of high heels and pink socks (ii)

Last Love (마지막 사랑)
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The calm, peaceful silence of the morning is harshly interrupted by the loud sounds of rambunctious laughter in the living room, involuntarily rousing Seungwan from her deep sleep. Her eyebrows knit in the middle, slightly annoyed at the noise that doesn’t show any sign of lowering down. Then again, it’s all so confusing because Bora and Eunbi are never early risers. Most of the time, she has to go into their rooms and drag them out of bed individually and it doesn’t matter whether it’s dawn or afternoon. There’s something strange going on, Seungwan just knows it.


Pin-drop silence ensues for a bit, before another bout of giggles and laughter begin again.

Well, that does it.

Seungwan groans and kicks the banket off the bed in a fit, stomping her way to the door. She can’t even get a good night’s sleep on a Friday night to Saturday morning because of all that racket.


Her breath hitches when she realises there is an extra pair of eyes staring back at her, with a naughty gaze that scans her from head to toe. It’d be an understatement to say that she was being undressed with those eyes. Seungwan looks down at her dressing and scurries to hide herself behind the wall. “What are you still doing here, Joohyun?” Seungwan barely screeches, cheeks completely dusted with pastel pink. She doesn’t know if her question came out in a right and polite manner but the embarrassment is catching up faster than her thoughts.

Joohyun’s lips curl into a -eating smirk, turning her body to face the half-startled, half-sleepy woman. She wants to maintain a level of class but good God, Seungwan looks amazing in the morning.

“You don’t remember what happened last night? Even after that … seriously hot mess?”

Her two friends’ eyes widen in unison, the slice of bread falling out from Bora’s mouth and onto poor Eunbi’s sandwich on their shared plate.

“Uh, hold on… you hooked up with her when we’re IN THE SAME HOUSE?!”

The level of chaos that ensues after just one question causes Joohyun to lose it – for a bunch of robbers, this trio sure is peculiar. Not only are they a couple of dorks, mostly, but they seem to be harmless. Joohyun watches with merriment as Seungwan finds herself being pelted with pillows and cushions along with yells of ‘don’t be so desperate!’ and ‘that’s so gross!’.

The truth is…



All over her face.

Seungwan’s hand clamps over when she looks up and sees Joohyun’s face dripping with tea. The woman is clearly too stunned to even speak right now, which makes Seungwan even more embarrassed but nevertheless…

“Oh God, I am so sorry!”

“You know…” Joohyun flinches as Seungwan reaches out to wipe her face with her own sleeve, mildly taken aback at how gentle the woman is. Yet, she’s still itching to tease the younger one. “If you didn’t wanna make out or have with me, you could have said so instead of spitting all over me.”

Another loud screech echoes through the kitchen, with Seungwan cupping her burning cheeks. Why did Joohyun have to speak so explicitly? Has she never heard of subtlety or anything?

Joohyun decides to stop teasing the latter before she gets herself thrown out of this... base; she still wants to get to know Seungwan. She carefully dabs at her face with the tissue before approaching the other woman. “Look, um… I wasn’t kidding about everything I said. I don’t know why I helped you back there, but I do want to get to know you, and I think you feel the same attraction for me.”

As much as Seungwan wants to pretend none of is true, for Joohyun’s sake, she really does want to kiss her. There’s just so much at risk and bringing in a civilian into their business could possibly involve her if they ever get caught. Yet, here Joohyun stands… admitting the mutual attraction in front of her.



“You’re right,” Seungwan whispers, approaching Joohyun and pinning the latter against the kitchen counter. She brings her hands up to cup Joohyun’s cheeks before swooping in for the kill. “I’m very… very attracted to you.”

So much for an explanation.


“Oh, you nasty little…”

“Speak for yourself,” Seungwan rolls her eyes, tossing the other midget off her stomach. “We didn’t even do anything weird or hit homerun after meeting once, just made out and slept like pigs.”

Oh .


Ignoring the entire mess going on, Joohyun can’t help but pull her knees closer to her chest. She knows for a fact that this is both dangerous and illegal, considering they’re probably breaking the law every other day. Her reputation as one of the richest and toughest CEOs in all of South Korea could be tarnished at any second. Everything she told Seungwan last night, she told her with full disclosure. Truth be told, Seungwan could easily have murdered or silenced her since she knows her face. It’s both foolish and adorable that she brought Joohyun back here just to explain herself.

