Chapter 42 (PA)

Pursuing Affection

Leeteuk opened his eyes slowly, blood still dripping on his nose and it's hard to open his eyes fully because of the bruises. He tried to wipe his nose with his hand but it was tied at the back. He looked in front of him, there's just a single light and he can see a silhouette. This scene seems familiar for him. The silhouette walk closely towards him, showing Mr. Park. Mr. Park looked down at him.


"Haha you didn't kill me...wrong choice Mr. Park.." Leeteuk just laughed then smirked at his own words. 


"Park've been a loyal employee of Mr. Kim since you started you really have a great job on your first day....who are you?....." Mr. Park hardly fisted his hands. "Why the Kims?"


"I have a clean record Mr. you can see you're the very first person who was so close to the Kims.....maybe you really need a motive of your own." Leeteuk smirked but still Mr. Park has the serious face.


"You're a son of a former staff of K-Tech...." Mr. Park whispered and lowered his face. Leeteuk looked at him with furrowed eyebrows.


"Shin Park, a former housekeeper of Kim's office..." Mr. Park whispered again and smirk. He got him. Leeteuk looked at him with fierced eyes now. 


"It's been years I'm trying to find who exactly you are. It's been a challenge for me...." Mr. Park straightened his suit and looked him down. He looked down at him for a minute. He suddenly bowed at him.




"In behalf of my late boss Mr. Kim Hee chul. I apologize of what happen for your family in the past. I know Mr. Kim once abandoned you and he had his own fault about your family but your revenge was too didn't just killed all the Kims but you involved and ruined some life of innocent people...." Mr. Park explained clearly. He stepped back slowly.


"Face this all Mr. Park Jeongsu....." Mr. Park leave the room and also leave the guilty Leeteuk who shakingly have big teary eyes.




"Tantan we have some visitors today so please behave....fix your toys now" Tiffany who's currently cooking told her son. Tiffany's friends decided to visit Tantan after he was discharged safe in the hospital.


"Is it the aunties?" Tristan cutely asked while putting his small cars in the basket.


"Yes baby they will bring more foods for you...." Tiffany helps him clear the floor. "...cause I said you're sick.."


"I'm fine now Mommy!" Tristan lifted his arms as if he's strong. " about Daddy?"


"He's gonna visit you tomorrow morning..." Tiffany replied.


"Yehey Daddy's going home!! Daddy's going home!!" Tristan danced happily. Tiffany looked at hime and smiled a little. 'You're always happy to meet your Dad, but hopefully you will not know how he ruined our family'


"Mommy? Are you alright?...." Tristan holds Tiffany's hands with his smaller hands.


"Yes baby, Mommy's fine..." Tiffany eyesmiled. Tantan replied with his eyesmile of his own. Suddenly, the doorbell rang. Tiffany quickly walk towards the door.


"Hi Tiff!!" Hyoyeon smiled holding some fruits but someone is hiding on her back.


"Ohh, it's a miracle that you're the first one here.." Tiffany jockingly said it then she looked at her back and saw Sunny. "....Hi, you again t'was nice to see you! Come on.." Tiffany gestured for them to enter her apartment. Tristan looked at the two visitors who've just arrived. 


"You!! You're my hero!!" Tristan run fast towards Sunny and holds her both hands and keeps jumping. He was getting excited knowing the one who saves him was one of his Mommy's friends. While Sunny keeps on smiling having fun with Tristan's adorable reaction.


"Oh hehe you again, you better keep safe always kid.." Sunny replied trying to baby talk Tantan and ruffles his messy hair. Tiffany with a shock faced look at both of them.


"You're the one who saved him?.." Tiffany asked and suddenly bowed. "...Thank you so much for saving him and paying the bills at the hospital...I should pay you back.."  Sunny waved her hands.


"Na, uh...We're good Tiff! That's on me .." Sunny proudly smiled. While Hyoyeon surprisingly looked at her.


"Really??!! Tantan what can you say to your heroooo?" Tiffany baby-talked her son.


"Thank you so much for saving me my heroo..." Tantan cutely bowed. While Tiffany and Sunny eyesmiled looking at him.


"We shoud celebrate this!!" Tiffany loudly shouted at her house.




While all of them already at Tiffany's apartment they keep on checking Tristan if he's completely healthy now, sometimes they talk about life and catching up more on their businesses. Hyoyeon sit nearly at Sunny tried to get her attention by elbowing her arms.


"What DJ Hyo??.." 


"So you really paid the hospital bills? Or nah? Promissory note??" Hyoyeon whispered.


"Geez I'm your friend you should already know me..."


"Not really.." Hyoyeon suspiciously looking at her with one eyebrow raising. As far as she knows, she met Sunny just from the bar hiding to some thugs and working as a part time hacker on her small rental apartment that she didn't paid at all.


"Okay fine it's because of my current work...."


"Playing police?.."


"Sort of...."


"Sort of!?"


"Geez relax.....I'm still part of the national police as a partime, but I'm a full time on a big company from US and yeah they have a company here..." Sunny crossed her arms and smiled proudly on herself.


"Are you sure? You're saying like you're on a movie or on a story...." Hyoyeon furrowed her eyebrows.


"You didn't believe me friend??"


"Proof of purchase Sun...." Hyoyeon opened her hands looking for something.


"Tsk tsk tsk.." Sunny shakes her head and took her pocket and looking for something. ", that's  the card that they'd given me when they want my best skills! Hmmm 2 yrs ago?" Sunny handed it to Hyoyeon.


"KTP Corp...?"




Leeteuk woke up again but something is covering his eyes. He blindly shake his head. He felt that he's not on the same room now. The air of the room changes, it seems he's currently on a big office as he hears the AC and smooth carpet floor, it really seems familiar.


"Where am I?...." He whisperedly asked.


"You're back ....." Leeteuk hears that voice again, Mr. Park. He still didn't know what was their plan but hopefully his team already knows his whereabouts.


"I mean you're awake now, you've been sleeping for 2 days...." Mr. Park says but Leeteuk can't hear it clearly because of his condition. He hears Mr. Park's footsteps slowly walking behind him. 


"Smart enough to hide this for years....." Mr. Park quickly untied his blindfold. Leeteuk looked at his surroundings, but his vision was still blurry. He looked at his front and found a table and someone towards the table is someone sitting, looking at him. Leeteuk hardly locked his jaw while keeps on shaking again with anger and with wide angry eyes.


"Welcome back to your hideout Park Jeongsu...."

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Demima #1
Chapter 52: Uwuw jelly jello 😅
Chapter 52: Jelly tae and jelly fany hahaha
qiugui #3
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when is chap 51 pls
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