Chapter 6




Jennie turned around to glare at Chaeyoung


"Don't call me that"


They were now back in their dorms and from the looks of things, it seems the two were alone


Chaeyoung sighed "Unnie..."


"Not that either"


Chaeyoung furrowed her eyebrows and sighed internally but did it anyway




When silence was met, Chaeyoung continued


"Wifey, what you said you mean it?'


Jennie however, wasn't listening and was staring at a light red mark on Chaeyoung's neck and pointed it out


"What's that?"


Chaeyoung looks confused, and a bit frustrated that Jennie didn't listen to her

"What's what?"

Jennie stared at it hard and moved closer to Chaeyoung until the younger girl is pinned to the door


Jennie touched Chaeyoung's light red mark and Chaeyoung shivered a bit as it is a bit sensitive to touch


Chaeyoung's mind flashbacks to when she was weakly pushing Joohyun away when she felt the eldest on her neck. A bit of red blush on her face as she stuttered

"I-it's from..."

Jennie finished it for her

"Is it from Irene-unnie?"

The way Jennie said it so calmly sent sparks of fear inside Chaeyoung

"...I think so"

Jennie raised an eyebrow questioningly "You think so?"

"I wasn't...really remembering what just happened earlier to be honest"


Chaeyoung looked at Jennie who seems to be leaning forward and Chaeyoung could feel her heart beating out of her chest rapidly, the smell of Chanel, and just...Jennie is all around her and Chaeyoung scrunched her face, closing her eyes as she's feeling very overwhelmed now. From Joohyun's kiss, to her dazing thoughts, and now her confused heart.



A minute of silence



And Chaeyoung felt Jennie's head land on her shoulders with arms wrapping around her waist






She felt wetness on her shoulders



"Is she...?"



A sob escaped from Jennie's mouth and Chaeyoung's heart faltered from its nervousness and is now replaced by concern and guilt for making Jennie feel like this



"Please, Rosie! Don't...don't do this" Jennie yelled at her shoulders "Don't have a relationship with her!"



"Wifey..." Chaeyoung rubbed Jennie's back soothingly "Joohyun-unnie is...she does not have feelings like that to me."



Jennie pulled back and scowled angrily despite tears running down her face



"Don't give me that bull!"



Chaeyoung's eyes widened at the use of profanity



"You're too ing dense Rosie!" Jennie fumed "You don't even notice how Irene-unnie is looking at you! You don't notice how I look at you for years!"



Chaeyoung cannot take this anymore so she pushed Jennie away though not harshly, but enough for the older woman to step back



" don't know what happened Jennie"



Jennie kept shut when Rosie said this in English



When it's English and used with a dark tone



The is serious



Chaeyoung looked stoically at Jennie and said "I don't know about Joohyun, but all I've been receiving from you are mixed signals. Do you think it's clear as a day for me to notice your feelings?"

Chaeyoung started walking towards her room but stopped for a moment and continued speaking

"You've made me jealous by hanging out more closely to Jisoo or Lisa, you've made me confused when you suddenly became cold to me and is not noticing my presence, you've made me sad when you won't get closer to me no matter what I try, and most of all..." Chaeyoung turned back to look at Jennie's eyes with pain in her eyes

"You've hurt me going out with someone while I'm the only one who doesn't know about it."

Jennie bit her lip to stop the retaliation from and just clenched her fist in anger and guilt

"It's not clear for me Jennie, I don't feel it" Chaeyoung shook her head "And as much as I want to talk about it, I'm too conflicted right now. Let's talk about it when we both have clear heads about this."

Chaeyoung closed her eyes "If there's one thing I learned from Joohyun and her experiences, it would be talking things through with a clear head..and my head is not clear right now"

"Especially about what I...felt on that kiss"

Chaeyoung was about to really walk away when she felt Jennie stop her by grabbing her hand

"Please...don't get closer to Irene-unnie..." Jennie could actually feel her chance slipping by remembering the 7 minutes of heaven of the two and the state she caught the two




"Jennie..." Chaeyoung took a deep calming breath to not let her temper get the better of her "Joohyun is one of the closest people in my life; I can't just ignore her and let all memories we've made gone just like that"




Chaeyoung, for the first time in her life, ignored Jennie and walked towards her room, locking it to ensure she'll be alone for the whole day and night.


