Chapter 11 - All According to Plan

Project IZ*ONE

It's late in the night when the group decides to sneak towards the garage area where the facility's vehicles are located. The group, led by Eunbi, Chaeyeon and Hyewon had planned their move for the past two days. It was simple enough, sneak into the garage, take a van, sneak into the Japanese base, take the data back, and sneak back to the facility. In retrospect, maybe it was a bit more complicated than they'd initially thought. Their first mistake was not accounting for twelve people sneaking around at once.

"Yah, guys, I think we should split up into fours." Eunbi whispers to the group. "We're being way too noisy." They nodded and split off using the Sakura's mind linking to stay in touch. Sakura and Chaeyeon were with Yujin and Wonyoung, Eunbi and Hyewon were with Nako and Hitomi, and Yuri and Yena were once again with Chaewon and Minjoo.

"Woah, can we really hear each other's thoughts?" Yena asks out loud. Everyone not on Sakura's team prior, including Eunbi, was surprised at this special power. They knew of it, but it didn't help prepare them for the real thing.

"Yes, Yena, but you don't need to say it out loud." Yena swears she can hear Sakura face-palm. "If you want to communicate with your group directly, don't think about it that much."

The group had managed to acquire a map of the facility thanks to Sakura and were slowly navigating through the never-ending halls in the dorm building.

If we want to get there unnoticed, we need to use separate paths. Sakura says, her team branching off into a new section of the dorm that they'd never been to.

Yuri, you're going to be our ticket into the garage, so you guys take the shortest path. Eunbi orders, to which Yuri agrees with.

Yah, whoever's there thinking about Chaewon so much, kindly stop. Sakura scolds. The mind link may mainly project voices, but if an image is thought of enough, it can be projected into the minds of everyone connected. Focus on the mission.

Chaewon turns around, face reddening, tapping her foot as she looks for Minjoo, who'd disappeared after Sakura had mentioned someone thinking of her. Yena and Yuri look to each other and snicker.

"Minjoo, I know you're there." She says chuckling a bit. "We can talk about this later, but can we please focus on the mission?" Minjoo reluctantly reveals herself, covering her face.

"I'm sorry, Chaewon, I didn't mean it."

"It's fine, Min." She says as she puts an arm around her shoulder as they walk, whispering in her ear. "I'm flattered to be honest." She then lets go and marches ahead.

"Sheesh, it's a good thing I know how to control my thoughts." Yena says.

"Aish, and what crazy thoughts are running through your mind when you're alone, hmm?" Yuri asks. At this, Yena, coughs, as if something got stuck in , and walks ahead after Chaewon.


We're approaching the garage now. Four guards by the looks of it. Yuri announces to the group.

Alright, do your thing Miss Golden Voice. Eunbi says jokingly. Her group is positioned further from Yuri's, as they observe to make sure the coast is clear. Eunbi watches as Yuri walks up to the guards nonchalantly, and after a minute of talking, they drop what they're doing and open the door for her.

Nice one, but can you give us an opening too?

It's fine, I told them, we'd have guests coming along with us. Yuri says confidently. Eunbi looks over to Hyewon and with a nod, they move as well. Chaeyeon's group had snuck in through the back entrance, Sakura hacking the door open, which left just them to get inside.

Things look fine enough as they approach. The guards looked dazed, as if a spell had been put on them. They were dressed in camouflage armor, with assault rifles strapped to their backs. When Eunbi's group arrives in front of them, they salute before greeting.

"Hello there! You must be the guests Lady Jo Yuri had invited to her late-night drive." One of the guards says.

Lady Jo Yuri? Eunbi asks in her head.

What can I say? I'm charming. Yuri says with faux bravado.

"Ah yes, we would be them." Eunbi responds to the guard in front of her. They try to move in, but a hand blocks their way.

"I'm sorry, but as per protocol, we'll need to see some verification."

"Excuse me? Didn't you just let four girls into the garage already?" She asks.

"Four? I recall only seeing three." The guard shakes his head for a second, as if regaining his bearings. "Wait a minute..."


Yah! Why couldn't you have told us sooner. Also, why'd they ask for identification? Eunbi asked back.

I was winging it! To which, Eunbi sighs.

It was then that the guards had started going for their weapons. "This is a restricted area! What are you trainees doing here?" At this, Eunbi clocks him right in the face with a well-placed punch. He was downed fairly easily. Hyewon simply freezes one of them, Nako punches another, but with way more force and Hitomi wraps up the last one. Eunbi reaches down for the key card in the first guard's pocket, and opens the door. She makes her way down a winding set of stairs and is finally welcomed by the other eight girls who were trying not to look in her direction.

