Black Dahlia

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[CONTENTID2]Chapter Twenty-Three[/CONTENTID2]


TW: chapter contains non-consent.

Yoonhee held her soulmate’s hand as they talked to the other clan members. Although their conversation didn’t flow as naturally as she was used to, it was entertaining and distracted her from the hostile vampires inside Aeri’s mansion.

At least, until something strange occurred. She sensed a shift in the atmosphere, an anomaly that disturbed her peaceful aura. For a brief moment, her magic was thrown off balance. Yoonhee frowned, unable to place the eerie and foreign feeling, but her attention was quickly diverted when Baekhyun grimaced and tensed.

“What’s wrong?” she asked concernedly.

“My head… hurts,” he whispered, touching his aching temples.

“Do you need fresh air? The balcony is just over there. I’ll accompany you,” she offered. Her smaller hand found his and squeezed reassuringly. She was there for him.

“Okay,” he breathed.

“Will you be fine?” Junmyeon asked somewhat worriedly, having observed their exchange. Yixing also appeared on guard since it was peculiar for a vampire to get a headache out of nowhere, but he figured that the reunion with Aeri was stressing him out.   

“Yes, don’t worry. We’ll be back in a few minutes,” Baekhyun answered and didn’t resist when Yoonhee guided him to the balcony. She pushed the ajar glass door open, finding the area outside empty and illuminated by moonlight. Cool night air welcomed them, a pleasant breeze accompanying it. She glanced at the stars before her soulmate gained her full attention.

“You’re probably stressed, Baek. I will use a spell to ease the pain for a while. You’ll be just fine in a second.”

Contrary to her expectation, he did not answer her. She was puzzled by this since Baekhyun was typically quite interested in her magic and eager to see it. She could have sworn his eye color changed, but it was hard to tell in the dim moonlight. The ethereal blue looked like a murky green all of a sudden. A bad feeling spread through her stomach. Had she just sensed a hint of dark magic in him?


He squinted at her as if he couldn’t see clearly anymore. His hand slipped from her gentle hold. When he took a step back, she became alarmed. “Tell me what’s wrong. Maybe I can help you!” she insisted. Panic manifested in the pits of her stomach, making her feel nauseous. The traces of dark magic she had sensed were now gone—but something wasn’t right.

His blank stare went right through her as it moved back and forth, searching for something… or someone. The edges of his lips curved down when he did not find it.

“Baekhyun, darling!” the shrill voice of Aeri interrupted. “I’ve been looking for you!”

The vampire reached the balcony and immediately clung to Baekhyun like a leech, pushing her cleavage against his arm. Yoonhee clenched her hands into fists, glaring at the shameless woman. Caught up in her rage, she didn’t notice Baekhyun’s alarming stupor. He didn’t fight Aeri’s advances like he used to.

“Don’t touch him!” the young witch snapped, not caring to be polite. She was on edge.

“Be quiet, lowly human! It’s time you learn your place,” Aeri shot back in a rude and aggressive manner. Her fangs glinted in the moonlight, but Yoonhee refused to back down despite the obvious threat.

“Let him go!” Yoonhee hissed. “Leave Baekhyun alone already!”

“Shut up!” Baekhyun’s sudden words made her freeze. His voice rang in her ears, so cold and detached, like he was speaking to an annoying child and not to his soulmate who he cherished. “Don’t yell at Aeri. She is a vampire, so you have to treat her with respect,” he demanded, lowering his tone to a threatening snarl.

“W-What?” Yoonhee stammered. Her heart was stabbed by tiny needles as the unbearable pain of betrayal spread through her chest. Blindsided and hurt by his behavior, Yoonhee could only watch as he followed Aeri back inside, intertwining his fingers with hers.

“Baekhyun, what… what are you doing?” Yoonhee whispered. Frustration overcame her. This was not like him. He had never threatened her like this. Not a single time throughout their entire relationship had he treated her badly. Baekhyun was not like this. Something weird was going on, and Yoonhee had to find out what it was.

