Nevertheless [3]

One Shot
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Chaeyoung tiredly sighed as she sat on the chair beside her daughter. She took a few deep breaths before taking her clothes with her and took a quick shower before joining her daughter on the bed. 


She hugged her, pulling her closer to her as she snuggled against her warmth. Her body relaxed when her daughter hugged her waist and snuggled against her neck. She smiled. There’s nothing that feels like home to her daughter. 


Chaeyoung was caressing her hair when she heard Katsumi speak. “How’s your day, Mama?” Chaeyoung smiled. “It was tiring but Mama’s okay now because you’re here.” She started to tickle her. 


Katsumi squirmed under her touch and squealed. “Mama stop!” She said in between her laugh. 


“Tell me why aren’t you asleep yet?”


“I can’t sleep!” Chaeyoung continues to tickle her until they’re both running out of breath. In the end Katsumi rested above her while Chaeyoung caressed her back to lull her to sleep. And soon after she was softly snoring above her.


Chaeyoung managed to get out of bed without making Katsumi awake before walking out of the room with her purse in her hand. She carefully closed the door and headed straight to the counter.


“Hi, is Doctor Shin here?” She asked, leaning on the counter, eyes wandering around the silent and eerie place.


The nurses nodded and told her to wait as they called him on the phone, paging him. When he arrived, he led her to his office to talk about the operation for her daughter. 


“When can you operate on my daughter?” She asked, nervously. “I..I don’t have the money yet, but I can pay for it little by little.” She gently held his hand. She’s desperate for her daughter to be better. “Please, I..I’ll do anything just..please…save my daughter.” She cried. 


The doctor could only tap her hand. “We’ll do anything to cure her.” He smiled. “But can I ask a question?” Chaeyoung lifted her head and wiped off her tears before retreating her hands against him.


“Y-yes, sure.”


“Are you...perhaps the daughter of Son Hoyoung and Son Yejin?” He curiously asked. He’s been meaning to ask this since they met at the hospital but too afraid to ask, afraid he’d touch a very sensitive question.


Chaeyoung bowed her head and unconsciously fidget. “Yes.” She subtly nodded. 


He wanted to ask another question regarding her being their daughter and why she’s in this situation but he stopped and nodded with a smile on his face. “And your daughter’s name is Katsumi Myoi-Son?” Chaeyoung nodded again. “Is she perhaps related to the Myoi Corp.?” 


Curiosity kills the cat, Chaeyoung thought.


“Yes. They are her granddaughter.” Chaeyoung stood up and bowed. “Thank you for your kindness. Please, do everything to cure her illness. I’ll pay you the remaining balance I had once I got all the money.” Before she could leave the room she said another thing.


“Please, if you ever happen to know my parents and Myoi, don’t tell this about them. Thank you.” She bowed and left. 


It’s been three weeks since she's been doing jobs here and there and the operation is tomorrow. She was nervous as hell as if she’s the one who will be operated on. She tried to put it on the back of her mind and focus on making money for her daughter’s operation.


She went there at night when the doctor told her that he raised the case to the upper directors and decided to put her on the program where only selected patients will be operated for free. Chaeyoung cried in happiness, she even kneel down and thank him continuously. 


Chaeyoung kissed her and hugged her tighter. “I’ll be waiting here, okay?” She wiped her daughter’s tears and smiled. “Mama will be here when you wake up. I love you always, remember that.” She kissed her forehead.


“Mama! Please don’t go! Don’t leave me!” The cry of agony of her daughter made her heart ache. She cupped to stop herself from sobbing when the nurses pushed the bed into the operating room. 


“We’ll do our best.” Doctor Shin bowed.


“Please, save my little girl.” She cried, watching him enter the place too. 


Chaeyoung took a seat and cried while waiting for the operation to end. The thought of her daughter being operated on made her cry more, only praying for the Gods above that the operation went well.


Halmonie came after an hour with food. She forced her to eat because she knows how Chaeyoung is so nervous. She noticed that she lost weight over a month of working non-stop. Chaeyoung’s body was very tired to the extent that she felt like collapsing any minute past by. But she has to be strong for her daughter because right now the only source of Katsumi strength is coming from her. 


