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Baekhyun was on the way to his car when it happened. A kind of dread he had never felt before overcame him. It made him stop in his tracks. He scanned the driveway, but his sharp eyes didn’t find any intruders or threats anywhere in the vicinity. Clenching his jaw, he gazed back at his home. Something wasn’t right. He couldn’t explain the eerie sensation, and it made him restless.

He had been about to pick Yoonhee up from work; maybe he should get in his car and ignore the odd feeling. Perhaps the stress of the past weeks was getting to him… After all, he had been in a constant state of alarm due to the vampire attacks all over town. Baekhyun sighed, crossed the gravel path, and approached his car. However, when he noticed movement from the corner of his eyes, he stopped abruptly and turned his head. A dark green plant sprouted from the grass next to him, growing until a flower bud appeared. He furrowed his brow as he watched the odd scene.

“Yoonhee?” he mumbled and looked around. “No, it can’t be.” She wasn’t here, he would have sensed her heartbeat and fragrance, but the flower growing before his very eyes was real, and she was the only one who could do such a thing. The flower revealed its soft pink petals, and Baekhyun realized it was a camelia, Yoonhee’s favorite. He was in awe at the sight—had she sent this to him? He hadn’t known it was possible. Crouching, he took a closer look at the camelia, but when he attempted to touch it, a change occurred. The pink petals lost their vibrant color. It faded as the flower wilted and all of its petals died, floating down on the ground. He caught one last petal, then the camelia was gone as if it had never existed in the first place.

Terror struck him like a sledgehammer. He connected the dots in a blink—the strange sensation from before hadn’t been his imagination. Something had happened to his soulmate, and his instinct had warned him. This camelia must have been her last desperate attempt at contacting him. She was in danger, and he had to act fast.

Had she been dead already, he would have felt it—soulmates always knew when the other half of their soul was gone. So at least he still had a chance to get to her. Baekhyun did not look back. His body shot off like lightning. He didn’t bother taking his car as it would take too long. Reaching her was crucial, it was vital. The shapes and colors of his surroundings blurred as he pushed himself to run faster and faster. The wind ripped at his clothes, but he didn’t care. He pushed himself to his absolute limit and jumped from roof to roof with one destination in mind. She had to be at her flower shop.

Its bright façade caught his eye from afar and he took one last leap from the edge of a roof, landing on the pavement before he rushed through the door. His bloodred gaze scanned the inside of her shop within a second, and as soon as he realized she wasn’t there, he his heels. Relying on his nose, he caught her scent and pursued it. Her fragrance was mixed with the smell of her human employee, so they must have left the shop together. Yoonhee’s faint scent led him through random streets and he wondered why she had come here.

Baekhyun reached a busy street where Yoonhee’s scent disappeared without a trace—she must have entered a car right where he stood. “!” he hissed and looked up and down the street. People stared at him, hurrying past him. The cars’ fumes burned in his sensitive nose as if to taunt him. Too ing slow. His soulmate was gone.

Baekhyun's mind was blazing as he thought of a way to get to her. She had left no trace, it was as if she had vanished into thin air. How the hell should he ever find her at this rate?! Nobody had seen—he paused and his eyes widened a fraction. Then he was running, searching for one particular person. Her scent was easy to miss since it wasn’t as pleasant as Yoonhee’s, but he was a natural at hunting people down, so it merely took him two minutes.

The human woman had collapsed in a heap on the sidewalk, half-hidden behind a parked car. Her shoes were soaked from the rain and her make-up ran over her cheeks, mixing with her tears. Pitiful hiccups, a sniffle. She clutched Yoonhee’s dagger in her shaking hands. The human was too occupied with herself to hear Baekhyun’s approaching footsteps, although the sound of his heavy boots was loud. He stopped right in front of her, staring down at the only witness, the only clue he had. And finally, she raised her head. The horror he read in her gaze confirmed his suspicion—she had seen something… and it must have been gruesome, too much for an ignorant human to handle.  

“You’re… Baekhyun? Y-Your eyes!” She hyperventilated and looked like she was about to vomit. “They’re just like his.”


She pressed her hand on . “He a-and that thing had red eyes too… Are you a monster just like them?”

“Get up, we need to talk,” Baekhyun demanded. When she didn’t react fast enough, he clicked his tongue, grabbed her wrist, and pulled her up. “Listen, I know this is a lot to take in. You don’t know what’s happening and you just experienced something terrible, but you have to get yourself together. Yoonhee’s fate depends on it.”

