Chapter 08

Dreams and Memories
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Unfortunate Happenings

Chp. 08


After what happened at the field, I decided to head back to my room. My body was feeling weird and I got goosebumps all over my skin. Laying on the bed sounded nice when Junmyeon suggested me to go back and rest.

The man then accompanied me to the dorm while Jihae and Hayeon went to grab food for us to eat at the dorm. They thought it was better to stay away from the other students after what happened because apparently, that sudden weird energy pulse was not only felt by them at the field but had attracted some students that came to check on it. But luckily they weren't fast enough to see it happened. I got back to my senses before people could see how my hair weirdly turned to black. Another weird questionable thing added to my already unanswered questions in my head. 

"You're sure you're alright Ahri?" 

I turn my head to look up at Junmyeon, his hand gently holding onto my shoulder as he stares worriedly at me. We are walking back towards my dorm. I smile, finding my stomach warm that he cares. "I'm fine, oppa. Just...confused" 

"Do you have any idea what's happening between you and Baekhyun?" 

I shake my head

"Had this happened before?" 

I shake my head again

He sighs and wraps his arm around my shoulders, giving me comfort. As much as I am surprise by his gesture, it actually feel nice. "He's being unreasonable to you but don't worry, I'll give him a kick when I see him ok?" He said, joke at the last bit. I smile hearing that. "I'll just drown him in water if he's being stubborn again" 

I chuckle at that

"Have you ever talk to Baekhyun before?" 

I purse my lips, "I did met him at the tower and at the greenhouse but we didn't talk much. He was mad at me before he left" 

"The tower? Which tower?" 

I blink, "I'm not sure"

He hums, in his thinking face before he makes an "Ah" with his facial. "It must be that tower at the 4rd year quarter right? He often go there to clear his mind"  

I frown a bit when I heard that. I did heard something like this before too, from Jongdae, about Baekhyun going to a place to clear his mind. "Why he's always want to clear his mind?" I found myself muttering about it and Junmyeon heard me. He shrugs, "He has other duties than being a student so he has a lot in his plate. He gets stress. We all do actually but Baekhyun has it more than us because his father is the King. You do know about us right?" 

I blink, "That you and him are royals?" He nods and I nod back. "Hayeon and Jihae told me" 

"Me, Baekhyun, Chen and Kai have things going on outside of school, you know like meetings. We sometimes don't come to school and have to be absent for some classes because we got called to be outside" he told me. "If you notice, Chen and Kai are not in school. They got some things to do" 

I nod my head, listening to what he said before, "Why'd you telling me this?" 

He blinks, looking down at me before he chuckles and runs his finger through his hair. "Just.." he shrugs, "Just felt like it. Just a heads up if you ever find it weird when I'm not here or if Baekhyun's not here in school" he smiles and his arm had fall down to his side before he puts his hands in his pocket. "You.." He looks at me, "'ve somehow become our friend so I think it's better for me to share that with you" 

My eyes go wide, "What, friend? Me?" 

He nods, smirking. "Why? You don't want to be our friend?" 

"No--I-I mean I want to but...but I'm just a junior" 

"What's wrong with a junior being our friend? Jihae's our junior too" He tilts his head, "Besides, you've been quite a topic between me and my friends. We remembered you since the first time we met" 

"It's because of my hair" I blantly said, touching my red hair. 

"True but there's more than just your hair Ahri. You're a bit...interesting to us" 

I frown, confused. "Interesting?" 

"Yes and also because of your problems with Baekhyun. We found it weird how you two are acting with each other"

"It's not my fault. He started it" I grumble under my breath, looking away to glare at the ground. The man chuckles silently. After all that talk we finally reached the dorms. He stayed a bit more, keeping me company until Jihae and Hayeon come to the dorm. We talked a bit more; some trivial things which he asked about Earth and what fun things they have there. I told him a bit about Earth, I even shared about my mom's bakery. The more I'm talking to him, the more I feel comfortable being around him. It was very much less awkward compared to the first few encounters I had with him.