“Finish the food, Chaeyoung.” Halmonie pushed the food towards her. Chaeyoung barely ate three spoonfuls of the food she bought. She’s getting worried about Chaeyoung's state. Her eyes puffed and swollen from crying, the bags under her eyes were very visible, her cheekbone looked so prominent than ever. It shows that she’s not eating well enough. Chaeyoung desperately wanted to save up for her daughter’s operation that she forgot about herself. 


“I’m not hungry, Halmonie.” Chaeyoung mumbled, pushing back the food to her. Halmonie only sighed, nodding. 


She gently rubbed her back, comforting her. “I know you’re thinking a lot right now. But let’s all hope and pray the operation went well. Your daughter is a strong girl. She got that on you.” She playfully nudged her side, which made Chaeyoung chuckled a little.


The operation took longer, Chaeyoung fell asleep on Halmonie’s lap. Halmonie caressed her hair that made Chaeyoung sleep deeper. She needed a good, at least, hour of sleep. She’d been working too much for the past month.


While caressing her hair, Halmonie craned her neck to the right and smiled when she saw a very familiar woman sitting far from them. She nodded at her when she saw her wipe a lone tear that rolled down unconsciously on her cheeks. 


It was another hour when Halmonie gently woke up Chaeyoung when the operation door opened revealing Katsumi’s doctor who’s now removing the mask covering his face. 


Chaeyoung abruptly stood up, rubbing her eyes as she did so. “H-how’s my daughter?” She nervously asked, her hands started to get cold and her heart beating hard against her chest. 


Doctor Shin smiled, “The operation went successful.” Chaeyoung’s tears automatically escaped her eyes when she heard the words she’d been dreading to hear. “We will move her ICU first to observe her for days before moving her to her room. For now, she’s safe. You can visit her later.” 


“Thank you so much!” Chaeyoung cried in happiness this time. 


“It’s our job, Mrs. Son. We’ll see you soon.” He bowed and left. Halmonie happily engulfed her into an embrace and let Chaeyoung cry in her arms. Halmonie saw Mina, tears spilling onto her eyes while cupping .


“It went well.” She mouthed her which made Mina cry more.


“Chaeyoung, you should rest and sleep more.” Halmonie sighed. Chaeyoung was doing all she could to take care of her Katsumi after she had moved to a private ward after staying in the ICU for three days, monitoring her condition. 


Chaeyoung moves aside the basin and the wet towel on the near table before sighing, looking at her daughter who’s peacefully sleeping. She caressed her hair and smiled, tiredly. “I am taking a rest, Halmonie.” She mumbled, afraid to wake up her daughter. “For now, I just want to be with her. I can’t stop blaming myself that this happened to her. I should look after her more. I am so scared.” She sniffed.


“I know. We are all scared. But you have to also take care of yourself too, Chaeyoung.” She rubbed her back. “Katsumi will be mad if she knows this. You’re abusing yourself. Taking three jobs every week, really?” Halmonie couldn’t help but to sigh at her stubbornness. One of the traits Katsumi got from her.


“I need to. I’ll do anything for my daughter, Halmonie, you know that even if it takes my life, I’ll do it.” Chaeyoung wiped her tears. “She’s...she’s the only thing I have. And I can’t afford to lose her too.” Halmonie hugged her as she cried on her shoulder. The old woman cried as well, she could feel the struggle, the tiredness and the exhaustion of being a single parent. 


“I am here, Chaeyoung. You’re not alone in this.” Halmonie continues to comfort her. It’s the only thing Chaeyoung needed at the moment.


Katsumi got discharged after a few weeks staying at the hospital for further examination. The results came out good, more than his doctor expected her would be. She’s recovering well and it’s a good sign. They left her some medications to continue her fast recovery before discharging her. All the money Chaeyoung saved was all gone. The hospital bill and her daughter's medicine cost a fortune for her but she didn’t care. She’ll find a way to pay their rent.


“Are you almost there?” 


Chaeyoung stepped over the break when the stop light came to her sight. Chaeyoung was on her way to her work when one of her co-worker called her asking for a change shift because there’s an emergency at their home. 


“Yes, I’m almost there. You can go ahead and tell the manager that I’ll be at your station for today.” Chaeyoung said, looking at the bright red numbers, silently counting down.


“Thank you so much, Chaeyoung! Don’t worry I’ll take your shift next week.” Chaeyoung chuckled.


