Chapter Fifteen

The Fruit Mouse
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The air outside was turning a little chilly with the sun going down, but it was nerves that made Baekhyun stifle a shiver as he carefully pushed the door closed behind him. 

“I’m sorry to bring you out into the cold. We’ll go back inside soon.” The boss’s deep voice was soft but still cut through the air. The orphan startled and stood still but bobbed his head politely, his face looking down at the floor in respect.

“Baekhyun.. Please come over here and sit down.” The boss’s tone had the slightest hint of fondness that puzzled the orphan but gave him hope. Maybe he would be able to ask for a second chance to help more in the chores around the house and be allowed to stay. He could learn as long as they gave him a chance. Baekhyun lifted his head enough to see the bench seat the boss was indicating. He squared his jaw and quickly went over and sat down, then dared to look up at the tall man. 

A handsome, somewhat amused smile greeted him, making Baekhyun blush for reasons he didn’t quite understand. Before he could get upset with himself, he realized the boss had knelt down in front of him. A loud squeal came from inside the house, startling the orphan for a second. For some reason the boss scoffed and rolled his eyes, but then smiled again at the startled little one sitting on the bench. 

“Junmyeon is going to the market tomorrow like he does every Sunday.” the older man said conversationally. 

Baekhyun cocked his head a little in interest but kept quiet. 

“Sehun usually likes to sleep in but I’ve asked him to go along to help with a specific purchase.” 

The boss was holding a thin wooden contraption with hinges on the ends, and he began to unfold it as he spoke. Baekhyun looked at it curiously and saw markings on the flat sides, noting measurements. He squeaked in surprise as the boss’s hand circled around one of the orphan’s thin ankles and lifted it slightly to slide the wooden measuring stick underneath it. With his large hand still gently but securely around Baekhyun’s ankle, the boss pressed the orphan’s foot down on the measuring stick and squinted to look at the numbers. Just as Baekhyun leaned over to get a closer view and see what the boss was doing, the handsome man lifted his head back up. 

Another squeal came from inside the house, but neither of the two on the porch seemed to notice. 

Baekhyun’s blush was back as he noted how close their faces were, and the boss faltered briefly. “Um.. yes. Well.” The older man pulled back and stood up. “We’re getting you some shoes.” he announced somewhat abruptly.

Baekhyun blinked in surprise. “Oh..” He recovered quickly. “I- I don’t have money, but I’ll do extra chores to help pay for them.” he said with a determined look on his face, craning his neck to look up at the tall man. 

The boss furrowed his eyebrows as he looked down at the orphan sittig on the bench. “You already do plenty, Baekhyun.. And everyone deserves to have shoes.” He gave a sharp nod as though agreeing with himself, and then paused, obviously remembering something more. “Oh. And what’s your favorite color?”

Baekhyun wanted to protest about the issue of chores, but was caught off guard. “My- ..what?” he asked. 

“Your favorite color. If you had to choose one.. Or two..” the boss said, suddenly a little awkward. He looked down and began folding the wooden tool back up.

The orphan distractedly watched the long thick fingers folding the measuring stick. “Um.. I.. Red.” he said quietly.

“Hmm?” the boss looked up.

Baekhyun swallowed a gulp. “and.. purples are pretty.” His voice wavered but he bravely looked the boss in the eye. “I like reds and purples.”

The man held his gaze for a minute then smiled softly. “Reds and purples. Good.” His smile grew a little and he gestured to the door. “Let’s go back inside. It’s getting colder out here and dinner should be ready by now.”

Baekhyun stood up on shaky legs. He hadn’t been asked to leave the house. And the boss didn’t seem to be mad at him for anything. So he really wasn’t in trouble. Sehun hadn’t lied.

As the tall man opened the door, a general scuffling of feet and some snickering could be heard, but the area was completely clear by the time Baekhyun made it to the door. He bobbed his head politely in thanks to the boss holding the door open for him and quickly went inside, ignoring the eyes on him and heading directly to the side of the table he had become accustomed to. Bowls of steaming food were already being dished out by Kyungsoo, and Jongin was maki

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I apologize for this update taking longer than usual. But fear not -- the characters have completely taken over the story and will not let me leave this unfinished! Thank you for continuing to read -- subscriptions, comments, and upvotes are all really appreciated!!


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748 streak #1
Chapter 38: Thank you for this year end surprise, I was so excited when I saw you updated. I’ve missed our little mouse and he is still chock-full of ideas to make their lives better. The exchange of rings at the end was beautiful, I could clearly picture the whole scene with the guys looking on. Another big thanks and Happy New Year!
Beau1996 1379 streak #2
Chapter 38: I was so excited to see an update! Thank you for the holiday treat!
748 streak #3
Chapter 37: I completely agree that they would never have made it to Baekhyun’s birthday.☺️
748 streak #4
Chapter 36: Their Christmas was so sweet and I love that Baekhyun helped with the cooking to show his thanks and appreciation for the beautiful ribbons. The best scene was the ‘almost’ romantic dinner. Chanyeol is so loving and respectful toward Baekhyun. The evening was just perfect.
Beau1996 1379 streak #5
Chapter 37: It's Halloween 🎃 not Christmas but I need to thank you for that gift of an update!!
Beau1996 1379 streak #6
Chapter 36: I love the pieces of ribbon - not a cheap gift at the time! The candlelight dinner with...beef stew - ah, be still my heart!!
BaekonJagiya #7
Chapter 35: Thank you for this awesome and nice story Author-nim! I love Baekhyun's growth in the story and his relationships with the people there. He might be the 'little boss' to everyone, but he's always be the 'little mouse' for his lover, Chanyeol. ❤️
This was very enjoyable story. I loved Baek's growth in this and the lovely relationship he had with Chanyeol.
Beau1996 1379 streak #9
Chapter 35: Lovely ending! The setting was cool and I liked the timeframe of the story. I will miss reading😢 will you start another story?
748 streak #10
Chapter 35: Aw, I didn’t realize it would end so soon!😭 Thank you for taking us on this wonderful journey with our little mouse. I love that he found love and acceptance in the unlikeliest of places. The Boss and Little Boss are going to have a lifetime of happiness. I don’t say it often but this story is a precious gem that will be enjoyed again and again. I can’t wait to see what you have in store for us next.

P.s. Many thanks for also wrapping up LuHan’s story, he also deserves his happiness.