Chapter 21 (PA)

Pursuing Affection

Taeyeon's Office

"I'm gonna have a meeting with Horvejkul-Hwang partnership tomorrow. Then, after that I'm gonna meet you're just gonna go here?." Taeyeon holds her nape..okay, Bye Sica."

Taeyeon breath heavily and thought about the problems again. She opened her drawer and hold her family picture. "I really miss all of you. I'm having so many problems, sometimes I'm ready to give up but I still have a mission. I can do this, please watch me there." She touch the pic and trace every face of them and cry silently. After a few minutes, she get out of her office at 12 midnight. 

She headed home silently while listening to a song. When she was near to her house, she notice someone is standing at her front gate. His clothes was torn, black hat, shoes have holes. Then he put something at the front of her gate. Taeyeon slowly removing her seatbelt and horn her car and direct her car lights to him that makes the man startled and stared at her for 5 seconds then run fast as he can. Taeyeon felt that the man was having hard time running because of his posture, so she fastly starts her car and followed the man and trapped him in the corner of the street.

"Hey stoppp!!!" Taeyeon shouted. However, the man fastly hop on the front of her car to avoid her and continue to run to the other street.  "...Sheet he's fast". The man run to the other corner of the street while Taeyeon still backing her car and drove to his direction again. Sadly, when she turned right to his direction he was suddenly gone. Taeyeon get out on her car and run to every direction but she lost him. She goes back to her car and kick her tires while cursing multiple times. Getting her phone and calling her head guard.

"Mr. Choi, I'm sorry if it's just an hour you leave the house, please I want you to go back for a second. We have a problem.."


Taeyeon stared hard at the newspaper that currently open wide at her big table. It was her in a big picture and it's all about the Kim's company still being number one tech company despite the loss of the late great CEO last couple of months. However, blood stains again in her big picture. 'Hi Young Kim. You're too high but I can still reach you' was written with already dried blood. Taeyeon clenched her both fist. She felt scared and anxious again. Something is gonna happen again and she didn't even know what to do.

"Ms. Kim my men already spread out all over the town, but still they can't find the man that fits your description." Mr. Choi said while standing at her side.

"Tsk. Did you already posted some guards on my friends every house Mr. Choi?" Taeyeon checked her phone while trying to text her secretary.

"Yes Ms. Kim"

"Thanks Mr. Choi, I felt that something's gonna happen again." Taeyeon holds the bridge of her nose feeling depressed again of what will happen next.

"Ms. Kim I'm gonna double the guards around you." Mr. Choi suddenly suggested. Taeyeon looked at him confusedly. 

"I know you're thinking that maybe their next target is one of your friends but you should think about yourself Ms. Kim. You're the only one remaining Kim. So you're still the main target." Mr. Choi feel worried especially that he protected Taeyeon for 11 years. He's like her daughter now.

"Yeah, yes Mr. Choi." Taeyeon clasp her both hands and close her eyes. 'What do you want? Do you want to wipe the Kim's existence? What have we done to you? Who the heck are you?!' Taeyeon thought and slammed her both hands on the table. Mr. Choi's eyes flinched a little. Taeyeon weakly stands and slowly drag herself. 

"Mr. Choi I'm gonna sleep for a while..." Taeyeon walks slowly and stop "...give me a good news later" Taeyeon stared at Mr. Choi "..Please."

"Yes Ms. Kim" Mr. Choi reassured her.


A lady with her white cardigan and white skirt is sitting on a conference room alone. She's the first one who arrives too early for the meeting. The door suddenly opens, revealing Kim Taeyeon.

"Oh Good Morning Ms. Hwang" Taeyeon politely greeted her then headed to the center chair.

"Good Morning" Tiffany bowed a little then she sits back at her chair.

"You're too early Ms. Hwang. Where's Mr. Horvejkul?" Taeyeon started to ask to avoid the awkward atmosphere and started scrolling her tablet.

"He will be late today. He have an emergency meeting with the staffs. Just a bit of a problem, so I just come early. I don't want you to wait" Tiffany straightly explains and just looked at Taeyeon while saying it. While Taeyeon's eyes glance a little to see her, that causes the both of them to have an eye to eye contact for a second starting the awkward atmosphere. Taeyeon suddenly diverted her eyes back to the tablet. 