“No worries!”


“I’ll have to go. Please say hi to Katsumi for me!” 


“Will do, Soyeon!”


Chaeyoung didn’t end the call yet when the stop light turned green. She was in the intersection when her car’s engine shut down. Chaeyoung panicked, she started the car, stepping on the gas but to no avail. The car horn behind her didn’t help either.


“!” She shouted. She continuously twisted the key and stepped on the gas. Her heartbeat is increasing as the time passes by until a loud, consistent horn catched her attention. Her eyes went wide, her hand started to unbuckle her seatbelt but her shaking hands suddenly didn’t function.


It came so sudden. She barely closed her eyes when the car hit her car. She embraced herself, protecting for the hard impact it caused. Her eyes blurry, her vision started to spin along with her car. She could feel her blood--god, she knew it was blood-- flowing down her face and arms. She felt a sharp pain on her side, no, her whole body was in pain. 


Before her world suddenly went blank.


A soft knock interrupted the meeting. A woman in her 20’s entered the room, a phone in her hand. “Mrs. Son, your phone has been ringing since earlier. I think it’s important.” 


Mina signals the presenter to take a break before she stands up and leaves the room to take the phone call.


“Halmonie?” She began. “Is there something wrong?” She asked. She rarely called her, except if it’s an emergency. But she frowned when she heard her sniffing on the other line.


“M-mina, there’s something you n-need to know.” She stumbles over the words and Mina patiently waits for her to continue.


“I got a call from the hospital and..they told me Chaeyoung was rushed in.” Halmonie cried.


“W-what happened to Chaeyoung? What hospital is she in right now?” She panicked, she could feel the coming tears clouding her eyes. 


“She’s here in SNUH, she’s in the operating room. She was involved in a car accident this noon. The doctor told me she’s heavily injured and needed to be operated on.” 


Mina tightly closed her eyes, letting her tears fall. “I-I’ll be there. But where’s Katsumi? D-does she know?”


Halmonie sniffed, “No..she’s still in school. I’ll fetch her later, you take care of Chaeyoung.” 


Mina nodded, “Okay, I’ll be there.”


Mina told her secretary to cancel the meeting and reschedule everything today. She packed her things and called her driver to get the car ready. In her state, she doesn't know if she can drive, she feels like going crazy over the news that Chaeyoung was brought to the hospital.


Her precious daughter just got discharged last week and now her wife? Mina cried, her knees felt weak and so she broke down. She was ready. She slowly started to make it up for them; she paid for the operation of her daughter and told the doctor to make it look like they put her into their program. And she was silently following them, not ready to show herself yet, afraid that Chaeyoung didn’t want her in their life anymore, afraid that her daughter was mad at her which was not possible. 


She was ready. She was ready last three years ago but everytime those negative thoughts invaded her mind made her step back and restart. What if they don’t really want her in their life anymore? She doesn’t know what to do or think every time it crosses her mind. 


But her therapist told her to try, instead of assuming things which will leave her to wonder and regret. And here she was, in Korea, ready to do whatever it takes to have them back, to enter their life though she knows it will be a long process, but she doesn’t care. She wasted seven years regretting everything she’d said and running away from all the problems instead of talking it out with Chaeyoung. She doesn’t mind waiting another seven years for them. 


It’s time for her to wait for them.


Mina paced back and forth in front of the operating room. Halmonie was fetching her daughter, she was nervous to say because it will be the first time in seven years to see her in person again. She couldn’t wait to meet her but she couldn’t just show up and tell her she’s her Mommy.


She doesn’t want to scare her.


On the other hand, Mina was hesitant at first to contact Chaeyoung’s parents. They still have a right to know the condition of her daughter despite the fact that they haven't had a good relationship since she was a kid. 


“Yes, Mina?” After a few rings Mr. Son answered the call.


Mina bit her nails as she paced around the place. “Y-you need to go here at the SNUH.” She uttered, her voice was shaking and so was her whole body.


“Why? Is there something wrong? What happened? Are you okay?” She heard a rattle sound, probably getting ready to go at the hospital she’s in. 


“I’m okay, it’s not about me.” Mina let out a nervous sigh, “Chaeyoung was in the operating room, she’s involved in a car accident this morning.” Mina’s tears started to cascade down her cheeks. 


