The Call

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Chapter Twelve: The Call


‘She was just waiting for me?’ Jisoo thought as she was memorizing her script.


‘She was just waiting for me??’ Jisoo remembered as she prepared Dalgom’s food.


‘She was just waiting for me…’ Jisoo repeated as she prepared some snacks.


‘She was just waiting for me…?’ Jisoo mused as she tried to take a nap.


‘She was just waiting for me!’ Jisoo remembered as she was cooking dinner.


“SHE WAS JUST WAITING FOR ME. How come I didn’t notice that?!” Jisoo exclaimed loudly while eating with Lisa, making the latter choke on her food.

“Yo! Are you killing me???” Lisa coughed trying to remove the food that choked her a bit.


“Oh, sorry. Did you die though?”


“You’re so mean to me. I hate you.” Lisa gave Jisoo a betrayed look.


“Okay, then stop eating my food.”


“If you call this food…” Lisa lifted her fork again to show the overcooked meat and undercooked rice.


Jisoo gave a sheepish smile and just took another bite.


“I don’t get it… I mean I understand that you can overcook meat. But to undercook rice?! Yo, you have the latest rice cooker that sings! How is that even possible?!” Lisa finally snapped after seeing Jisoo eat like it’s nothing.


“I got distracted.” Jisoo chewed slowly.


“And?? You should have heard the music telling you the rice is done?!”


“I thought I heard it so I switched it off already.” Jisoo shrugged.


“Unbelievable… I brought you some wine as I am such a courteous guest but here you are serving me questionable food.” Lisa sighed and just took a tentative bite again of her meal.


“Thanks for the wine. And please, just be grateful that I even bothered to cook for you. I didn’t even invite you tonight.” Jisoo rolled her eyes and got her phone.


“I’ve been messaging you all day asking about game night! Since you weren’t replying, I took it as a sign as a yes from you.” Lisa gave Jisoo her best innocent face.


“That doesn’t even make sense!” Jisoo just gave her friend a pointed look and checked her phone again.


“Yah! What’s with you tonight? You keep checking your phone. It makes me wonder if you were just ignoring my messages this morning with how you're acting now.” Lisa looked at Jisoo and tried to peek.


“Yes, I was just ignoring you.” Jisoo moved her phone away from Lisa and kept it to her side.


“Mean, just mean. But really, what’s up? You seem off today. Well… More off than usual.” 


“Nothing. Was just waiting for something. Anyway, are you done eating?” Jisoo stood up and tried to take Lisa’s plate.


“Yo! I was still eating that!” Lisa grumbled.


“And now you’re not. Anyway, are we really playing tonight?” Jisoo placed all the dishes in the sink and looked at Lisa nervously.


“Well, yeah. I came here to play. Why? Got something else in mind? Wait… why do you feel nervous all of a sudden?” Lisa raised her eyebrow at her.


“I’m not… I don’t know what you are talking about.”  Jisoo immediately looked away.


“Just spill it. I know how you are when you want to tell me something.”


“IhaveadatewithJennie.” Jisoo said quickly.


“Say that again? But slower this time.” Lisa tried to say with patience.


“I said.. I have a date with Jennie.” 


Jisoo looked at her friend who was just staring at her with wide eyes.


“Uhmm, Lisa? Are you okay?”


“AAAAAAHHHHHHHH! OH MY GOD THIS IS BIG NEWS! I knew it! I knew it! I called this!” Lisa screamed while flailing her long arms around.


“Calm down will you! Stop waking up my neighbors!” Jisoo grabbed her friend and covered .


“DISH ISH SHO AWESHOM!” Lisa tried to mumble through Jisoo’s hand.


“You’re hopeless. Now be quiet and sit down. I can’t handle your energy now cause I am nervous right here.” Jisoo removed her hand and sat down on the couch while checking her phone again.


“Ohhhh this is so fun! So tell me everything! AHHHHH!” Lisa couldn’t stop her excitement and just kept on bouncing everywhere forcing Jisoo to tell her everything.