"Yuri, could you be a dear and tell these guys it was all a dream?" Eunbi orders, understandably annoyed.

"Yes, unnie." Yuri shyly nods, quite embarrassed.

"Alright then everyone, see a van you like?" She asks the rest. They walk around the large garage that could fit even an airplane. The place was built within the mountain the facility was situated on. It was almost invisible from the outside with the exception of the patrolling guards. It was wide and cavernous with an assortment of vehicles scattered around.

The group settles for a large navy-blue van that looks quite well-maintained. It was very spacious on the inside, having more than enough room for all of them. As they gather inside though, a new argument surfaces.

"Alright, get in the back everyone, I'm gonna bring us to the base." Eunbi announces.

"Yah, who decided you could drive?" Yena says. "I've driven before too."

"What about me?" Chaeyeon interjects. "I have an actual license."

"I'm the oldest, so I'm driving, alright?" Eunbi tries to put her foot down, but the others don't want to hear it.

"We don't even have the key. I'm the only one with the power to jumpstart this thing." Yena whines.

While the older girls are arguing about driving duties, the younger ones are just looking on with disappointment. "Chaewon-unnie, don't you want to drive?" Hitomi asks.

"Ah, I haven't had a chance to retry taking the test. I failed the first, you see." She says slightly embarrassed.

"Kim Chaewon isn't the perfect girl we thought she was? What a surprise!" Wonyoung jokes, receiving a glare in return.

"As if you're in a position to say that." Yujin says with a laugh. "You're the spoiled girl who'd never been in a van before Starship collected us."

"I told you never to talk about that." She yells back, smacking Yujin in the back of the head.

Out of nowhere, the van powers on, the engine humming. "Was that a ghost?" Minjoo asks nervously. Eventually, Hyewon's head pops out from the driver's seat. "No, it's fine, Minjoo. Just Sakura turning on the engines." Yena turns around dumbfounded as Sakura had the van with the touch of a finger,

"We were getting tired of all of you arguing." Sakura says with a sigh. "Let Hyewon drive, I'll sit next to her to give her directions. Get in your seats now, kids." Sakura looks at Eunbi, Chaeyeon and Yena as she says that last bit. The three take their seats, grumbling about how they should've just played rock-paper-scissors.

When everyone got into their seats, Hyewon drove out of the garage area which Sakura had opened as well, and they were off.


The group arrived at a worn-down looking house just outside the city of Seoul around two in the morning. It was two stories tall with rickety windows and vines growing on the walls. It looked like nobody had been here for years. Along with this, the air was chilly and the trees cast long shadows overhead giving the whole area an eerie vibe.

"Sakura-unnie, are you sure this is the place?" Wonyoung asks quietly. "This place looks pretty abandoned."

"That's kind of the point for a secret hideout, right?" She replies.

"Be careful, everyone, don't let your guards down." Eunbi advises. "Remember, this is just a quick in-and-out mission. Try to draw as little attention as you can."

The girls sneak around the perimeter to make sure the coast is clear, and once they do, they gather in front of the door, their footsteps creaking on the porch.

"Do we just knock?" Yena asks jokingly.

"You could say that." And with this, Sakura places her hand on the floor and focuses her energy. A rumbling can be heard from beneath as a bright light beams through a hatch that opens up next to a rock behind them. A tube pops open, like an elevator of some sort. It's bright silver lining definitely contrasts the dark green area around them. "I took out the cameras around the place too, so you don't have to worry about those."

"Impressive." Chaeyeon says out loud unknowingly. Sakura turns to her, giving her a smirk.

"Oh, one more thing" Sakura says. "I can sense a lot of machinery down there, so there'll be some interference. Try to communicate only when necessary." The group nods, and gets into the elevator, just large enough to fit all of them, and they descend into the secret base.


"Wow, how'd they manage to build a place like this in Korea?" Yuri asks. Once again, the group decided to separate into groups of four to cover more ground. Yuri and Yena had found themselves with Chaeyeon and Sakura.

"They didn't technically build it recently." She begins. "These are left over from the Korean-Japanese war. They simply refurnished the place so their researchers could use it."

"How long has this place been operational?"