With her heart thundering in her ribcage, she lifted the fabric of her floor-length dress a little and hurried back inside the hall. She had lost sight of Baekhyun, so she dodged a few vampires and found her way through the crowd. Her eyes searched for her clan members, wildly jumping from face to face. She garnered curious looks, some of them leering and thirsty. Yoonhee was a rabbit surrounded by snakes. Nausea and panic mounted. She wanted to be with Baekhyun. Without him by her side, it felt like a piece of her soul was missing.

Finally, her distraught gaze was captured by Chanyeol who made his way through the crowd to reach her. His confused expression turned into a scowl. “You shouldn’t be alone,” he reminded her. “Where is Baekhyun?”

She didn’t want to cry, but it was hard to contain herself, so she wrapped her arms around his torso and hid her face in the fabric of his black dress shirt. “I don’t know,” she whispered. “He left with Aeri.”

Chanyeol sighed, patting her back. “Let’s go back to the others first. Then we can talk.” He took her hand, making sure she didn’t get lost a second time.

The other clan members had realized something was off even before Chanyeol and Yoonhee arrived in their midst. A sense of agitation hung in the air. “Why is Baekhyun not with you?” Yerin asked, mostly out of concern for her friend who was so pale that she looked ill.

“Something’s wrong with him. He yelled at me before he left with Aeri. I don’t know where they went and I’ve never seen him act like this.”

“Why would he leave with her?” Chanyeol growled under his breath. “He despises her.”

Yoonhee couldn’t answer his question. She herself tried to figure out a solution while fighting the pain that ate through her heart. From the moment Baekhyun had mentioned a strange headache, everything had gone wrong. Just what could have caused it? Was it the dark witch’s doing? Yoonhee hadn’t seen her yet, but she was sure the witch lingered somewhere nearby. If her dark magic somehow hurt Baekhyun, Yoonhee would—

Her train of thoughts was abruptly cut off. The other clan members stopped whispering and stared in the same direction. She followed their gazes, spotting Baekhyun. He made his way through the crowd towards them, and Aeri was not far behind. Everything about him screamed ascendency. The worst was his gaze. So cold and unfeeling, merely looking at him made her sick to her stomach. This uncaring expression reminded her of Sooyoung which left a stale taste in . An old, seemingly buried fear came back to light. Yoonhee felt very, very uncomfortable under her soulmate’s glare.

Baekhyun shouldn’t be like this. It was completely absurd, and Aeri’s presence at his side only aggravated Yoonhee’s turmoil. The blonde vampire smiled victoriously. She didn’t hide her contempt for her rival.

“What’s the meaning of this, Baekhyun?” Junmyeon asked. His posture exuded authority, though Yoonhee saw through his façade. Deep down, he felt betrayed and confused by the unexplainable change in one of his closest friends.

“As of today, I will no longer be a member of your clan,” Baekhyun announced without hesitancy. Not even a hint of regret was discernible in his face. Just pure derision. “I will stay with Aeri instead.”

“Are you insane?” Chanyeol snapped, his fiery temper surfacing. He wanted to shake him, slap him, do anything that would make him come to his senses. Baekhyun’s behavior was ridiculous and Chanyeol refused to believe their friendship meant nothing to him. But Baekhyun didn’t even look at Chanyeol. His eyes remained on Junmyeon, uncaring and apathetic.

“Tell me why,” Junmyeon demanded. “Why so suddenly?”

“I’ve been contemplating this for a while.”

“You don’t really expect me to believe this.”

“I don’t care about your opinion,” Baekhyun said, making Yoonhee flinch when his stare hit her once again. “You will stay here with me.”

“Do you have any idea what you’re doing?” Kyungsoo spoke up, horrified. “She is not safe with this clan! You can’t be so ignorant as to believe she would be—”

“Why would I care? She’s merely sustenance to me.”