The woman’s glossy eyes became impossibly wide. “Can you help her?”

His fang dug into his lower lip. “I hope I can, but I need your help. You have to tell me what happened. I need to know exactly what you witnessed.”

She leaned against the brick wall behind her and rubbed her teary eyes. “Yoonhee and I were delivering an order in the neighborhood and on the way back, this thing appeared. It attacked us and she stopped it somehow? I’m not sure what she did, but it suddenly turned to dust. That’s when a man with red eyes appeared. He seemed to know Yoonhee…”

A string of curses left his mouth along with a guttural growl that prompted Siyeon to freeze. She took a deep breath, wondering who the hell her boss really was and why she was acquainted with such weird and dangerous people.

“Yoonhee told me to run, s-so I did. When I heard her scream from afar, I got worried and returned to see if I could help, but she was gone. They were both gone. I don’t know where he took her.”

“Did you hear his name?”

“N-No, but I know what he looks like,” she whispered, full of fear. “Black hair, a dark gray coat… and a very narrow chin. I could… recognize him if I ever saw him again.”

“I see,” Baekhyun muttered, scowling since this didn’t help much. Regardless, he would notify the council and his clan. They had to find Yoonhee before it was too late—she was in mortal danger. Baekhyun was sure that the murderer of her parents was behind this. Since the vampire had recognized Yoonhee, this was the only explanation that made sense to him. Baekhyun was furious. It took all of his strength to hold himself back, otherwise, he might have punched a hole through the wall next to the human.

“Give me her dagger,” he demanded and held out his hand. She hesitated, but the impatience in his tone made her change her mind. He took the dagger, carefully avoiding the blade and only touching its hilt. The pungent stench of wolfsbane and vampire blood hung in the air. His soulmate must have hurt the bastard—good.

“What is he? A-And what are you?” the human stuttered.

Baekhyun figured he might as well tell her the truth—it was too late for damage control anyway. “We’re vampires.”

She nodded as if she had expected as much. “What are you going to do now? Will you find her?”

“I won’t rest until I do.”

Baekhyun didn’t have time to waste, so he took his leave. This human was not in any danger, she would survive—Yoonhee on the other hand… What awaited her with the murderer of her parents? He didn’t dare to think about it since it was too horrific. However, Baekhyun already knew what he would do to the bastard if he ever got his hands on him, and it wouldn’t be pretty. Anyone who dared to hurt his soulmate would face his rage. Baekhyun wouldn’t let him get away with this.

Beneath all the anger that originated from his instinct to protect his partner, he was worried. Baekhyun had a sinking feeling in his stomach, fearing that he wouldn’t reach her in time. What if the vampire hurt her so badly that the damage would be irreversible? Even though she had overcome her fear of vampires thanks to Baekhyun’s help, facing the murderer of her family all alone had to be dreadful. Baekhyun wasn’t there to comfort or protect her, and he despised himself for it. He should have been her shield.

Due to his superior speed, he reached his home within minutes and rushed inside, calling everyone’s names. His sudden and hasty arrival alarmed the rest of the clan, even more so when they didn’t sense Yoonhee anywhere even though she should have been home already.

“What happened?” Junmyeon asked the moment he saw Baekhyun’s ferocious glare.

“Yoonhee is gone.” It was only three words, but Baekhyun could hardly verbalize them. His voice sounded like a snarl. “The vampire we’ve been looking for attacked her and her employee while they were at work. I found the human not far from the shop. Yoonhee fought the vampire all alone… I think we’re dealing with the person who killed her parents.”

It was a lot to take in. The vampires at first couldn’t believe it. Shocked silence spread through the room until Yerin broke it. “What? Yoonhee was… abducted? Are you serious? She must be so scared, I can’t even imagine!”

“We have

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Spellbound is now completed. 🌼🌺🌻 Thanks for your support throughout the time I worked on this story. Your kind comments were a huge motivation for me. 🥰


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745 streak #1
Chapter 38: 😈😏😈😏😈

It's on my list! 😉👌

745 streak #2
Chapter 37: 😈😏😈😏😈

Chapter title: Red Camellia

I am glad to see that Boah changed the rules and that society was now much safer as the rules have become stricter. Witches and wizards deserve to live a safe and happy life without looking over their shoulders and waiting for a vampire to appear and ruin their lives. 👌👏 It's also nice to see that Yoonhee stayed in touch with the others and that new friendships developed. *smiles* ^^ Life is getting back to normal and some lessons have been learned the hard way, but it was needed. 👏👌 Yoonhee is back on track and it's good to see her at the flower shop again and doing what she loves! 🥰 She even visited her parent's grave. 👏👍 As always, Baekhyun is the sweetest with his nicknames. *chuckles* 🥰😍