She sat down and cried. She wanted to blame herself for everything. She didn’t mean to be scared and overwhelmed by the things happening between her and Chaeyoung when she gave birth to their daughter, but it was. 


She got scared to the thought of what if she doesn’t make a good mother to their daughter? She resigned from her work and settled temporarily to be a housewife to look after Katsumi. She was envious of Chaeyoung because she freely can do everything, though she knows it’s for them, but it feels like she was left behind. She felt useless. If Chaeyoung can do anything, why not her too? 


For the past years, she let herself see a therapist to make herself better when she comes back to them. She wanted to be better for them, Chaeyoung and Katsumi were the only thing she’s holding on to. 


Chaeyoung’s parents came not too long ago, crying when they saw Mina outside the operating area, crying as well. “Everything will be fine.” Mrs. Son mumbled as she hugged Mina who was breaking down. 


Everything was too much for her to handle.


“I..I can’t lose her.” Mina balled her hand. 


Mrs. Son was crying as well. “We won’t lose her.” She assured her, her daughter is strong and brave, and she will fight for her life. 


Then a loud crying breaks all the silence of the hospital. Mina and Chaeyoung's parents turn their heads to the crying kid. Mina’s eyes swell with tears again when she sees her daughter in the arms of Halmonie.


“Katsumi..” Mina mumbled, her voice breaking in the end. 


“No! No! Mama!” Katsumi yelled, crying while trying to break from Halmonie’s embrace as they arrived outside of the operating room. 


“Mama is fine, right Halmonie?” Katsumi hiccupped while drying her tears. “Mama will be fine, right? Mama is just in pain. Mama you’ll be fine. I love you Mama.” Another tear ran down Katsumi’s cheeks. 


Mina looked away, her heart breaking into pieces when she saw her daughter crying. It hurt her so much that she couldn’t do anything to comfort her. Her hands were itching to hold her but she told herself it’s not the right time for that. She was longing for her, oh god, she missed her so much.


Katsumi continued to sob against Halmonie’s shoulder until she fell asleep. Mina took it as an opportunity to hold her. “Is it okay for me to hold her?” She asked, her voice is soft, scared she might wake her up. 


Halmonie happily nodded. Mina wiped her tears first before opening her arms and embraced Katsumi. Mina snuggled into Katsumi, crying silently as she could while planting a longing kisses to her head. Her heart swells in happiness when the warmth of her daughter against her skin feels all familiar to her. 


“Mommy is sorry.” She kissed her. “Mommy loves you so much.” She caresses her hair, kissing her a little more before rubbing her back to lull her to sleep when she stirred up a little. 


“Mommy will make things right for now, baby. Remember that I always love you and Mama.” She mumbled, kissing her from time to time. 


Mina stayed in the room. She held her hand while Chaeyoung slept with their daughter snuggling against her wife. She smiled, it felt unreal for her to see her and daughter but unfortunately, she saw them here at the hospital. 


Mina momentarily took a picture of them and made it her lockscreen and kissed them when she unconsciously leaned forward. She couldn’t get enough of them, she didn’t want to release her hold into Chaeyoung’s hand, feeling the calming warmth the latter gave her. 


The door closed silently. Mina smiled to see Chaeyoung’s parents, their eyes swollen from crying. Mina had told them about everything, including Katsumi and apologized for keeping the pregnancy from them. She also told the truth to her parents about Katsumi and apologized once again for keeping it a secret. Knowing there is still an unsolved issue between Chaeyoung and her parents. 


Her wife’s parents cried, especially when they knew about Katsumi, who not too long underwent an operation. Mr. Son cried the most when he remembered Chaeyoung unusually went to their company to ask something for them, probably it was money for his granddaughter’s operation. But instead of asking and helping her own daughter, he dissed and humiliated her. He felt awful for being too harsh on his own daughter. 


Later that night, her family called her other sisters who immediately told them they would fly to Korea tomorrow. Mina also informed her parents about her wife, Chaeyoung's situation and about Katsumi. It didn’t shock her when they didn’t know about it. Maybe Chaeyoung doesn't want to be a burden for them.


“I can’t believe I already have a granddaughter.” Mrs. Son dreamily said while caressing Katsumi's hair. There were tears in her eyes. 


