of high heels and pink socks (iii)

Last Love (마지막 사랑)
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Days passed.

Weeks passed.

It became two months in a blink of an eye.

Ever since Seungwan walked her home that night, Joohyun hasn’t seen the latter. She can barely focus on her paperwork, sometimes transiting into a daze in the middle of meetings, which is very unlike her, by the way. From being one of the most terrifying yet heavily sought-after CEOs in South Korea, Joohyun has now become the complete opposite. Her business deals fell through one after another because Joohyun just didn’t have things in order. That was how her first week back to work went so people assumed the company would revert to normal once Joohyun finished recharging.

How can one person – someone who she’s known for a grand total of two or three days – affect her like this?

“Unnie, what the hell?”

“I’m not in the mood for this, Jennie.” Joohyun groans, throwing her blazer over her entire head. She already knows what this is about and honestly, her company issues haven’t been bothering her very much.

“Well, people are beginning to talk! Don’t tell me you’re still hung up on that one night stand you had?”

How or what else can Joohyun possibly describe her terribly short encounter with Seungwan as? A date wouldn’t be accurate, falling in love is still a question mark… one night stand was her only remaining option even if nothing much happened. If she told Jennie she fell hard for someone on the other side of the law, Jennie will not let her go without a lecture. In their friendship, Joohyun is always the more level-headed and reasonable one without a doubt. Whenever Jennie gets into more trouble than she can handle, Joohyun is always there to remove the problem; how she does it, there’s no need for the extra details.

Money will never be an issue because both of them were born into wealth and are successful in their careers, so Joohyun was taken aback when she actually sat down to talk with the trio.

“If you’re that crazy over her, why don’t you look for her?”

“If it was that easy, I don’t think I’d be this annoyed or upset.” Joohyun busies herself with anything she can get her hands on, just so she won’t have to make eye contact with her best friend.

Jennie admits, she is pretty intrigued by this whole thing.

Her best friend, who’s not only known to be a tyrant in the business world, is also known to turn down everyone’s advances regardless of their gender. Not that Joohyun has unreachable standards or anything, she just doesn’t feel ready for a relationship at this point in time. There are just more important things than being together with someone. At least, that’s what Joohyun told her a few days before Jennie’s huge house party. Yet all of a sudden, Joohyun changed like a flip switch after her alleged one-night stand.

“What’s so difficult? Just go back to where you met her.”

Rolling her eyes at the lack of response, Jennie proceeds to sit on the table. She doesn’t know what the big deal is – one-night stands are called as such for a good reason.

“Anyway, do you want to come over later? I’m having another party since the neighbours living opposite are flying off to Paris tonight.”


Hold on.




“That rich couple are finally leaving again? Let’s strike tonight then.”


Eunbi watches Seungwan move around the living room in a hurried pace, but she can’t pretend she isn’t sceptical of what is going on inside her head. Seungwan hasn’t spoken a single word about Joohyun since that particular night, completely avoiding the subject whenever possible. Truthfully, Eunbi rarely disagrees with what Seungwan does because the older woman always has her reasons but this time? She thinks this is all a huge mistake; the avoiding, the distance and the silence…

It’s going to be one of those what-ifs and I-wish-I-hadn’t.

Why give up something that could definitely grow into more?

“Unnie, isn’t that where you got caught?”

“Oh my God, you bring this up every single opportunity you get! That was one time!” Seungwan rolls her eyes playfully, swatting at the younger woman. She can tell this conversation is not going to end so easily; her friend makes it all too obvious.

Before Eunbi can open to attack Seungwan, she hurriedly excuses herself to the bathroom. She doesn’t want to subject herself to another long, unneeded lecture about how she let a gem slip between her fingers. That was weeks ago, but Eunbi simply refuses to let up on this topic. Whenever Bora is out on a job or busy with her own things, Eunbi corners Seungwan and tries to edge the truth out of her. Don’t be fooled by the younger’s exterior innocence, Eunbi can be very, very persuasive when she wants to be.

