Enchanted: Please Don't Be In Love With Someone Else (3)

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A boisterous thunder bolted the rage of a woman steering in the wildest night as she drove off from a celebratory party. Beyond question, the woman finds herself entertained by the festivity of the night she reluctantly exited, to what degree, because who would not love being adored by the director and colleagues? Oh it was music to her ears.


The woman’s displeasure heightened as her phone rang, her lovely wife appearing on it. It should be a majestic night for both of them, yet, she felt otherwise knowing her night has gone into waste. Without easing her temper, she picked up the phone, not betting a sweat putting it on speaker.


“Chaeyoung..,” A soothing voice invaded the silence of the night, far different from outside of it. But for the woman, it doesn’t help a bit.


With an empty sigh, the woman continues to speak, as if having no choice but to overruns, “Chaeyoung, I’m sorry for ruining your night–,” 


“Oh Mina. You’re not sorry! You know well it’s my damn night! You should've kept yourself until it was done!” Oh Chaeyoung, her distress can’t be stopped. As her wife can only nod behind the line, recognizing the prickles of spite words from her wife.


“I know! It was not my intention to lure you out from your trivial, overriding party! For god’s sake! Our son is poorly sick! I’ve been telling you earlier that he started vomiting and–,” Mina cannot finish her words as Chaeyoung beat her to it.


With anger lacing through her being, she stepped into acceleration she wouldn't imagine she could against the raging storms before her, “Only if you do your job! That’s the only thing you were doing yet persistently failing it!” Chaeyoung foolishly erupted. As she was about to explode more, silence, a deafening silence made her stop.




“Chaeyoung, you should know better.” Mina groggily replied, finding it difficult to breathe further.


“Mina. No. It’s not..,”


As Mina dropped the phone, she quickly tried running after her but was distracted by the bright yellow light that had been seizing her, unguarded. Before she could decipher, she fell into an abyss of nowhere.






“My love!” 


Behind calls, is a chaos of delights as she hears gasping voices inside, as if a life being restored from the depth of waters. Standing still, Chaeyoung welcomes a running figure to her already open arms, genuine smiles plastered on both faces. It was, indeed, for Chaeyoung to embrace a long forgotten abode she can always call hers.


“Mom! Momma’s here! I’m going now. Love you!” From all the noises she can’t seem to follow, but only hears this extent.  


With excitement from both bodies collided with joy, they felt the long volume of time being filled with satisfaction as they found themselves in each other's warmth. A glistened doe eyes meets its parallel, having to be awakened by the daylight in front of her.


“Momma!” Whimpered by a 9 year old young boy, having the same content seeing her mother. A full dinkum smile smearing her little cherry lips, doe eyes sparkling.


“I know, I know, boy. I am missing you so much too!” Chaeyoung laughs at her adorable son nestling into her. Oh for her, it is the wonderful sensation she can get.


Gaping at her mother’s, he chiseled a smile while holding the hem of her shirt, “Let’s go meet Mom too. She misses you too!” He jumped with delight as he dragged her inside the two storey modern house in form ahead.


For Chaeyoung, she felt a familiar volt of cold creeps but this time, with elated means. “My love, Mom’s already standing before us. Look!” She inserted, as her eyes laid to the most beautiful woman clad in a white sunny dress feigning the appearance of an enchantress, hair swirling against the flowery wind, a lovely smile dancing on her thin, cherry lips. Oh, from where did this goddess of the north come from?


‘Always exquisite’ Chaeyoung murmured. Kicking off the surge of red glint on her warming face, she cleared to bury her intrusive and embarrassing thoughts. 


“Oh Mom!” The child roared, “Can’t you really come with us? It’s supposedly a fam day!” He whines, looking at Mina, hoping he can channel his taming powers with his charming doe eyes.


“Baby, we have talked about this already. I can’t join you today and besides your Momma here to walk and play you around. I heard you’ll go to Star City today!” Mina tries to chase further, hoping her son would understand.


“It would be more wonderful to have you with me too. Like a complete family like everyone does” He casted, feeling overwhelmed by the things surrounding him. As for his mothers who seem to freeze under the heat of the sun, Chaeyoung has recovered well, having to sway the conversation since it is not the first time their son showed tantrums.


“My lovely chum, are you not happy spending today with Momma?” She cooed.


“Of course not! I am happy and excited and thrilled” Her son immediately responded.


