Chapter 11: All Lies

Just Another Toy
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Author's Note:

First of all, I wanna say sorry for not updating for quite some times. I was busy with my work and as a result, I couldn't find inspiration for this fanfic. I also wanna say sorry if this story is boring or you find some or maybe much grammarly mistakes. To tell you the truth, this is my first ff which is not consisted of adult contents. 

And last, this chapter was a bit longer than previous chapters. Maybe it will be boring, but I hope you'll still enjoy it and follow the story until the end of it. 

With love,

Catharina Chen



Baekhyun’s POV

“Jongin. Kim Jongin. He’s your lover, the guy whom you spent yours every day with.”


“The guy whom you spent yours every day with.”

Suddenly, I felt someone shake my shoulder. The person was none other than Luhan, the pretty guy who said that Kim Jongin was my lover. All this time, I thought his name was Kim Kai.

“Are you all right, Baekhyun? You suddenly look sick. Should I…”

I cut his words before he could, probably, offer me some kind of medicine or something to comfort me. “No, it’s okay. I just… Maybe I just need to calm myself down for a few minutes. Please consider yourself at home, or you can go home if you want to as well.”

And then I quickly ran to the bedroom where Kai and I usually slept together for the past six months since I got released from rehab.

I sat on the bed. I was so shocked for a second. I could not think of anything and was lost in my thoughts. And finally, I realized that with my quite poor condition, I thought it was impossible for a kind-hearted man, that what I thought of him, to lie to me this whole time.

Maybe I could find some kind of proof to prove that the man with whom I spent the last one and a half years after I woke up from the coma was Kim Kai, not Kim Jongin. Right! Maybe I could find his birth certificate or undergraduate certificate. For sure, his birth name would be written in there.

With a worried expression and a wildly pounding heart, I opened the black wardrobe which was situated right beside my dark brown wardrobe. I had never opened Kai’s wardrobe for this kind of purpose because usually, I would only open it to keep his clothes after I had done the laundry.

The wardrobe was equipped with two drawers under his tidied hanging shirts and jackets. One of the drawers was always locked, while the other one was used to keep Kai’s underwear and neckties. Of course, what I needed to open now was the one that he always locked. Maybe, just maybe, he kept his darkest secret in there.

I did not want to break his drawer, but I was no secret agent or a thief who could pick a lock just like in a movie. With frustration and continuous pulling, I finally could open the drawer as well as break it.

Sadly, I found nothing worthy enough to look at or read. Inside, there were only stacks of brown envelopes. Taeguk Hospital stamp and address could be seen on each upper left corner of the envelope. Taeguk Hospital was the place where I first opened my eyes after I had woken up from the coma. Its subsidiary was the place where I did my rehabilitation. So, just like what I said before, there was nothing worthy enough to be read here.

After I could not find what I had been looking for, I decided to go back to the living room where Luhan still sat there, on the floor, while munching some chips.

Luhan looked like he was really enjoying his every minute here, so I was a bit reluctant to ask for some help from him. However, all of this sudden Jongin matter left me with no choice.

I sat back beside Luhan, cleared my throat, and asked, “Is it possible to stay at your apartment tonight? I mean… I’m sorry to invade your privacy, but…”

Suddenly, Luhan got up. He also pulled my hand. “Let’s go then.”

“Are you sure about this?” I awkwardly asked.

“A hundred percent sure. For two years, more or less, I never had felt surer than this.”

I just followed Luhan in silence to his car. Inside the car, there was a man dressed in casual clothes, sitting behind the wheel. I assumed this guy was Luhan’s friend.

Before we got in the car, Luhan turned around and

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Beau1996 1378 streak #1
Chapter 18: Goodness - does anyone deserve a death like that??
agsk98 #2
This fanfic seems to be really interesting! Looking forward to it!
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