"Maybe ten years?" Sakura thinks to herself, trying to recall the information. "Once the mutant population began to rise, they felt it was important to keep an eye on Korea, since, well, they hate you guys."

"So was the peace-treaty just an excuse to send you guys here?" Yena asks to which Sakura nods.

"That's correct, I'm surprised you managed to gather that. You're more perceptive than I thought."

"Hey, what's that supposed to mean?" Before she can continue, Chaeyeon walks in between them to ease the tension.

"Jeez, you two are like Tom and Jerry." She comments.

"Pft, as long as I'm Tom." Yena huffs.

"What's that even supposed to mean?" Yuri asks, giggling to herself. Sakura quickly interjects. "Focus guys. We're here for a reason. Let's just find the main computer hall."


"There's a door up ahead." Yujin notices as her group had reached a fork in the path. She's with Wonyoung, Hyewon and Eunbi. The girls peer into the wings to their right and left, and when they're sure no one is coming, they sneak towards the door.

"The door's locked tight." Eunbi says as she tries to pull it open. It's a large rectangular metal door with a number pad on the wall. "There has to be a password."

Suddenly, the group hears footsteps clanking on the metal floor, about to pass in front of them.

"Oh, shoot, what're we gonna do, unnies!" Wonyoung asks, trying not to panic. "I'm too young to die!" Hyewon sighs to herself. "Give me a minute." And with that, she begins to work, freezing the door handle.

"I don't think we have a minute, Hyewon-unnie." Yujin says, starting to feel agitated as well.

"Distract them, then!" She chides back.

As Eunbi peers into the hallway again, she sees two sets of soldiers both about to cross paths with each other. "Hurry up, Hyewon!"

"I'm trying!" When she feels like it was frozen enough, she gives a roundhouse kick into the door and breaks it, the latch falling to the ground with a satisfying clunk. Unfortunately, the sound reverberated through the corridors due to contact with the metal floor. The soldiers stop in confusion, wondering what had happened.

"Get in! Get in!" Eunbi orders the group, ushering them inside. When they all get in, Wonyoung uses her powers to pick up the latch and hide it in a corner. They hear the marching of footsteps, and hold their breaths as they approach the fork in the path. The soldiers were conversing in Japanese, so it was hard to figure out what they were saying.

"They're saying that it might've just been a broken pipe again." Hyewon whispers quietly. When the group looks at her curiously, she shrugs. "Secret training and watching a lot of anime. The language catches on eventually."

When the sound of footsteps resumes, slowly fading into the distance, the girls let out a deep sigh. "That was a close one." Eunbi says.

"Unnie, you might want to take a look at this." Yujin tries to grab their leader's attention. Eunbi eventually gathers herself and when she turns around, she's greeted by several weapons, and pieces of gear, along with some computers. Hyewon seats herself in front of one and looks through the data. "It looks like they're trying to develop...anti-mutant weapons."

"It says this one is supposed to nullify our powers." Yujin says, holding onto a megaphone-looking object.

"Put that down, Yujin." Eunbi orders. "It might set off an alarm or something." She then looks over back to Hyewon who is sifting through more files.

"I think we should download some of these too." She says, taking a usb out of her pocket. As soon as she plugs it in, a red alarm begins to blare out overhead.

"Yah, did it detect that?" Wonyoung asks. "Do they know we're here?" To answer her question, a voice projects over the loud sounds of the alarm.


"East wing..." Eunbi tries to recall who went where, and when she remembers, she sighs. "What'd Chaewon do this time?" She asks out loud to nobody in particular.

"Hyewon, download as much data as you can. They might have fail-safes to auto delete them." She then looks over to the two younger girls. "You two, try to dismantle or sabotage those weapons. They were designed to kill us. We can't let these people use them in combat!" The girls continue to scramble, Eunbi trying to figure out a new plan.


" two know anything about this place?" Chaewon begins to ask the two Japanese girls with them. Nako simply huffs.

"Nope, I've known Saku-chan for years, but I've never heard of this place. Hii-chan, how about you?"

"Hmm, I haven't either. They don't really tell us anything back at AKB. There's so many people to keep track of as it is." She responds. Chaewon shakes her head, trying to make sense of everything. It seems like yesterday that she was sitting in class, diligently taking notes. Now, she was on a spy team in a secret underground Japanese base trying to retrieve data that could be used to kill and get rid of mutants permanently. She smiles to herself, thinking. This is way more my style. Her thoughts were interrupted when I voice speaks.

