Pink Clouds

Midnight Summer Dream



Karina Yoo is never late. She arrives at the artisanal coffee shop at exactly the time she said. Today she is meeting with her close friends – there is only a handful of them, anyway – at this peaceful place. Karina always gives herself an invisible tap in the back for pursuing a degree program away from the city. An agricultural university surely gave her a break from the fast-paced life and the glamor of urban living.


It’s 4:30 in the afternoon and Karina is enjoying the lovely view by the balcony. She doesn’t mind that Ryujin and Yeji have not arrived yet. It gives her enough time to bask in the incoming sunset. Karina realizes that this is the first time in a while that she allows herself to meet her friends. The last two years were difficult for her and she cannot comprehend how she survived without the constant support from her squad. 


She looks up at the sky. It is starting to change colors now as the universe prepares to call it a day. The pastel colors provide comfort for Karina. She notices that there are two sunbirds perched at a nearby shrub. The two birds let out a nice melody and, although Karina never understood bird sounds, she feels that the birds are promising better days. Of course, it is going to be better for them. Karina thinks. It’s breeding season, after all.


At exactly 4:35, Karina sees Ryujin’s car parking at the designated space in front of the coffee shop. She sees Ryujin coming out of the car and rushing to the passenger seat to open the door for her girlfriend. Karina smiles as she observes the couple. Yeji planted a kiss on her girlfriend’s cheek as the latter closes the car door. It’s amazing to think that two people who are polar opposites of each other end up with each other and sharing 6 years of their lives together. 


“Get a room, lovebirds,” Karina calls from the balcony. Ryujin and Yeji look up to see Karina beaming down at them. Yeji waved and grabs her girlfriend’s hands and rushed inside the shop. Karina chuckles as she hears the sliding door open revealing her closest friends. “Did we make you wait long?” Yeji asks as she sits in front of Karina.

“Nope, I got here by 4:30.”

“Sorry, we were a bit late,” Ryujin says. “I promised Winter I’ll deliver our Microbiology project to the club room.”

“How was Winter?” Yeji asks. Ryujin shrugs. “She wasn’t there,” Karina observes the couple once again. They just look so happy and content with each other. We could have been like that, too. She thinks. She simply shakes her head as if to remove these kinds of thoughts. Ryujin stands up to go to the counter and order drinks. As soon as she enters, Yeji looks carefully at Karina as if trying to figure out her friend.

“Everyone was worried about you, dearie,” Yeji starts, making Karina smile at the endearment. Karina sighs. “I know, dear. I am really sorry for worrying you guys.”

“I understand you need your time to heal. Are you feeling alright now?”

“I am relatively okay,” Karina slowly answers. “I can finally breathe now.” Yeji looks at her friend with concern but is still happy about the progress. Ryujin soon returns with their drinks. “What are you lovely ladies talking about?” She asks.

“I told Karina I missed her,” Yeji says and pouting at her girlfriend when she suddenly prefers Ryujin’s iced tea over her caramel macchiato. Ryujin playfully rolls her eyes and gives Yeji her iced tea to which the latter squeals in delight. Karina laughs. 

“Yeji really missed you,” Ryujin says, looking at her. “She thought of writing you a letter and sending it to your address. Stamps and all.” Ryujin reached out and pinched Karina’s arm, an action that elicits a small yelp.

“That’s for making us worry,” Ryujin says. 

“At least you’re here now,” Yeji says. “Please talk to us whenever it feels overwhelming. I swear, I won’t judge.”

“I will,” Ryujin interjects. Yeji lightly slaps her girlfriend's thighs to reprimand her but Ryujin just laughs. 


“Anyway, since you are now out of whatever cave you were hiding from,” Ryujin starts. “You should come with us to The Outsider later at 8.”

“The Outsider? Isn’t that an invite-only pub?” Karina asks.

“Well, yes, but Ryujin’s cousin Peniel-oppa owns it. There’s going to be music and good food. I believe it’s going to be just a chill atmosphere. I texted Giselle, too, but she hasn’t replied yet.” Yeji explains. 

“Peniel-oppa organized a summer music fest. Drinks are on the house, you can sing, too, if you have a piece. The kids from the Music Society will be there, as well.” Ryujin adds. Karina considers the invitation. It has been a long time since she experienced a good music fest. “Interesting,” she says. “Jeno is inviting me to a party at Mr. Wang’s, too. That’s nearby, right?”

“Jeno?” Ryujin asks with disgust on her face.

“Since when are you and Jeno are an item?” Yeji asks.

“We are not an item,” Karina explains, a little embarrassed and exasperated. “But, he is showing signs of being interested in me.” Karina never missed the subtle reactions of disgust from her friends. She playfully rolls her eyes at them. “We were classmates last semester and, apparently, he got my number from Hendery who was my groupmate.”

“Oof, he didn’t ask for it directly? Red flag.” Ryujin answers.

“Is he good to you, though?” Yeji, ever the angel, asks. Karina nods. “Well, he maintains his distance. I was bored and I figured you guys were busy so I entertained him.”