"Oh that's why.." Taeyeon try to reply 'Don't look at me like that' and she also thought. " should we just start this meeting?"

"Yes. By the way, he'll be here later"

"Okay...Ms. Hwang, I had already read your proposals about your company's clothing line trying to adapt and explore technology more by partnering our company..." Taeyeon stops and makes an eye contact again to Tiffany who didn't even diverted her eyes to other things but just on Taeyeon "...I really want to hear more personally on the project that you've mentioned on the proposal" Taeyeon looks back at her tablet and seat straightly while holding both of her hands.

"Yes. Actually, it's a great opportunity to take part on modern technology with our clothing line. About the project that was mentioned Nickhun really want to explain it to you personally. He's been preparing it for a month to present it to you.." Tiffany looked intensely at Taeyeon's calm eyes while explaining her side "..and I don't have a privilige to present it to you. I'm sorry Ms. Kim."

"It's okay Ms. Hwang. So we'll just gonna wait for him then? I'm really just curious about your project. Who's idea was it?" Taeyeon didn't look at Tiffany now cause she know that if she'll look again she'll do something she's gonna regret in her life, until now Tiffany still not stopping looking at her like she's looking at her soul. 'What do you want Tiffany?' Taeyeon thought.

"Actually, it was mine, then Nickhun added more ideas. So I let him came up a perfect project cause I know I'll trust him with this." Tiffany finally diverted her eyes on Taeyeon's tablet.

"Oh that's great. You two are a great couple to came up with a great idea. I'll never regret to meet your company." Taeyeon looked at Tiffany while smiling fakely.

"Uhm yeah thanks.." Tiffany bowed her head a little. She felt great that Taeyeon appreciate their ideas.

"Ms. Hwang what time will Mr. Nickhun will be here?" Taeyeon asked and keep touching her tablet. While, Tiffany checked her phone.

"He's on the lobby now."

"Okay good. Ms. Hwang-"

"Kim Taeyeon" Tiffany suddenly interrupted Taeyeon and looked at more on her eyes finding a connection and an answer. While, Taeyeon just frozed on her seat looking back at Tiffany. Her heart is beating faster and her eyes can't stop looking back at Tiffany's eyes. Those eyes that always that reminds her and giving her inspiration for the past years. She missed those eyes that always care for her and only looked at her in the past but now..


"Good Morning Ms. Kim" Nickhun suddenly open the door and interrupted their moment. "..I'm so sorry. I'm so very late" Nickhun bowed. Tiffany just looked at Taeyeon with a hurt eyes then look at Nickhun madly. She felt that Taeyeon's ready to open up again. While Taeyeon just stand to welcome the late Nickhun.

"It's okay Mr. Horvejkul. Please take a sit" Taeyeon then gestured to Nick to take a sit beside Tiffany. Then, Taeyeon lastly looked back again to Tiffany and they catch there both eyes again that causes them to awkwardly divert back to Nickhun.

'I think it's not time Tae' Tiffany thought.

'I think we never should have that time Fany-ah' Taeyeon thought.

"I would like to here your project Mr. Horvejkul" Taeyeon asked Nick.

After 3 hours of talking. The meeting is now adjourned. 

"Thank you so much Ms. Kim. I'm really glad that you considered us to be your partner on this great project." Nickhun smiled widely while shaking Taeyeon's hand.

"No, Thanks to both of you that I will be participating on a great project again" Taeyeon just smiled fakely while avoiding the eyes of Tiffany.

"Well we're lucky.." Tiffany said loudly. Nickhun chuckled. While, Taeyeon finally looked back at her again.

"Yeah, so see you next Miss Kim?" Nickhun stands.

"Yes, next week Mr. Horvejkul"  

After the couple left in the conference room. Seohyun comes inside, seeing Taeyeon holding the bridge of her nose again, like she's having a huge headache.

"So you didn't have the heart to reject them. I thought that's the plan Unnie"

"I didn't know what happen. I didn't expect that she's early. My plan just fired back" Taeyeon just smile sheepishly.