Maybe Joohyun did make a close friend here after all.

Speaking of Joohyun…

What could she possibly be doing now?

Seungwan rests her arms on the sink, staring back at her own reflection in the mirror. As much as she hates admitting Eunbi has several points in their constant bickering, her heart always feels extra heavy after talking. Only God knows how much Seungwan yearns for her. If she knew this was going to happen, she wouldn’t have gotten so attached to the woman or brought her back here in the first place.

“Eunbi… you know you shouldn’t push her too hard.”

“Unnie, you also know she likes Joohyun-unnie. It was so obvious…” Eunbi huffs, throwing a cushion at Bora’s face.

Bora grabs a hold of the younger woman’s hands and gestures her to sit down; she too wants happiness for her family, of course, but slowly. “It’s one thing to be fond of someone, but rushing or pressuring Seungwan might not be so good either. You know she’s hesitant because of well, what we’re doing.”

Let’s be transparent about this…

It’s not just Seungwan, but all three of them try their best to refrain from getting into serious relationships because of this. Going to jail is bound to happen if they ever get caught, so that’s the least of their concerns. If their significant others are found to be guilty of being accomplices despite not doing anything that breaks the law per se… what will become of their lives? There’s so much at stake, and that’s a total of six lives going down the drain in a blink of an eye. If Joohyun is connected to them in the slightest, that’s a huge newspaper headline and a whole chain of companies on the line.

“I know you want her to be happy and so do I… actually, I’m planning to ask her to stop after we’re done with this one.” Bora mumbles. She’s not tired of the adrenaline rush or anything, but there has to be a finishing line and there’s nothing better than Seungwan getting the closure she needs with this old folks’ home.

Before it’s too late, maybe it really is time to bid goodbye to their Robin Hood years.

Seungwan isn’t difficult to read, especially since she wears her heart on her sleeve most of the time. All these years, she has never found the need to hide any emotion from Bora or Eunbi because they’re her family – Seungwan’s willing to bet they’re much closer than some blood siblings.

“Are you two ready yet?”

“Let’s go.”

Little does Seungwan know… tonight’s going to be a real surprise.


Although the morning didn’t go as smoothly as Seungwan hoped – with no thanks to Eunbi’s nagging and probing – she’s thankful for the comfortable atmosphere in the car now at least. The three of them are far too busy singing their lungs out to the old and new songs these days; now this feels like home. Just spending time with each other, not feeling the pressure of life or anything in particular. Technically they work together as a trio but going out on individual missions have proven to work better for them, hence the many missed opportunities to spend time with one another.

“I’ll crack the safe open, Seungwan will finish off the study there. Eunbi, baby, can you keep a lookout this time?”

Eunbi’s jaw drops, her eyes forming slits when she hears the older woman. “I am always the lookout! I want to participate too, since this is probably going to be one of our last few heists together.”

Although there isn’t any time for Seungwan to refute that claim, it’s clear she hasn’t once thought of stopping this lifestyle at all.

“Okay, fine. I will be the lookout then.”

The adorable, celebratory shriek that Eunbi lets out makes the older women laugh; a rich man’s daughter should not be this excited over breaking the law or anything of that sort, considering her background. It’s still a mystery as to how Eunbi dropped everything and joined them even after knowing the possible consequences.

“Geez, you’re truly our baby.” Bora grumbles softly.

Bora reverses into the street on the other side so it isn’t obvious that they are parked right next to the mansion. She doesn’t even need to ask or seek agreement with the others, that’s how well they know each other’s thoughts and opinions. Their coordination regardless of the kind of heist or theft they’re carrying out is more often than not, flawless. The constant give and take system between them might not seem extraordinary but it is very much the foundation of their bond and relationship.

“Okay, you two go ahead. I will climb into the garden in a bit, just need to get the boxes out of the car.” Seungwan says, waving to the other two as they dash across the road.

