
She Calls Me Darling

"You really like this one, huh?" her mom said while Irene watched her make the food.

"I think she's the one, mom."

"Hahaha, what makes you think that?"

"I dunno. I just really like her a lot, and I know we'll be great together."

Only Irene Bae would say something like that so boldly, and even her mother knew that her daughter could be like this. ONe of these days, she hoped her daughter would learn some humility because that boldness was probably going to get her into trouble sometime. 

"Tell me about her."

Irene thought her mom might be apprehensive about this type of a relationship, but frankly, her mother was just glad irene finally found someone who could tolerate her. 

"She's quiet and sweet, and she has a good head on her shoulder," Irene rambled. "She also works really hard, which is good becuase I know she's not a gold digger. AND we're buying the company she works at so i'll get to see her all the time- "

At first, Mrs. Bae was enjoying listening ot how happy Irene was just talking about this new and first time love interest. She was worried taht her daughter was going to end up a lonely old spinster. "I hope you aren't buying that company just because of Wendy," her mother said.

"Oh no. The owner of that company needs money so that's why we agreed I would buy it and expand my business."

"Don't you think there would be conflict of interest having your girlfriend as an employee?"

Irene shrugged. "I'll just place her in a different departmnet. If need be, I'll just fire her and highly recommend her elsewhere. But I like WEndy's work ethic so I'm sure she'll be useful."

"Don't let her hear you say that."

"I didn't mean it like that. I like her work ethic, and I want to see her all the time."

Mrs. Bae shook her head. Her daughter didn't quite know the ropes of dating since she spent her time all study no fun, and now all work and no fun.


"Wait, you're going on another one so soon?" Joy said. 

"YEah, she wants to show me her vacation home or something."

Joy's jaw dropped. "Irene is just bulldozing through the phases of a relationship! You'll probably be married next week!"

"Funny you say that. She mentioend that yesterday."

If Joy's jaw could drop even more, it may have just unhinged and completley detached itself from her skull. "Irene is really into you. But knowing you, you can't just give in."

"Da fuq? I already told her it's too fast to consider marriage."

Joy slapped her friend on the shoulder. "HAH! Good on you for putting her in your place. Before, you just let her swing you around and kiss you whenever. You, Wendy, have to show her the boundaries and...well, that you're hard to get."

Wendy gave her a weird look. "I don't want to turn this into a k-drama romance."

"oh? but it already is." JOy linked her arm with Wendy's and began dragging her off to the nearest food place. "I gotta show you the ropes, babe!"


Wendy watched as the scenery changed from teh city to unfamiliar territory. Irene really was loaded, she mused as she looked out at the houses and the area they were in. This place was damn nice and definitely a place for wealth people.

They arrived at their destination, a private beach house with a whole beach to themselves?!

Goddamnnnnn, Joy would be wild out of her wits. Irene was ing loaded...was irene trying to impress her with this? Wendy was more shocked and uncomforatble because she felt like this was really too much.

But, she tried to be on the postiive. Irene must be trying to avoid public eye so they can have a nice peaceful date without any interruptions.


The beachhouse was big, and wendy didn't know what she was expecting. The living room had a huge sliding door looking out at the beach, a patio complete with patio table and chairs and sofa for louging under a huge umbrella. There was a second floor where the bedroom was, and it als llooked out over the beach and had a veranda as well.

A huge flat screen sat across from teh bed and Wendy wondered if Irene evne watched TV at all.

"What do you think?" Irene asked.

"Um..it's very nice." Wendy was too afraid to touch anything with her peasant hands.

"Darling, don't be so nervous. My house is your house. Please feel at home here," Irene wrapped an arm around her waist and led her to the kitchen. "Something to drink? Water? Coffee?"



It was kind of wierd sitting together at the patio drinking water and not something more exciting like in a more normal social setting. Wendy wasn't much of a drinker anyway, but Irene also chose to drink water too. She was sure that older woman probaly wanted to drink something more social like alcohol, but didn't...?

Ah, thinking too much again, she said. try to enjoy it.

"I have something important to tell you," Irene said out of the blue whiel Wendy spaced out at the crashing ocean waves. 

Wendy gave her a questioning look, half expecting something like her plans for today but...

"Im buying the company."

"Which company?"

"Yours. The one you work at."

"oh. Ok."