Ah, the start of the second scene got me chuckling! 😂 They almost spilled the beans but they were adorable as well! 😂😅 Anyhow, moving on, Baekhyun does know how to make a surprise and it always melts Yoonhee's heart. The proposal was romantic and done in the right kind of way. It will surely be a new chapter in their lives! 😍🥰

Hehe. Of course, it was normal that he would tell everyone about his plans and I must say, they were all happy about the two. 🥰 And as always, Baekhyun is protective of her, but I swear, it's the sweetest and cute side of him! 😍🥰Anyhow, it was time for Yoonhee to have some fun! 👍👏👌

OMG! The fourth scene was even more adorable and I just loved the girl's time together picking out a dress! As always, it's fun to see them teasing each other, but at the same time, they cooed over the cute couple! 🥰😅 As for Yoonhee, of course, Baekhyun is her everything. Hehe. 🥰😍😉👌 And his buttercup is everything to him! 😉👌

Ah, preparations are always the hardest as they require a lot of time, effort, and attention, but in the end, it's all worth it. ^^ After all, the beautiful dress, braid, matching flowers - the venue, etc - it all sounds dreamy. 🥰😍 Ah, Yoonhee is officially a part of the Byun family! 👏👌

Hehe, the final scene had quite a finale and I loved it! Sweet and y and the same time! 😍🥰😉👌


I agree, ending the story like you did, was a good choice and it fits well! 😉 Ah, they probably will have kids. 😉
Yeah, it's always sad when we have to part ways with a story, but everything has its start and its end, doesn't it? 😭 But either way, I loved it from the very beginning to the very end. There were many ups and downs, but that was exactly what kept the story interesting. Every character had a story to tell - good or bad - and it was all nicely put together. I can see that you put in a lot of effort and time into it and you did a fantastic job! 🌹💗

Now, to answer your other two questions.

Favorite scenes:

There are many of them, but if I had to choose, it was their first meeting and their first date. It still melts my heart just thinking about it (but, as I said, there are so many scenes that I loved!) 🌹💗 Every single one was special!

What do I think about the ending:

It matches perfectly because the two deserved their happily ever after! 💗🌹🥰😍

Thank you for this beautiful masterpiece! 🥰💗🌹

745 streak #3
Chapter 36: 😈😏😈😏😈

Chapter title: Myosotis

Before I start to comment on anything, I first have to say that this chapter was one hell of a chapter! 👏👌😉 You did an amazing job on the action scenes and I loved how to combined all of them and how they worked as a team. All for one and one for all! 👌👏 Now, going back to the topic, I am glad to see Yoonhee facing her fears. I can imagine that it wasn't easy, as the latter in question brought a lot of pain to her and surely changed her life. *sighs* But in the end, she showed him that she wasn't afraid anymore and she showed him what she could do. 👏👌 Was I a bit surprised? Oh, yes, because I never expected her to have that kind of power in her, but then again, she's a witch and she anger. Anger is a mysterious feeling and at times, it can surprise us all, right? 👏👌 Anyhow, the idiot got what he deserved and everyone was saved! Now it's time to sit back and relax. *sighs in relief*

OMG! The final scene melted my heart! I swear, they are an adorable couple! They both deserve a happy ever after! 🌹💗

Hehe. I will be looking forward to reading the final chapter. 😉🥰 I freaking loved the chapter! (Then again, nothing new because I love this fic! 🥰😍) Thank you for another great chapter! 🥰💗🌹

745 streak #4
Chapter 35: 😈😏😈😏😈

Chapter title: Holly

OMG! OMG! OMG! This whole chapter was thrilling, and I loved that it kept my attention the entire time. I was on the edge of my chair and the team worked together to save Yoonhee and the others! 👀 I must admit that this chapter brought tears to my eyes as well when Bakehyun and Yoonhee reunited! 😭 The state in which Yoonhee saw Baekhyun pretty much sums up the whole situation. They were away from each other and for Baekhyun it brought him to a bad state, but soon after they reunited, Yoonhee's blood fixed it all! 💗🥰😍 But was the day saved? Oh, no. The action had just started and I was happy to see that Yoonhee was in for the fight! 🥰👌👏😉 Go Yoonhe! Go! 😉👌👏 Those idiots need to learn their lesson and heck yes! The boss is in the house! 👌👏 Time to roll! 👌👏😉

