Hurt Me, Hate Me, Love Me

Midnight Summer Dream

Karina appreciates the silence of the car ride. She asked her mom to send for her driver instead of going home by herself. She knows that she will need the thinking time -- she knows she needs to be lost in her thoughts.


A year has gone by so quickly. A year without Wonyoung. Karina sighs. She thinks that the world is unfair to her. Just when she allows herself to live and see the world again, everything is crashing back down.


Karina reminisces about her younger years. She has been with Wonyoung for 4 years. They started dating in their junior year of high school. Granted, their time together was far from perfect but Karina treasures each memory.


She will be lying if she says breaking up with Wonyoung did not provide a breath of relief for her. She made peace with this truth. She just can’t help but feel responsible for what happened. People around her reminded her that there was nothing she could have done to save Wonyoung.


Karina remembers the night of the accident. No, don’t go there, she reminds herself. She shifts her view to the streets outside the car and allows herself to temporarily forget the turmoil inside her. Dealing with what Wonyoung left her is pretty easy compared to seeing her family.


It is no secret that the Bae family is engulfed in scandals, thanks to her father’s adultery and shady business deals. Karina’s mother reverted to using her maiden name after the divorce and encouraged Karina and her older sister to do the same -- to save face. However, Karina’s older sister was adamant about maintaining the family name and saving what is left of the Bae influence. She was successful in doing so but at what cost?


Karina hopes to talk to her older sister once she comes home, just for the sake of familiarity. To be fair, Joohyun, her older sister, maintains close contact with her and talks in the evenings after finishing work. It has been like that ever since their half-sister Jisoo married into the Kim family -- Winter’s family. Winter. Karina smiles at the thought of the smaller girl who looks like she has a permanent frown on her face.


For some reason, Karina wants to get back to the university and hoping to get a chance to talk to Winter again. It has been fun, Karina admits to herself, to talk to Winter even though it was short and it was interrupted.


A frown forms on Karina’s face once again when she remembers hearing Winter say Wonyoung’s name. Everything goes back to Wonyoung. When can she be freed from these thoughts? Karina wonders if she will be able to forgive herself for what happened.


“Ms. Karina,” her chauffeur calls. “We are arriving home in a few minutes.” Karina offers the woman a smile and starts fixing herself. She was lost in her thoughts, indeed. She hasn’t noticed an hour has passed and they have arrived.



Winter observes as her friends are talking animatedly about asters and sunflowers. Taking up Biology as an undergraduate is worth it especially if you are highly interested in the lives of other living things. As of the current time, Winter’s friends are having a discussion as to why she is appalled by the sunflower and why asters provided relief. They talked of symbolism, cultural implications, and biological characteristics.


All six of her friends are carrying stuff from her apartment, Winter observes. The boys are carrying her essentials while the girls are carrying her plushies -- something they insist is vital to her comfort. Winter inwardly smiles knowing how Ireh and Chaein would love to build a fort with her staying in their house that is why the plushies are important.


Winter feels at ease and relaxed and she is thankful for that. The last days were stressful mentally and it feels like she adapted Wonyoung’s emotional turmoil. She remembers her visit to a psychic back when she was in high school accompanied by her older sister Taeyeon and their cousin Yongsun.


The visit was actually Yongsun’s idea. It was her way of supporting Taeyeon against the elders’ decision in putting Winter in a mental institution. According to her logic, answers can be found in the weirdest of places. She says that maybe it is high time that they let matters that can’t be easily understood be resolved in traditional ways. Winter remembers Taeyeon’s hesitance. In the end, she was thankful. Winter, indeed, found answers in strange places -- as bizarre as that experience may be.


She remembers the day clearly. She remembers a warm woman welcoming the three of them into a small, traditional house filled with plants and herbs. Winter remembers the woman’s eyes. Most importantly, Winter remembers her answers. She explained that, sometimes, entities and spirits use mortals as medium -- a way to communicate with the living. Some spirits and supernatural creatures are polite: they will wait for the living person’s consent. However, there are those who will push their presence enough to affect the medium’s physical, mental, and emotional health.


Dealing with Wonyoung, Winter was able to realize that the dead, just like the living, are diverse.


Winter abruptly bumps into Dongju’s back as the latter halts without warning. It seems the boy has some sort of eureka moment, looking completely comedic with a finger up in the air. “I remember something,” He says. The group looks at him with curiosity.

