Chapter One

The Fruit Mouse
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Baekhyun bounced a little in excitement. He couldn’t help his smile and his eyes sparkled as he looked at the large fruit in his hand. It had obviously been left for him. 

This was the third day in a row that someone had left him an orange. 



At first he had been uneasy about it. 


Three days ago when he woke up in the little shack, there had been no sign of any other person. But the large orange sitting in the middle of the one table in the room made it obvious someone had been there. 

Baekhyun had ignored the fruit as long as possible, wary of it’s sudden appearance and half expecting someone to come walking in as though they owned the place and had left the orange for themselves. 

It was very possible. 


Less than a week before, after walking several hours through the night, at the first crack of dawn Baekhyun had found what appeared to be an abandoned shack at the edge of the woods, nestled against the orange grove. There didn’t seem to be anyone around, and his hunger drew him to the smell of the fruit, so he quickly picked up two small oranges that had apparently fallen off the tree nearest to the shack. He then cautiously pushed open the door of the shack and looked around.

The slowly increasing light of the rising sun shone through the window and cracks in the door, giving evidence to a small table and single chair. Over against the wall was a short raised platform and a worn-out blanket. Other than the spiders on their webs in the corners of the room, there didn’t appear to be anyone else in the place, and the thick dust on all the surfaces made it obvious there hadn’t been for quite some time. 

Not caring about the dust, Baekhyun had plopped himself down on the raised bed-type platform, then quickly peeled and ate the oranges. As soon as he had finished, exhaustion forced him to give in and he curled up into a ball with his bag for a pillow and fell asleep.



A few hours later he woke to the sound of a small thump and faint voices. In a panic, the orphan grabbed his bag and scrambled through the dust across the floor to the window, staying on his knees to peer stealthily over the ledge to try to look through the worn windowpane without being detected. 

Judging by the sunlight, it appeared to be early afternoon. Baekhyun could make out the forms of two people through the trees. The kerchiefs on their heads and wicker baskets on their backs made it obvious they were workers. They were picking up oranges from the ground, quickly inspecting the fruit, then putting it in the baskets. Occasionally they would apparently find an orange that didn’t pass inspection and would sling it casually in the direction of the shack, not paying attention to where it landed. They were talking and laughing together as they worked, and one of the oranges hit the side of the shack, creating a thump similar to the one Baekhyun had heard. Evidently these were the sounds that had woken the orphan from his much needed slumber. 

He sank back down on the floor with his back to the wall. The old door of the shack was closed but there were gaps in the slats of the wood that anyone would be able to peer through to see inside if they wanted. And the glass window panes were dirty and cracked, but that didn’t mean movement inside couldn’t be detected if someone were to look carefully. 

He had to be smart. These people may not be nice. He hadn’t understood much of what they were saying. They didn’t seem to be speaking Korean. If they were from another country they may not trust him. If anything, they might tell on him and turn him over to the authorities. He had old and new bruises on his stomach and legs, and his twisted ankle was still a bit painful, but no one cared for someone as low as him, so it was best to stay quiet and hidden.


He didn’t want to be sent back to the hell he had lived through so far in his short life.




As a penniless orphan with no actual record of his birth, never sent to a formal school and not trained in any specific skill, Baekhyun had always scrambled to survive.

The orphanage he had grown up in was overrun with children and there was never enough food, clothes, beds, or space. Because of this, he had slept on the floor since he was ten years old. There were many kids there that didn’t care about anyone but themselves, and the three old ladies that ran the place didn’t spare any kind words if they didn’t have to. He always felt lonely and alone despite being stuck in a crowded house with constant noise and no privacy. 

Kicked out of the orphanage a few weeks after his fifteenth birthday, the malnourished and undersized boy had quickly thought through his options and made a decision. There was a cloth weaving shop in town that seemed to always be busy with the sound of machinery running long hours, but there wasn't any evidence of any young helpers around. Surely he could be of use there. This was where the orphan went and begged to be allowed to work in the shop in exchange for the privilege of one meal a day and sleeping at night in the relative safety of the shop attic. After persistently bothering the old owner about it for three days the man finally grudgingly agreed. 

Baekhyun was allowed to work in the main room of the workshop. There were four old weaving machines that were operated by the weaver and the weaver’s assistant. Neither of the two men were friendly to the orphan, and the few words they spoke to him were usually hateful and demeaning. A lot of the time they deliberately ignored the orphan as long as he stayed quiet and did his work quickly.

Baekhyun was small with thin limbs and slender hands so he could reach in between the working parts of the

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I apologize for this update taking longer than usual. But fear not -- the characters have completely taken over the story and will not let me leave this unfinished! Thank you for continuing to read -- subscriptions, comments, and upvotes are all really appreciated!!


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740 streak #1
Chapter 38: Thank you for this year end surprise, I was so excited when I saw you updated. I’ve missed our little mouse and he is still chock-full of ideas to make their lives better. The exchange of rings at the end was beautiful, I could clearly picture the whole scene with the guys looking on. Another big thanks and Happy New Year!
Beau1996 1371 streak #2
Chapter 38: I was so excited to see an update! Thank you for the holiday treat!
740 streak #3
Chapter 37: I completely agree that they would never have made it to Baekhyun’s birthday.☺️
740 streak #4
Chapter 36: Their Christmas was so sweet and I love that Baekhyun helped with the cooking to show his thanks and appreciation for the beautiful ribbons. The best scene was the ‘almost’ romantic dinner. Chanyeol is so loving and respectful toward Baekhyun. The evening was just perfect.
Beau1996 1371 streak #5
Chapter 37: It's Halloween 🎃 not Christmas but I need to thank you for that gift of an update!!
Beau1996 1371 streak #6
Chapter 36: I love the pieces of ribbon - not a cheap gift at the time! The candlelight dinner with...beef stew - ah, be still my heart!!
BaekonJagiya #7
Chapter 35: Thank you for this awesome and nice story Author-nim! I love Baekhyun's growth in the story and his relationships with the people there. He might be the 'little boss' to everyone, but he's always be the 'little mouse' for his lover, Chanyeol. ❤️
This was very enjoyable story. I loved Baek's growth in this and the lovely relationship he had with Chanyeol.
Beau1996 1371 streak #9
Chapter 35: Lovely ending! The setting was cool and I liked the timeframe of the story. I will miss reading😢 will you start another story?
740 streak #10
Chapter 35: Aw, I didn’t realize it would end so soon!😭 Thank you for taking us on this wonderful journey with our little mouse. I love that he found love and acceptance in the unlikeliest of places. The Boss and Little Boss are going to have a lifetime of happiness. I don’t say it often but this story is a precious gem that will be enjoyed again and again. I can’t wait to see what you have in store for us next.

P.s. Many thanks for also wrapping up LuHan’s story, he also deserves his happiness.