
She Calls Me Darling

Jisoo could only wish that that was how the exchange went between her and Irene. Her boss was such a y bossy cold woman.

Heres what actually happened:

Her best friend Jennie just happened to be the secretary working at the company that Wendy worked at. Jennie also tried to work at Irene's company but was rejected by Irene herself without even having an interview. Jisoo was not even Irene's secretary. She was the secretary's assistant. 

Yep, she made up the whole scenario in her head. She would never in a million years call Irene an old spinster, and definitely not poke fun about that random girl Irene brought to the big event.

"She's a goody two shoes," Jennie told Jisoo once. "She alway works and works."

"But...that's a good thing right?" she replied. 

"i guess." 

There really wasn't anything much to hate about Wendy until now. 

For a while, Jennie had a huge crush on Irene, which was also the reason why she signed up to apply for the job opening. Jisoo was only able to ladn a job here because seh applied for a lower level position.

All that aside, jennie assigned jisoo to this mission: to find out Bae's secrets in the hopes Jennie could become a better love candidate.


"Miss Bae, how are you?" Jisoo said. "I'm here to pick up the assignments."

"YEs, thanks," Irene said and handed over the folder. "Please give this to him."

"Thank you." Jisoo took the folder and paused wondering if she should try to shoot her shot for Jennie. "Um..."

"Do you have something on your mind? I need to be at a meeting in ten."

"O-oh...i just wanted to ask how thie dinner went?" Jisoo replied. "I heard..."

Irene shook her head. "No time for idle chit chat. Please be on your way."

Damn. Irene didn't evne give her a chance. Well, they weren't even close to begin with.

Mission not accomplished, but Jennie really had wierd taste in women. Dominant, distant, but probably warm once you get to know them...

Jisso took out her phoen once she reentered her office alone and scrolled through the pictures that were taken at the big dinner. They looked very close, too close.


"WENDY HAHAHA!" Joy laughed and shoved her phone in her friends face. "OMG YOU'RE ON BIG NEWS HAHAHAHA!"

"what?" Wendy suqinted at the screen adn her jaw fell to the floor when she saw the pictures and the article. 

It was her. and Irene. Sitting together. Very close. OMG.


"Hell yeah!" Joy punched her fist in the air. "Wendy, Irene is sooooo into you. She invited you to some big deal party, and youre both the talk of the century. Did she finally ask you out?"

A million questions poured out of her friend's mouth, but Wendy was too shooked to pay attention as her eyes scanned over the media.

SHe hoped no one at work caught wind of this, but how could they not? Irene Bae was big talk anywhere, and Sehun was seeking her guidance. She could only imagine what people were going to be saying, esepcially with teh picture chosen to be featured to the public.

As expected, the next day at work, sehun burst into her office looking a mixture of various emotions. 

"Wendy, why didn't you tell me?" he demanded.

Wendy was in the middle of a phone call so she was completely caught off guard. "Hold on a moment please," she said to the other person on the line and pressed the hold button before turning to Sehun. "I'm in the middle of - "

"Wendy, this...this is excellent. HOw did you do it?" 


"This is gonna make our sales rocket. Irene Bae is our catalyst. Do you see what i mean?" He continued on while Wendy was left dumbfounded. "Keep doing what you're doing ok? Maybe I"ll even promote you."

"But it's not - "

"I am so blessed!" he breathed. "i've got a meeting at 2pm so could you please clear out my schedule for today? I know I hd a previous engagement, but this one's an emergency."



After that conversation, Wendy began to feel doubtful of this whole 'thing' with Irene. Surprisingly, Irene hadn't been showing up lately after that dinner. Wendy knew she shouldn't be thinkign about Irene, or was it ok? She really wasn't sure what they were. Irene was so mysterious and wierd. One moment she shows up adn then gone the next. But irene did hold a lot of power so it was probably ok that she was so whimsical.

Wendy still couldn't help but wonder what was going on. Maybe Irene had gotten tired of her now. After all, the latter had been consistently seeing her during work hours.

"Thank you for being my plus one tonight," Irene told her whne she brought her back home. 

"Thanks for inviting me," Wendy replied.

Irene looked pleased and squezed her hand. "Listen, I..." But then she seemed a bit puzzled and shook her head. "Nevermind, I...I have to go. I'll be seeing you."

And because seh was slick Bae, Irene quickly leaned in for a quick kiss before walking away. Only after casting one last backward glance and raising a hand in farewell.

"b...bye...?" Wendy waved her hand and then let it crumple to her side. 


"Thinking about Bae, eh?" Joy caught her spacing out the next time tey had lunch together. 


"Oh come on. You have'nt been the same since the dinner. Tell me waht's going on, brrrroooo!" Joy propped her chin in her hands and leaned forward eagerly.

"Agh, it's nothing. I don't even wanna think about it," Wendy waved her hand in denial.

"You sad she's not coming to see you anymore?" Joy pressed.

"No. I...it's just Sehun thinks it's all part of some big agenda for the companies."

Joy was deifnitely caught off guard then. She had been expecting something on the romantic problems, not work. 

"Maybe he's right. I mean, Irene just suddnely disappeared. Even at the end of the dinner, we finished the night on an awkward note. Maybe she wanted to tell me it was all for show."

"But did she say it?'

"no. She stopped herself."

Joy tapped her chin thoughtfully. "Maybe you need to pursue her now." All ideas of what could happne rushed throuhg her head and she became an excited mess. 

Like a real k-rama.



hi, i updated again. happy new year in case i disappear again. 

thanks for sticking around w/ me. stay safe and see ya on the flip side :)

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I'm keeping the video game and will not buy any other game until May when I'm done. unless steam has a huge sale for like 80% off hahahahaha. jk.


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Favebolous 14 streak #1
Chapter 1: Re read again
Chapter 10: Could it be because of Irene pulling some strings? Or Eunbi is someone she knows or she's a competitor?
2077 streak #3
1701 streak #4
Chapter 1: I'm bookmarked this to read later~
WluvsBaetokki #5
Chapter 10: Oooh somethings brewing... Eunbi being her new boss... feels like a jealous bunny would come out
Riscark #6
Chapter 10: I ain't gonna lie, I kinda forgot what's happening since it's been too long, but I get the gist of it. I wonder, could it be Irene pulled some string to help wendy get her new job?
blanketlove 93 streak #7
Chapter 10: yay thanks for updating!! im still here
Leo0209 #8
Chapter 10: Is irene jealous? Is something else happening? When is wendy gonna find out? I’m curious!
2077 streak #9
Chapter 1: Thanks for the update!
luisainer #10
Chapter 9: I really like this fic looking forward to new updates so you awesome