And with that, Yoonhee’s heart broke into tiny pieces. Her chest constricted. She felt like she couldn’t breathe as a wave of panic and betrayal rolled over her. The tears pricking at her eyes were hard to hold back. It hurt so bad—perhaps it hurt even more than the vicious attack of the vampire many years ago. Baekhyun might as well have torn her heart out from her chest.

“You are condemning her!” Kyungsoo shouted. Their altercation had long since drawn the attention of the crowd. The hall had gone silent safe for their angered voices.

“This is none of your business. Our soulmate bond doesn’t allow me to let her go. Otherwise, I would have,” Baekhyun snarled.

Aeri watched the argument with a growing smile. Her hand trailed over Baekhyun’s arm, holding on to his hand. When his fingers closed around hers, she felt triumphant because she finally had him all to herself. Aeri’s demeaning gaze pierced a dazed Yoonhee.

“Well, what’s the problem? Didn’t you hear him?” Aeri giggled and made a dismissive gesture. “Hurry and leave! You’re not welcome here any longer.”

As soon as these words left , her clan members’ attitudes changed. They showed open hostility to Junmyeon’s clan, cornering the nine vampires and Yoonhee who held on to Chanyeol’s hand. She was in disbelief. Her life had gone off the rails within a few minutes. Baekhyun was the only person who had gained her full trust, even though he was a vampire… and where had it led her?

She couldn’t understand why he had changed so much in so little time, but she had a suspicion in mind. If it was true, then Baekhyun was in grave danger.

Junmyeon assessed the situation with narrowed eyes. Since his clan was outnumbered and at a disadvantage, he could only surrender. A fight was a risk he did not wish to take. “We will leave,” he announced. “Baekhyun, I hope you reconsider your decision. You’re always welcome to return.” Baekhyun’s stony façade did not waver. He held Junmyeon’s gaze for a moment. Then, Junmyeon turned away.

“But she stays here!” Aeri reminded them icily.

“ you, like hell we will let her stay,” Chanyeol growled back and tugged Yoonhee closer to him. If Baekhyun didn’t want to protect his soulmate, then Chanyeol would take care of it. She was part of his family, and therefore he treasured her.

“What was that?” Aeri smirked. “I don’t think you have any authority in my residence.” She snapped her fingers. Her clan members moved faster than lightning, using brute force to steal Yoonhee away from Chanyeol. They overwhelmed him with their numbers.

“Hurt her and I will kill you!” Chanyeol shouted as his explosive temper flared. Junmyeon sent him a warning stare.

“You won’t see her again,” Aeri countered.

Two vampires flanked Yoonhee, holding her upper arms in a bruising grip. She groaned in pain but lacked the resolve to keep fighting. Her spirit was crushed—Baekhyun’s words weighed heavy on her mind and heart. As

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Spellbound is now completed. 🌼🌺🌻 Thanks for your support throughout the time I worked on this story. Your kind comments were a huge motivation for me. 🥰


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736 streak 0 points #1
Chapter 32: Chapter 32: 😈😏😈😏😈

Chapter title: Cornflower

The place where they are being kept is freaking awful! -_- I feel sorry for the males and that no one was looking for them because no one wants to stand up against the century-old vampire clan. UGH! I mean, in a way, I can understand, but in a way, I can't because I believe when there is a will, there is a way! >.< Anyway, also because of the history between witches and vampires and how vampires only use witches, I can understand why the males were surprised when Yoonhee told them her soulmate was a vampire, but at the same time, it goes to show that not all vampires are the same and that there is hope to save all of them! 👏👌 I loved the part where they worked as a team, and with her magic, they managed to send Baekhyun and the others a message! It doesn't mean the nightmare is over, but at least it's a move and the buyers know what to do next! Time is running out, there is no doubt about that! 👀😣

The freak doesn't stop, does he?! >.< This scene was eerie and once again I couldn't believe it! -_- He is going after his goal, and nothing is stopping him so far! Time is of the essence here and YoonHee is holding hope... Hope does die last... but still! Things are getting more and more complicated with each minute! 👀

