Chapter 16- Breach

Project IZ*ONE

When Chaewon hears the explosion behind her, she doesn't even think about the campus being infiltrated. Her immediate thought was finding Minjoo. Oh why did that girl have to try to prank me today of all days, she thinks to herself as she continues to run back to the path and out of the forest. Was it her or did the forest get a whole lot bigger since she stepped into it five minutes ago?

"Minjoo!" Chaewon calls out. "Minjoo! Where are you?!" She knows she shouldn't but she splits herself up even more to spread out. Chaewon couldn't afford to get Minjoo hurt again.

Eventually, she spots the path and makes a run for it, but is met with an invisible force. Chaewon's survival instincts kick in again, expecting it to be another soldier in camouflage, and she pins the figure down as quick as she can. Unfortunately, this action was met with a high pitched yelp. Chaewon looks up to the sky with an expression that says, "Really?".

"Minjoo...?" She asks cautiously.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I promise not to sneak up on you again!" Minjoo cries out as she rematerializes in from of her. Chaewon just sighs, and hugs her tight, hushing her.

"No, no. I overreacted again. It's my fault." She says apologetically.

"O-okay, unnie..." Minjoo tries her best to resist the urge to melt into her arms. This act of affection really caught her off guard, more than she could ever trying to sneak up on Chaewon invisibly, and it almost distracted her from the commotion she'd heard where Chaewon had run from.

"Uhm, Chaewon-ah, you can get off of me now. What was that explosion?" She asks, trying to regain her composure. Chaewon is frozen, realizing this is now the second compromising situation she's found herself in with Minjoo. The embarrassment is just catching up to her. The only thing that kept her on track was suddenly remembering the encounter she just had and the grenade she may or may not have thrown.

"Oh, bad again, Min." She gets up and helps Minjoo up after. She finally relaxes and closes her eyes, looking through the eyes of all her clones one by one. When she confirms the coast is clear, she tells Minjoo what had just happened deep in the forest.

"Wait, so they're here? We got to find the others!" Minjoo says urgently.

"I think I saw Yuri and Yena along the path we were just walking. They'll be the closest, but we gotta get to them quick before-" Chaewon is cut off by another explosion going off, this time from the campus area. It looked like there was white smoke coming from the cafeteria and seeping into the air.

"You have got to be kidding me..." Chaewon really dislikes her rotten luck right now.

"Next thing you know, the security building with the scientist and Seoyoung is breached." As if on cue, another explosion goes off coming from said building.

"Son of a-" Chaewon curses repeatedly at the current situation with Minjoo just standing there wondering how to respond.

"Chaewon-unnie? You said we have to find Yuri and Yena-unnie, right? I think we should get a move on before anything else goes wrong." She finally speaks out.

"Yeah, yeah. Sounds like a plan. Also, can you remind me to keep my mouth shut just in case I say something else horrible that might happen." Minjoo gives her a small smile, boldly takes her hand, not even giving Chaewon time to react, and runs with her to find their friends.


"Yeah, this can't be good." Yuri says.

"Alright, captain obvious, what were you saying? About the scientist?" After the initial rumbling, several explosions had followed. Yuri had a bad feeling about what was happening.

"I think the scientist's friends have arrived."

"But how? This place is secure, isn't it?" Goeun tries to reason out.

"Well, the only thing I can think of is our prisoner had some kind of tracking device on her person. In hindsight, we probably should've checked her for that." Yuri responds, smacking her forehead in frustration.

"Well, we better get a move on then!" The two were about to make a break for it before a squad of soldiers jump out of the forest, guns aimed at them.

"Freeze!" One yells. Goeun and Yuri slowly bring their hands above their heads, and as the soldiers approach, Yuri says in a loud voice, "No, I think you guys should freeze." Suddenly, the men can't seem to put one foot in front of the other. They can't even motion their arms to pull their guns' triggers. Yuri smirks at Goeun, as if sending her a signal, which she appears to get. The soldiers' eyes widen as Goeun steps in front of all of them and lets out a sonic screech, knocking them all out. The two girls give a hi-five to each other before they begin to make their way to the interrogation room,

"That was a good idea, Yuri!" Goeun compliments.