“I feel so bad.” Her voice cracked. Mina bowed her head, also tearing up. She let her talk because she does feel how she feels right now, longing and regret. 


“I didn’t know that she’d been experiencing these things.” Mr. Son looked away, and couldn't help but to tear up, feeling ashamed at himself. “I...I couldn’t imagine how she’d been struggling for years to provide for both of them.” 


“I’m sorry.” Mina cried. It was all she could say for now. She has no excuses or reason (except for being scared which is so stupid by the way) to tell them. 


Mina stirred up when she felt someone gently shaking her body. She opened and closed her eyes a few times before she sat up properly, stretching her body. 


“Excuse me…” Mina smiled, it’s her first time hearing her daughter talk directly to her. 


“Yes?” She asked. She watches Katsumi fidget, head bowed, probably shy under her stares. She had an urge to pinch those chubby cheeks of her daughter. 


“Ahm, can me go to the bathroom?” Mina nodded, standing up from her seat and happily got Katsumi out of the bed, cradling her towards the bathroom and doing her things. Halmonie already told her last night about her essentials and toiletries. 


She helped her brush her teeth and wash her face. “Do you want to take a bath? Or you wanna do it later?” She asked while wiping off her daughter’s face with a clean towel packed from her backpack.


Katsumi shook her head. “I’ll do it later.” Katsumi smiled. “Thank you for taking care of me.” She started to fidget again. “I..I wasn’t used to doing things alone. I u-usually do it with my Mama. I’m sorry for bothering you, Ma’am.” 


Mina almost teared up, but she stopped herself because she doesn’t want to look crazy in front of her daughter and to stop the questioning as well. Because she doesn’t know what to answer too.


“It’s okay. I understand.” She tapped her head, stopping herself to plant a kiss on her. She giggled when Katsumi smiled. “Are you hungry? Do you want to eat breakfast with me?” She helped her hop off the sink and walk together off the bathroom.


She held her hand. “Yes...but is it okay with you, ma’am? I mean...I don’t know you yet. I haven’t asked you about your name.” 


Mina kneeled down and held both of her hands and smiled. “You can call me Mina.” 


“Okay, M-mina...” Mina smiled wider, raffling her hair which made Katsumi giggled.


That’s more than enough for now. Baby step, Mina. Mina told herself. 


“Can I ask a question?” Katsumi hesitated but Mina nodded in assurance, urging her to say whatever she wanted to ask.


“ do you know my Mama? Are you her friend? Is she gonna be okay?” Mina pulled her into her arms when she saw tears spill out of her eyes. She rubbed her back and caressed her hair to calm her down because she started sobbing.


“I’m..I’m your Mama’s friend. And yes, she will be fine soon. She will be.” She can’t help but to kiss her. “Everything will be okay, baby.” She whispered, her voice cracking in the end. 


“I-I missed my Mama!” Katsumi hugged her tighter, burying her face against her neck. She felt her clothes damp because of her tears but her heart broke into pieces hearing her cry like this. She suddenly remembered the day Katsumi cried in Chaeyoung’s arms when they went to Japan, pleading with her to come home. 


Mina hugged her tighter, too. I missed her too, baby. Mina closed her eyes.


Mina happily takes pictures of her daughter who’s messily eating her breakfast just in front of the hospital. The smile on her face couldn't be wiped off her face, her daughter looks so cute right now and can’t help but to pinch her cheeks and wipe off the dirt on her face.


“Do you want more pancakes, baby?” Mina took a bite of her own food. 


Katsumi shyly nodded, noticing she already finished hers. “Is it okay, Mina unnie?” 


“Of course, baby.” Mina called a waiter and ordered another pancake. “More strawberries please.” Katsumi asked, smiling widely at the waiter with a blush on her face.


“And more strawberries for my baby.” The waiter nodded, smiling at how cute this kid is. 


“The p

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hello, sorry again for not updating! >.< hope everyone's doing well and safe!


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Chapter 20: Mina needs a wake up call
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Chapter 16: Looking forward sa update ng Love team po ❤️
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Chapter 19: Lilac sky next please
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Chapter 18: That hurts
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Chapter 16: I need an update author-nim 😭😭😭
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Chapter 7: okay all of the stories are the best but Nevertheless made me tear up 😭