Chapter 10

Dreams and Memories
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The Change and The Dream Visitor

Chp. 10


In the end I didn't tell Jihae about what happened because firstly, I don't want her to caught on that I sneaked out last night alone while she was sleeping. Definitely no. Secondly, well, I feel like I only want me and him to be ones that know about our sudden meet up last night. Baekhyun now know about my other power and as much as I am afraid people finding it out, I don't feel anything scary or anxious when I showed it to him. It felt natural, like when I told and showed it to my mom and dad. 

Classes resume as usual like any other weekdays. After class, I decide to do my homework at the library but this time it is my luck because I can go there alone. Both Jihae and Hayeon have things to do and they couldn't join me for today. Of course they warned me to stay out of danger but regardless I feel happy to be out alone again.

Upon entering the library, I see Luhan at the counter, attending to some students with books and he takes a double take at me when he sees me. "Hey" he greets as he passes the final book to a girl before he puts his attention on me. "Hi oppa" I smile and bow at him, looking at him with extra cheerfulness which he raises his eyebrows with suspicion. "You look....happy. Did something happened?" 

I shake my head, "No, nothing happened"

"Are you alone today?"

I nod and smile again, "Jihae and Hayeon couldn't join me today"

He hums and spots my usual bag I am carrying. "Come here to do some work?" 

"Yup" I answered

He hums again, giving me a stern look then. "Alright, you do your thing but remember if some stupid girls come at you just scream or shout, I'll come running to you" 

I smile one more time, softer and appreciates his intention. "Thank you oppa" 

He snorts and waves his hand to shush me away. I chuckle and leave him to his own work. I hum quietly to myself, walking through the aisle of books and going to the tables area. Then, I see a certain guy. He’s sitting there alone -- his laptop and a few books around it while he’s typing on it.

He must be doing his homework

I looked at his outfit and he had already changed into his normal clothes; a simple orange collared shirt with dark blue jeans. He opted for a brighter colour than I normally saw him, though, his signature black leather jacket is still presence. Laid next close to him on the table. I think for a moment, contemplating myself to do something crazy.

Should I go to him?

I ask myself, biting my lips in dilemma. I feel scared yet excited and eager at the thought. I almost lose all my confidence before I take in a deep breath. I brave myself to just go for it.

Here I go






Ahri walked up to the person sitting alone at the 6 seaters table where he sat one of the middle chairs and doing his homework. Baekhyun seemingly was oblivious to what is to come. She took a deep breath with confident steps as she daringly took the seat opposite of him at the table.

At the intrusion, Baekhyun looked up from his work. Did a double takes when he got surprised seeing her. His face pulled up a confused frown, watching her taking the seat without greeting him or giving any acknowledgement to him. She sat there, face stoic as she casually placed her bag on the table before pulling out her books she had planned to do her homework. She didn't even say a word to him when she started doing it. 

However, Ahri may looked oblivious and nonchalant but she was very conscious, anxious and her heart was racing hundred miles per hour but she pushes it down, trying to distract herself with her homework. She sensed his stares but she kept herself focus on her work and tried to calm herself down. Telling herself that it was no biggie. This is nothing, relax Ahri...It's just your senior. A hard approachable, handsome, always-glaring, hot senior...just act cool, no biggie. Besides, she did say she doesn't want to avoid him anymore.

On the other hand, Baekhyun was watching her and judging her silently, trying to figure out the girl's action. What in the world made the girl suddenly came here and took the seat right in front of him. Out of all the empty spots in the library, she chose to sit here.

He raises his eyebrows at her

But no matter how many glances and looks he threw at her, she didn't raise her eyes from her book to him. She was being oblivious, didn't gave him glance and only focus on her work. He wondered if she was just acting or genuinely serious on her homework. This action of her only made Baekhyun even more curious about her.

Baekhyun was also contemplating whether he wanted to say the first word or just keep his mouth shut. He chose the latter and letting the girl do her homework. But he would often glanced at her every few minutes when his curiousity kicked in. His expression became softer as time passed when he got adapted to her presence. 

On the other side, somewhere between the near bookshelves, Luhan was walking while carrying some books in his arms before he noticed those two. He grew surprised, not expecting such scene for him to look at. Especially when he had heard about the weird relationships they have from his friends. The longer he looked the more amused he gotten. His smirk appeared on his face, shaking his head before he left them and continuing his work. 

Nothing extraordinary happened between Baekhyun and Ahri. Both were doing their own work in complete silence. A comfortable silence to say the least. No words were exchanged though Baekhyun did glance at her from time to time. Watching what she was up to. And what he saw the most was her frowning in concentration and frustration at her book.

Curious, he took a look at the book she was writing on and looked back at her in amusement when he realized that she was doing math. He couldn't help the small smirk from appearing on his face the more he saw her frustrated expression. He subtly shook his head before he continued with his own essay. Once he finished with it, he noticed Ahri was still frowning at her book with her hand on her hair. He mentally snort when he saw how angry she was at something her eyes were staring at. With a soft sigh, he decided to break the silence between them.