"You weren't so bad yourself." She responds. Goeun is surprised that she feels her heart beat faster for a moment.

When they make their way back to the main courtyard, it's littered with soldiers fighting trainees. It was a huge mess. Goeun and Yuri continue their tag-team effort and effortlessly knock out more of the intruders.

Just as Goeun finishes another group, she feels a motion behind her. She turns, ready to screech, but no one was there. Suddenly, she's swept of her feet, and knocked to the ground. Yuri is in shock. What in the world? She doesn't get a chance to think more as she's knocked down herself. Two soldiers materialize out of nowhere, holding the two down.

"Sirens..." One comments disgustingly. Goeun and Yuri's mouths were covered, rendering them defenseless. Yuri was starting to have flashbacks of being taken a couple days before. No. No. They can't take me back...

"Let them go!" A familiar voice yells out. Yuri turns her head slightly, and from the corner of her eye, she sees Yena running full speed towards them. She throws a punch towards one's head, and gives the other a round-house kick, causing them to let go of Yuri and Goeun. When she's sure they're arms-length away she raises her hands and bolts of electricity strike the soldiers, knocking them out.

Yena rushes over to the two girls, checking for injuries. "Will you forgive me now, Yul?" She asks. Goeun makes a gagging motion, Nicknames? How...cute.

"Aish, that's all you can think about right now, duck?" Yuri responds.

"I just saved your lives!" Yena whines back.

"We were gonna handle it!"

"Sure you were~"

"Can you two lovebirds just make-up already?" Goeun comments. "We have bigger issues to deal with right now. You can argue again later." Yena and Yuri are caught off guard by that sudden remark.

"It's not like that!" Yena says.

"Yeah, I agree, this is a misunderstanding!" Yuri concurs. Goeun just gives them a skeptical look.

"Well, you two should head over to Eunbi and the others then. I'll head to the cafeteria and see what happened there!" Goeun says. Just before they'd gotten to the courtyard, another explosion had rocked the cafeteria. There had to have been a lot of people in there. Goeun gives Yuri a knowing look as she concludes, as if saying, I'm giving you this chance here. Yuri blushed, but didn't argue as Yena nodded and brought her along.


Chaos. That's what it was like in the cafeteria once the smoke spread around. Soldiers were coming in from all sides trying to drag the weak away. Those who were unlucky enough to breathe in the air were rendered groggy and unable to use their abilities. Yujin felt powerless. She couldn't hold her breath much longer. Wonyoung was on the ground next to her, not getting the warning in time. Yujin musters whatever ounce of strength she has left to protect her friends. She eventually feels the energy building and forces the pipes to blow, releasing water everywhere. It wasn't much, but it managed to buy the others time to escape. Yujin carries Wonyoung away to a safe spot to hide, and when she finds a secluded enough area behind one of the buildings, she gently places Wonyoung on the ground and tries to wake her up.

"Wonnie! Wonnie, wake up! Please!" After a bit of shaking, Wonyoung's eyes begin to flutter open. She tries to stand up, but falls back down.

"Be careful! Don't strain yourself too far. We're safe for now." She tries to assure the younger.

"Where are we? What happened?" Wonyoung is still a bit dizzy from the initial attack and was trying to get her bearings.

"Well, look what we have here?" A hostile voice intrudes. A pair of soldiers had found them, looking at them menacingly. They were just like the ones from the facility Yuri was taken to, camouflage clothes covered by black kevlar vests along with spiked boots and black masks. Yujin gets up to face them. They were stuck in a dead end, and it looked like the only way out was to fight. She gets ready to launch some water towards them, but Yujin can't seem to find anything. She must've blown all the pipes close to her, or maybe the gas was starting to affect her too. When the two soldiers realize Yujin was just standing her ground, they smirk, thinking they'd won.