“So, is he, like, a buddy?” Yeji asks directly which makes Ryujin laugh out loud and Karina almost spits her drink. 

“Dearie, what the hell? Is this what you learn from your girlfriend?” Karina asks, blushing. “But to answer your question, no. He is not a buddy.”

“Besides,” Karina continues. “You know me well enough that I do not do hookups.” Yeji and Ryujin agree.

“I am so going to judge you hard if you start dating Jeno,” Yeji says. “That was a total downgrade from your last relationship.” Ryujin continues to laugh out loud and Karina can’t help but join. She missed this. She missed Yeji, Ryujin, and her best friend Giselle. She’s lucky she still has them after all this time. 

“But are you interested in Jeno?” Ryujin asks. Karina shakes her head rather violently and her two friends immediately get the message. 

“Jeno is nice, alright,” Karina explains. “At least, that’s what he is showing me. But, he’s just…”

“Lame?” Yeji suggests.

“A man?” Ryujin suggests.

“Boring,” Karina says finally. “He’s just too boring. Or I think no one interests me as of the moment.”

“Understandable,” Yeji replies.

“Huh, you are just like Winter,” Ryujin says. Karina is always curious about this Winter person that Ryujin or Yeji keeps talking about. The only thing she knows is that Winter is like a kid and her two friends are doting on her.

“Well, if we want to have a kid in the future, we need to practice,” Ryujin explains. “And Winter is just the best candidate to be a baby.” She and Yeji laugh at this.

“You haven’t met Winter yet, have you?” Yeji asks to which Karina just shrugs. “Ah, you’ll find her interesting, that’s for sure.”


Yeji’s watch gave out a sound indicating that it is already 5:30 in the afternoon. An hour passed quickly and Karina feels a little bit of separation anxiety. “Well,” Ryujin says. “I have to drive Yeji to her class and be at the club room. We’ll see you later, right?”

“Of course, where do I meet you?” Karina asks.

“I think Ryujin and I will be a bit late,” Yeji explains. “Try calling Giselle? I’m sure she’d love to go to the venue with you.”


Karina bid goodbye to the couple and stayed at the cafe for a few moments. She dialed her best friend’s number and observes the changes in the sky as she waits for Giselle to pick up the phone.


The sunset provides a nice yellowish pink tinge in the club room as Winter sits at the table at the center. The club room is unusually quiet. During most days when Winter finds herself alone in the club room, she will pick one of the vinyl records from the collection and blast it on the old school player located at the farthest corner of the room. However, today she needs silence. She needs to think.


Winter sighs and tries to remember what the ghost had told her. She has been trying to figure out and process everything that has happened. The conversation lasted for a few minutes but she stayed at the Betelgeuse garden for more than an hour to process things. She received a text from Yizhuo inquiring about her whereabouts and telling her that she, Keonhee, and Dongju need to attend their respective classes. Winter knows her friends will get worried if she won’t reply so she just sent a simple message and went on with the afternoon. Who is this Karina Yoo and why is her fate tied with mine? Winter thinks. Well, my fate is tied with hers, not the other way around, stupid. She adds.


Winter looked forward to having a memorable summer – attend her failed classes, hang out with her friends, hike a mountain or two, and maybe go to a beach. She never planned to search for one Karina Yoo. She let out a sigh once again.

“Wow, that’s a huge sigh,” a voice called out from behind. Winter looks and sees Chaein and Ireh beaming at her, gone were the usual mischief in their eyes. They look concerned. Yizhuo must have told them what happened.

“You okay, babycakes?” Chaein asks, using the endearment that Winter loathes. Both girls sat beside Winter trapping her in the middle. Ireh and Chaein both encircled their arms on Winter and enveloped her in a hug. Winter knows what’s coming next. The girls tightened their arms around her and started kissing her all over. From her cheeks, her temple, her head all while laughing their hearts out. Their laughter is contagious and soon Winter joins in. They have been doing this ever since they got close after Yizhuo read a blog that hugs and kisses between friends alleviate stress. She, Yizhuo, Ireh, Chaein, and even the boys Keonhee and the Son twins. Winter will never trade this for anything else.


“What’s the meaning of this? Are you all having fun without us?” Keonhee’s voice boomed as he, Yizhuo, and the Son twins enter the room. Winter looks up and smiles at the new arrival. “Hi, Winter!” Dongmyeong energetically greets. The stark difference between Dongju and Dongmyeong is apparent whenever the two are together.

“We found Winter sulking,” Chaein announces.

“She looks like someone broke her heart again,” Ireh seconded. Whatever joy that filled Winter earlier was replaced by anxiety again. Yizhuo looks at her with concern.

“Is this about the ghost business, Cold Season?” Dongju asks. Dongmyeong, Ireh, and Chaein looked at one another and at Winter. “What ghost? Hey, why didn’t you tell me you’re having problems again?” Chaein scolded. When it comes to being overprotective, Lee Chaein is second to Ning Yizhuo. Winter sighs and nods. 