"What're we even looking for over here?" Minjoo asks. Nako and Hitomi look to her as well, Chaewon being the oldest among them. It was a different feeling for her. She'd become used to having a leader with her. People like Gaeun and Eunbi just had that leader presence, and now, here she was trying to lead these three in a life or death situation.

"Uhm, Sakura said she'd go for the data room with the others. I think our task is to just find anything else that's useful." She manages to get out. I trust you, Chaewon. That's what Eunbi had told her before parting ways. Yes, she liked the action and adrenaline, but that isn't what she should be focusing on. A good leader puts aside her wants for the group's needs. When she turned and looked at Minjoo, there was so much anxiety in her eyes. She hated seeing her like that. People like the ones here would do anything to kill off mutants like they were some type of infection to the world. She suddenly gets an idea.

"Guys, we need to find the power source of this place." She announces, sounding more determined than usual.

"Huh? What're you on about?" Nako asks.

"We gotta get rid of this place. If we just steal the data back, they could just abduct some poor mutant and continue experimenting down here. We have to take it down." The three girls nod, even Minjoo manages to gather herself at the sound of a solid plan.

After a few minutes of snooping around, the group finds themselves in front of a room labeled "reactor". They manage to find a hiding spot behind the pipes lining the walls. Nako scoffs.

"Always with the nuclear energy." She says distastefully. At that same moment, a Japanese scientist is seen walking towards the room. There's a key pad next to the door.

"We gotta get in there." Chaewon looks at Minjoo with determination. "Can you sneak over there and peek at the code?"

Minjoo nods shyly. "I'll try." She turns invisible the others keep watch.

After the scientist punches in the code to enter, they silently wait for him to leave. Minjoo reappears next to them. "The code is 1029" She says.

"Good job, Min! I knew you could do it." Chaewon smiles when she sees how pleased Minjoo became hearing the compliment. When the man walks out and back into the seemingly endless halls, the four girls make their move. They press in the code and manage to slip inside before anyone can see them.

"We can't just make a big explosion, okay? It has to be controlled." Hitomi advises as they look at the large reactor sitting in front of them. The room is hot and only a dim red light illuminates it. "We don't want there to be major effects on the surrounding area."

"Then what can we do to destroy this base?" Chaewon asks.

"Leave it to me." And at this, Hitomi goes to work. The others were surprised at where she managed to learn this. "My father used to work at a plant near my town. He brought me around a couple times on 'take-your-kid-to-work-day'." She says while pushing buttons and pulling levers. "I'm no expert, but I have a good idea of what to do."

"Wait, a good idea?" Nako asks. "You sure about this?"

"I mean, 80% sure?" She responds. "Good enough for me." Chaewon says.

"Okay, once I push this button, we're going to have 10 minutes to get what we can and go. I rigged it up so the thing would overheat and only blow up everything below ground for the most part." Hitomi says as she adjusts a few more settings on the panel.

"How're we gonna get out though?"  Minjoo asks.

"I can handle that too. But we need to find the others first." At this moment, a key combination can be heard being input at the reactor entrance.

"Nako! We can't let them in yet. We gotta stall for time!" Chaewon yells. With that, Nako races towards the door and blocks it, holding it back with all her strength. She swears she can hear voices outside.

"I saw on the monitor that the reactor was overheating." A Japanese voice says. "I'm trying to get in there, but the door must be jammed."

Chaewon looks back at Hitomi, reaching for something in her pocket. "I hope this works."


Sakura's group had just made it to the server room. When they enter, they see rows of computers are lined up next to each other. Strangely enough, no one is around. "All I need to do right now is focus. Keep watch for me while I search for it." She says as she closes her eyes and enters the machines around her.

"How long is this going to take her?" Yena asks.

"I'm pretty sure it'll be fine. We just have to make sure no one shows up and disrupts her." Chaeyeon responds.

"Come to think of it, how heavily guarded is this place, anyway? We just waltzed in." Yuri wonders out loud. As fate may have it, they hear the door click as it's unlocked and opened. Yena turns towards her with an accusing look. "You just had to say it."

A woman in a lab-coat with glasses walks in with two armed guards. The group is surprised to see that it's a Korean. Yuri scrambles a bit too late and is spotted. "Hey! You! Who authorized you to be here?" The woman asks. Yuri freezes, slowly turning like a deer caught in the headlights. She smiles sweetly, "Oh, didn't you tell me to go here? I was just trying to get the files you asked of me while you were on your break." The woman's eyes become dazed for a second, as if trying to recall that order. "I think you should just leave me to it, I'll be sure to find them quick." Yuri almost believes it worked, until the woman's eyes snap back to normal.