"You're coming with us..." One begins to say before he is suddenly shoved straight into a wall. The second one gets snared by a lose vine and is flipped into the air. Yujin breathes a sigh of relief as Nako and Hitomi had come to the rescue.

"You guys okay?" Nako asks concerned.

"We'll live, but Wonyoung got a big whiff of that gas. We need to take her somewhere safe quick." Yujin had a very worried look on her face as she talked about her younger friend. She didn't want anyone to hurt Wonyoung again, not on her watch.

"I think we should head to the infirmary then, get her a bed to rest on." Hitomi advises. Before the four can get a move on, they're cornered again by more soldiers. Hitomi gives Nako a knowing look and the two spring into action themselves. Nako bulldozes her way through soldiers like they're made of glass, tossing them around and knocking them down. Hitomi's approach was a bit more calculated. She raises her plants from the ground and was tripping and entangling anyone unlucky enough to be in striking distance. Yujin watched in awe as the two Japanese effortlessly took them all down. They must've been trained well where they came from, she thinks. Even when the soldiers got an attack in, Nako would just grab their guns and snap them in half while Hitomi would gracefully backflip to dodge punches, and combo cartwheels into kicks. When it looked like the fight was over, the two Japanese end up taking the lead with Yujin carrying Wonyoung along.

The situation at the infirmary was not much better. The staff were being held up, guns aimed at their faces while the intruders tried to search for any patients. Nako and Hitomi had little trouble taking care of even more adversaries, but their fatigue was showing. They couldn't keep it up forever. Yujin tries to focus again in an attempt at helping, but that gut feeling she normally felt when she controlled water wasn't manifesting. The gas must've finally affected her as she stood there, powerless, with Wonyoung in her arms.

A sudden yelp catches Yujin's attention. She scans the area and sees Hitomi pinned down. It looked like she'd been tripped and she was grabbing onto her ankle. "Hii-chan!" Nako yelled, smacking another soldier in the face before trying to rush to her friend while the man was getting ready to shoot her. She isn't going to make it. Yujin fears, but right as he's about to shoot, the soldier freezes, a confused look on his face. It slowly shifts into one of fear, and for some reason, he drops his gun and runs away screaming.

"...what happened there?" Nako asks after rushing over to check on Hitomi. Yujin walks up to the curtains blocking a bed, and pulls it back revealing a very satisfied Yunjin still sitting laying down.

"You're welcome." She says.

"What'd you show him?" Hitomi asks curiously.

"I just thought back to the scariest movies I've ever watched and combined everything I saw into one monster. I guess it worked." Yunjin explains with a proud look on her face.

"Anyway." She begins, her tone shifting. "It must be getting wild out there, where's Gaeun-unnie?" Yunjin asks worriedly.

"I don't know. We haven't seen her. We had to rush all the way here for Wonyoung." Yujin lays Wonyoung out on a bed and takes a seat letting the doctors handle her. She was as exhausted as Hitomi and Nako because of all the running and fighting.

"They must be here for that scientist, right?"  Nako presumes, the others nodding in agreement.

"I think the others will have that figured out, so maybe we should focus on protecting the infirmary." Yujin proposes. Part of her thinks she just said that to be able to protect Wonyoung more, but she didn't say it out loud.

"Alright then, let's try and guard this place the best we can, and lead others here to safety." Nako says as she begins to advise the doctors to aid in signaling trainees to take refuge in there. Yujin moves over to a chair next to Wonyoung's bed and looks down at her worriedly. Please, please, please be okay, Wonnie. She thinks.


Minjoo and Chaewon had been trying to find Yuri and Yena for what felt like ages. How hard could it be to find two bickering sweet hearts?

"Aish, where could they be?" Minjoo sighs. She's starting to panic with the chaos going on in the buildings, the brave face she put on a while ago was starting to falter.