“Ohhhhhh, so what’s your plan? Where are you taking her and what time should you pick her up? Is the date during lunch or dinner? Will you be going together to the gym and then straight to the date or will it be go home after and shower first? Shower together or separately?” Lisa said with her sly grin.


Jisoo smacked Lisa’s face with a pillow after hearing the last suggestion.


“Yah! Clean that mouth of yours and think of pure things or else I’ll tell Chaeng.” 


“Okay! Geez! But for real, any plans?!?”


“No… That’s why I’m panicking! I mean I’ve been waiting for her to text because she might be busy with work so we haven’t really finalized anything…”


“But yo, for real, how small is your world with her? Your ex tried to make a move on her! Proud of you for removing that boy. You got guts, Kim! Respect!” Lisa gave Jisoo a fist bump which the latter returned.


“Can’t let anyone overtake me since I’ve been pining over her!”


“Man, to hear the great Kim Jisoo talk like a lovesick girl is such a treat. I’ll have to make sure Irene gets to eat something good tomorrow for making this possible too.” Lisa laughed while Jisoo just rolled her eyes.


“Anyway… what do you know about pilates?!” 


“Uhmm, it’s a kind of exercise for sure. I know Chaeng had some classes on this before. So most probably it will involve those basic stretches. Why? Worried you can’t lift your body properly and will make a fool out of yourself?” Lisa grinned at Jisoo’s nervous face.


“No, I’m not worried about that. I’m worried that I might end up staring too much?” Jisoo said embarrassingly.


“What? For real?!” Lisa laughed out loud, making Jisoo glare at her.


“Hey! I’m not kidding! Like have you seen Chaeng doing Pilates?”


“Well, no..” Lisa realized that she never went with her girlfriend during her Pilates classes.


“Oh… That’s why!” Jisoo grinned.


“Well, Lisa, let me show you how Pilates works.” Jisoo got her phone and showed her the videos she was watching a while ago.


“Hmmm, that’s not so bad… Those are pretty normal stretches. Wait what? They stretch using that? And they do that? Damn, that’s hot.” 


“See! This is why I’m panicking! I just know I’m going to be a mess when I watch her. Oh God. I need to cancel, right?!” Jisoo mused.


“I think… I need to call my girlfriend and tell her I want to join her Pilates class next time hehehe.” Lisa started typing on her phone. 


Jisoo grabbed her phone and smacked Lisa’s head lightly.


“Lisa! Pay attention! I’m asking you questions here.”


“First of all, ouch. Second, relax unnie! You’ll be fine. Just be professional. I mean think about it as stretching exercises only. You do that during your sessions with your coach. So it will be like that.” Lisa acted wisely.


“You’re right, you’re right. I’m not going to be a lovesick girl who will stare at her. I can be calm and composed.” Jisoo agreed tentatively.


“Yes!  That’s the spirit. You got this.”


“But… What if she’s wearing something.. You know… something uhmm flattering on her.. And I won’t be able to look her in the eyes because I’ll be busy staring…” Jisoo blabbered.


“Unnie! Relax! You’re overthinking. All workout clothes are the same. Look at all the videos we watched. They’re all wearing the usual spandex. I’m sure Jennie would be wearing something similar. You have nothing to worry about. Just think of it as your usual session with your coach. Okay?” Lisa calmly told her friend.


Jisoo listened to her friend intently and nodded along with her.

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Cruuushx3 #1
Cruuushx3 #2
Chapter 12: I can't with Lisa HAHAHAH she's too funny!
Cruuushx3 #3
Chapter 9: I'm loving this!
Chapter 16: I love it. Thank you for the update 😊
1128 streak #5
Chapter 16: I got addicted and I want more 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
1128 streak #6
sooyerong #7
Jensoo4everlove #8
Woo-hoo you're back!!!!
Taitai84 1233 streak #9
Chapter 16: Welcome back!!

And I want to know which deity granted Jisoo’s wish to finally confess cuz I need some wishes granted too!
charitomeria #10
Chapter 16: Welcome back… can’t wait for more chapters 🥰