“Do you need help?” he asked which surprised Ahri who had been focusing on the equation in hand. She just stares at him like a deer in headlights, doubting her ears for a second.


He gave a look at her book and back to her, "It’s math right. You’ve been looking at your book like you're murdering it” he said. Ahri frowned but nodded anyway, looking down at the innocent math equations. Baekhyun noticed her biting her bottom lip.

"I don’t know how to do it. I always get the wrong answers” she muttered and a bit quietly at the last sentence. He heard it though and hid his smile. He then closed his laptop and got up from his seat to walk around the table and took the sit next to her.

Ahri immediately had her eyes big, looking up at him in shocked. He moved his chair closer to her and glances mmd down at her book. His proximity is making her stunned. She can even smell his perfume he was wearing. “Where’s the questions? I'll help you” He ignored her stare and went straight to work. At his question, she snapped back to reality, feeling confused but nonetheless, she cleared and move her book closer to his side. She showed him the questions she had been having difficulty.

Baekhyun took a look at it. He hummed and nodded after he understands the question, "Ok".

Ahri blinked as she watched him. He looked away from the book for a second to pick up a pencil she had on the table. He raised his eyes to her and she almost went freeze at the serious gaze he was giving her. "Listen" He told her with pointing the of the pencil at her before he started to teach her. Although she felt bizarre about the situation but she sat up straighter and listened to him. 

Baekhyun taught her and she took notes on whatever information he gave as well as doing the rest of equations with his help. She finished up her homework 30 minutes later and Baekhyun never left her -- he sat there, watching and teaching her when she was having difficulty. His eyes followed the girl’s movement and his glances was gentle as he looked at her.

During their interaction, Luhan did watched them whenever he walked by between the shelves near them. He watched them being all close because of homework.

The classic way of bonding, Luhan thought to himself when he saw how their heads unknowingly to them had leaned close to each other when they were looking down at the book in front of them. Baekhyun’s mouth kept moving, talking, while Ahri nodding her head when she understood his words. He also did noticed the gazes his friend gave to Ahri when she was writing in her book.

“How adorable” he said to himself with an amused smile 








A few days had passed and it is now another weekend. I lie on my bed after finishing my morning routine, hearing the faint shower sound from the bathroom and hugged my plushie close to my chest as I unintentionally get dwell in my own thoughts. 

Nothing bad or extraordinary happened the past week except for the change in my relationship with Baekhyun. We’d been meeting each other at the library after school, doing homework together and most times he was there teaching me.

None of us planned it to happened that way, it just happened. I didn't think what I did would ended us up this way but I won't want it any other way. I like the change between us. When we met in the library for the second time (which I once again sat in front of him), it was a wordless agreement to do the activity together and it just started.

After class, I was left alone without Jihae nor Hayeon joining me. I don't know if they knew something but they didn't interrogate me whatsoever about what I had been doing. Though, they did noticed how different I had been. That I've been smiling a lot. Jihae said it to me before.

At first I did get confused and doubted by his sudden kindness but when I sensed how genuine he is, I let it slide and be happy of it. Of course it made me happy and my heart wouldn’t stop drummimg inside me whenever he’s near. My heart doing that flip flopping and butterflies always flying in my stomach.

I noticed that he has the habit to bring me close to him when he’s teaching. He wanted me to focus and hear him clearly on what he was teaching but how can I focus when he’s so close to me?!

He would pull my chair, sometimes hold my hand or arm, urging me to come closer and his eyes never left me when I'm writing. Many times though, I would notice his golden eyes but I let it slide. I didn't question it because he was being very serious. I would had never thought Baekhyun is that serious type of person when it comes to homework. 

He’s very serious about this senior-junior teaching session, I’m not kidding. He would get mad at me when I got something wrong after he taught me about it before he then taught me again until I fully get it right. He never yelled or shout but his strict expression was enough to make me gulp and focus. 

I bite my lip, smiling against my bunny when I remembered the time when he knocked my head with a pen or flicker his finger on my forehead whenever I got the answers wrong. As much as I love being with his company, it’s nervewrecking when he is in his teaching mood but I wouldn't want it to change. I prefer this Baekhyun than the frowny-glaring-avoiding Baekhyun. 

“You’ve been very happy lately. It’s so adorable that it hurts my abdomen”

I got startled when Jihae's voice penetrated my thoughts. The girl had came out from the shower, drying her damp hair with a towel as she approached my bed. She is chuckling when she sits on it. I move a bit, making space for her.

“Would you be mad if I told you that I spied on you with Baekhyun?” she cheekily said which she earned a knock on the shoulder with my plushie that I threw at her. She laughs after she caught the plushie in her hand and looks down at me on the bed. “Calm down. Geez, it was unintentional. I went there to return a book and Luhan oppa told me that you were there with Baekhyun. So I took a peak and watched you guys for a bit" 

I give her a look, quite surprised that she knew 

She smirks, "Don’t worry your secret's safe with me” she continues, giving me a wink. I snort, pulling back my plushie to hug it. “I actually didn’t expect for you guys to be close that fast though. Well, consider how you guys look at each other before. You were ready to kill him”

“Yeah” I said, lying on my bed and look up at the ceiling. “I mean, not the killing part but the close part. I didn't think we would turned out like this" 

“How did it happen though?”