I am looking forward to the next chapter! 😉 Thank you! 💗🌹

745 streak #5
Chapter 33: 😈😏😈😏😈

Chapter title: Calla Lily

Sorry, I have been so busy that I barely had time to read or write, but now I am back! ^^ It's time to continue this one! 😊

The first scene was quite tense and kept my attention the whole time! 👀 Everyone is doing their best to find Yoonhee and I must say that I love the teamwork. In cases like these, seeking help from the higher-ups (as I like to like it), is a must, and if they can't, then no one can! >.< Before I comment on anything else, I have to say that I love Boah's appearance here and she fits the role well! 👌👏 Her personality and her demeanor are just off the charts. 😉👌👏 Even though Baekhyun isn't someone who should know about the stone - Boah was kind enough to explain things to him and Baekhyun also learned that the idiot had already broken plenty of rules and it's time he pays! 👀 Also, another good thing is that ANYTHING is allowed this time! 😉👌

Things are heating up, there is no doubt about that! The team had gathered and it was time for action! 👌👏 Shall I call it war? Oh, yes. Let's face it, the idiot is prepared for anything, and so are they. Something tells me it won't be easy (I hope to be wrong here... but...), but it's now or never. 👀 The clock is ticking and every lost second is as precious as gold! 👀 Boah was a HUGE help here and she even managed to find the location where he was hiding! YES! 👌👏 GO TEAM BOAH! 👌👏

The last scene was thrilling and that cliffhanger is quite something! 👀 Things are about to go down, but the hope of being saved is now visible to everyone!

Thank you for this amazing chapter! 🌹🌹💗

745 streak #6
Chapter 32: Chapter 32: 😈😏😈😏😈

Chapter title: Cornflower

The place where they are being kept is freaking awful! -_- I feel sorry for the males and that no one was looking for them because no one wants to stand up against the century-old vampire clan. UGH! I mean, in a way, I can understand, but in a way, I can't because I believe when there is a will, there is a way! >.< Anyway, also because of the history between witches and vampires and how vampires only use witches, I can understand why the males were surprised when Yoonhee told them her soulmate was a vampire, but at the same time, it goes to show that not all vampires are the same and that there is hope to save all of them! 👏👌 I loved the part where they worked as a team, and with her magic, they managed to send Baekhyun and the others a message! It doesn't mean the nightmare is over, but at least it's a move and the buyers know what to do next! Time is running out, there is no doubt about that! 👀😣

The freak doesn't stop, does he?! >.< This scene was eerie and once again I couldn't believe it! -_- He is going after his goal, and nothing is stopping him so far! Time is of the essence here and YoonHee is holding hope... Hope does die last... but still! Things are getting more and more complicated with each minute! 👀

You said it was hard because of the number of characters you used, but you did an amazing job and I loved it! Thank you for the great chapter! 🌹💗

745 streak #7
Chapter 31: 😈😏😈😏😈

Chapter title: Cyclamen

OMG! The first scene kept me on the edge of my chair the entire time! 👀Before I comment on anything else, I LOVE THE WAY YOU DESCRIBED THE FEELING THAT BAEKHYUN GOT! 👀 Now, going back to the topic of the situation that is going on. Anyone in Baekhyun's shoes would be frantic, especially after the flower signal! 👀His worst fears were also confirmed after the latter who was with Yoonhee told him what had happened! 😡👀As for the latte,r it was a shock to learn that Baekhyun was a vampire, but unlike the one that took Yoonhee, Baekhyun can be trusted! Anyhow, time is running out and five days pass fast, so hopefully they will find her! 👀

Yoonhee's point of view in the second scene broke my heart! 😭🙁 First, she is going through pain, second, she has found out the truth as to why he needs her powers, and not only hers, for that matter! Damn that guy and his plan. 🙁😭👀😡 But I must say, I love how you used the stone and how you combined it with this story. 👌👏 (I am guessing you are a Harry Potter fan ^^)

Aside from going crazy, he will probably do whatever it takes to find her!

