Now, I realize it

The Mysterious Savior
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His passion was always to wear something nice and comfortable. If he didn’t, he was feeling very unstable, he needed to feel fine, comfortable with everything that he was wearing on. And now there he stood, dressed up in black jeans with the nice light blue shirt. He was looking in the mirror. He bit his lip and smiled softly.

"You are cute, do you know that?" He chuckled looking at his reflection. "And not only cute but also y and hot, you are going to shine anyway," he winked at himself. “Fine, Kim Jonghyun, you have to shine anyway always,” Hyun tried his best to make himself confident.

Why? Well, today it would be his another blind date. He found one page on the internet which was meant exactly for these blind dates. But… It wasn’t going how he thought it would. The first date ended like a disaster. A blond-haired woman with long nails and also heels. Jonghyun thought the worst, he never liked women looking like that. And on that day, he also told his thoughts aloud and he still could feel pain in his left cheek every time he was thinking about it. Yes, he got a really hard slap on his cheek.

Since that day, he has been trying to make his thoughts only his thoughts and never told them aloud. The second date was a bit better. He met a pretty girl who was a bit taller and how much pretty she was, she was also too much arrogant. She was making disgusting faces whenever she thought that no one is watching her. But Jjong saw that and told her to wait for him outside. Then he just used the back door, thanks to one of the waiters who was working in the café.

The third date was set up with a young nice-looking man. Jonghyun was biual, he really didn’t mind with whom he would be. He just wanted to be with a kind person. But the man who came on the blind date was a bit younger than Jonghyun expected.

Jinki, the waiter in the café who was always here to help Jonghyun, had a plan how to help. He poured some of the wine he was getting for them on boy’s clothes. Yes, it was surely by “accident”. The boy was so ashamed that he even didn’t blame Jinki, blushed over the whole face, and ran away. Jinki was always right here to help Jonghyun or even listen to his struggles in life. Jonghyun then didn’t count how many other different dates he had. Were three, four, or five dates?

He wouldn’t tell because he didn’t know. And always it ended like a disaster. Today he had to meet a man who should be five months younger than Jonghyun. He hoped that it will finally work. Jjong took a taxi after leaving his house with his phone, wallet, and keys.

Jonghyun didn’t want to have a blind date close to his house, he wasn’t poor and also not so rich, but still… he was a really good writer, he was like an anonymous writer because he thought that bigger popularity would bring bad things and gold diggers, he didn’t want it so he just kept being like a nice-looking young successful man in his own business. And he wanted to stay like that till the day when he will get closer to his lover.

As soon as Jonghyun entered the café, he looked around and saw a man who was wearing clothes that his blind date told him that he will wear on this day. He was sitting on the chair with his back to the door, Jjong could watch him but not so well.

“Good afternoon,” he heard a soft whisper, he almost flinched and got startled but looked over his shoulder.

Behind him was standing a waiter with a cute smile, soft plush lips, amazing brown eyes, and so cute nose just like a bunny’s nose. His uniform was cute too and Jonghyun caught himself starring at the man behind him for a little bit more than he ever did.

“Good afternoon,” Hyun smiled softly and Jinki nodded with his jawline at the direction of the table.

“Yours another blind date?” Jinki smiled. “Yes… my another try… um, did you see him?” Jonghyun whispered watching the man’s back.

“I did, I already asked him for an order but he said that he is waiting for someone, do you want to check him more? You can go around and watch him from behind the counter,” Jinki smiled cutely.
“Oh, that would be really nice, I am… not sure, you know?” Jonghyun bit his lip and smiled, again, he watched the man’s back, he had a bit tiny shoulders and well, wasn’t looking from the back enough good for Hyun, maybe, Jjong should have to stop being so picky about his partner.

Jinki smiled and nodded. “I can understand you, you don’t want to get yourself burnt.”

“Yeah, exactly, it is kind of hard being in love when… ah, never mind,” Jonghyun smiled and walked around the café just to the back and then from the other side he hid behind the counter looking from the better angle at the man who was sitting by the table and was doing something on his phone. Hyun had the luck that the café where they were was really nice and big.
“So, what is your opinion?”