Seungwan struggles to get Eunbi off her, when her eyes land on Joohyun smiling to herself at the corner of the sofa.

“You like this chick, don’t you?”

“Well, not like like… I’m not sure either,” Seungwan pouts. She relaxes into the sofa and takes her friend into her arms. “I definitely am attracted to her, the way she is to me but it’s too early to say that it’ll go anywhere yet.”

Eunbi’s gaze softens considerably, seeing the way Seungwan’s eyes simply light up after looking at the business woman. “Then I don’t mind taking the risk, Unnie. You deserve to be happy too.”


Joohyun listens intently to the entire story, unconsciously clinging onto every word that comes out of Seungwan’s mouth. She feels her emotions go through several highs and lows, both angered and heartbroken at Seungwan’s family. How can anyone just decide to abandon a baby without a fraction of hesitation whatsoever? To make things inhumanely worse, throwing the baby to an elderly woman living in an old folks’ home? If they were going to behave so disgustingly, why didn’t they take better precaution? This makes Joohyun so mad and unbelievably thankful that Seungwan was brought up well.

“ your parents and I hope they go to the deepest depths of hell ever.”

The three women take in the profanities with wide eyes, almost refusing to believe those vile words just came from a businesswoman – one of the most notable in Korea, in fact.

Seungwan can’t help but stare unabashedly; this woman just became ten times hotter in her eyes. The whole making out thing last night was amazing but this just makes Seungwan less angry at herself.

“Wipe your drool, you doofus.”

When Seungwan falls for it and actually brings her hands to her lips, Joohyun’s laughter only escalates and increases in volume. There’s something so precious about a robber being so innocent and pure. “I’m really flattered, Seungwan…” Joohyun’s eyes darken involuntarily, fingers grabbing onto the cushion beside her so she can hide her yearning.

The tension and sparks in the air partially disgust Bora; the fact that Seungwan is actually falling for someone else in front of her very eyes which will bring out the greasy behaviour again. Sure, they’ve all had their fair share of hook-ups and one-night stands but nothing lasted long enough for introductions. Now this woman sitting in their living room – they’ve known each other for ONE night – can very well turn them into the police at any given time without warning.

“Joohyun, can I ask you something?” Bora leans forward, resting on her knees with a stern expression.


Now, Joohyun doesn’t get nervous or freeze up in front of anyone, because she’s usually calm and prepared for things that might be thrown her way. This woman, however, seems to be the most apprehensive and dangerous among the trio. She also notices that Wendy is the oldest, and the short-haired one is the youngest; the second child is always the terrifying one.

“You helped this dummy get away… simply because you felt like it? That just sounds weird and suspicious, if you understand where I’m coming from.”

Seungwan’s eyes can’t hide the anxiety that’s consuming her currently even if she tried, because she knows she exposed all three of them to Joohyun and they’re pretty much at a bigger disadvantage. Even if Joohyun were to go to the police months down the road, it’d still be her word against a bunch of measly pathetic robbers. She doesn’t want this to be a one-time thing at all, last night already proved them quite attracted to each other and effectively abolished all the self-control she maintaine

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Chapter 11: just finished re-reading this chapter before I sleep, ahhhh you write so wonderful, as always~ you got me giddy when seungwan tucked joohyun's hair behind her ears, cuteness aggression really ><
Lialac_ #2
Chapter 16: can you drop a link to ur twt account? I can’t find it :(
Chapter 16: Oh yay can't wait for your entry hahaha
WluvsBaetokki #6
Chapter 15: We'll wait with respect author-nim! Thank you for sharing your stories with us. Take care
Chapter 9: they're so adorable pls arghhhh cutness aggression overload grrrr i love how jongin is such an to joohyun and seungwan just literally watching over them two bicker over silly thungs. thank you so much for always sharing your fics with us!
Chapter 15: Already excited for the next one-shots you'll post hahaha we'll wait patiently for them XD
Lialac_ #9
Chapter 15: I was excited when I saw the updated tag but then got scared for a moment because I saw this note as important. I thought you close/remove it or something phewwww
1701 streak #10
Chapter 15: Take your time~ there's one Wentoki say this to me before: "Fanfic is shared story not a demand. It's free and fun thing, not forcing updates and certainly not bashing Authors"