Chapter 3


Irene sighed tiredly but the smile on her face is absolutely radiant; her eyes looking at her members joking around, especially the maknae line, Seulgi is currently practicing more with Wendy as this will be their first performance together ever since that incident.

Irene has always been a fearful woman; there was one time that Seulgi playfully placed a dummy spider for some fun and she couldn't resist the loud shriek of fear escaping .

It didn't just happen once, it happened twice.

She swears that her members really love making fun of her even though she's the eldest and also the leader of this chaotic group that she absolutely loves so much.


When they were practicing for SBS Gayo Daejun, Irene could never forget Wendy's scream of fright and panic then followed by a sound of a loud crash which made all the surrounding people go to the source.


She knew she was trembling, she was frozen in shock and her members (particularly Joy and Seulgi) were already crying and shouting Wendy's name






Yeri is like her in every sense, she couldn't move though her eyes are glassy and her lips were trembling as the staff was already starting to block the area off and call the medics.


The four members of Red Velvet couldn't get up close too much but Irene knew how much pain her Seungwan is in right now, the groans of pain and the struggle of keeping her eyes open made Irene's heart squeeze in pain as if she was the one who fell from the platform.




Irene clenched her fists in worry and tears are already starting to gather in her eyes, her members are not helping by already shouting Wendy's name and sobbing in concern.

They watch the medics quickly appear at the venue and grab Wendy carefully as they started immediately bringing her to a near hospital as well as lessening her pain to the best of their abilities.


Their manager called to them and Irene started glaring harshly at them which made their manager flinch at the intense anger and worry in Irene's eyes. As soon as they entered Red Velvet's room at the venue, she started to talk.


"They have already blocked the area so we have no choice but to return you to your dorms"


Seulgi grabbed their manager's hand tightly and said with trembling lips "Can we go to the hospital? Please?" Seulgi choked out "We want to make sure Seungwan is..."


Their manager sighed "Wendy will be fine, the experts are taking care of her so you shoul-"


"You don't know that!"


Everyone flinched at Irene's angry shout "Did you see how high that platform was?!" She sneered "Seulgi is right, we need to see Seungwan right now."




Irene snapped her head to the youngest who looked down upon seeing Irene's blazing eyes


"Please calm down..."


Irene could see that Yeri was barely hanging on and if there were any more outbursts, she was sure the younger girl will break down as well. Joy also started to grab Irene's shoulder and squeezed it comfortingly.

Irene took a deep breath and her face is now on its resting face, which was still not any better but at least she's not yelling right now.




Their manager looked tiredly at Joy who was actually the one speaking


"I know you are also worried for Wendy-unnie..." Joy spoke softly "You know us, we always take care of each other. If you were to bring us back to our dorms right now, you know nothing is stopping us from coming to the hospital ourselves."


Joy and their manager stared at each other for like an eternity until the manager sighed and gave them a tired but soft smile


"Honestly, if you girls were just some kind of rude idols, it would have been so easy to turn down your request."


Joy cracked a smile at that and Irene could feel relief at hearing that.


'We're coming Seungwan...' Irene rushed ahead of them with this thought on her head

At the hospital, Irene watched doctors and nurses tending to their beloved member and with each second passing by, fear is enclosing her heart bit by bit. If it wasn't for her other members around her; hugging and holding hands, Irene is sure she would have passed out from worry by now.


Hours passed and finally...


Finally, Seungwan's condition has stabilized but there are still tests needed to run, for now, it is of utmost importance to know that their main vocalist is not near death's door.


Seulgi fell asleep on Joy's shoulder with red-rimmed eyes after waiting for hours, Joy and Yeri breathe out a sigh of relief but still looked longingly and worriedly at their unconscious member.


And Irene...


Irene slumped back to the hospital's wall, heart finally ceasing its adrenaline speed and returning to a stable pace. She looked softly at Seungwan's sleeping face and her heart leaped in happiness and relief after finally making sure the girl she loves is okay...


Realization struck her


And that's when Irene realized, after seeing Seungwan heavily injured and the unimaginable fear that came afterward...


She loves Son Seungwan, also known as Wendy, their group's main vocalist.