This time Jonghyun really flinched and almost squeaked but a hand covered his mouth. Jinki. Really. This waiter was following him probably everywhere! Jonghyun shook his head, smiled a bit, and looked back at the man. He had various feelings, he wasn’t sure. His heart wasn’t beating fast when he saw him. His heart was beating fast only in one moment… only in one moment today and it was... when he stepped in the café and was addressed… by him…

“I don’t know… I was expecting more,” Hyun blinked and sighed. “Maybe… I should stop being on that page and also stop wanting to be set up for blind dates, this doesn’t go as I thought it would,” he added shaking his head.

“Maybe if you try it… you will know more,” Jinki smiled kindly and rubbed Hyun’s shoulder, Hyun looked at Jinki’s hand, and then into two beautiful brown eyes, he had to blink a bit and got surprised by the heartbeat.

“Do you mean… to try it with this man? I don’t think… it will work… I don’t feel anything and… ah,” Jonghyun sighed and shook his head. “Well, one thing is right, from all of your dates is this mh…” Jinki rubbed his jawline and Jonghyun raised his eyebrows.

“On the scale from one to ten… he is the number five,” Jinki chuckled and Jonghyun smiled watching Jinki from toes to head. “You are then number ten,” he said and looked back at the male by the table leaving Jinki with widened eyes and opened mouth.

Jonghyun thought that he said it quietly and not hearable, but Jinki heard it well and his heart was on the race. On the race with his own brain. Was it the truth that he just heard? He had to pinch his cheek and bit his lip.

“Um…” Jinki rubbed his nape and Jonghyun looked back at Jinki blinking, did he really say it too loud?

Jjong sighed and took his phone. He texted that guy, thanks to some issues he just can’t make it here, he also texted that he is sorry but really, he doesn’t know when he will be able to set up another date. When he sent it, his blind date looked at his phone, frowned, and slammed the fist against the table. Hyun bit his lip when he saw another waiter walking to that guy and spoke to him. Jinki grabbed Jjong’s arm and pulled him back when the guy quickly walked out of the café.

“Ugh… he almost saw you,” Jinki muttered and Jonghyun still blinking looked at Jinki who smiled with red cheeks. “I-I… thank you… b-but you didn’t have to,” Jjong tried to find a confident voice and looked deeply into Jinki’s eyes which were really nice, no, the nicest he had ever seen. And he could tell that he had seen a lot of eyes’ types.

“Can I invite you for something? You have been always by my side, I think that we can… talk more only if you want and can make free time for me,” Jonghyun smiled softly and Jinki blinked looking at the side. “I… sure, why not,” Jinki chuckled and looked back trying to hide his red cheeks with a big bright smile that Jonghyun adored.

“Why not? Uh… well if you wouldn’t have time, then we won’t sit and I will hope that next time you will be free,” Hyun smiled softly.

“I don’t think that it will be a problem, just let me know what I should bring for you… or wait, American latte with a bit cinnamon and vanilla?” Jinki smiled cutely.

“Oh, you know it,” Jonghyun smiled happily. “Sure, you are here like for the thirteenth time ordering always the same,” Jinki giggled.

“Nice, thank you, cutie,” Jonghyun couldn’t help and Jinki’s cheek, Hyun really couldn’t help himself.

Jinki stood there. Frozen on the place where he was left by Jonghyun who walked to his seat. Yes, his seat, he loved the place next to the window and the piano the most.

“An Earth is calling Jinki, hey hyung, pick it up,” another waiter, Jinki’s co-worker, waved his hand in front of Jinki’s eyes. “Um… yes… Hey, I will take a pause for a while,” Jinki rubbed his nape.

“Sure, enjoy it,” the waiter chuckled and Jinki walked to make Jonghyun’s order going to him with the tray and placed it on the table. “You didn’t make anything for you?” Jonghyun blinked. “Um… that’s fine, I can just sit,” Jinki smiled and sat in front of Jonghyun.

“No, no, it is not like I imagined being in here with you,” Jonghyun smiled and waved his hand at the waiter. The waiter smiled and got closer. “What can I do for you?” he smiled. “Do you know your co-worker’s favorite coffee or latte?” Jonghyun smiled softly.