You said it was hard because of the number of characters you used, but you did an amazing job and I loved it! Thank you for the great chapter! 🌹💗

736 streak #2
Chapter 31: 😈😏😈😏😈

Chapter title: Cyclamen

OMG! The first scene kept me on the edge of my chair the entire time! 👀Before I comment on anything else, I LOVE THE WAY YOU DESCRIBED THE FEELING THAT BAEKHYUN GOT! 👀 Now, going back to the topic of the situation that is going on. Anyone in Baekhyun's shoes would be frantic, especially after the flower signal! 👀His worst fears were also confirmed after the latter who was with Yoonhee told him what had happened! 😡👀As for the latte,r it was a shock to learn that Baekhyun was a vampire, but unlike the one that took Yoonhee, Baekhyun can be trusted! Anyhow, time is running out and five days pass fast, so hopefully they will find her! 👀

Yoonhee's point of view in the second scene broke my heart! 😭🙁 First, she is going through pain, second, she has found out the truth as to why he needs her powers, and not only hers, for that matter! Damn that guy and his plan. 🙁😭👀😡 But I must say, I love how you used the stone and how you combined it with this story. 👌👏 (I am guessing you are a Harry Potter fan ^^)

Aside from going crazy, he will probably do whatever it takes to find her!

Thank you for the great chapter! 🌹💗

736 streak #3
Chapter 30: 😈😏😈😏😈

Chapter title: Buttercup

Ah, and Yoonhee finally met Taemin. I must admit, the vampire is pleasant and they got along pretty well. As for the council that was mentioned, they are doing their job well, but then again, this is an urgent matter and not some silly joke. 👀 Either way, I also loved the cute moment you added for Baekhyun and Yoonhee, it made me chuckle, especially the reactions of others! 😅😂 Plus, there is a dance class! *chuckles* But the ending of the first scene once again shows Baekhyun's devil's side. 😡

And that day arrived when Baekhyun tells her more about his past and how he joined the clan. Patience is a virtue, there is no doubt about it and it also goes to show that Baekhyun trusts her and she has nothing to worry about. 🥰 At the same time, it's hard to talk about one's past, and that is also okay, but on the other hand, opening up to a person one loves is nothing bad. 👏👌 I am glad that Baekhyun did! 👌👏 I just love how their relationship is developing and getting stronger with each day and moment! 🥰👌👏

The Devil never sleeps, does he? *sighs* Danger always lurks and the third scene pretty much sums that up! 👀 Yoonhee did put up a fight and I was freaking right! My theory was freaking right! That IDIOT CAME BACK FOR HER and opened up some old wounds! I do not like the ending of the last scene as it is a major hanger, but things are seriously taking a dangerous turn! 👀

Thank you for another great chapter! 💗🌹

736 streak #4
Chapter 29: 😈😏😈😏😈

Chapter title: Azalea

It's no wonder that she dreamt of that idiot (it's the 'nicest' word that I can find without cussing him out). Even before the mysterious deaths, he was her nightmare, but now, it's like she is getting a sign and it's freaking her out! 👀 Thankfully, Baekhyun was there and she shared her dream with him, but the latter is no better in terms of worrying. This is seriously no joke, but at the same time, at least things will soon be settled and the mystery as to why they want her power will be finally explained, I also agree with Baekhyun - she shouldn't leave the house without the weapon she was given! 👌👏

The second scene was a bit more relaxing. 😊 Baekhyun will be Baekhyun and always worry, but that place is still safe as she is not alone! 👌👏 The girls are there, and the clan members patrol around by accident or not. 😉 Either way, it was a cute scene that made me chuckle, especially when they called her Buttercup. *chuckles* 😂🤣