Me and the mentioned man turn my heads to look at Chanyeol who had called his name. Jihae, Hayeon and Kyungsoo are with him too. Kyungsoo and Jihae is carrying food while Hayeon and Chanyeol is holding two ice cream cones each. Hayeon hands over one to me, "For you" She said as I take it from her. "How're you feeling?"

I smile, "Better, thank you"

She smiles back and then I see Chanyeol hands one cone to Junmyeon. 

"Ice cream?" The man smiles amusingly at the ice cream that his friend gave. He got a vanilla flavoured ice cream while Hayeon handed me a chocolate one. It has some melted parts so I them before it could get messy. Junmyeon followed my action too before he starts talking with Chanyeol and Kyungsoo. "Didn't know you guys followed the girls. I thought you two went to Baekhyun" 

"We saw him but we thought to just came here to get you" Kyungsoo said as he places down the food he was carrying beside Junmyeon on the bench. He then takes out his phone. At the topic, I decide to eat while having my ears open. 

"Where is he?" The senior next to me asked

"The usual place, I think" Chanyeol said before Kyungsoo agrees after he raises his eyes from his screen. "He is. Minseok, Yixing and Sehun's with him too"

"Yixing's there as well?" 

"He bumped into them when he came back from the infirmary. He found it weird why Baekhyun's hair looks grey" 

I frown at that while I absently staring at my ice cream. 

"Alright let's go" Junmyeon told them and glances at me, giving my arm a gently nudge. "It's going to be fine. Don't stress about him" he said to me before standing up from the bench. We bid each goodbyes at each other. As they are walking away, Chanyeol turns around to say, "Suho hyung's right Ahri, don't stress about him. Baekhyun's just being moody. Don't be too mad at him" 

At those words I frown and Kyungsoo smacks his arm

"Chanyeol's right though" Hayeon said as we watch the seniors slowly leaving our sight. "Don't stress about it. We don't know happened but maybe it's something good...right?" She my arm and try to cheer me up.

I purse my lips, sighing. "Fine" 

Jihae then links our arms, she gives a smile. "Now let's go up and eat. Let's find something to distract you from him, ok? You can think about him some other time" 






Jihae was right

I got distracted and it was not what I expected to experience. After that day with Baekhyun and all those weird magic bursts, I received other major problem that totally had distracted me from my frustration with Baekhyun. 

The female students decided to bully me

Fangirls to be exact

First it was just death threats letters, girls glaring at me when I walk around alone and bumping into me for no reason. Then, it came with the physical approach...the real physical bullying and all this happened because I got close with the seniors. Threatening me to not get close with Junmyeon, with Baekhyun, with Jongdae, with Jongin and as much as I found it ridiculous, I was confused. 

Was it wrong to befriend them? Why are they so angry at me? Is Hayeon receive the same treatment as me? I hope not. I can't believe this is happening. 

Of course I keep it all a secret from anyone. I can't let them know. I don't want to pull them into this problem. I believe they would stop. Bullying will eventually stop if they got bored with it. And so, I let it happened and the first few days was ok with the threat letters. I ignored them as much as I can, getting rid of them all and hide them from Hayeon and Jihae. 

However, the student started to follow me whenever they saw me alone and even pulled away from public eye, beating me and giving me their nice words.  

"Stay away from them you !"

"Who the do you think you are" 


"You , go back to your world! You human!" 

"How did the school even let you in? You smell like them, ing disgusting! Human scums!" 

There were a lot more thrown at me while they beat me up. It was not like the usual bullying, I had forgotten I'm in Enchantia, where people have abilities. The girls bullied with more style, with their powers. I got mad of course, I scoffed but I didn't fight back. I don't want to fight them. They're not worth my energy to fight back. These girls think the seniors can't have friends with other female students. I find it pity and that was why I just let them be. Eventually they will stop when they got bored with it and I just have to hold myself up until it stop, until they give up.

The first beating was bearable. They froze my legs and hands so that I can't fight back. I went to the infirmary after that, shocked the nurse there but nonetheless she treated until I was all healed. The second time was from a different group and they somehow had tied me up on the wall, blackout my sight and punch the hell out of me. During that time I got more bruises than the first time but it was all fine in the end because I can heal it. The nurse looked worried when I came for the second time that week.