“Then it’s a yes! How about we go out today, enjoy as planned, and meet Mom for dinner. I’ll stay” Chaeyoung adds, “Sounds good?”


With mouth wide open, her son nods furiously, “You’ll stay the night too? We’ll watch Spiderman, play Roblox and put me to sleep too?” He pressed, feeling like having the authority with the conversation.


“Uh..,” Chaeyoung hesitated, looking at Mina as if asking for approval and getting it by the second Mina smiles. “Well, sounds like a plan!”


Leaping with joy, he hopped into Chaeyoung and hugged her, “Thanks Momma! I’m so happy!”


“Anytime, my love. So where are we? Say goodbye for today,” Mina, who’s been on her spot, joined the two and gave goodbye kisses to her son.


“Enjoy and see you later baby.”


“Bye Mom!”


As they hopped to Chaeyoung’s car, making sure he’s comfortably seated, she glanced at Mina who’s been waiting for them to flee.


“So, we’ll be going now. We’ll be back at four” Chaeyoung ignited a dialogue.


“Alright Chaeyoung. Please be safe” 


Driving off, doe eyes stretch a glimpse on the side mirrors expecting to meet the almond eyes only to find out at once catching hers.



Chaeyoung knows now how to keep promises, especially ones bonds with her child as they interchange unbreakable cues. 


Further, she found herself humming old forgotten songs, soothing her son to sleep. It was indeed a night for them as they favored the time together. Home at exactly four, binged watch Spiderman, played Roblox, puzzles, cards, monopoly, and now putting her son to sleep, with all wonders on his eyes, and the tender smiles that accentuate the fulfillment they have shared.


‘He does have her mother’s eyes’ she affectionately thought. Having the time of the world being mesmerized by the beauty before her. ‘Oh, to have mornings with those orbs, it must be heavenly’.


After an ample time in the cold of November, she kissed her son goodbyes as he was soundly asleep and helped herself on foot, preparing to leave. It wasn’t promised to stay the night, even so, she will still leave as this isn’t the home she’s expecting to see her mornings.


With a careful march, she left the room, trying to muffle the sounds from her subtle steps and closing the door. All Chaeyoung’s effort to keep a quiet scene faltered as she jumped astounded just when Mina appeared, all for her glory having to witness her in her full white satin dress. Just magnificent, she swayed.


“Mina..” she staggered. “Can you atleast make your presence known somehow? Just make human sounds or something. You’ll kill me!” she rambles, still aghast.


“You scared me too! And I was calling you but you seemed stoned deaf,” Mina, amused by how Chaeyoung reacted, mumbles. “Where are you going? You’re going home?”


Not putting much response, Chaeyoung walked past her, “I’m not going home but I’m leaving. Thank you for today.” 


“Oh. Wait.”


“Chaeyoung. Wait.” Mina runs as Chaeyoung’s little time has been busted and there's nowhere to add.


“Mina..” Confusion strides her. “Mina, I’m leaving. It’s late, go to sleep.”


“I’m waiting for Franco. He’ll be home any moment.”


‘Home’ Chaeyoung kindled.


“Oh. Great. Have a good night, still” 


“Chaeyoung, where have you been?” Mina strikes the question that’s been pulling her in. “Sam’s keep asking when are you gonna visit–,”


“Mina, don’t worry. I put things cleared already with him. I’m sorry for intruding unattended, but I will beep you next time,”


“It’s not. Just where have you been?”


Chaeyoung, who seemed the door that interests her most, tries to walk her way out, only to get pulled by Mina.




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hello, sorry again for not updating! >.< hope everyone's doing well and safe!


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Erika1987 #1
Chapter 20: Mina needs a wake up call
JENSOOnatics #2
Chapter 16: Looking forward sa update ng Love team po ❤️
Erika1987 #3
Chapter 19: Lilac sky next please
Erika1987 #4
Chapter 18: That hurts
Xoxosonegg #5
Chapter 15: Please continue Lilac Sky.. it’s too goood
Chapter 16: Hindi rin talaga nakakatulong kung may pang-asar kang kaibigan. Anyways, hoping for an update soon especially Lilac sky. 💜💜
JackyLambino #7
Chapter 16: I need an update author-nim 😭😭😭
JackyLambino #8
Chapter 7: okay all of the stories are the best but Nevertheless made me tear up 😭