OMG! This is a new side to Baekhyun! Yoonhee hasn't even met Taemin, but he is already jelly! Okay, I get it, he already knows him, but still! I swear this scene made me laugh, but Yoonhee is sneaky, trying to seduce Baekhyun and all. 😉 *smirks*

Hmm, the last scene is tense and it makes me wonder. 👀 Is that the vampire in question? My hunch is telling me yes... things are becoming eerie! 👀

I am looking forward to seeing what happens in the next chapter! Thank you for another great chapter! 💗🌹

I have already subscribed to Re:start and I can't wait to read! 🥰😍

736 streak #5
Chapter 28: 😈😏😈😏😈

Chapter title: Petunia

No matter how often one goes to the in-laws (future or already), it's never easy and it's only normal to feel a bit stressed out about it. But, I am sure that things will go well, like last time! 😉👌 After all, they have already accepted her, so it's all fun and relaxation! 😉👌 Anyway, moving on to the next topic, the news. Honestly, the scene started in a relaxing matter, and then BOOM. The news of murder and not just any kind of murder! The victim's blood was out! 👀🤬 There is only one vampire that comes to mind... 👀🤬

As I mentioned earlier, things went smoothly with Baekhyun's parents and they did. 💗🥰 Heck, they prepared everything she might need, including a wedding dress that is a gift from them to her! OMG! 🥰💗 They are marvelous and to make everything even better, and to show that they do care about her security, they made sure to prepare a weapon for her. I do agree with them, she is safe with the amount of vampires around her, but one never knows, so some extra protection is a good thing! 👌😉👏

The meeting with the council (I'll call it that), which in a way reminds me of Aro and his council from Twilight (Yes, I'm a big er for Aro and Jane 😅😂), but they are not, here we have some other members and I am amused in a positive way. 😉👌👏 They learned a lot, but at the same time, some questions have been opened and I must say, things are heating up again. 👀 There are many theories and the guys need to work fast and put a stop to it, or them before it's too late. 👀😖

As always, Baekhyun is her protector, but yeah, his mood swings can be noticeable, but it's understandable since the danger is lurking! 😖👀🤬

To answer your question about theories - There is only one vampire that comes to mind and it's the one from Yoonhee's past. 👀😖

Thank you for the lovely chapter! I am looking forward to seeing what happens next! 💗🌹

736 streak #6
Chapter 27: 😈😏😈😏😈

Chapter title: Red Salvia

It's nice to see Yoonhee back in her flower shop now that the ugly chapter in their lives is over, well, two ugly chapters. Sooyoung and Aeri. 👌👏 As always, Yerin is such a lovely girl, always willing to help and Yoonhee sure has a good friend in her! 👌👏 The shop was well-prepared, all that it's missing are a few final touches, but that's something that Yoonhee will do with her powers! 😉👌 But now it was time to sit back and relax with the crew! 🥰

Aw, work does seem fun and it's good to see that it is back in action! 😍🥰 Heck, she even has help and that gives her more time to spend with Baekhyun and the others, and that is great! I must admit that this scene had a bit of everything, friendship, teamwork, and love, and at the same time, at one point it was a bit tense as well because of the vampire that Baekhyun sensed, but Yoonhee got it under control. 😉👌 But who could blame him, right? He wants to protect her, but at the same time, I agree with Yoonhee, they don't need the attention. 👌😉 I also loved their sweet moment in the second scene and how he knew exactly what flower to give her! 😍🥰

And the last scene was as adorable as ever! 😍🥰 The two know how to spend quality time and their moments are priceless! 😍🥰

This chapter was sure as hell relaxing and I just loved it! (Minus the vampire part in the second scene!) Thank you for another amazing chapter and I am looking forward to seeing what happens next! 🌹💗