“I remember this one lesson we had in Psychology. You were there, Myeong, remember?”

“Of course,” His twin says. “What is this about?”

“Well, I remember this lesson about safe spaces and safety triggers or something like that -- I forgot the proper term for it.

“Practically what it means is that there are items, scents, or even places that will encourage dopamine production and will make you feel safe. This is usually true for people who underwent trauma.” Dongju finishes.


Winter keeps mum about the whole thing. She thinks Dongju has a point. She hasn’t really thought of the reasons behind the sudden serotonin bursts -- a welcome distraction from this whole fiasco with Wonyoung. She tries to recall the instances where she felt at ease after dealing with the spectre: the Outsider, the street where Karina lives, with Karina.


Karina. Winter inwardly laughs at the thought of the beautiful woman with sharp eyes. Who knew that in a short span of time she will be enamored and altogether intrigued with a person that she barely knows? Karina. Beautiful and mysterious Karina Yoo.


Winter thinks that it is a huge coincidence that Karina is always there whenever spirits and entities decide not to bug her. It must be. Winter cannot think of a good reason why Karina will somehow have an effect on her predicament.


“What do you think, Cold Season?” Chaein asks, which kicks Winter out of her thoughts of Karina. Winter raises an eyebrow in question. The group laughs.

“Told you she’s not listening,” Yizhuo says, rolling her eyes.

“What was that?” Winter asks.

“We were just talking about food, actually. But we noticed that your mind is fleeting so we talked to you.” Chaein answers, offering Winter a mischievous grin. Because of this explanation, it was Winter’s turn to roll her eyes and smile.


“Seriously, though,” Keonhee says. “Is there a specific food we can cook for Winter to help her sleep soundly? Something that will make the ghost go away.”

“Well,” Ireh answers. “Grandmother Cookie did say that we have to make sure Winter feels light.”

“Light? I still have some Canna-butter. We can put that on Winter’s food -- ow!” Chaein says, receiving a light smack from Yizhuo.

“Guys,” Winter calls, smiling at her friends. “Thank you for the concern, really, but you don’t have to worry about me. I am okay.”

“I don’t buy it,” Chaein says.

“Nah,” Ireh says.

“Pfft,” Keonhee says.

“Weh?” The twins say.

“You are far from okay, Kim Minjeong,” Yizhuo says seriously. Winter gulps and the rest of the group stayed quiet. They know better than to crack a joke when Yizhuo enters her “mom mode”.

“Uh-oh, full name.” Winter hears Dongmyeong whisper.


Ning Yizhuo is a ball of sunshine. Anyone close to her can attest that she has a warm personality with a contagious laugh and a smile that can bring the sun to shame. The same people also know that she is not one to be messed with.


Yizhuo looks at her best friend sternly, making Winter gulp, and their friends wait in anticipation as to what will happen. In a heartbeat, Yizhuo reached for Winter’s head to ruffle her hair and offered the girl a hug.

“I swear to god, after we resolve this ghost issue, I am going to smack you,” She says.

“Haha, I love you too, Ningning,” Winter says with a smile on her face.

“Sappy!” Ireh screams and moves to hug both girls.

“You know what, since we are all in this together, how about you guys pack your stuff too and stay at our house? We have enough rooms.” Chaein suggests.

“Oh my, we can have a cookout!” Dongmyeong says.

“It’s a party then?” Winter asks.

“You betcha!” Dongju exclaims.

“Last one to the Shelley is ugly!” Keonhee challenges and began to run which made the others run as well. Winter will be plagued again later, for sure. However, for now, she is content. She knows she can solve this.



Karina enters the house her mother bought after the divorce. It’s a luxurious, two-story structure overlooking the sea. Sometimes, Karina wonders if her mom truly found peace in the area or if she just wants something to brag to her friends. She sighs and sits on the sofa. She feels tired and haggard.

“Oh, you’re here?” A woman’s voice called. Karina opens her eyes to find her mother descending the stairs, looking elegant despite wearing only a bathrobe. She rolls her eyes. She knows her mom too well. She knows that the elder woman stayed up late and just woke up.

“Hi, mom,” Karina softly says. She got up from her seat and allows herself to be enveloped in a hug. Karina’s mother softly plants a kiss on her and looks at her fondly.