The warmth upon touching Chaeyoung was still in Jennie's hand as she put that hand to her heart and closed her eyes in anguish


"I can't lose you Park Chaeyoung..."

Chaeyoung lay in her bed, eyes staring right through the roof over her; her mind in an endless haze like the mysteries of the night in a buzzing city. She touched her lips and she felt how her heart thumped faster




Chaeyoung groaned, grabbing her head and messing her hair up in frustration


"Is a kiss really...necessary?"


Chaeyoung bit her lip, racking her mind if there was a time that Joohyun did say that they'll kiss


"So, in this fake relationship thing..."

Chaeyoung bit her lip to stop a wide smile from forming as she watched Joohyun lay her stomach on Chaeyoung's bed with a messy bun of her hair while wearing glasses and a cute little notepad in her hand as if she's taking notes from the craziness they're planning right now

"I think we also need to be clingy to each other as possible; if what you said about Jennie being clingy in your group is right, then maybe us being clingy will make her jealous." Joohyun stated as she wrote 'clingy as possible' in her notepad

"I'm sure we're both comfortable enough to be clingy with each other considering we already hugged each other in the first meeting, right Rosie?" Joohyun chuckled before finally looking at Chaeyoung who was staring at her with such warm eyes and some kind of dopey smile which made a blush form on her cheeks


Chaeyoung seemed to snap out from staring at the visual of Red Velvet and blushed furiously "A-ah yes, what were you saying again unnie?" She asked sheepishly, biting her lip unconsciously

Joohyun's eyes went down a bit before shaking her head and nudging Chaeyoung playfully "What's up with you? Is recording your new songs tired you out that much?" She asked

"I would never" Chaeyoung shook her head, lips smiling softly from finally getting to sing once more especially since music is her passion "Besides, you said this day is so important that I should not be lazing around in the dorm" Her eyebrow raised in amusement as she recalled Joohyun's text to her.

"Well," Joohyun smiled softly, hand reaching out to Chaeyoung's and tracing patterns on them "Our happiness is important too you know"

"Yeah, you're right" Chaeyoung whispered, loving how Jooohyun's small and soft fingers feel on her own "So, what were you saying again unnie?"

Joohyun giggled "I said, we're both comfortable enough to be clingy with each other especially since we already hugged in our first real meeting"

Chaeyoung laughed lightly "You don't think our first real meeting is our dinner with the others?"

Joohyun shrugged "You were talking to Joy at that time,"


"So it's my fault for not making it our first real meeting?"


Joohyun hummed before smirking as she answered









Chaeyoung pouted "It's not my fault you're so pretty that I couldn't say anything to you," She said out loud



A minute of silence



Joohyun watched Chaeyoung blush deep red in amusement "So..." Joohyun sat up and is now face-to-face with a red Chaeyoung "You think I'm too pretty that I made you speechless?"

Chaeyoung groaned and hid her face with her pillow as she talk with pillow muffling her words "Shut up..."

Joohyun laughed out loud, eyes crinkling in happiness and mirth "Come here you big baby" She laughed again when Chaeyoung yelled out 'I'm not a baby!'

"How can we talk about the plan now if you're not even looking at me?" Joohyun chuckled, tapping Chaeyoung's head "Come on now, I'll treat you outside if you come out from your cave"

There was silence for a while but Chaeyoung spoke out "...fine"

Joohyun bit her lip to stop laughing seeing Chaeyoung finally show her pouting face especially since she made that happen by mentioning a treat aka food aka Chaeyoung's love of her life

"So, what else will be in the plan?" Chaeyoung asked

Joohyun looked at her notepad and recapped what they have been talking about lately "Well, we have dates, nightly talks, texts with each other, and being clingy."

"Basically, we're just hanging out more than usual" Chaeyoung grinned "Seems easy enough unnie, looks like we'll be spending more time with each other then"

"Yeah, I can't wait" Joohyun grinned back before it dimmed as something clicked in her mind " the way, I forgot to mention something"

"What is it unnie?"

Joohyun bit her lip "...I think when the two have an idea of what we're doing, I think we should..."

Chaeyoung looks confused especially since Joohyun is starting to blush "We should what unnie?