The third time was a bit unexpected because Yixing and Luhan caught me in the act. They were walking together before he heard the girls and came to check. Luhan was furious, looking at them with hard glares and yelled for them to go away and threatened to report it. They ran away of course, especially when they saw Yixing gave them disapproved looks. After they went back, their power grip on me vanished and I could move again from the wall. 

Luhan scolded me for not fighting back while Yixing came to me and healed me. It was the first time I saw Yixing using his power but that was not how I want to find out. My eyes looked down at the floor as the senior healed me with Luhan gave his speech. Yixing watched my crestfallen face before he told Luhan to calm down. The librarian did. The man sighed and when I was healed, he moved to hug me tightly. I was surprised but it didn't felt weird or awkward. I had the same warmth in my stomach when I was with Junmyeon a week ago.

"Don't tell anyone, oppa" I said to them and they both frowned. "I...I don't want anyone to know" 

"Ahri, what they did was bullying! It's wrong!" Luhan burst

"But they'll stop....soon, I know they will" 

"So what? You just want to let them until they stop harassing you?" He said sarcastically yet I blinked and nodded. He pulled his hair frustratingly. Yixing his back to let him calm down. "Ahri you need to report this. You have to tell Suho" 

I shook my head, "Please oppa..." 

He frowned, "How many times did this happened already?" 

I purse my lips, not answering and he sighed. "Look, Ahri, this is serious. They're bullying you"

"I know but...but I'm fine--"

"You're fine?" Luhan scoffed

"I-I mean I can go to the i-infirmary to heal.. it's nothing. I just..don't want to burden anyone with this" I said and before Yixing could reply anything I continued, "Besides, I know they'll stop. They have to give up at some point. They just want to scare me"

"What's their problem anyway?" Luhan asked angrily. "Why would they targetting you?" I didn't answer that either but my eyes had looked over to Yixing. The man squinted his eyes at me but didn't say anything. 

After that day happened, the next few days were silent. I thought that maybe they gave up and stopped. Maybe Luhan yelled and anger seemed to make the bullying stop but no I was wrong. 

It is another day after all classes are finished. Hayeon left me after she received a message from the tall senior about bringing her out for dinner. She looked so happy and I thought maybe the bullies didn't do anything to her. I was relief at that and didn't put off her happiness. She left after saying her sorry that she couldn't joined me at the library. I told her to just go when she thought about cancelling the plan with the senior but I insisted her to take it. I know she really wants to hang out with him so I don't want to put out that excitement. 

"I felt like a bad friend for ditching you" 

"No, you're not. Just go...I'm just going to be at the library" 

She purses her lips, "Ask Luhan oppa to accompany you ok? Or maybe Haechan?--Haechan!--"

"No! NO" I shake my head before I shake my hands to Haechan when the said boy heard his name being called. He was at the side outside of the class and is looking down at his phone. He looks at me questioningly but I shake my head again. "No, no don't mind us" 

Hayeon pouts at me, "Yah, just take him with you. He's not exactly doing anything" 

I give her a look, "Hayeon-ah even if he's free I don't want to just ask him to go with me"

"Why not?"

"I'm just going to return a book back"

"You're sure?" She asked, sceptical about it. "You always stay there to draw though" 

"Yes I'm sure. I'm just going to return back the book and then go back" 


I smile, "Promise..." 

She sighs. "I'm just...I don't feel right leaving you again, you know. You've been quite out of it too this week, are you ok? Is something bothering you?" 

Immediately I shake my head, "No, why do you say that" 

"I met Yixing oppa yesterday and he said to watch over you--" I stare, feeling a bit tense about hearing that. "--I don't know what he meant but--Really? You're ok?" 

I nod, "I'm fine. I promise I'm just going to the library to return a book then go back to the dorm to rest" 

She huffs, "You better be, ok?" 

"Don't worry about me. Just go have fun with Chanyeol. I know you two are growing closer without you even telling me"  

At the change of topic, she blushes. 