736 streak #7
Chapter 26: 😈😏😈😏😈

Chapter title: Pink Camellia

OMO! 👀 The first scene got me on the edge of my chair as Seulgi finally set her plan into action! And I am happy about it! I will be honest and say that I was a bit skeptical about her as I wasn't sure if she could be trusted or not. 👀 Anyhow, she removed the cast off of Baekhyun and made things crystal clear as she was the one who wanted to end Aeri's life and finish her clan. 👌 True, I agree with Baekhyun that it spares him the trouble, but at the same time, Seulgi's move is bald and it does have a death wish, but it seems that she has it all planned out and she gave heads up to Baekhyun. 👌 Hopefully, Baekhyun and Yoonhee find each other soon and get the hell out of there! 👀😮😫

Yoonhee did good, even though all the efforts she put in were probably stressful for her, heck, ever since they two ended up in that place, things have been crazy and hectic! *sighs* >.< But thankfully, the two found each other and managed to escape! 👌👏 The fact that Baekhyun and Yoonhee are blaming themselves for not fighting stronger is also okay, but at the same time, it's not their fault. Aeri played dirty, using others to get what she wanted, and not it was time for her to pay! 👌👏

It's good to see the whole clan together again! 👌👏 Of course, they were all worried and the questions coming their way were quite understandable, I mean who wouldn't ask, right?! 👀 Baekhyun managed to explain the whole situation to the clan and I agree with one of the clan members - don't piss off a witch - or something along those lines (it cracked me up 🤣😂), and as much as the situation is serious, I can say that Aeri is now in the past and that it was time to move on and forget about her. 😉👌 It was time to rest. 👌

The last scene made my heart melt because of the two! 🥰😍 It's good to see them together again! 🥰😍 I adore them, I swear! 🥰😍

The ending Aeri got was well-deserved and yes, her chapter is done, but the story continues. I am curious to know what happens next, but as always, I have to share my theory on how I think the story might continue. *chuckles*

Here it is: Yoonhee's ex is out of the picture and so is Baekhyun's. So the ONLY thing remaining would be the vampire from Yoonhee's past. 👀

Thank you for another lovely chapter! 💗🌹

736 streak #8
Chapter 25: 😈😏😈😏😈

Chapter title: Poppy

I can understand the frustration, but Kyungsoo is right. This is not something Baekhyun would do unless someone mixed their fingers into it and cast a curse/spell on him. *sighs* But of course, there are more questions to be asked than answered and the boys are left in an uncomfortable position. *sighs* >.< Aeri was trouble from the get-go. -_-

Poor Yoonhee. 😭 She is aware of the whole situation and the fact that she can't escape without him and that it's also not a safe move either way. >.< 👀 But at the same time, despite what happened to Baekhyun, Yoonhee can see the struggle inside of him and it gives her hope. After all, they have a bond that can't be broken! I don't like Aeri's clan and the people around Yoonhee... they give me the freaking creeps! 👀😖

It only goes to show the positive impact Yoonhee has on Baekhyun. He might have forgotten her name, but the familiarity she brings is warming for him and it makes him want to protect her - pure example when the voice called Yoonhee a wh*re, his instinct just rose and I loved it! 👌👍 What I didn't love was what happened next when Aeri showed up. -_- The punishment was painful and once again, it was back to square one! 😭😖🙁😯🤔 At the same time, it showed Seulgi that his willpower was strong, but it also showed the power of the curse... *sighs*

The fourth scene started in a calm but eerie way at the same time! 👀 In the place where Yoonhee is, there is no such thing as a peaceful morning or time. -_- Things only got worse from that point on and Yoonhee found herself in danger - I swear that was a CLOSE CALL! 👀 Baekhyun came in to save the day, showing that he does have emotions, and the small conversation he had with Yoonhee, gave her confirmation about it, but things were cut short as Aeri stormed in. UGH! 😡🤬 That woman! 🤬😡

The last scene and the deal... It's a cliffhanger alright! 👀😯

Ah, with Seulgi, one never knows, but we'll see. 👀

Anyhow, I loved the chapter and I am looking forward to seeing what happens next! 💗🌹