"Weren't you the one who told me to stay calm?" Chaewon quips. "Besides, I think we found a clue." She continues as the duo stumble upon the mess left behind in the courtyard, large scorch marks from what appeared to be lightning strikes were scattered across the ground next to unconscious soldiers. "Just follow the bodies." She says in a sing-song voice that definitely contradicted the situation they were in.

Eventually, after fighting off soldiers and helping out some more trainees, the two arrive in front of the security complex, and it's clear that there was definitely a struggle that took place. They decide to split up and check on every room to find where their friends were at. Chaewon splits herself up to cover more ground while Minjoo opts for the stealthy invisible approach.

Somehow, Minjoo ends up more separated than she intended. She didn't take into account that Chaewon couldn't send a clone to accompany her if she couldn't see her. Minjoo looks around the confusing maze-like hallways, not even remembering where she came from. Minjoo, you did it again. She scolds to herself.

"Chaewon?" She whispers out. At that moment, the lights go out, and Minjoo is hoping that it was Yena's doing rather than the infiltrators. The problem now was it was really dark, and she was not too fond of it. "Yena-unnie? Yuri? Eunbi-unnie?" She calls out into the empty space in front of her. No response. Before she can call out again, a commotion up ahead shuts her up. Luckily for her, the darkness helped conceal her even better, but her heart was palpitating nonetheless.

"Let's get out of here." A voice says. "We got what we came for."

"Yes, call for the extraction of Dr. Eunseo, and signal the others then." Another whispers back. The two are carrying a large bag over their shoulders and walk right by Minjoo who had pressed herself up against the wall. She couldn't get a good look on what was inside because of the lack of light, but it couldn't have been good. I have to find the others. She thinks. Before she can make any decision, another big explosion rocks the building, followed by a sharp whistling noise that brought her to her knees. The sound was unbearable. This must be what Yena was talking about... Minjoo was becoming dizzy while grabbing onto her head, covering her ears, but it eventually became too much and she was knocked out cold. Before she does though, she manages to catch the writing on a sign on the wall where the soldiers had come from. Holding Cells...


Chaewon had been wandering along the corridors looking for where in the world Eunbi and the others could be for a while now with no luck. Jeez, this place really needs a downsize. She complains internally. It didn't help that the power went out a couple minutes after she'd stepped into the building. Thanks, Yena. She thought sarcastically. After a couple more steps, she begins to hear a commotion, and on the opposite side of the hallway, she squints and sees soldiers fighting their way to get into a room, more bodies littered everywhere. Bingo.

"Yah, Minjoo, I found them." She says to the open air next to her. "Wait...Minjoo? Are you there?" Chaewon asks again when there isn't a response. Are you kidding me? Really? She closes her eyes and tries to see through her clones' eyes but comes up with nothing, the darkness didn't really help. She had no idea where the girl could've gone.

"Well, looks like I'm all the backup they have." Chaewon says to herself. She commands her clones to regroup next to her and when they do, she does a bit of sneaking herself and ambushes them from behind.

"Guys! Don't worry, the cavalry has arrived!" She says confidently as she knocks over soldiers like they're bowling pins.

"Chaewon?" Eunbi asks as she fends off soldiers from opening the door before allowing space for Chaeyeon to speed out and take care of the rest.

"The one and only~ Well, one and many of me." She jokes. It appeared as if the attack was over for now, giving the others an opportunity to catch their breath.

"Where are Yuri and Yena?" Chaewon inquires after noticing the pair was nowhere in sight.

"They're probably somewhere arguing right now because we haven't seen them." Eunbi answers. But they definitely walked in here. Chaewon thinks recalling the scorch marks leading up to the building.

"Wait, so it wasn't Yena who caused the outage?" She asks.

"I mean, it could've been, but it could've easily been the enemy." Eunbi counters.

