Fourth Cup...?

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Chapter 5: Fourth Cup...?


Thursday saw Jisoo a mess. She couldn’t relax the whole day even if it was her rest day. A certain cat eyed girl kept entering her mind every time she tried her best to sleep or unwind. 


Jisoo ended up clearing her to-do list earlier than expected. Every time she tries to pause, she’ll remember that it’s Friday tomorrow and that she’s actually going to see Jennie already. Unlike their previous meetings, those were all random and unexpected on her part. This time, she’s getting the jitters just thinking about approaching the coffee truck.


‘I’m being stupid. Why should I be nervous? Pfft, I’m Kim Jisoo. I can face anyone. Pfft.’ Jisoo puffed and tried her best to continue cleaning her apartment.


So far, she exercised, walked her dog, changed all the bedsheets to the new ones she bought, arranged her closet which took her a good two hours, and is currently cleaning her whole place. And yet, her energy seems to be endless. 


“Aish! This is crazy!’ Jisoo muttered a little too loud as her dog looked at her and gave a soft bark.


“Sorry, Dalgom. I’m just being weird. Go back to sleep, I’ll prepare our lunch in a little bit.” Jisoo gently coaxed her dog which made the dog lie down again.


“Dalgom… do you think it’s weird to be excited and nervous about meeting someone? Do you think I’m thinking too much about this?” Jisoo gently patted the dog.


“I mean, I just met her. Twice! I can't be going crazy over a person from just two meetings, right?!" Jisoo looked at her dog and waited for an answer or any sign.


The dog just stared at her, her hand, and went back to sleep.


“You’re not being helpful, Dalgomie... You're going to leave me hanging when we’re having a heart to heart talk? Tsk. No treats for you!” Jisoo muttered while scratching the dog’s ears.


‘I need to stop thinking about her! Okay, Kim Jisoo! Keep cleaning and distract yourself.’ Jisoo stood up and got the broom again.


While Jisoo was cleaning her bedroom, she heard her dog barking and growling. 


‘Lisa must be outside.’ Jisoo smirked.


True enough, she heard her doorbell ringing and Dalgom barking even louder.


“Hush, Dalgom. It’s only Lisa.” Jisoo carried her dog and went to open her door.


“Yah, Jisoo! Why is your dog so mad at me?!” Lisa complained after Jisoo let her in.


“My dog hates you, that simple. Right, Dalgomie?” Jisoo cooed as she hugged her dog.


“I didn’t even do anything… Dalgom, be nice to me! I give you treats all the time!” Lisa tried to pat the dog who only growled a little.


“Sheesh, here. You only like me when I bring gifts.” Lisa said as she gave the dog a chew toy to be able to pat his head.


“To what do I owe the pleasure of your visit here?” Jisoo asked Lisa as she placed her dog down. She has an idea why Lisa visited but she plans to act innocent as long as she can.


“Nothing, really. Chaeng has a dentist appointment nearby and I’m picking her up after. So I thought about you and how lonely you are here. So I’m here to grace you with my presence.” Lisa smiled as she sat on the couch.


“I’m not lonely! I was actually cleaning my place today and you decided to interrupt me. Now it’s going to be messy again.” Jisoo whined.


“Are you trying to say I’m a slob?!” Lisa gasped.


“Yes.” Jisoo replied without batting her lashes.


“You . Anyway, do you want to get something to eat? Chaeng said she can’t eat lunch with me because of her dental thing so she told me to fend for myself. What do you think? Eat out or order in?” 


“I look like crap today and you want me to eat out with you? No, thanks. And I have food here. We can eat that.” Jisoo said as she thought about the things inside her pantry.


“Instant ramen is not real food, Jisoo! I need real food. I need energy. How about chicken? We can order chicken from your favorite place.” Lisa suggested.


“Hmmm… I guess. But I just had that for lunch yesterday. So no, maybe not that.” 


“Oh, I know! Why don’t we go to that little cafe that Chaeng and I went to last time? Remember

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I'm back! I'm sorry it took a while. :)


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Cruuushx3 #1
Cruuushx3 #2
Chapter 12: I can't with Lisa HAHAHAH she's too funny!
Cruuushx3 #3
Chapter 9: I'm loving this!
Chapter 16: I love it. Thank you for the update 😊
1129 streak #5
Chapter 16: I got addicted and I want more 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
1129 streak #6
sooyerong #7
Jensoo4everlove #8
Woo-hoo you're back!!!!
Taitai84 1233 streak #9
Chapter 16: Welcome back!!

And I want to know which deity granted Jisoo’s wish to finally confess cuz I need some wishes granted too!
charitomeria #10
Chapter 16: Welcome back… can’t wait for more chapters 🥰