736 streak #9
Chapter 24: Chapter 24: 😈😏😈😏😈

Chapter title: Black Dahlia

I don't know where to start with this scene, but before I say anything, I must mention the eerie feeling and strange vibe it gave me from the get-go! 👀😖 They all knew that woman was trouble and despite being careful - making plans and solutions in advance - NOTHING could have prepared them for what happened IN A MATTER OF MINUTES! 👀😖 First, it was the headache and then it was the appearance of Aeri and Baekhyun's sudden change of behavior! It's clear as day that some dirty tricks were used and they all saw it, but I don't like this situation at all until they come to the bottom of it all. >.< 👀😖 I do like how Chanyeol and the others were there to protect Yoonhee... but sadly, there is not much that they can do and the poor latter has to stay in a new clan... a dangerous clan. 😖👀 No. No. No. NO! Baekhyun, snap out of it! You have to snap out of it! 👀😖 Poor Yoonhee - her world has crashed at this point... *sighs*

Seulgi... *squints eyes* I am not sure what to think. >.< Remembering the last chapter I thought that she was going to make Aeri's night to remember and not the other way around... (but I'll stop here with the theories as the scene was short and I might be in for a surprise!) 👀

This is not happening. This is not happening. >.< I honestly can't believe it! Aeri is in the lead and now she is using Baekhyun for her pleasure, although, I am impressed with the fact that he keeps getting warnings in the form of a voice in his head, so it means that not all hope is gone. 👀 But at the same time, the ending of the third scene is NOT GOOD! >.< 👀😖

The last scene broke my heart! 😭😭😭

I am looking forward to Yoonhee's POV and what happens next! 😉👍👌

Thank you for another great chapter! I enjoyed every single part of it! 🌹💗

736 streak #10
Chapter 23: 😈😏😈😏😈

Chapter title: Black Rose

OMG! There is no such thing as an uneventful or normal morning in that mansion! *chuckles* As much as she wanted to hide their little 'action' from last night, it was impossible. 😅 But as much as it was embarrassing for her, it cracked me up! 🤣 Especially her friend, who wants the juicy details! And Baekhyun with his smirk - is not helping! 😅🤣😈

I'm starting to like Kyungsoo in this one. *smiles* His conversations with Yoonhee are always kind and the two always have a topic to talk about. I just adore it. (Then again, Kyungsoo is also my bias so maybe that's why. XD) Anyhow, they all have a common worry and it's that woman. -_- *sighs*

Ah, Baekhyun finally met her friends and the atmosphere was surely cheerful and bright! 🥰😍 All women like to share stories and talk about their men, don't they? 👌😉 Men are no different! 😉👌 *chuckles* Baekhyun is surely excited to meet his parents again - if you know what I mean. 😅🤣

Ah, as always happy moments don't last forever, but I believe that this conversation was very much needed. 👌 The fact that they are all worried about what Aeri is up to, especially because she is obsessed with Baekhyun. -_- Thankfully, in a way, they are at an advantage because Yoonhee is good at hiding her powers and if needed, she can use them against Aeri... something tells me that things are not going to go as smoothly as they think, but working together should make things easier for them. 👌 But still, one could never be prepared enough with evil people, right? *sighs* -_-

👀 It's time for the party and the tension can be felt in the air. 👀 Nope, no surprise at all. 👀

The drama queen is back in town. -_- UGH! Each time her character is shown, I get annoyed. Like what the hell?! I mean look at her! Who gave her such a right to act like that?! 😡😣 BAEKHYUN IS NOT HER PROPERTY! 😣😡 AND HE NEVER WILL BE! 😡😣

Seulgi - a new and interesting character. Unlike others, she noticed the different aura. Hmm.

Things are starting to heat up and it seems to me that Seulgi is up to something... 👀

Things are surely heating up and I love it! As for Seulgi, I haven't formed my full opinion just yet (as I might be wrong), but I'll see as the story progresses! 😉

Thank you for another great chapter! 🌹💗