Irene flinched when someone suddenly sat next to her, she turned her head and saw Joy looking at her intently

"What is it this time?" Irene asked

"Nothing..." She shrugged "Just you know, watching you since you're damn so confusing to read unnie"

Irene scowled "What is it this time?" She repeated

Joy snorted "Again, so damn confusing" She murmured before looking at Irene with dead serious eyes "From what I observed unnie, you've been loving our dear main vocalist since who knows how many years. Heck, I've been subtly shipping you two!"

Irene hid the blush on her face and continued with a blank face "And?"

Irene is inwardly giggling when Joy looked at her like she wanted to punch Irene in the head


"Now I see you almost looking the same way at my Chaeyoung-ah! What, do you have a thing for main vocalists?!"


Irene grabbed Joy's mouth and hissed at her


"Would you stop?!"


"I think I'm going to rest for now Seulgi-ah"


"Oh, sure Seungwan" Seulgi looked worriedly at her best friend who just smiled at her tiredly "You okay?"


Wendy waved her off and started drinking her bottled water while giving Seulgi a thumbs-up


"And also, stop referring to Chaeyoung as yours" Irene scolded which made Joy pursue her lips "What, you getting jelly now? You were always the jealous type unnie."

Irene rolled her eyes "You should have seen the other gir..." She muttered before shaking her head. She looked at Joy and said seriously

"Don't worry Sooyoung, everything will work out"

Joy knew that Irene was serious when she called out her real name and with such a serious tone. She looked worriedly at the hidden sadness in Wendy's form and Irene's struggling eyes

"I hope so unnie...or else everyone else will get hurt from this."

Chaeyoung bit her lip nervously and whispered to herself


"I am so not ready for this"


She looked at the daunting unfamiliar...but also kind of familiar door for her "Please don't make this day awkward as hell or I might stress eat after this day...which is not good because we're already practicing for our upcoming online concert" Chaeyoung mumbled some kind of prayer while a drop of sweat went down her face, her legs feeling a bit jelly from how long she's been standing there.

The door suddenly opened and the all familiar doe eyes which were shining in amusement surprised Chaeyoung that she jumped a bit at the sound


Irene laughed softly with her hand covering ; she was wearing an apron and her sixth sense is telling her that Chaeyoung has been in front of their door for half an hour now

"I knew you were here half an hour ago" Irene smirked "Surprisingly, you're not cracking your knuckles out of nervousness or even humming to get rid of it"

Chaeyoung pouted "You know me too much it's almost unfair..."

"Come here you" Irene opened her arms and pulled the younger girl in a hug quite excitedly "I missed you, Rosie..."

Chaeyoung smiled softly; it has been a while since she and Irene hung out, especially since their schedules are always clashing

"I missed you too unnie"

They were there for a long moment, not noticing sharp eyes directed at them.

"You are always so warm Rosie..." Irene whispered so quietly that Chaeyoung didn't hear it

Chaeyoung pulled back and was about to ask her to repeat it but her unnie's arms are surprisingly strong and pulled her back with their faces very close to each other. Chaeyoung blushed deep red and stuttered

"U-Unnie t-too close!"

Irene just grinned, though her cheeks are turning red also

"So?" She asked smugly as if knowing the younger girl won't pull away "Are you complaining?"

Chaeyoung chuckled nervously and then suddenly someone pulled her away from Irene's hug




Chaeyoung is then pulled into another hug by someone taller than Irene this time


Chaeyoung laughed lightly and patted Joy's back as she pulled back


"Joy, it's so good to see you" Chaeyoung smiled "I missed you!"


Joy winked and said in a flirty tone "Not as much as I missed you" Joy put her arm around Chaeyoung's shoulder and started guiding her inside "You rocked that comeback! I didn't know you could act like that, maybe we should collab on some future dramas what do you think?"

Irene smiled hearing Chaeyoung laugh at Joy's usual self and closed the door, heart racing now that Chaeyoung is finally going to meet her group on her own...


and as her...




Irene was surprised to see the bear member of the group in the kitchen "Seulgi, what's up?"

Seulgi was just fiddling with her fingers "...I just want to ask what you are up to with all of this" She said, "I would have understood if you invited the other Blackpink members but just Chaeyoung?"