The resounding silence that visits her once again just feels a bit heavy… Seungwan has so much on her mind. She’s tempted to throw everything behind so she can approach Joohyun again, but as an upright, law-abiding citizen. By then, there will be nothing stopping Seungwan from courting the latter and acting upon her admiration for the businesswoman.


I miss you.

Those three days of interacting and spending time together still feels just like a fever dream, a dream that Seungwan shouldn’t have ended so abruptly. She even walked away from Joohyun without turning back despite knowing Joohyun was in tears when that happened.

Seungwan doesn’t even need to grab hold of the surrounding infrastructure to lend safely on the grass lawn; her experience all these years have at least amounted to something substantial, even if it is illegal. She finds her balance as easy as pie, dusting off her pants carelessly – this garden is just filthy all round. Neither the fences nor gates were adjusted, and certainly not the security of the house. It’s almost as if the house owners didn't catch her in action those weeks ago - well, technically they failed but still.

That couple actually fell for Joohyun's lie that day? It was such a terrible one though; Joohyun was shaking like a leaf.

Everything reminds her of Joohyun.


Back in the house….

Eunbi’s eyes widen in shock when she realises the number of antiques casually lying around in the study. If they took everything successfully and sold them to antique collectors, they’d make more than enough to last them throughout their lives comfortably. The items here are easily worth more than hundreds of thousands, some even going up to the millions or billions if she calculates it properly. Splitting the earnings between the three of them and if they invest in their home (base, rather) decorations a bit, there would still be sufficient leftover.

This is going to be a decent time to retire.

“Stop admiring, start moving! We don’t want to take too long!”



Joohyun has her eyes fixated on the road and their surroundings, choosing to enjoy the music while her best friend continues on a tangent about party ideas. She might sound like a total right now but nothing excites her more than the possibility of seeing Seungwan again. Every tiny detail about how they met is engraved in her brain; the way Seungwan climbed over the fence so effortlessly and her cheeky grin that appears whenever she wants to tease Joohyun. The most hilarious point being her hot pink socks peeking out of her black jeans… it’s just so Seungwan, for lack of better description.

“Joohyun, I’ve been talking for the past five minutes. Have you even registered a single thing I said?” Jennie huffs, her eyes still on the road in front. She had a feeling her best friend was off in her own dream world the moment they left the office building.

“Uh… you were talking about me taking care of your house for the night, right? Since you’re flying off to Milan for that show.”

“Hm, I guess you are listening after all.”

Joohyun’s shoulders unconsciously sag in relief, knowing she escaped this one rather narrowly. She’ll never hear the end of it if Jennie realizes her attention was never on her best friend from the beginning. Usually, Joohyun has loads to complain about simply because she detests house-sitting. The fact that it is an actual thing is strange all around, because such things don’t exist very much here. Not that she’s complaining more

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Chapter 11: just finished re-reading this chapter before I sleep, ahhhh you write so wonderful, as always~ you got me giddy when seungwan tucked joohyun's hair behind her ears, cuteness aggression really ><
Lialac_ #2
Chapter 16: can you drop a link to ur twt account? I can’t find it :(
Chapter 16: Oh yay can't wait for your entry hahaha
WluvsBaetokki #6
Chapter 15: We'll wait with respect author-nim! Thank you for sharing your stories with us. Take care
Chapter 9: they're so adorable pls arghhhh cutness aggression overload grrrr i love how jongin is such an to joohyun and seungwan just literally watching over them two bicker over silly thungs. thank you so much for always sharing your fics with us!
Chapter 15: Already excited for the next one-shots you'll post hahaha we'll wait patiently for them XD
Lialac_ #9
Chapter 15: I was excited when I saw the updated tag but then got scared for a moment because I saw this note as important. I thought you close/remove it or something phewwww
1692 streak #10
Chapter 15: Take your time~ there's one Wentoki say this to me before: "Fanfic is shared story not a demand. It's free and fun thing, not forcing updates and certainly not bashing Authors"