"That would've worked..." She said, rubbing her forehead. "If I didn't just send off the rest of my staff home. GUARDS!" The two soldiers ready their aim, and at that moment, Sakura opens her eyes, telling the others. "It's done, let's get out of here!" Yena then quickly taps on the ground, finding the right wires underneath and sends a jolt of electricity that turns off the lights in the base. In the confusion they begin running back the way they came as the emergency lights turn on casting the halls in a dim red light. At the same time, an alarm blares, announcing the staff to evacuate, and that there were mutant intruders on the East side.

"That must be Chaewon and the others!' Chaeyeon yells, and the group has to run faster to keep up with Chaeyeon sprinting ahead.

"Did you get the data we needed?" Yena asks.

"Yes, I have it in me, right now." Yena was about to ask how that worked, but they were running too much for her to try. The four keep running through the maze-like halls until they run into some guards. Yuri quickly manages to shoo them away, yelling "These aren't the mutants you're looking for." which somehow managed to work.

"We have to find the others, fast!" At that moment, they run into Chaewon, or at least, one of her clones.

"Yah, guys! This place is about to blow, follow me!" She runs ahead with them in tow.


"About to blow?!? What did you guys do?" Eunbi yells as her group follows after Chaewon. They'd begun running to the east wing to help them when they ran into one of Chaewon's clones.

"It's a long story, unnie! I'll tell you later!" She says as they make their way back to the original entrance, where the elevator was. The problem was that the power was down because of an explosion, probably Yena's doing. There are guards after them left and right, and Hyewon and Wonyoung can barely hold them off.  Eventually their group meets up with Chaewon's and they just see Chaeyeon's arriving at the scene, guards after them as well.

"So, we rigged the place to blow so they couldn't use it anymore! I hope you guys got your data because it's gonna be gone in a couple minutes!" Chaewon explains very quickly.

"How're we gonna get out? Yena zapped the power out!" Yuri asks.

"Yah, did you want them to catch us or not?" She says back.

"Enough of your lovers' quarrel, you two!" Nako says. The two just glare at her in response. "Hii-chan and I got this. Just hold everyone off." Hyewon nods, looking at Yujin, signaling her something.

Yujin seems to get the message, focusing her energy and forcing all the water pipes to blow. Hyewon then freezes the hall entrances, creating their own little ice fortress. "There. Bought you guys some time, now hurry up!" Hyewon says, rather worried.

Nako cracks her knuckles, and punches right into the wall, creating a dent. She keeps pummeling it, seemingly trying to break through the wall. "I hope your plan isn't to dig us out, because that'll take forever." Yujin says. "I can hear them trying to break through the ice! Hurry up!" True enough, the group could feel the vibrations resonating from the other side of the ice wall which was beginning to crack.

With one last punch, Nako manages to break through into a solid wall of dirt. "Perfect..." Chaewon says. "Looks like we're dying down here, guys."

"Yah, that was only step one!" Nako yells, hitting her lightly. Hitomi brings out the thing she was keeping in her pocket- a bag of seeds. "Go ahead, Hii-chan, we don't have time!"

"Okay, guys, try to get the elevator door open now, please." Hitomi orders.

"But the elevator isn't working!" Yena says.

"Just do it!" Wonyoung, using her psychic powers and Nako, using her strength, work together and try to pull the door open. Hitomi then throws a few seeds at the dirt Nako had exposed and extends her hands, willing them to grow and move. Large vine tendrils begin to snake their way into the elevator shaft, growing higher and higher.

"Woah, this is some Jack and the Beanstalk type of stuff, Hitomi-unnie!" Wonyoung says in awe.

"What're you waiting for guys? Get on!" One by one, the girls get in and grab a vine to pull them all the way up.

"Yujin, Yena, Yuri! You're the last ones left!" Eunbi urges the other girls to move, but at that moment, the icy walls break down, and a dark force bounds towards them. Eunbi manages to get Yujin in, then Yena, but just as she's about to reach for Yuri, the dark mist latches onto her. "UNNIE!" Yuri screams. The darkness then collates into a solid being. Standing in front of her with her hands blocking Yuri's mouth, is Jurina. She looks at Eunbi with a cold expression. "A valiant effort, but I won't leave empty handed." The alarms are still blaring as Jurina drags Yuri along, disappearing into the darkness.