I shrug, “I don’t know, it just...happened?" I blink and turn to my side again. "He seems nicer now. He smiles too, quite a lot actually” I told her, hugging my bunny again. 

Jihae nudges my thigh playfully, “Aigoo~ you sound like those heroines in dramas”

I frown, though rolling my eyes before a smile creeping up on my face. Then she lay beside me, trying to steal my bunny from my hard grip but gave up after a while, realizing that I wouldn’t let go of it. Silence wrap us comfortably before she hums and talks about something else. "So, what we're gonna do today? Hayeon’s out to her parents house so it’s just us two”

I turn my body, staring at the ceiling while thinking.

“By the way, have you two exchange numbers yet?” She asked, disturb my thoughts yet again. I turn my head to look at her and blink,


She scoffs lazily, seeing my reaction. "Figures. You must be too shy to ask and he must be too dumb to ask you--"

I raise my eyebrows at her

"--and just look at Hayeon. You need to get her advice though. Her and Chanyeol oppa are getting closer, it's incredible. I didn't have to do much!" She talks, explaining with her hands moving around and squealing excitedly. "I can't wait for them to announce they're together or something. You know, this feel very much like I’m watching a drama. Suspend and excited at the same time” She wiggles on the bed, her excitement apparent even when she just lying. 

I smile, amused with hitting her with my bunny again. She takes it before she hugs it.

"C'mon Ahri-yah~ Man up~ Baekhyun is a hunk, you won't find anyone else like him"

I roll my eyes and giving her a look. "What do you want me to do? We're...we're doing well, I think. He doesn't glare at me anymore or avoiding me so that's good...right?"

"You're right" She clicks her fingers, nodding. "That's an improvement. Little bit more and baam! you two could cuddle and making out" 

My eyes go wide in surprised, "What are you talking about...m-making out? That's ridiculous" I said, taking my plushie back from her. She lets me and just stares at me.

"Don't you want to kiss him?" 

I give her a look and quite horrified by her casual question. I gulp and raise the bunny higher to cover up my cheeks. "He's a prince"

"He's a nice prince" 

"He's still a prince, the crown prince!" 

"He's the crown prince who seems to gravitates a lot towards you" She said before she winks. I continue to look at her like she had grown two heads. "To be honest, I've never seen Baekhyun like that. Sure, he's nice but I've never seen him approach someone like how he approached you" 

I frown

"What? You don't believe me?" She scoffs, "Do you think he would just randomly done your teaching session to anybody? To any girl? No" She shakes her head. "To other people, he's quite broody and unapproachable. Really, I'm not making this up. He's the crown prince and people either admiring him or scared of him" 

"Jihae, he glared at me for days--"

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[Dreams and Memories] Chapter 8 and Chapter 9 are out 🥰 Hope you'll enjoy~ don't forget to comment and upvote the story, tq 🌻🌻


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byunieee #1
Chapter 10: You give me a heart attack with our story update, aandd i reaad all of them, ahri and baek is finally getting closer i think they have a bond long ago, the caring baekhyun too hope to see you agaain ♥️ thanks for update
Babyrosie #2
Chapter 10: How cute!! I’m so happy they’re closer now! Can’t wait to know more about the dreams
Chapter 10: Thank you for updating this story! I am so looking forward for another chapter AAAAHHHH they are just too cute i can’t
Chapter 10: Haha why Ahri is so cute and dumb
747 streak #5
Chapter 9: I can feel that a tide has finally turned between Baekhyun and Ahri. It was also fitting that he is the only one to know about her second power. If not quite friends yet, they will certainly be more comfortable with each other. I am also thinking the boys are the ones Ahri is seeing in her dreams. Thank you for the double chapter.
byunieee #6
Chapter 9: Baek is really angry when he see ahri being bullied, but cause of that their realationship is warming, and they treat ech other wound and healing each other pain, and i really think that the boys in her dream is exo, i want to see baek-ahri moooreeee, thanks for double update ♥️
They both are so cute and the scene where Baekhyun saved her from bully's, he was so furious and Ahri was so cute when she told him that she likes listening to his voice and he smells nice 😂🤭
Finally they talked unlike previous times when they were avoiding each other. I just hope that they can get close now and not start again avoiding the other one. ✨🤞
Chapter 9: Thank you for double update and I hope baekhyun doesn't change his behaviors towards her from now on.
Chapter 9: Thanks for the double update 💖 so many things happened in these 2 chapters and they both are finally in talking terms now, well they're still shy and awkward but they're hella cute 😍...... Chanyeol and Hayeon are also getting close I'm happy for all of them. This chapter was really pleasant one and I kept smiling during their encounter 😍😊