On the inside, Sakura and Hyewon are still interrogating the scientist, trying their best to get any piece of useful information. "How'd they find out we were here?" Hyewon asks.

"I guess you kids weren't as smart as I was told." She laughs in response. Suddenly, Sakura gasps, grabbing at something in the prisoner's jacket pocket.

"How in the world did I not notice this thing?" She says as she holds up a microchip like gadget- a tracking device. "You sneaky bastards." Hyewon comments.

"How unfortunate for you all to find that out now when I'm about to escape." The scientist snickers.

"Escape? Lady, you are tied up here, and your little entourage failed to rescue you. I don't think that's gonna happen." At that moment, an ear piercing screeching noise begins to sound off through a speaker in the room. Both Hyewon and Sakura are on the ground writhing in pain.

"Fools..." The scientist laughs.

On the outside, Eunbi was just trying to connect the dots with Chaewon when both she and Chaeyeon got attacked by the noise as well, bringing them to their knees. That weapon they were developing. She immediately thinks. Eunbi doesn't know what to do to ease her friends' pain, and she doesn't get much time to think as more soldiers pour into the corridor and barrel straight for them.

Eunbi hides, reaching for anything useful, eventually getting a hold of a soldier's gun. There was no way she was taking these guys by herself, so she takes aim at the loudspeaker, and fires as the soldiers arrive in front of her. The idea seemed to have worked because they were now looking around at Chaeyeon, Chaewon, Sakura and Hyewon and appearing antsy. The sound had stopped, and the others were starting to get their bearings. They quickly grab the scientist, ignoring her pleas to capture any of the four slowly getting up, and make a run for it. Eunbi had little choice but to let them go.

When she's sure that they're gone, she rushes to her friends to make sure they were okay, and for the most part, they were. They were just all a bit groggy from the experience.

"You guys good?" She asks each of them.

"Yeah, but I'm not happy about any of this." Hyewon comments.

"They just got away, aren't we gonna give chase?" Chaeyeon interrupts. Stretching her legs expecting a run.

"I'm afraid we can't risk that. They might just gas you and take you along with them." Eunbi advises.

"Oh god, where's Minjoo??" Chaewon suddenly remembers the disappearance of her friend.

"Let's check the rest of this building, she has to be around here." Eunbi responds. She seems to be going through one issue at a time as she hears Sakura's frustrated sighs.

"I'm so stupid. How could I not have checked if she had anything on her person. I should've at least sensed it." She says.

"Don't worry, Sakura. It could've been worse." Chaeyeon says, trying to stay positive.

"Worse? It looks to me like they just stole back our leverage while blowing up the main buildings. How could things get worse than that?" Hyewon says. It was just a very frustrating situation. Eunbi had to remain calm and lead this girls through this mess. There was just so much going on.

"Okay, first order of business. We have to find Yuri, Yena and Minjoo in this building. Then we check on Nako, Hii-chan and the maknaes. Clear?" Everyone nods to the proposal as they split off and search for the others.


"Ugh, my head..." Yena mumbles as she gets up. It felt like her and Yuri were just arguing about where the interrogation rooms were when the lights went out, followed by the familiar unpleasant sound of the frequency disruptor Yena had experienced before, only much worse this time. She turns and sees Yuri struggling to get up and get her bearings and quickly helps her up.

"You okay?" Yena asks.

"Honestly? No, but nothing we can really do about it, right?" Yuri says as she shrugs. She seemed to have recovered quicker than Yena had expected. Either that or Yuri was a good actor.

"I have a bad feeling that Eunbi and the others were just ambushed. We have to find them." Yena urges.

"We would've found them by now if you just listened to my directions and went north instead of west on that fork in the corridors." Yuri huffs.

"Are we still on about that? It was pretty dark, you know? Aren't there more important things to worry about?" She fires back.

"I'm just saying that I was right this time, and you weren't. Now come on, we gotta retrace our steps."

After a series of back and forths, the pair eventually find their way back to the fork in the hallways that they'd made a wrong turn at.