“How is everything, honey? Is school okay?”

“Yep, no problems. Just hung out with Aeri the other day and we made plans to spend the weekend in her apartment and watch movies.”

“Oh, and how’s Aeri doing?”

“She’s great, mom. She is still with the college student council.” Karina forces a smile. Small talk with her mom is not really her thing. As if sensing her thoughts, her mother grabbed the package from the cabinet located near the television and handed it to Karina.

“This came the other day. I appreciate you coming home. It has been a while since I saw you but I guess you have a lot on your mind.” She says. Karina smiles sadly at this.

“Did… did you try to see what’s inside?” She asks her mother, hoping for answers. She knows the answer to her question but she cannot help but feel disappointed when her mother shakes her head.


Karina excused herself and went inside her room. Nothing changed. Her room still feels foreign. She sat down and immediately tore the plastic wrapping of the package. She was quite surprised to see a small wooden box and a letter.


To Karina,


We hope that this letter finds you well. It has been a year since our dear Wonyoung passed away and we found this small bow. Our dear girl loved collecting things. Her father and I decided it is best to give you this.


Wonyoung rarely treats her things carefully except for this box. We think these are yours as well. There is no indication of how to open this box and we figured you’ll be the one to know.


This box belongs to you now, dear Karina. We hope this will immortalize Wonyoung and remind you of happy memories.


Our home will always be open to you, dear.


Jang family


Karina almost snorted with bitter irony at the letter. She remembers that Wonyoung’s family was never really welcoming of their relationship. They were tolerant but never welcoming. She looks at the box and begins to inspect it.


True to what the letter said, there are no instructions on how to open the box. Contrary to what the letter said, Karina has no idea how to open it. She doesn’t even know that Wonyoung has this. Secrets, Karina thinks. Wonyoung is good with secrets. 


She sighs and begins to search the Internet for answers regarding the box. She thinks she has to bring it to her condo -- Aeri can definitely help. Karina frowns. All these memories do nothing but hurt her. She wonders if fate hates her so much that she cannot have a moment of peace. She knows she did nothing wrong, though. She just loved a person too much.

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shiro11 #1
Chapter 17: I'm so invested in this 🥺🥺🥺 and I saw this story is from last year, and only updated just this day. I really hope you'll continue writing the story. 🙏🙏🙏 I'm excited what will happen next and I think, that ghost girl is really a bad news.
Chapter 17: This is so much potential 🤯🤯
cleofierayne 26 streak #3
Chapter 17: Woww I read this in one sitting!! This is so much interesting and mysterious I can't get enough 🥺😭 Glad I read this.

Those 5 rules is so sus. Winter already thought that she's not really the target, its Wonyoung. It feels like she was lured to something more than what she agreed upon. If we search Lori's meaning, there's too much hahahaha and surprisingly its associated with death too.

And yieee picnic date hahaahah so exciteddd for thatt ahhh and their convos hihihi
Chapter 17: The way Minjeong is insisting this is not a date, lol. It totally is, stop denying it. I wonder how Jimin is going to react to all of the ghost stuff if and when Minjeong tells her. I hope it'll be a good outcome.
Chapter 16: I found this fic today and wow, the plot of this story is incredibly interesting and i adore the relationships btwn all the characters! i really enjoy your writing, it’s been a while since i’ve been this invested in a fic!
jetimylove #6
Chapter 16: Hey I have some ideas for you
Louise1507 #7
Chapter 16: incredibly interesting, I like, there are so many mysteries it and keep reading, keep it up author-nim
Chapter 16: Ahh, a date? Or at least I think it is. A picnic under the stars sounds pretty romantic to me. I really love seeing Winter and Karina interact with each other! And the way Aeri and Yizhou bet on them being friends by the end of the summer too. That was just too funny! I think they're going to be way more than just that.
Chapter 15: Huh, that letter and box seems too suspicious to just be a gift for Karina. Like she herself said, Wonyoung's family was only really tolerant of their relationship, and not exactly supportive. This thought too, "Wonyoung is good with secrets." So it seems that even during their relationship, Wonyoung kept a lot of things hidden from Karina. It makes me think that this box might be connected to Wonyoung's ghost in some way. She's always causing trouble for Winter, so maybe this is a way to stop Karina from moving on as well. I don't know, it's just a random thought.