Yena who was still on her way up, hears the younger girl's shouts, and freezes up. "YURI!" She tries to drop down, but Eunbi turns and yells. "Hitomi! Get everyone up! It's Jurina!" Yena's wrist is now wrapped around with vines, not allowing her to get down. "YURI! NOOO!!!"


By the time they'd reached the top, Yena was still screaming for Yuri. The group was in shock. Jurina had just appeared out of nowhere, and disappeared just as fast. Nako had managed to push the hatch open, and the eleven girls were now back above ground. It's at that moment when a large explosion is heard from below, the ground beginning to shake. Smoke begins to rise from the open hatch. Chaewon looks at Hitomi questioningly. "You sure that reactor won't be that big of a problem?"

"Yes, I'm pretty sure just the inside will be uninhabitable, but-" She's cut off by the rumbling in the ground beginning to get stronger. "Nako, close that hatch right now!" She says urgently, but it's too late. A large volcano like eruptions emits from the open hatch, causing everyone to get down and run for cover.

While the rest of the group is panting, and getting their bearings, Yena rushes up to Eunbi, crying.

"Unnie, we have to go back for her! We can't just let them take her!" She pleads and pleads, but Eunbi can only shake her head. "We'll have to find her another time, we can't go back down there. There're too many guards and the place is blown up. Jurina's probably gone by now."

"What if she just tied her up and left her in there? She needs our help!" Before Eunbi can respond, Sakura interjects.

"There's no way she'd let Yuri die like that." She then looks over to Eunbi. "What'd you say she said before she ran off? 'I'm not going to leave empty handed', or something like that? Because the data's all but gone, I think she took Yuri to make up for it. This isn't the only base in Korea. She probably took her to one of the other ones."

"Wait, so we blew up this one base for nothing?" Chaewon asks exasperatedly.

"No, that was a good plan. The less bases, the better."

"So where's Yuri gonna be? We have to look for her." Yena says.

"Uhm, guys, I think we're gonna have to plan that rescue operation another time." Minjoo says quietly as she points to the sky. A blinding light is shone upon them. Police helicopters are approaching the scene, obviously attracted by the large explosion they'd triggered, like moths to a flame. After a few moments, soldiers burst out from the bushes and behind the trees, guns drawn and aimed at the girls.

"Freeze! You are under arrest for the explosion you mutants caused." The chief police yells.

"Hmm, freeze, huh? I'll give you something to freeze with." Hyewon mumbles, slowly generating a ball of white energy behind her back. Before she can do anything else, Eunbi taps her on the shoulder, and shakes her head at her. The eldest takes a step forward, the guns now all aimed at her.

"We surrender. We're innocent, I tell you!" She says with her hands up. She turns and urges the rest of the group to do the same. Yena and Hyewon don't seem to like the idea, but they reluctantly agree and follow her example. The cops then handcuff all of them and lead them to their vans where they were going to be transported to the police station for questioning.

Eunbi, remembering that their mental link was still active looks at Sakura, thinking. You got the data, right?

Yes. She responds.

Alright, Yena, we're going to save Yuri, I promise you, but we have to follow along for now. We can just tell them the story about the Japanese secret base, and they'll let us go hopefully. Yena is quiet, the expression on her face unreadable, and all she responds with is, We better.

As the police van rumbles along the dirt road they'd found themselves on, Eunbi is left to her own thoughts. The image of Jurina snagging Yuri from her grasp plays over and over in her mind, and it's killing her. They got the data back, but at what cost? The plan had been simple, and yet, despite getting what they came for, it definitely had many bumps in the road. She sighs to herself, thinking sarcastically, now that all went according to plan, now didn't it.


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1760 streak #1
Need to get back to reading this!! So many chapters to catch up on!!!!
new subscriber here!
will read this
1760 streak #4
Chapter 13: wow!!!
1760 streak #5
Chapter 11: wow yena's backstory gave me the feel!!
1760 streak #6
Chapter 10: the battle scenes are really drawing me in!!
1760 streak #7
Chapter 9: getting good!!!!
Hey! I really like your story! I would like to translate it into Russian, if you don't mind. /ᐠ。ꞈ。ᐟ\
1760 streak #9
Chapter 6: I like the battle scenes! nice to see how their powers come into play!
1760 streak #10
Chapter 4: nice! i really like reading this super power perspective!