Chaeyoung's mouth dropped as her body stilled "K-kiss?" She managed to squeak out


Jooohyun nodded slowly, her eyes landing on Chaeyoung's pink lips before going back to her eyes "Yeah, I think we will need to kiss at least once. Heck, I think that will be the final part of the plan if you ask me. When they are truly jealous when knowing we're kissing, I think we can really see that they have feelings for us"

Chaeyoung gulped "But Joohyun...I" Chaeyoung hesitated at first before taking a deep breath and whispered


"I haven't had my first kiss yet"


Joohyun seems shocked that an attractive and charismatic woman like Chaeyoung hasn't had her first kiss yet but...


"Me too"


She's in the same boat as well anyways


Chaeyoung almost snapped her head "R-really? Does that're willing to have your first kiss...with me?" Chaeyoung gulped, heart, beating unknowingly fast

Joohyun's trusting smile melted away Chaeyoung's nervousness as she said "If there's one person I'm willing to give my first kiss to, other than Seungwan, it would surely be you, Rosie"

Joohyun scooted closer to Chaeyoung and cupped her chipmunk cheek as she said soothingly "I trust you trust me?"

Chaeyoung seems to calm down upon Joohyun's touch "I...I do" She whispered

Joohyun gave a radiant smile that made Chaeyoung return it with her own as Joohyun said

"I'm glad"

A pinch on the cheek made Chaeyoung yelp and Joohyun giggle as she said playfully

"We're not sure if we'll get to that part Rosie don't worry, maybe Jennie would still be your first kiss when this all ends"

Chaeyoung chuckled before tackling Joohyun and started tickling her as the room is now starting to be filled with laughter and shouts

"...well, you did become my first kiss Joohyun"

Chaeyoung muttered, eyes looking at a photo of her and Joohyun on one of their little dates outside. This is when Joohyun treated her that day; she was wearing a scrunched-up face as Joohyun in the picture is laughing and holding out an avocado ice cream to her.

"And the confusing part of it all..."

Chaeyoung put her hand on her heart and clenched it

"I...liked it"

Bae Joohyun stared at her phone in a daze; she has been staring at it for quite some time now especially since her group members bombarded her earlier if she truly did the dare to Chaeyoung.

"Did you really do it unnie?!" Yeri asked with wide eyes as they ate dinner. She could only ask now as Joohyun closed the door of her room and locked it.


It's a sign that their leader wants to be left alone


Joohyun shrugged "It was just a dare, it's not a big deal"

Wendy pursued her lips "It seems like it was a pretty big deal if Jennie was fuming like a bull earlier"

"Yeah..." Joy narrowed her eyes "What is up with her? I mean I know Jennie-unnie can look mean but the way she reacted earlier makes it seems like something is going on"

Joohyun quickly stopped the growl forming in remembering what happened earlier "We...just had a bit of a fight"

"About Chaeyoung?" Seulgi asked

Joohyun looked down a bit and just nodded quietly


"So, you did do it"


Everyone looked at Wendy


"...maybe I did"


Joohyun closed her eyes as she said it, not wanting to see Wendy's reaction; maybe she was scared or nervous, but her mind and heart are in shambles right now, especially since her hands are twitching to call a certain someone.

Seulgi frowned seeing Seungwan's eyes crinkling in sadness but there were no tears in them; it was as if Seungwan is having a plan of her own and Seulgi has the slightest idea what

"Seungwan...are you observing Joohyun-unnie? Are you going to make your move? or..." Seulgi bit her lip; she knows her best friend after all. It wouldn't be Seungwan that even if her heart is hurting, she would help Joohyun reach her happiness even when it's not her.


Could that be what Seungwan is thinking?


"I'm done eating"


Before Seulgi could voice out her thoughts, Seungwan was already standing up and leaving the dining area. Yeri looked thoughtful for a moment before quietly saying

"I think I'm going to rest now also"

Seulgi looked at Joohyun before looking down on the floor in distress as she also stood up without finishing her food

"I'm going to talk to Seungwan"

Joohyun didn't even say anything as Joy started cleaning the table when Joohyun was also done eating

"I..." The eldest couldn't finish her thought, her heart yearning to talk to Chaeyoung after what happened today. She was nervous and scared that Chaeyoung is going to leave her alone...