Irene narrowed her eyes "What's wrong with inviting just Chaeyoung?" Her tone got a bit cold "is there a problem?"

Seulgi flinched at the tone but steeled herself '"This is for my best friend" She thought to herself and took a deep breath "Yes unnie...there is" She looked at the elder girl in the eye, her own filling with determination

"It's about you and your feelings"

Irene took a step back when Seulgi stepped closer

"T-to whom?"

Seulgi crossed her arms

"We both know who..." Seulgi flickered her eyes to the living room where the rest of the members are interacting with their guest "Now...tell me everything before I go on Godzilla mode about what you're doing"

Irene sighed and turned away

"You don't need to get involved Seulgi, I have it all under control"

Seulgi, at that time, just wanted to go to the other girl and corner her instead...


And at that idea, Seulgi knew she has to be devious


"If you won't tell me, I'll just have to ask Chaeyoung myself" Seulgi smirked when Irene's alert eyes finally went back to her "You know she won't hesitate to tell me anything"

Irene scoffed "As if, you and Chaeyoung are just like I and her" She smirked back "We both don't talk to her that much since she's much closer to the three out there"

"And yet here you are, liking here more than the other three out there."

Irene almost dropped the ladle she's been holding "Wha-?!"


Both girls turned to the source and saw Chaeyoung shyly waving at them "I uhm...heard you seem distressed or something while I was supposed to get some water" She said "Is everything okay? Should I help you cook?" She gave her small chipmunk smile that even Seulgi, who was almost in Godzilla mode earlier, smile softly at her

"Everything is fine Rosi-" Irene was cut off by another

"Hey, Chaeyoung-ah" Seulgi waved with her bear-like smile, "You said you're getting some water right?" Seulgi started getting some water for the younger girl and gave it to her

"Here you go," Seulgi said with a charming smile which made Chaeyoung blush as Irene suddenly remembered something

On one of her visits to Blackpink's dorms, Irene was just casually caressing Chaeyoung's hair as the younger girl lay on her lap while they watch a rom-com movie in the living room. Jennie was once again dragged by the other two members because of the daggers she's been sending to her and Irene could just chuckle at her best friend's reactions.

"Jennie has been a jelly bean don't you think?" Irene said quietly

Chaeyoung giggled "Yeah...I think I really am starting to see it unnie" Chaeyoung has this mysterious smile that somehow made Irene's heartache a bit.

"I told you, I'm always right," Irene said smugly and pinched the younger girl's cheek which reminded her of someone though the way they react is different. While Chaeyoung would whine cutely, the other one in Irene's mind would yell and then take revenge by tickling her.

"Now that I thought about are you unnie?"

"What do you mean?"

Chaeyoung was about to lift her head but Irene firmly placed her head back on her lap "Stay."

"Now you're making me a dog unnie..." Chaeyoung mumbled "Be thankful that your lap is comfortable"

Irene laughed loudly at that and said "You're just going to say that I can open up to you about anything...and I do still stand by that."

"So, please answer me unnie and not give me another question in return."

Irene was quiet for a bit, eyes showing signs of struggle then Chaeyoung looked up at her eyes and said in a serious tone


Joohyun's heart rate increased and said "I'm...fine on my end. I think I'm really starting to see the plan working and soon..." Joohyun lightly traced Chaeyoung's face

"Soon...the plan would be done."

Chaeyoung grabbed Joohyun's tracing hand and smiled happily "That's wonderful then unnie!"

Joohyun bit her lip "but then...what would happen to us?" She thought before shaking her head; she needs to get herself together.

"Now that I thought about it, am I the only one you're not close to my group?" Joohyun changed the subject

"I think so? I mean I'm really close with Joy and Yeri, oh and also Wendy-unnie." Chaeyoung grinned while unconsciously caressing Joohyun's hand

"How about Seulgi?"

Chaeyoung blushed "We talk from time to time but I'm a bit nervous about initiating one you know?"

Joohyun couldn't help but let out an amused smile "What, do you think Seulgi is as intimidating as me? I understand if it's me but Seulgi?" She chuckled "That girl is as soft as you" She teased

"No! It's not that she's intimidating" Chaeyoung protested "It's just that...I have a tiny bit of admiration towards her."