I nudge her arm, smiling. "Just go...look pretty and smile at your crush" 

Her face turns redder at my words. "I...Ok...b-but you have fun too ok? Maybe you can head over to the 4rd year quarter with Jihae to see Baekhyun? I know you want to see him. I saw you draw him again in your book" I give her a look for knowing about that. She returns with a sly smirk before she winks, "You can't hide it from me. I know you like him" 

"I don't" 


"Stop it, you sounded like Jihae just now" 

She laughs and gives me another hug. She pats my back, "Ok, I'm just heading back to my room before I go. Remember your promise" 

I nod, "Alright Hayeon-ah..." We bid each other goodbyes before we separated at the hallway. I turn around, passing Haechan with his phone again and proceed to go to the library. I didn't break my promise, I went there and returned the book I borrowed to Luhan. But on the way to the dorm, someone had yanked and dragged me away. They keep my mouth shut before I can scream and lead me to a far place outside of the building. There isn't any student around. Here we go again... I said sarcastically under my breath before I feel my back getting hit on the wall. Then the first punch comes. I can hear my jaw cracking from the force.

There is a snear that came with the punch, "So, you're the great Ahri huh" A girl said. This time it is yet another group of girls. Just how many fangirls the seniors have? I sarcastically thought to myself. "What nonsence they'd been spreading about you. I don't see what's so great about you. The teachers compliment about your archery skills but are you even that good? Are you even good at fighting?" 

Another punch aims to my stomach

She scoffs, seeing me doubled over in pain. "What a loser. Not so great huh darling?" She scoffs again and starts sniffing me. She looks at me in disgust. "You're just a first year and you reek human. Yah! Look at me" She grabs the back of my hair, raising my head to make me look at her. I stare at her. 

I think she's a senior and like all of the people here, she is pretty. Long blonde hair, nice nose, fair skin but unfortunately she resorted to violence instead. Also, why is this place have so many discrimination on humans? They didn't even do anything to them and they are in a different world, far from them. She is taller than me, she really had my chin high for me to look at her. She's mad and I can feel her aura pulsing, she is strong. 

"What are you even? What's so special about you huh? You just came here like a month ago and then suddenly you've grown disgustingly close to them. Talking to them

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[Dreams and Memories] Chapter 8 and Chapter 9 are out 🥰 Hope you'll enjoy~ don't forget to comment and upvote the story, tq 🌻🌻


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byunieee #1
Chapter 10: You give me a heart attack with our story update, aandd i reaad all of them, ahri and baek is finally getting closer i think they have a bond long ago, the caring baekhyun too hope to see you agaain ♥️ thanks for update
Babyrosie #2
Chapter 10: How cute!! I’m so happy they’re closer now! Can’t wait to know more about the dreams
Chapter 10: Thank you for updating this story! I am so looking forward for another chapter AAAAHHHH they are just too cute i can’t
Chapter 10: Haha why Ahri is so cute and dumb
747 streak #5
Chapter 9: I can feel that a tide has finally turned between Baekhyun and Ahri. It was also fitting that he is the only one to know about her second power. If not quite friends yet, they will certainly be more comfortable with each other. I am also thinking the boys are the ones Ahri is seeing in her dreams. Thank you for the double chapter.
byunieee #6
Chapter 9: Baek is really angry when he see ahri being bullied, but cause of that their realationship is warming, and they treat ech other wound and healing each other pain, and i really think that the boys in her dream is exo, i want to see baek-ahri moooreeee, thanks for double update ♥️
They both are so cute and the scene where Baekhyun saved her from bully's, he was so furious and Ahri was so cute when she told him that she likes listening to his voice and he smells nice 😂🤭
Finally they talked unlike previous times when they were avoiding each other. I just hope that they can get close now and not start again avoiding the other one. ✨🤞
Chapter 9: Thank you for double update and I hope baekhyun doesn't change his behaviors towards her from now on.
Chapter 9: Thanks for the double update 💖 so many things happened in these 2 chapters and they both are finally in talking terms now, well they're still shy and awkward but they're hella cute 😍...... Chanyeol and Hayeon are also getting close I'm happy for all of them. This chapter was really pleasant one and I kept smiling during their encounter 😍😊