Then she looked around her



Joohyun watched all of them leave her alone in the dining area making a pinch of loneliness hit her heart until she hears Joy's velvety voice

"You know unnie..." Joy sighed "I may not like how Wendy-unnie is hurting right now, but if Chaeyoung truly makes you feel like your heart is full and happy..."

Joohyun looked at Joy's eyes and her lips trembled a bit when she saw a shimmer of acceptance

"You should go for it"


"I should go for it" Joohyun murmured and nervously called Chaeyoung's number


The first ring, the voice that Joohyun has been wanting to hear quickly met her ears




Joohyun's breath hitched hearing Chaeyoung call her as if she were expecting this call.


"Rosie," Joohyun called out as well "About today..."


"It's about the kiss right unnie?"


Joohyun blushed and her lips could remember how much it felt earlier




A moment of silence between them until Chaeyoung sighed


"You know unnie, because of that kiss" Chaeyoung spoke out "Jennie-unnie kind of confessed"


A shimmer of anger and sadness can be seen in Joohyun's eyes "kind of confessed?"




"What did you say then?" Joohyun took a deep breath and braced herself "Did the plan work? Are you two...together?"


Joohyun could feel her heart sinking as each second passed by with Chaeyoung not answering


"Is the plan done? Are we not going to spend more time now?" Joohyun's thoughts were running wildly but she always reminds herself that Chaeyoung promised that she would never leave her.


But there's still this hole in her heart that cannot be filled at all despite reminding herself every time


"No, we're not"


Joohyun didn't realize that she actually stopped breathing while waiting for an answer as she just said in curiosity with her heart beating fast and mind assuming things


"Is Chaeyoung also...?"


"Why Rosie...?"








"Because I can't get you out of my head Joohyun...I can't get our kiss out of my head."

Hello everyone! I've been itching to update this and tbh, I couldn't even write a chapter for my other stories because this pairing has been on my mind every time I look at my editor sksksks so here's a small update to set my mind at ease and hopefully yours too? 

I hope you enjoy this chapter! It's a mix of feelings our main characters are feeling right now but still, anything can happen. 








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Chapter 13: OMG you back authornim!!! 🎉🎉

I am glad Chaeyoung survived the gay panic she had in this chapter. I mean we can't blame her when there's two beautiful women showing their want on her 🤭 😂 But really though, even with all the gay panic and messed up situation they are in, its obvious that Joohyun was the one who handled it well even if one might think she's on the losing end. Chaeyoung is still confused and we can't really blame her for that. Coz if not for Jennie finally taking action of her feelings when Joohyun happened, Chaeyoung could easily move on knowing she already caught feelings with Irene. And this situation is the perfect example of who is really the one who is in tune with Chaeyoung's feelings. Joohyun may not have known Rosé for that long but her understanding of Chaeyoung is deeper than just feelings of love. She knew she loves Chaeyoung. But she doesn't force her feelings on her, she just let her know. And she stays understanding of Chaeyoung's predicament and be the bigger person in their messed up situation by being patient and attentive towards Chaeyoung without putting pressure on their relationship. On the other side, Jennie has the same feelings of love for Chaeyoung. But her expectations are different from Joohyun's. The way she approaches Chae is more on getting her feelings compensated for the sacrifice she did because she got afraid of ruining things between her and Chaeyoung. She's banking on the fact that Chae had feelings for her and to choose her because she's the one Chae has feelings first. But she didn't acknowledge until now that she has hurt Chaeyoung in the process when she kept her distance from her. And that she only panicked and made her move when she noticed Rosé having feelings for Joohyun. Coz if that didn't happen in the first place, there's a possibility that Jennie will keep suppressing her feelings until Chaeyoung gets tired in the end.

Anyways, still Team Renesé endgame here 😊 Looking forward for your next update!

P.S. solo Renesé moment pls 🙏*ehem ehem*
LillyMay1100 #2
Chapter 13: Maybe a throuple ending is a option, love that we are seeing development between both sides...