Chaeyoung jerked a bit when Irene said it so sharply at her "Yah unnie you surprised me" She pouted "Is it really that surprising though? Seulgi-unnie is so charismatic! And the way she dances..." Chaeyoung fanned herself jokingly "I might have a thing for dancers"

"Then shouldn't Lisa be..." Irene raised an eyebrow and Chaeyoung could only laugh at that

"I'll admit that I do find Lisa y from time to time...but Jennie is" Chaeyoung just grinned shyly "Jennie is just special; she's the one who mostly taught me everything back in our trainee days"

"So that means...if you were going to have a crush on one of us, it would be Seulgi?"

Chaeyoung chuckled and grabbed Irene's hands before finally properly sitting and facing the other girl "Well...I don't think so" Chaeyoung said "Seulgi-unnie is like my idol and I'm just a mere fan."

"And fans have crushes on their idols" Irene dead-panned which made Chaeyoung roll her eyes playfully at her

"But now that I get to meet the real Irene...I've met Joohyun Bae" Chaeyoung whispered and squeezed Irene's hands "You will always be my choice if I were to ask who would be my crush is," Chaeyoung said it so warmly that Irene melted

"Besides, anyone would be lucky to date you" Chaeyoung put some distance between them and winked "especially her"

Joohyun rolled her eyes but a small blush is on her face before throwing a sofa pillow at Chaeyoung

"I still can't believe you have a crush on Seulgi!"

"I told you it's not a crush!"

"Not a crush my " Irene seethed seeing Chaeyoung blush and a moment of gay panic happened when Seulgi grabbed her face to ask what was wrong with her since Chaeyoung is flaming red right now

"Chaeyoung, go back to the others. I need to talk for a bit to Seulgi"

Chaeyoung nodded quickly and bowed in thanks to Seulgi before rushing off before Seulgi could say anything

"Well," Seulgi giggled and raised an eyebrow at Irene "I could see why you're close to her unnie, and you should see that we can also talk," She said smugly

"...this dumb bear doesn't even know that Chaeyoung is acting like her number one admirer and not as friends"

Irene sighed tiredly and even contemplated if inviting Chaeyoung over is a good idea


Irene looked at the serious-looking Seulgi and said "I told you before Seulgi, I got it all under control"

"Unnie..." Seulgi said softly "You need to let me know this. You know I went after Seungwan when Joy discovered that you and Chaeyoung are actually talking so casually."

"Then why don't you ask the maknaes then?"

Seulgi pouted, breaking her serious posture "You know that they'll just speak mind games that make my head hurt" She sulked

Irene couldn't help but chuckle at that "Seulgi it's okay," Her eyes communicated to Seulgi's and then Irene's eyes went to one of the people in the living room before going back to Seulgi's.

Seulgi seems to think about it for a moment and groaned "Fine! You win, I'll let this slide for now." Seulgi pouted "Are you really sure about this unnie?"

"I'm sure" Irene's posture seems confident but her eyes are telling something different "Everything will work out. Now go join the others...but don't sit next to Chaeyoung. Let the maknaes hog her as this is probably their first time hanging out with her personally" Irene lied as smooth as a porcelain

"But I also want to hang out with Chaeyoung-ah, we don't talk much!"

"Just do what I said!" Irene hissed

"No!" Seulgi replied back and even stomped her feet like a child

Irene could just slap her forehead as she was certain that she was surrounded by children. It reminded her of her other half when taking care of their kids

"I miss you..." Irene's eyes lingered on Son Seungwan who has a small smile seeing the maknae talk animatedly to their guest and even joining in. "Seungwan..."

"I want to go home and cuddle with my hubby" Jennie sulked, her manager heard what she said and chuckled

"I never knew you were so clingy with Chaeyoung; I've always thought you and Jisoo or even Lisa are the clingy ones to each other" Her manager said as they began to drive to another schedule of Jennie

"Well..." Jennie's head flashed back to when she saw Chaeyoung laying her head on Irene's lap during one of Irene's visits "I just want to show everyone that I and Chaeyoung are also as close as the others"

"And more..."