"They should be that way." Yuri says, pointing to their right.

"Wait, I think there's something up ahead..." Yena says out of the blue. She didn't know what it was, but she felt like something was off in that direction.

"Really? That's what you said last time too!" Yuri whines.

"Can't you trust me on this? I think someone came from that area." Yena also points at a sign, trying to discern it's meaning- Holding Cells. The scientist couldn't be the only thing they came here for, Yena thinks. She tugs on Yuri's hand a bit more insistently. "Come on, pleaseee? We should at least check if the they didn't take anyone or anything important from the cells, right?"

"I really hate that I'm agreeing with you." Yuri says with a sigh of defeat. She lets her lead the way, as they head straight on.


Minjoo woke up feeling strangely rested. Something seems off, she thinks to herself. Wasn't I just doing something important? She looks around and sees her room tidied up. She's laying down on a soft bed that felt way better than the ones on campus.

"Minjoo? Hurry up, dear, or you'll be late for school!" A familiar voice calls to her. No, it can't be. She shakes her head. No, it couldn't be her. She walks over to her cabinet, looking for her school uniform, and puts it on.


The second she steps out of her bedroom door, she find herself in a classroom, students buzzing all around her. Before she can grasp her surroundings, a voice calls.

"Minjoo-yah! Let's go out for lunch with the others!" A husky voice says to her, it was Yuri. She doesn't wait for Minjoo to respond as she grabs her hand and tugs her along to meet their friends.

"Is something wrong today, Minjoo?" Hitomi asks. "It looks like something's bothering you."

"She's probably just nervous that we're going having lunch with Chaewon and the others." Nako teases. Minjoo feels the heat rise to her cheeks as she profusely tries to deny the accusations. Wait, when did Nako and Hii-chan go to a Korean school.


The next moment, Minjoo finds herself seated around a large roundtable, the rest of their group spread around it. They were at a café, the sunlight seeping through the windows just right. It simply felt like a normal day. She watched the group and she saw Yuri and Yena bickering along with Wonyoung and Yujin. Hyewon and Eunbi are busy trying to get everyone's orders. Sakura and Chaeyeon were giggling next to each other, seemingly oblivious to Nako and Hitomi watching and cringing at every moment. It felt...good.

"Hey, Angel? Earth to Snow White? Minjoo?" The voice she wanted to hear the most snaps her out of her daydreaming. She looks over and words cannot describe how pretty Chaewon looks with her short chocolate-colored hair that went perfectly with the brown hoodie she had on. It was so simple, yet so enamoring.

"Keep your mouth closed, Min. You'll catch flies." She teases.

"Today feels so nice..." Minjoo finally says.

"Of course it is, we're all together aren't we?" Chaewon responds, leaning in to kiss her cheek which definitely sent Minjoo's mind into overdrive.

"I wish every day could be like this." She says with a sigh. It felt perfect, but something didn't feel right. Despite the aesthetic and calming surroundings, something just felt off. Wasn't she just doing something important?

"Is everything alright?" Chaewon looks at her worriedly.

"No, no...something's wrong. The breach, the soldiers, the ambush..." Minjoo mutters, the others starting to sense her off mood.

"Min?" Chaewon reaches out to her this time, putting a hand on her shoulder. "Yah, Kim Minjoo, are you playing a joke right now?" She continues.

Kim Minjoo!

Kim Minjoo!

Wake up!


"Yah! Kim Minjoo! Wake up!" Chaewon's voice yells, and at that moment, Minjoo's eyes flutter open. She looks around frantically, recalling the dream she'd just had. All her friends were standing around her, in one of the infirmary beds. Her eyes drift around to see many other trainees injured and confined to beds like hers. Trainer Hongki was working overtime while the other trainers milled around doing the best they could. What happened... She asks herself.