Winter explains everything again from the dream she had, the need to talk to the ghost,  and fulfilling the ghost’s request. The gang is not happy with the information. “I know an old woman who can trap spirits. Let’s have that ghost punished!” Ireh exclaims.

“That’s pretty unfair, Winter. You did not ask for this,” Dongmyeong says. Yizhuo rolls her eyes. “Knowing Winter, she will still help that lost specter even if it means risking her life again.” She turns to her best friend. “Give me one good reason why I shouldn’t smack you right now.”


“Hey, hey. What’s all this talk about ghosts and smacking? Who’s risking who? That’s not allowed here,” another voice is heard from the door. The gang looks at the entrance to see who just arrived. 


The club room is slowly becoming animated with the arrival of the officers. Park Jieun, Na Go Eun, and Jang Eunsong are the organization’s Vice President, Secretary, and Internal Committee Head respectively. The three seniors may look unintimidating but they tend to receive respect from the members and from other organizations.

Yizhuo gave the ladies a quick recap of what happened. Winter slowly sighs. Today’s events have quickly become an organizational matter. Although she wants to spare her friends from the complications of her life, she is thankful that they are nosy and are willing to help.

“So you mean to say, Winter,” Jieun starts. “That you need to find Karina in order to help this ghost find her peace?” Winter nods.

“Well, that’s quite easy,” Eunsong says. “Karina owns a unique car. You’ll immediately know where she is. That’s, like, a known fact.”

“Unnie, you’re giving Winter too much credit,” Yizhuo says.

“She doesn’t even know who Karina is when she almost got run over by her car this morning,” Keonhee announces. There was a chorus of reactions and questions and Winter feels like her head is throbbing because of stress.


“Alright, calm down, everybody,” Jieun says. “We need a solid plan to help Winter. Imagine being Karina and some stranger approaches you and talks about ghosts trying to contact you. That’ll be weird.”

“Not to mention, a blow in Winter’s social life.” Go Eun interjects which made everyone, including Winter, laugh. 

“You know what, let’s just talk about it over dinner, alright? Let’s have the rest of the org folks eat out.” Jieun suggests.

“Why can’t we just attend Peniel-oppa’s music fest later at The Outsider?” Yizhuo suggests. “Were you not informed?” She asked. Yizhuo is in the Music Society with Jieun, Geonhak, Youngjo (another one of Winter’s cousins and the organization’s Externals Committee Head), Eunsong, Gunmin, and Go Eun.

“Ah, that’s right. I forgot. The band is scheduled to perform. Anyway, since this org is a friend of the Music Soc, you’re all invited. The drink’s on the house.”

“We’re drinking?” Winter asks slowly.

“We are,” Go Eun answers. “You, my girl, are not allowed to drink.” She finishes while flicking Winter’s nose. It’s settled. Jieun is sending a message to every member to meet by The Outside by 7, okay? They will help Winter with her predicament. And with that, Winter feels grateful and happy just like how pink clouds are providing color in her immediate sky. 

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shiro11 #1
Chapter 17: I'm so invested in this 🥺🥺🥺 and I saw this story is from last year, and only updated just this day. I really hope you'll continue writing the story. 🙏🙏🙏 I'm excited what will happen next and I think, that ghost girl is really a bad news.
Chapter 17: This is so much potential 🤯🤯
cleofierayne 34 streak #3
Chapter 17: Woww I read this in one sitting!! This is so much interesting and mysterious I can't get enough 🥺😭 Glad I read this.

Those 5 rules is so sus. Winter already thought that she's not really the target, its Wonyoung. It feels like she was lured to something more than what she agreed upon. If we search Lori's meaning, there's too much hahahaha and surprisingly its associated with death too.

And yieee picnic date hahaahah so exciteddd for thatt ahhh and their convos hihihi
Chapter 17: The way Minjeong is insisting this is not a date, lol. It totally is, stop denying it. I wonder how Jimin is going to react to all of the ghost stuff if and when Minjeong tells her. I hope it'll be a good outcome.
Chapter 16: I found this fic today and wow, the plot of this story is incredibly interesting and i adore the relationships btwn all the characters! i really enjoy your writing, it’s been a while since i’ve been this invested in a fic!
jetimylove #6
Chapter 16: Hey I have some ideas for you
Louise1507 #7
Chapter 16: incredibly interesting, I like, there are so many mysteries it and keep reading, keep it up author-nim
Chapter 16: Ahh, a date? Or at least I think it is. A picnic under the stars sounds pretty romantic to me. I really love seeing Winter and Karina interact with each other! And the way Aeri and Yizhou bet on them being friends by the end of the summer too. That was just too funny! I think they're going to be way more than just that.
Chapter 15: Huh, that letter and box seems too suspicious to just be a gift for Karina. Like she herself said, Wonyoung's family was only really tolerant of their relationship, and not exactly supportive. This thought too, "Wonyoung is good with secrets." So it seems that even during their relationship, Wonyoung kept a lot of things hidden from Karina. It makes me think that this box might be connected to Wonyoung's ghost in some way. She's always causing trouble for Winter, so maybe this is a way to stop Karina from moving on as well. I don't know, it's just a random thought.