"You are, and trust me, there are so many Chaennie moments lately on the Internet that others are contemplating if we should split the two of you up," Her manager said jokingly

"Yah! Don't do that!" Jennie pouted

The manager laughed "I'm just joking, fans are happy because of that to be honest since the two of you are kind of lowkey you know? It makes the stock market rise" She winked at Jennie

Jennie giggled "I'm just glad we've come back with a new album and are now preparing for an online concert" Though it made her sad that she can't see her fans personally, this is the least they could do for them after how the pandemic ruined almost everything for everyone.


"Don't worry, you don't have any more scheduled after this. So, you can go home and enjoy your quiet time alone in the dorm"


"Alone?" Jennie asked, "Does Chaeyoung have a schedule today?"


"No she does not, but she went out today so you have the dorm all to yourself."


"Where did she go?" Jennie suddenly felt agitated; she has a slight feeling that she knows where the other girl is...


"From what I've read, I think it's the dorm where Red Velvet lives. She's probably there to hang out with Joy or Yeri."


"We're going there"


The manager looked at her in surprise, thankfully they were at a stoplight so it was safe to look at the suddenly agitated idol "But, don't you want to rest? Or you want to hang out with Irene?"

Jennie just smiled sweetly, eyes blazing when a certain name is mentioned as she said (commanded) firmly

"We're going there"

"This is delicious unnie"

Chaeyoung swooned and sighed in happiness after eating one of Irene's cooking

"Aigoo you're just too cute Chaeyoung-ah" Joy cooed "You're way cuter than our real maknae here"

"Me and Chaeyoung together in a group would make us the best of friends," Yeri said smugly "We'll be like, the cutest pair together!"

"In your wildest dreams" Joy rolled her eyes and winked at Chaeyoung "I bet me and Chaeyoung will be the best of friends than the two of you"

Chaeyoung giggled and looked at the two maknae of Red Velvet fondly "Don't be silly; both of you are always going to be my best friends."

"But then who would you turn to when you want to hang out or needs some advice?!" Joy whined

"Hmmm..." Chaeyoung's eyes turned a bit devilish and said "It would be...."

She suddenly winked at Wendy who laughed loudly at Chaeyoung's savageness knowing what was coming

"Wendy-unnie!" Chaeyoung exclaimed and Joy sputtered

"Wha?! How dare you steal Chaeyoung-ah from me unnie!" Joy playfully glared at the older girl who held her hands up in surrender

"It's not me you should be looking out for," Her tone said jokingly before her eyes dimmed a bit "It should be...Irene-unnie" Wendy said, almost a bit dully

A small awkwardness entered the atmosphere between them and Chaeyoung silently gulped; she didn't expect the atmosphere to suddenly become like this. She sneaked a glance to Irene who was just quietly munching and flashed Chaeyoung a reassuring smile when the said girl looked at her

"That's right Joy, you're not stealing Rosie from me" Irene smirked, though a bit strained. Joy went quiet and once again, her eyes turned sharp as if fighting against Irene and sending a message

"This is absolutely not a good idea unnie"

Seulgi cleared and said "Come on unnie, let's fix up and maybe play some game afterward" The bear said happily to get rid of the tension

"Oh, I'll help!"

Chaeyoung immediately stood up but Irene stopped her by holding her hand gently "It's fine we'll handle this. You should go and rest for a while as the kids usually go crazy when we're playing some game"

"Who are you calling kids unnie!" Yeri whined, "You're the one whose a grandma!"

Wendy cackled at that "Yeah unnie, stop making us look like kids in front of Chaeyoung-ah" She teased

Irene and Chaeyoung felt the smallest relief enter their system when Wendy smiled at them albeit her eyes seemed to be struggling at something. "Let's talk shall we Chaeyoung-ah?" The hamster-like girl said to Chaeyoung, who was immediately nervous at the sudden invitation of a talk. From the corner of her eyes, she saw Joy puling Yeri away while saying

"We'll just find some games for us to play!"

Within a minute, the two main vocalists are left alone with Irene shooting the two of them an unknown look before the said girl is pulled away by the bear dancer.

