The Start of New amazing Life

The Mysterious Savior
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In the morning Jinki woke up and saw a beautiful room. He was laying on the comfortable bed and he was wrapped in the blanket. He blinked a bit confusedly because he didn’t remember that his bedroom has this one. He slowly got up and looked at his pajamas. He didn’t even know these pajamas. But soon he heard footsteps, in fear he looked at the door and saw him. And when he looked at two beautiful eyes it hit him straight in his brain. He was in Jonghyun’s place! And Jonghyun woke up sooner than Jinki and made breakfast for them.

“Good morning, I hope that you slept well if you don’t mind it, I made some ham sandwiches with vegetables and also cocoa,” Jonghyun smiled and placed the tray on the nightstand by the side where Jinki was sitting.

“G-good morning, it is so nice of you…” Jinki smiled blushing, Jonghyun chuckled and pecked Jinki’s forehead and Jinki widened his eyes. “What? It is morning kiss, cutie,” Jjong laughed. “I am sorry… I am just so confused… it is the… first time… I woke up in someone’s bed,” Jinki blushed even more. “If it will calm you, we just were watching TV, kissed, drank juice, ate cookies and you fell asleep on my chest. In the morning I woke up with you snuggled by my side and you were hugging me. I talked to you, but you just turned around murmuring something and continued sleeping, you are so cute bunny when you sleep,” Jonghyun laughed and sat next to Jinki.

“Oh my… I am…” Jinki rubbed his eyes. “I am really… still in my dream… right?” Jinki blinked and squeaked when Jonghyun pinched him. “Believe now?” he laughed and kissed Jinki again when the older man pouted. “Yeah…” he blushed and looked at food. “We… should eat in the dining room, shouldn’t we? I… have to go to the café too… I still have to work,” Jinki said looking back at Jonghyun.

“Do you think that you have to? Mh, well, I will then go there with you and work, I just… caught you and don’t want to leave you!” Hyun pouted and Jinki sighed. “Fine, you can… at least we will get more money from you for our café,” Jinki smiled sweetly and Jonghyun laughed. “They should pay you a lot when you will have now a regular customer,” Hyun smirked.

“It doesn’t work like that… but thank you,” Jinki smiled softly.

Jonghyun Jinki’s cheek, smiled and they both ate. It was a quiet breakfast but no one complained. Jinki was still enjoying it and Jonghyun as well, Jinki might have some days breakfast with Minho and Kibum, but he didn’t have it with someone… whom he liked. Jinki couldn’t still believe it but as minutes passed… he felt it more.

“And… where do you have Roo?” Jinki smiled softly after he ate and drank everything. “She is outside, during the night she is sleeping at her place and during the day she is outside when it is not raining or snowing, she loves it a lot. I cuddled her before letting her out,” Jonghyun smiled softly and wiped his lips and fingers as well. “Oh… she is so cute,” Jinki smiled and Jjong chuckled.

“I will go and clean it, you can go in the bathroom, will you find it? It is the second door on the right from here, the first one is the toilette,” Jonghyun smiled. “Oh, I will, you took a shower last night, right?” Jinki smiled. “I did, you can go, I put there your towel which I picked,” Jonghyun smiled softly. “And also, I found one toothbrush, so you can do everything that you would like to and don’t worry about using it, act as home,” Jonghyun smiled and Jinki blushed. “Okay... thank you very much,” Jinki smiled, and with a blush, he kissed Hyun’s cheek.

Jonghyun chuckled, kissed Jinki’s cheek, and with the tray and empty plates with cups walked into the kitchen where he started washing it. He was already dressed up. He got ready his things and heard his phone. He blinked and looked at it, he bit his lip and picked it up.

“Hey, Tae?” Jonghyun smiled. “Good morning to you as well, Jonghyun hyung… The company asked me how far are you with your next book… I know that we have a

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2034 streak #1
Chapter 5: Can't believe it's the last chapter already... So glad to see them be happy together with all the misunderstanding resolved and stuff. Anyway, I had fun reading this ^^
2034 streak #2
Chapter 4: Aw just like I thought Jinki is angry. Poor Jjong though! Anyway, wonder how they will sort this out. Can't wait to read more and find out how it happens. But will be back later ^^
2034 streak #3
Chapter 3: Hahaha that tale though XD anyway, this was a nice chapter. So the mystery behind the unoccupied chair was solved. I suspected Jinki to unofficially reserve that place but Minho and Kibum did that too? That's kinda sweet. Anyway, will be back later to read more ^^
2034 streak #4
Chapter 2: Oho! Wonder how Jinki would feel when he finds out how Jjong has been paying his debts behind his back. Anyway, this chapter was cute. Can't wait to read more. Will be back later to do so ^^
2034 streak #5
Chapter 1: Ah so Jinki wasn't one of the blind dates! It was kinda nice to see them both flirt with each almost every opportunity they got. BTW, the scene after going to Namsan tower, was it after a few more dates they had? Or was it the same day Jjong took him home to make him bulgogi for lunch? I'm a bit confused about that part. Also, I hope Jinki gets more confident as time passes. Anyway, will be back later to read more ^^
2034 streak #6
Hello there, a new reader here! I came across this fic while searching for something interesting to read. But before I started reading this, I just wanted to check if it's alright with you if I read one chapter at a time and left a comment after. Hope to hear from you soon ^^