him on the rides with Kai. You won't have to worry"

" I'm not sure " Baekhyun looks out to the garden sipping his tea seeing his son so happy

" Look here is my card . This is my home address , where I work, all my numbers" Chanyeol passes the smaller his business card as  Baekhyun takes it laughing a little with nerves

" I just met you though, I think I will pass" Baekhyun passes the card back as Chanyeol leaves it on the table in case he changes his mind

" Hey I can understand that, it's no problem I would be the same " Chanyeol smiles as he stands up and makes his way to the back garden

" Kai come on we need to get changed for the fair or we will be late" Baekhyun watches on as Kai runs as fast as he can and jumps up into his father's arms

" Oh gosh your getting faster " Chanyeol smiles as he kisses his son's cheek 

" Say goodbye to Kai for now Kyungsoo " Baekhyun stands up as Kyungsoo says goodbye to his new friend

" We might see you at the fair later " Chanyeol heads towards the door as Baekhyun holds it open for him

" Thank you for the tea and if you change your mind my card is on the table " Chanyeol puts Kai down on his feet as the little one drags him to the bungalow.

" See you at the fair" Baekhyun shouts after him before stepping back into his bungalow. Making his way into the kitchen he sees the card and lifts it to read it again . " President of SM entertainment" he says before putting it back down

" Mommy can I get washed now for the fair" Kyungsoo says as he holds up his arms to Baekhyun

" Hey your getting to big to be carried by me sweetheart you have to walk" Baekhyun tosses his son's hair as they head into the bathroom to get ready

Later that evening

" Daddy I am already and your not" Kai huffs as he sits on his fathers bed watching Chanyeol half dressed fix his hair

" I had to get you ready first silly" Chanyeol looks into the mirror seeing his son huffing

" I don't take that long daddy but you do and we will be late" Kai falls back down onto the bed huffing as all Chanyeol can do is just smile at his son's cuteness . Seeing Kai act like this reminds him of his late husband and how he would ask Luhan to hurry up when getting ready

" Daddy I'm talking to you " Kai says knocking Chanyeol out of his daydream

" Sorry son what is it?"

" The door can I open it there was a knock" Kai says as Chanyeol rushes to the door to see who it can be

" Hi my mommy is looking for help " Kyungsoo says looking at Chanyeol with no top on

" Sure what's wrong ?" Chanyeol follows Kyungsoo as he guides him to the back of this mommy's car

" Look silly mommy got stuck" Kyungsoo starts to laugh seeing his mommy stuck by the back of his jeans in the back of the open car trunk

" Should I ask?" Chanyeol laughs seeing Baekhyun looking annoyed he got trapped

" Wow, em I got stuck and eh I needed help " Baekhyun blushes like crazy seeing Chanyeol half dressed reaching in

" It's the strap of your jeans hang on" Chanyeol reaches in and pulls Baekhyun free

" Oh thank you so much I thought I was stuck there forever " Baekhyun smiles as he climbs out of the back of the car

" I don't think all of these will fit in your car" Chanyeol looks at the baskets that still have to go inside the car

" I know I might have to do two trips and the baby sister aunty lulu has the flu " baekhyun huffs while stealing a glance at Chanyeols body

" Look let me follow you with Kai that way you can put the back seats and the passenger seat down to fit all the baskets in together. It will save you another trip" Baekhyun looks on and then turns to see Kai and Kyungsoo talking to each other

" Ok I trust you" baekhyun looks up at the taller as Chanyeol turns to the kids

" Ok boys get your coats on we are going together in my car"

"Yayyy" Kai and Kyungsoo shout all excited

" Ok so go and then come

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Hey dear! Will u pls pls pls update? 🩷
Chapter 3: Omg, so much happened in this chapter! I'm glad u update this story! Kris is an idiot but I'm glad Chanyeol was there to help Baek. The boys are adorable like always.💓💓💓💓
Beau1996 1379 streak #3
Chapter 3: Definitely baby steps - thankfully Chan has been there to help Baek!!
CaffeineDriver #4
Ooh! Need to catch up on this!!!
Beau1996 1379 streak #5
Chapter 2: Good chapter - Chan stepped in at the right time! Since Chan is still grieving, he is working through his feelings for Luhan - he hasn't really accepted that he's not coming back!
Chapter 2: Baek has a kid as well! I like that! I hope bith can find happiness soon. I always see Kris as the bad Guy, idk why 😅 anyway, Great chapter ^.^ thank u🥰
Chapter 1: i love it:)
Chapter 1: This looks interesting! 💖💖💖💖 I'm always weak for Kai baby.
Vampirella77 #9
Chapter 1: I love it❤❤❤❤❤
CaffeineDriver #10
Chapter 1: Kai is soo cute 😆