"You want to talk about something unnie?" Chaeyoung asked with her usual smile

Wendy smiled back and sighed, sitting down on the sofa while patting the spot next to her

"Yes...I actually do"

Chaeyoung sat down and a moment of silence went passed them as the two just stared at each other


Wendy bit her lips before taking a deep breath and whispered "...happy?"

Chaeyoung tilted her head in confusion, not hearing what Wendy said but then her eyes widened a bit when she saw a shimmer of tear glazing Wendy's eyes

"Unnie?" Chaeyoung said gently before she grabbed Wendy's hand and grasped it firmly "Are you okay?"

Wendy gripped back to Chaeyoung's soft hold and could only think "Why am I even thinking? They're clearly happy with each other...Chaeyoung is a kind and warm-hearted person; why am I doubting them so much?"

"Wendy-unnie...please tell me what's wrong, I may be able to help" Chaeyoung's tone sounds hopeful as if wanting to hear Wendy say something

Wendy then looked at the younger girl and smiled defeatedly at the worry in her eyes "Make her happy Chaeyoung..."




"Make her happy...happier than she was with me"


"Unnie... what do you mean?"


Wendy just gripped Chaeyoung's hand so hard that Chaeyoung flinched a bit and saw the passion, and at the same time, sorrow in Wendy's eyes


"Make the woman I've fallen in love with happy, Chaeyoung." Wendy smiled sadly, and tear escaped from her eye as she whispered lovingly


"Make Joohyun happy"

Hi! Just wanted to update this while I have time; I didn't expect the supposed-to-be oneshot to turn in some kind of story. Though again, this won't be a long story, unlike my others. I don't know what chapter this story will end, but I do feel thankful that you all are waiting for an update on this story. I wasn't expecting quite some people interested in an Irene x Rosé story, but thank you! Even I as an author am having a hard time on who the endgame pairing would be but rest assured that Chaennie will appear more next chapter. Thank you all for the patience and love! Stay safe everyone and keep moving forward!


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Chapter 13: OMG you back authornim!!! 🎉🎉

I am glad Chaeyoung survived the gay panic she had in this chapter. I mean we can't blame her when there's two beautiful women showing their want on her 🤭 😂 But really though, even with all the gay panic and messed up situation they are in, its obvious that Joohyun was the one who handled it well even if one might think she's on the losing end. Chaeyoung is still confused and we can't really blame her for that. Coz if not for Jennie finally taking action of her feelings when Joohyun happened, Chaeyoung could easily move on knowing she already caught feelings with Irene. And this situation is the perfect example of who is really the one who is in tune with Chaeyoung's feelings. Joohyun may not have known Rosé for that long but her understanding of Chaeyoung is deeper than just feelings of love. She knew she loves Chaeyoung. But she doesn't force her feelings on her, she just let her know. And she stays understanding of Chaeyoung's predicament and be the bigger person in their messed up situation by being patient and attentive towards Chaeyoung without putting pressure on their relationship. On the other side, Jennie has the same feelings of love for Chaeyoung. But her expectations are different from Joohyun's. The way she approaches Chae is more on getting her feelings compensated for the sacrifice she did because she got afraid of ruining things between her and Chaeyoung. She's banking on the fact that Chae had feelings for her and to choose her because she's the one Chae has feelings first. But she didn't acknowledge until now that she has hurt Chaeyoung in the process when she kept her distance from her. And that she only panicked and made her move when she noticed Rosé having feelings for Joohyun. Coz if that didn't happen in the first place, there's a possibility that Jennie will keep suppressing her feelings until Chaeyoung gets tired in the end.

Anyways, still Team Renesé endgame here 😊 Looking forward for your next update!

P.S. solo Renesé moment pls 🙏*ehem ehem*
LillyMay1100 #2
Chapter 13: Maybe a throuple ending is a option, love that we are seeing development between both sides...

I'm still going to ship RosiexIrene ❤️
Crazy_Reader #3
Chapter 13: ahhhhhh..... this is just so confusing for Rosé but I'm still firmly on team Irene *shrugs* but I really hope that you don't make two endings which, just in my opinion - not to say you are doing it but- to me it feels too much like a cop out, I hope you make one ending, be it with Rosé and Irene or Jennie but a finality that I hope will cement to us the decision that Rosé makes.