Thank you for the great chapter! 🌹💗

745 streak #8
Chapter 30: 😈😏😈😏😈

Chapter title: Buttercup

Ah, and Yoonhee finally met Taemin. I must admit, the vampire is pleasant and they got along pretty well. As for the council that was mentioned, they are doing their job well, but then again, this is an urgent matter and not some silly joke. 👀 Either way, I also loved the cute moment you added for Baekhyun and Yoonhee, it made me chuckle, especially the reactions of others! 😅😂 Plus, there is a dance class! *chuckles* But the ending of the first scene once again shows Baekhyun's devil's side. 😡

And that day arrived when Baekhyun tells her more about his past and how he joined the clan. Patience is a virtue, there is no doubt about it and it also goes to show that Baekhyun trusts her and she has nothing to worry about. 🥰 At the same time, it's hard to talk about one's past, and that is also okay, but on the other hand, opening up to a person one loves is nothing bad. 👏👌 I am glad that Baekhyun did! 👌👏 I just love how their relationship is developing and getting stronger with each day and moment! 🥰👌👏

The Devil never sleeps, does he? *sighs* Danger always lurks and the third scene pretty much sums that up! 👀 Yoonhee did put up a fight and I was freaking right! My theory was freaking right! That IDIOT CAME BACK FOR HER and opened up some old wounds! I do not like the ending of the last scene as it is a major hanger, but things are seriously taking a dangerous turn! 👀

Thank you for another great chapter! 💗🌹

745 streak #9
Chapter 29: 😈😏😈😏😈

Chapter title: Azalea

It's no wonder that she dreamt of that idiot (it's the 'nicest' word that I can find without cussing him out). Even before the mysterious deaths, he was her nightmare, but now, it's like she is getting a sign and it's freaking her out! 👀 Thankfully, Baekhyun was there and she shared her dream with him, but the latter is no better in terms of worrying. This is seriously no joke, but at the same time, at least things will soon be settled and the mystery as to why they want her power will be finally explained, I also agree with Baekhyun - she shouldn't leave the house without the weapon she was given! 👌👏

The second scene was a bit more relaxing. 😊 Baekhyun will be Baekhyun and always worry, but that place is still safe as she is not alone! 👌👏 The girls are there, and the clan members patrol around by accident or not. 😉 Either way, it was a cute scene that made me chuckle, especially when they called her Buttercup. *chuckles* 😂🤣

OMG! This is a new side to Baekhyun! Yoonhee hasn't even met Taemin, but he is already jelly! Okay, I get it, he already knows him, but still! I swear this scene made me laugh, but Yoonhee is sneaky, trying to seduce Baekhyun and all. 😉 *smirks*

Hmm, the last scene is tense and it makes me wonder. 👀 Is that the vampire in question? My hunch is telling me yes... things are becoming eerie! 👀

I am looking forward to seeing what happens in the next chapter! Thank you for another great chapter! 💗🌹

I have already subscribed to Re:start and I can't wait to read! 🥰😍

745 streak #10
Chapter 28: 😈😏😈😏😈

Chapter title: Petunia

No matter how often one goes to the in-laws (future or already), it's never easy and it's only normal to feel a bit stressed out about it. But, I am sure that things will go well, like last time! 😉👌 After all, they have already accepted her, so it's all fun and relaxation! 😉👌 Anyway, moving on to the next topic, the news. Honestly, the scene started in a relaxing matter, and then BOOM. The news of murder and not just any kind of murder! The victim's blood was out! 👀🤬 There is only one vampire that comes to mind... 👀🤬

As I mentioned earlier, things went smoothly with Baekhyun's parents and they did. 💗🥰 Heck, they prepared everything she might need, including a wedding dress that is a gift from them to her! OMG! 🥰💗 They are marvelous and to make everything even better, and to show that they do care about her security, they made sure to prepare a weapon for her. I do agree with them, she is safe with the amount of vampires around her, but one never knows, so some extra protection is a good thing! 👌😉👏

The meeting with the council (I'll call it that), which in a way reminds me of Aro and his council from Twilight (Yes, I'm a big er for Aro and Jane 😅😂), but they are not, here we have some other members and I am amused in a positive way. 😉👌👏 They learned a lot, but at the same time, some questions have been opened and I must say, things are heating up again. 👀 There are many theories and the guys need to work fast and put a stop to it, or them before it's too late. 👀😖

As always, Baekhyun is her protector, but yeah, his mood swings can be noticeable, but it's understandable since the danger is lurking! 😖👀🤬

To answer your question about theories - There is only one vampire that comes to mind and it's the one from Yoonhee's past. 👀😖

Thank you for the lovely chapter! I am looking forward to seeing what happens next! 💗🌹