I'm still going to ship RosiexIrene ❤️
Crazy_Reader #3
Chapter 13: ahhhhhh..... this is just so confusing for Rosé but I'm still firmly on team Irene *shrugs* but I really hope that you don't make two endings which, just in my opinion - not to say you are doing it but- to me it feels too much like a cop out, I hope you make one ending, be it with Rosé and Irene or Jennie but a finality that I hope will cement to us the decision that Rosé makes.

And you are so correct about lesser and lesser new RV or BP fics on AFF anymore. It's the reality but it still hurts that this is really reality.
Chapter 11: I'm curious to know who's Rosie going to choose
Chapter 11: Hello honorable author, thank you for this new chapter.
I will try to be short and direct in my comment...
It's great that Jennie and Rosé finally talked, now we know Jennie's side... but I really disliked that Rosé started playing a double game, it seems to me that her character in this story would not react like that. It only seems that Jennie can get Rosé's attention through seduction and seduction or ual desire is not everything in a relationship. I love chaennie with all my heart, but it seems to me that Jennie in this story was very selfish and inconsiderate towards Rosé, Jennie made Rosé suffer for years.

It seems unfair to me that now that Rosé found Irene and they both connect on many levels... Jennie wants to enter the scene. In my opinion Irene really knew everything about Rosé, her defects and virtues and the same Rosé with Irene. The love between Irene and Rosé developed and grew, please, I need Jennie to get out of the way and understand that Irene is the best for Rosé. Jennie had her opportunity for many years and she didn't know how to take advantage of it, it's time for Jennie to let Rosé be happy.
loving is also learning to let go

Thank you author, I will be looking forward to your next update!!!!!!!!
LillyMay1100 #6
Chapter 11: I AGREE WITH THE COMMENT BELOW, I'm all for Rosie and Irene.
Chapter 11: Chapter 11: Finally real new update 😂 There's quite some things to unpack here but first, even though I am leaning towards Renesé now, I am glad for this Chaennie chapter coz we finally got to know more of Jennie's feelings for Chaeyoung. From the first time she started to have feelings for Chae up until the point that she finally admitted to have fallen in love with her. But tbh, even if Chaeyoung is still conflicted with her feelings towards Jennie, I kinda feel like after that conversation, Chae can finally make her decision between Joohyun and Jennie. And I am still for Renesé. Jennie might have deserved the chance to chase Chaeyoung after her confession, but does it feel like its kinda too late? That for Jennie to finally act on her feelings towards Chae was because she was triggered by Joohyun catching up feelings on Chaeyoung. And its unfair for Chae to be pressured to choose when it was not her fault in the first place that she also caught feelings for Joohyun because Jennie pushed her away just like how Wendy kept Joohyun at arms length and also didn't affirm the latter's feelings why Irene fell out of love with Wendy. And the way that Renesé was spending more time alone, it was inevitable that they would start to catch up feelings with the way their emotional intimacy grew beyond their relationship with their group members like going out of the way to cater what the other needed despite having different schedules, etc. They may have started as a plan to make their supposed significant others jealous, but there's no denying that Renesé's relationship grew intimate without them knowing either. And the fact that they are also affected with how complicated their situation has become since all four of their feelings are already out means that they already have deep feelings for each other. Otherwise, Chae wouldn't be this torn of her feelings and Joohyun to finally realize that she had already fallen out of love. Despite that, I like how Joohyun is patient with Chaeyoung and not pressuring her to immediately sort out her feelings and let Chae figure it out on her own. I also like how confident she is with her feelings towards Chaeyoung and that she isn't scared of the complications if she really get to pursue her, that she's brave enough to fight for Chaeyoung if needed. And that is worth choosing for a partner.

P.S. Hoping for Renesé moment in the next chapter 🙏 (pls see suggestion from nishichan's chapter 10 comment 🤭)
Chapter 11: 😍😍😍
Crazy_Reader #9
Chapter 11: Waaaaaahhhhhh!!! It's been so long!! Welcome back Author-nim and a happy new year!!
I have read and reread this story so many times you have no idea I've even finished my first year of Uni now and this is just an amazing time for the update just as we go on a few days off.
I love Rosie but she's just so confused and honestly I feel like right now she still has Jennie in her heart even though she's gotten close to Joohyun it feels like she only sees her as a friend or maybe had a crush but now, now it seems like she's never going to be able to let go of Jennie and I just don't see Rosie choosing Joohyun 💔😥😢