"Oh, thank goodness!" Yuri says, seeing Minjoo begin to wake. Yena had been right to look down that hall. They'd found Minjoo passed out in the middle of the corridor. She was knocked out and unmoving. They eventually met up with Eunbi and the others and they rushed her to the infirmary where they found Yujin, Nako and Hitomi guarding what looked like Wonyoung lain on a bed. Chaewon looked so worried that she wouldn't leave Minjoo's side for a second despite the assurances that she'd be fine. And they think Yena is clingy. Yuri thought jokingly

"How long...was I out for?" Minjoo asks.

"It's been a couple years." Yena says ominously, but the immediate sound of Yuri smacking her on the shoulder helped give Minjoo some relief that it hadn't been that long.

"Six hours, thirty-seven minutes and fifteen seconds." Chaewon answers rather quickly. The rest of the group look at her weirdly, while she tries to play it cool.

"What? The clock is right there! I'm just glancing at it." She says very unconvincingly, causing Minjoo to unconsciously smile at her excuse.

"In any case, you've been out long enough that the fight is over. The intruders retreated." Hyewon comments.

"That's right." Eunbi sighs. Minjoo can tell she's about to break some bad news before she even says it. "They didn't just take the scientist though. They abducted some of the trainees too. We couldn't pursue them and tend to the injured at the same time." She says sadly. There was so much guilt in her voice, as if Eunbi alone was in charge of the entire campus. Several people had disappeared when the enemy left, and much to the dismay of Yunjin, Gaeun was one of them. They only managed to do a headcount half an hour ago.

"No, unnie, it's not your fault. Heck, if it weren't for you, even more of us would've been taken. We just have to go save the others now." Yujin says trying to stay upbeat.

"Save the others? That's easier said than done?" Sakura asks bluntly. "Our only piece of leverage is gone, and we have no idea where any other base could be. You'd have to give me some time to search the files more because they're heavily encrypted." Sakura definitely felt guilt about the breach as well, seeing as she was the one responsible for checking if the scientist had brought in anything dangerous, but that made her even more determined to beat this group, whoever they say they are.

"Back to square one, guys. We can do it!" Chaeyeon tries to hype the others up as well.

"We'll have to make a really solid plan while waiting for Sakura though." Hyewon says.

"We might as well train hard too!" Nako and Hitomi say.

"More time to rest for me~" Wonyoung says with a laugh. She wasn't hurt as badly, but Wonyoung definitely felt tired and weak from the gas.

"Looks like we know what we're doing for once! Let's go save our friends!" Eunbi cheers, the others following her example. The attack may have left the trainees feeling scared and defeated, but there was definitely still hope.

Minjoo looks around while sitting in her bed, observing her friends trying to stay motivated. Seeing them so determined made her feel more determined too. She felt happy and glad. While the chaos of the group started to spiral into incoherency with the usual shouting and laughing, Minjoo feels a hand grab a hold of hers that reminds her of the dream sequence she just had. Chaewon is looking at her with those pretty eyes that seemed to capture her attention every time they interacted. She wasn't saying anything, and she didn't need to. Chaewon knew how to comfort Minjoo without even saying a word. Minjoo can imagine what it would be like if things were normal, if they could all be upbeat and chatty like this without the fear of being captured or killed. She wants that now.

Maybe that dream wasn't so farfetched after all...

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1760 streak #1
Need to get back to reading this!! So many chapters to catch up on!!!!
new subscriber here!
will read this
1760 streak #4
Chapter 13: wow!!!
1760 streak #5
Chapter 11: wow yena's backstory gave me the feel!!
1760 streak #6
Chapter 10: the battle scenes are really drawing me in!!
1760 streak #7
Chapter 9: getting good!!!!
Hey! I really like your story! I would like to translate it into Russian, if you don't mind. /ᐠ。ꞈ。ᐟ\
1760 streak #9
Chapter 6: I like the battle scenes! nice to see how their powers come into play!
1760 streak #10
Chapter 4: nice! i really like reading this super power perspective!