“Oh sure, should I take it here? I am sure what Jinki likes,” he smirked. “Nice, take it here, please, I will pay for it,” Jonghyun winked, the waiter smirked chuckling, and bowed. “Wait a minute, sir,” he smiled, and soon also Jinki had his coffee when he sighed.

“You are welcome and call me Jonghyun, I will be happy!” Jjong smiled cutely.

“Um… alright, I lost,” Jinki chuckled. “You did,” Jjong smirked and took his glass. “I am happy that you are here… you know it is somehow weird… you were always there when I just messed up all of my dates,” Jonghyun sighed.

“At least I always was here to hand you a helping hand,” Jinki smiled softly. “That is right!” Jjong chuckled. “I remember that one time when you spilled a soup on that woman’s dress just because she was talking and talking,” Jonghyun rolled his eyes.

“I have to tell you a truth… That time it was a real accident,” Jinki rubbed his nape blushing. “Was it? Are you sure with that?” Jonghyun laughed drinking his latte.

Jinki kept blushing. In the past incidents were just “incidents” but this one. It was something different. Other incidents Jjong accepted with happiness because his blind dates didn’t work fine.

“But tell me, how did you manage to scare away that one woman? When I asked you for help because I couldn’t stand her?” Jonghyun smiled softly drinking a latte. “Remember how much she forced you to sit at a no-smoking area? When you walked on the toilette… I told her that you went to smoke and she ran away,” Jinki smiled innocently and Jonghyun started laughing.

“Aha! That’s it! I guess it was an amazing sight when you saw her rushing away,” Hyun snorted. “It was… but one of your dates was closed down not because of me and not visible thing from you… what it was?” Jinki blinked.

“He got a message from his ex-boyfriend. I don’t exactly know what it was about but he stormed out of the café quickly. I suppose I was less attractive,” Jonghyun laughed. “Um… I wouldn’t agree with that, you are….” Jinki blushed and looked at his mug. “I am what?” Jonghyun smiled softly and took Jinki’s chin between his fingers.

“Y-you are… so nice,” Jinki blushed and lowered his eyes down. Jonghyun chuckled and smiled biting his lip. “Well, I have to admit that you are a lot of better man than were others,” Jonghyun smiled and took Jinki’s hand in his it softly. “I… I think… I have to… go,” Jinki blushed and bit his lip.

Jonghyun smiled sadly and placed his hand down. He was acting a bit in rush probably, he didn’t want to rush it.

“I am sorry…” Jonghyun sighed. “D-don’t… be sorry, please,” Jinki smiled softly. “It’s not your fault… I… have to get back to work, you know?” Jinki added and Hyun’s hand.
When Jinki left, Hyun found on his hand a visiting card. Jjong blinked in surprise and felt a warmth wave over his heart. He bit his lip and then paid for his order. He said goodbyes, glanced at Jinki who was just taking an order from some young couple and walked home.

“Jinki-ah, why didn’t you stay with that pretty man a bit longer?” Kibum chuckled when he brought another order to table seventeen. “I have to work… I don’t have any time for fun,” Jinki smiled, he knew how much he should work if he wants to pay for all of his debts.

“Hyung, it won’t be taken from your payment,” Kibum sighed and rubbed Jinki’s shoulder. “You know… I want to work with fairness,” Jinki smiled softly and Kibum sighed again nodding, he made his own way thinking about how he should help Jinki.

Jinki sighed and got back to his work. Waiters had a lot of work for today but still, two of them were in deep thoughts. Jinki was thinking about Jonghyun and Kibum about Jinki. Or more like about some solution.

Jonghyun got back home and he had a lot of thoughts. Was it the right thing? Maybe he should get back to his “blind date” thing. But he wasn’t sure. He knew that around Jinki he was feeling different. When he looked at his smile, at his lips and his eyes… but also… his was… Jonghyun slapped his forehead, hissed, and rubbed it. “You are such an idiot, why do you think about his ? Well… it looks really nice, but stop being a stalker,” Jonghyun muttered to himself and shook his head.

He wasn’t really feeling ready on one hand, on the second hand, something was seductive for him. Was it Jinki’s warm heart? Or his nice smile? It was hard for Jonghyun but he had to do something, he didn’t want to be alone. With a heavy heart, he fell asleep. He even forgot about the phone number which was on the card that Jinki gave him.


