Chapter 14: Taeguk Hospital

Just Another Toy
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Baekhyun’s POV

“We’re here.”

I look to the side and read the sign at the parking lot that said we are within the area of Taeguk Hospital.

Taeguk Hospital, it’s the place where I was rehabilitated and Kai keeps receiving lots of brown envelopes from here. I don’t know what’s inside those envelopes, but I hope they won’t contain bad stuff inside.

“Why are we here?” I asked Ms. Baekha who has a smug smile plastered on her not-so-friendly face as we are speaking.

“This place will tell you a lot of things. Why do I call you Baekkie. Why you’re now living with Kai. Why do our faces look so similar, why, why, and another why. There are so many whys in your life!”

“I’m not asking for a complicated life either. Just show me the way,” I said coldly.

Ms. Baekha sneers, but she starts the engine anyway, keeps driving, and finds an empty spot to park her car.

After parking the car, Ms. Baekha leads the way inside the hospital. Seems like she is already familiar with the surrounding and the staffs here are already known her as well. Because no one stops her and asks her where she wants to go, or who she wants to visit here. Some staffs, be it a nurse or a doctor who happens to see her on each floor will only bow and throw a quick smile at her.

And finally, we arrive at the sixth floor, the highest floor of this hospital, where they only treat some VIP patients here.

There are two bulky guards in black suits, standing in front of the door which separates the hallway and the VIP wards.

We are stopped by one of the guards. They both know Ms. Baekha because it seems like she regularly visits this place. However, they must abide by the regulation, so they stop us to check our identities.

I do not know what I should do at this moment, so I just quietly stand beside Ms. Baekha. Meanwhile, Ms. Baekha takes a card out of her leather sling bag and directly shows it to the guard who stopped us before.

“This guy comes with me.” Ms. Baekha pauses for a moment to look straight into my eyes. She throws me a meaningful look, again with a smug smile, before she finally said, “He’s my twin sibling.”

I gasp. I am speechless. Indeed, we look similar, but I cannot believe that Ms. Baekha just said that we are twin siblings!

“All right. You may enter, Ms. Byun Baekha.”

Byun Baekha! If I could see my face at this moment, I swear, I’d see a paled-face man who look like he had just seen a ghost. How can I not realize before that we have the same surname?

“Just close your mouth and follow me.”

Ms. Baekha takes the lead to step into the VIP wards. I can only succumb to my confusion and silently follow her. At last, we stop in front of a room at the farthest corner on the right. It is room number 068. The number six means the room is on the sixth floor and the number eight means it is the eighth room.

The strange thing about this room is that there is no window on its door and the door looks a bit different from the other seven doors. It looks a bit sturdier than the others. And to open the door, Ms. Baekha has to swipe the card that she has shown to the guard before.

“Wait!” I said, right before Ms. Baekha could swipe the card.

Ms. Baekha stops her movement and throws a dissatisfied look at me. “What now?”

“Who’s inside? Why did you say we’re twin siblings?”

“You’ll find out about everything once I’ve opened this door. Now shut up, will you?”

At the office, Ms. Baekha always looks cold and elegant. I never knew that she can shut me up like that. I am too curious about the person staying behind the door, so I shut my mouth, as she wished, and let her swipe the card to open the door for us.

However, before she can swipe the card, someone shouts at us from the entrance, “Stop!”

And immediately, four guards in black suits run toward us. We are now held by two guards, each on our left and right side. And they drag us away from the VIP wards to the eleva

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Beau1996 1378 streak #1
Chapter 18: Goodness - does anyone deserve a death like that??
agsk98 #2
This fanfic seems to be really interesting! Looking forward to it!
Beau1996 1378 streak #3
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