And you are so correct about lesser and lesser new RV or BP fics on AFF anymore. It's the reality but it still hurts that this is really reality.
Chapter 11: I'm curious to know who's Rosie going to choose
Chapter 11: Hello honorable author, thank you for this new chapter.
I will try to be short and direct in my comment...
It's great that Jennie and Rosé finally talked, now we know Jennie's side... but I really disliked that Rosé started playing a double game, it seems to me that her character in this story would not react like that. It only seems that Jennie can get Rosé's attention through seduction and seduction or ual desire is not everything in a relationship. I love chaennie with all my heart, but it seems to me that Jennie in this story was very selfish and inconsiderate towards Rosé, Jennie made Rosé suffer for years.

It seems unfair to me that now that Rosé found Irene and they both connect on many levels... Jennie wants to enter the scene. In my opinion Irene really knew everything about Rosé, her defects and virtues and the same Rosé with Irene. The love between Irene and Rosé developed and grew, please, I need Jennie to get out of the way and understand that Irene is the best for Rosé. Jennie had her opportunity for many years and she didn't know how to take advantage of it, it's time for Jennie to let Rosé be happy.
loving is also learning to let go

Thank you author, I will be looking forward to your next update!!!!!!!!
LillyMay1100 #6
Chapter 11: I AGREE WITH THE COMMENT BELOW, I'm all for Rosie and Irene.
Chapter 11: Chapter 11: Finally real new update 😂 There's quite some things to unpack here but first, even though I am leaning towards Renesé now, I am glad for this Chaennie chapter coz we finally got to know more of Jennie's feelings for Chaeyoung. From the first time she started to have feelings for Chae up until the point that she finally admitted to have fallen in love with her. But tbh, even if Chaeyoung is still conflicted with her feelings towards Jennie, I kinda feel like after that conversation, Chae can finally make her decision between Joohyun and Jennie. And I am still for Renesé. Jennie might have deserved the chance to chase Chaeyoung after her confession, but does it feel like its kinda too late? That for Jennie to finally act on her feelings towards Chae was because she was triggered by Joohyun catching up feelings on Chaeyoung. And its unfair for Chae to be pressured to choose when it was not her fault in the first place that she also caught feelings for Joohyun because Jennie pushed her away just like how Wendy kept Joohyun at arms length and also didn't affirm the latter's feelings why Irene fell out of love with Wendy. And the way that Renesé was spending more time alone, it was inevitable that they would start to catch up feelings with the way their emotional intimacy grew beyond their relationship with their group members like going out of the way to cater what the other needed despite having different schedules, etc. They may have started as a plan to make their supposed significant others jealous, but there's no denying that Renesé's relationship grew intimate without them knowing either. And the fact that they are also affected with how complicated their situation has become since all four of their feelings are already out means that they already have deep feelings for each other. Otherwise, Chae wouldn't be this torn of her feelings and Joohyun to finally realize that she had already fallen out of love. Despite that, I like how Joohyun is patient with Chaeyoung and not pressuring her to immediately sort out her feelings and let Chae figure it out on her own. I also like how confident she is with her feelings towards Chaeyoung and that she isn't scared of the complications if she really get to pursue her, that she's brave enough to fight for Chaeyoung if needed. And that is worth choosing for a partner.

P.S. Hoping for Renesé moment in the next chapter 🙏 (pls see suggestion from nishichan's chapter 10 comment 🤭)
Chapter 11: 😍😍😍
Crazy_Reader #9
Chapter 11: Waaaaaahhhhhh!!! It's been so long!! Welcome back Author-nim and a happy new year!!
I have read and reread this story so many times you have no idea I've even finished my first year of Uni now and this is just an amazing time for the update just as we go on a few days off.
I love Rosie but she's just so confused and honestly I feel like right now she still has Jennie in her heart even though she's gotten close to Joohyun it feels like she only sees her as a friend or maybe had a crush but now, now it seems like she's never going to be able to let go of Jennie and I just don't see Rosie choosing Joohyun 💔😥😢