The next day in the café Kibum talked with Minho who was the boss’ son and also his and Jinki’s friend. They agreed on Jinki’s free time and also on one thing. They had to try to make Jinki and Jonghyun be together. Jinki came into the café and was working hard like always.

“Jinki, my dad told me that you should take a free time today, you can take it now if you want to,” Minho suddenly appeared next to Jinki. “Um… what? I… I can’t,” Jinki swallowed and shook his head.
“Hyung, you have a lot of days off saved, it would be bad if you lost it,” Minho sighed rubbing Jinki’s shoulder.

“Fine… but still… it will be weird, I had… a free time like… a year ago,” Jinki rubbed his nape. “See? You need it already!” Miho smirked and Jinki pouted a bit. “Fine fine…” Jinki chuckled. “Good boy,” Minho smirked and pinched Jinki’s forehead. “What are you planning to do?” Minho winked.

“Um… I really have no idea…” Jinki shook his head. “And what about that handsome man?” Minho smirked.

“He didn’t contact me, I don’t think-“ Jinki was interrupted by Minho’s serious look and his chin which nodded in one direction and when Jinki turned his head, he blinked because he saw him! “I think he wants to meet you face to face instead of contacting you, go on, hyung,” Minho chuckled and Jinki blushed hard.

Jonghyun really stepped into the café. He looked around, smiled at Kibum who was taking an order from one table but saw Jjong too and smiled widely at him, nodded as well, and turned his gaze back at their guests. Minho pushed softly Jinki who was standing like a pole or an upsilon! “Go hyung or should I walk you there?” Minho snorted and Jinki glared at him but looked back at Jonghyun who smiled at Minho and Jinki when he noticed them but then made his way to his favorite place.

Jinki took a deep breath and walked to the table. “Good morning, can I take your order? Today you are here before your blind date?” Jinki smiled softly thinking that Jonghyun found a blind date just in one day.

“Actually, I came here by the chance that you will have a free time or if not, I took here my work so I can watch you while you are working,” Jonghyun smiled innocently. “Jinki has the free time for the whole day if he wants to,” Minho, who was suddenly walking around them to the other table, smirked. “Good! Thanks!” Hyun winked at Minho chuckling and looked back at Jinki who was now trying hard to not catch more red cheeks. Jonghyun then looked back at Jinki.

“So… will you accept me today? When do you have free time?” Jonghyun smiled softly. “But you told me that you have worked here… I don’t want to make you busy,” Jinki bit his lip and Jjong chuckled. “I can work when I want to, I already have a lot of doing so it is easy to finish it… but I will understand if you won’t feel comfortable around me. I don’t want to make you uncomfortable,” Jonghyun sighed but smi

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2034 streak #1
Chapter 5: Can't believe it's the last chapter already... So glad to see them be happy together with all the misunderstanding resolved and stuff. Anyway, I had fun reading this ^^
2034 streak #2
Chapter 4: Aw just like I thought Jinki is angry. Poor Jjong though! Anyway, wonder how they will sort this out. Can't wait to read more and find out how it happens. But will be back later ^^
2034 streak #3
Chapter 3: Hahaha that tale though XD anyway, this was a nice chapter. So the mystery behind the unoccupied chair was solved. I suspected Jinki to unofficially reserve that place but Minho and Kibum did that too? That's kinda sweet. Anyway, will be back later to read more ^^
2034 streak #4
Chapter 2: Oho! Wonder how Jinki would feel when he finds out how Jjong has been paying his debts behind his back. Anyway, this chapter was cute. Can't wait to read more. Will be back later to do so ^^
2034 streak #5
Chapter 1: Ah so Jinki wasn't one of the blind dates! It was kinda nice to see them both flirt with each almost every opportunity they got. BTW, the scene after going to Namsan tower, was it after a few more dates they had? Or was it the same day Jjong took him home to make him bulgogi for lunch? I'm a bit confused about that part. Also, I hope Jinki gets more confident as time passes. Anyway, will be back later to read more ^^
2034 streak #6
Hello there, a new reader here! I came across this fic while searching for something interesting to read. But before I started reading this, I just wanted to check if it's alright with you if I read one chapter at a time and left a comment after. Hope to hear from you soon ^^