"Oh Unnie. I'm sorry. So what will you do now?"

"Just be a partner for them and I will keep my distance to avoid suspicion." Taeyeon breath deeply.

"Hope that works. By the way Unnie, why did you add a new undercover outside my house this morning?" Seohyun asked confusedly. Taeyeon stop scrolling on her tablet.

"Oh that..Just want to double the security. Just want you to be safe Hyunnie" Taeyeon holds Seohyun's hand.

"Did something happen Unnie?" Seohyun asked worriedly.

"Nah, everything's fine" Taeyeon just smile assuringly.

'Hope so..'


Tiffany and Nickhun is currently eating on a cafe just outside K-Tech. 

"I really thought she will reject the proposal" Nickhun said and looked at Tiffany.

"Why do you think so?" Tiffany stop munching.

"She's been rejecting to meet us for a couple of months. You didn't know that aren't you?" 

"I didn't know. I just knew that she was busy cause she have to double her work after Uncle Kim's death" Tiffany replied but confused why she just know this.

"Oh, yeah, maybe you're right..but she always replied busy when I messaged her. I'm so very glad that she accepted it now. Anyways..." Nickhun continue to talk while Tiffany seems not listening cause she seen a familiar car outside going to K-Tech's parking lot. 'Why are you here again?'

"Tiff?" Nickhun asked unknowingly.


"Kim Taeyeon I will just follow your decision." Jessica was sitting on Taeyeon's couch.

"Is it okay for you that we will announce it to the media? It's too risky know it." Taeyeon headed to her side and seat with her.

"I know, for the second time I will just follow your decision." Jessica holds Taeyeon's hand gently. "...wait, you didn't say something about your love life. Are you already taken? Cause I can't do this Kim Taeyeon if you are" Jessica raised her left eyebrow.

"What? Geez Jessica if I'm already taken I should have not help you" Taeyeon ridiculously stared at Jessica.

"Well, very good Kim" Jessica just winked at her.

"Jessica I'll just want to remind you that Yuri will really gonna explode after the announcement" Taeyeon reminded her again.

"I know, someday she will realize. Just wanna solve this problem first." Jessica assured.

"..And it's still dangerous to stick with me these days" Taeyeon remember the newspaper again and holds Jessica's hand tightly.

"Tae..I'm just really gonna stick with you if you want me safe" Jessica calms Taeyeon's hand. She felt that there's something wrong but all she can do is to comfort her.

"Did Mr. Jung asked you something or said something about our meeting yesterday?" 

"Actually about that. He's so very mad that I didn't tell him at the very first that I'm dating you and you're totally in love with me not Yuri which was really a big bad lie..." Jessica pinched Taeyeon's right arm.


"Why did you said that Kim Taeyeon?!" Jessica pouted.

"I'm really sorry about that. I just blurted it out without even thinking. I don't have choice his not listening to me and he's ready to walk out on me." Taeyeon just raised her hand with a peace sign.

"Aiishh I'm sorry that I drag you into this" Jessica breath deeply and just closed her eyes.

"Sica I just really want to help you. It's okay..So is it final? We'll gonna announce this?"

"Yes I'm ready Kim Taeyeon" Jessica said with determination. Taeyeon smiled sincerely. Suddenly her phone rings.

"Mr. Choi?..."

"We found him Miss Kim" Mr. Choi replied.

"I'll be there right now" Jessica observed Taeyeon's facial expression. She suddenly seems so very mad right now.


Taeyeon fastly walk to her desk and arrange her things ready to go out.

"Sica. I'll meet you again tomorrow. I have an important matter to attend...." Taeyeon goes back to her " it okay?" Taeyeon holds her hand again.

"You're really sweet right now. It's okay Kim. Just be careful" Jessica taps her both cheeks.

"Thanks Sica" Taeyeon smiled nervously.

'You better be safe Kim'



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Demima #1
Chapter 52: Uwuw jelly jello 😅
Chapter 52: Jelly tae and jelly fany hahaha
qiugui #3
Chapter 51: make tiffany jealous pls
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Chapter 50: Aaaaa finally my taeny😍
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when is chap 51 pls
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