Irene stared at her and Wendy stared back until she got uncomfortable and had to lose the staring contest. "So...what happens then?" Wendy continued.

"Sehun won't be your boss anymore."

"Oh...so. Am i being fired?" Wendy asked.

"Waht? Why would you say that?" Irene spluttered. 

"I mean...isn't this going to cause conflict of interest?" Wendy replied. "We're in a relationship and you're higher authority. I don't think people will react to that well."

"..." Irene seemed troubled and her face darkened as she looked away.

Did I ruin the date? Wendy thought worriedly.

"Well in that case...you're fired," Irene finally said like it was so easy. "I'll just send you the paperwork on Monday. Do you want to live with me?"

"What?" Wendy nearly chocked.

"I can provide for you while you're unemployed."

"Irene, this is too much. I don't need your money." Wendy knew she had to draw the line now. Irene was seeing herself as like the bread and butter bringer in this relationship adn Wendy felt like she was being coddled too much now. "I'm really happy that we're together but I don't need you to be a hero."

Irene gaped at her. "I'm just trying to help."

Wendy immediately felt bad for her sharp tone and her heart sank. I ed up. "I...I know. Sorry, I just don't want you to spend so much money on me. It's not comfortable for me."

Irene wa silent for a moment and Wendy thoguth that this was it. The date to edn all dates.

"I don't know how to act normal," Irene said in a defeated tone. "I've just been working and working. This is my first time meeting with someone that isn't strictly business."

"I just shot my shot,' Irene continued. "So...that's why I really went in...for you. Cuz that's what they said to do."


Irene looked like she wanted to bite back her words, and stammered. "Oh...friend...."


That night, they had takeout from the local restaurantand watched a movie sort of, but Irene was fidgety and Wendy felt wierd sitting on the bed iwth Irene. Their earlier convo kind of messed up the atmosphere but both were trying not to let it get to them.

Irene finally turned it off and announced she would wash up first leaving Wendy to her own devices.

At that moment Wendy got a text from none other than JOy.

J: How's it going? You and bae hitting it off ;P

W: shut up. we just ate dinner and watched a movie.

J: oohhhh, you staying over?

W: yeah. but nothing like what you're thinking.

J: lol. someday you'll do it and tell me how good it felt.

Wendy rolled her eyes and closed her phone. She flopped down on the bed and stared at the ceiling. the fresh ocean air wove in through the curtains and it was actually relaxing now. 

She wondered where she would find her next job. She'd been working at this palce for a couple years and now that Irene was her girlfriend, she didn't want there to be any trouble being employed by Irene. 

The latter finally returned looking fresh and beautiful with her dampened hair and clothes Wendy would never imaigne IRene in. She was wearing normal night wear, but Wend ywas so used to seeing her in business attire.

"I'm glad you're comfortable," Irene told her and sat on the bed next to her. "The breeze from the ocean really helps calm me whne I'm stressed."

Wendy supposed that it explained the reason for the date being at this place. Although, if it were anyone else, she probably would have turned down the idea to be alone together where no one can see them.

"Good night darling." Irene placed a gentle kiss against her forehead and Wendy felt every part of face burning with shock and embarrassment. 



hi yo another pdate before i go poof again. i procrastinated but whne i open the doc, i just can't write anything helpppp, ughhhh i'm dead. 

ok bye. 





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I'm keeping the video game and will not buy any other game until May when I'm done. unless steam has a huge sale for like 80% off hahahahaha. jk.


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Favebolous 14 streak #1
Chapter 1: Re read again
Chapter 10: Could it be because of Irene pulling some strings? Or Eunbi is someone she knows or she's a competitor?
2077 streak #3
1701 streak #4
Chapter 1: I'm bookmarked this to read later~
WluvsBaetokki #5
Chapter 10: Oooh somethings brewing... Eunbi being her new boss... feels like a jealous bunny would come out
Riscark #6
Chapter 10: I ain't gonna lie, I kinda forgot what's happening since it's been too long, but I get the gist of it. I wonder, could it be Irene pulled some string to help wendy get her new job?
blanketlove 93 streak #7
Chapter 10: yay thanks for updating!! im still here
Leo0209 #8
Chapter 10: Is irene jealous? Is something else happening? When is wendy gonna find out? I’m curious!
2077 streak #9
Chapter 1: Thanks for the update!
luisainer #10
Chapter 9: I really like this fic looking forward to new updates so you awesome