Chapter Six.

Ocean Kiss
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The sun shone brightly down onto Minho's sleeping face from between the gap in the curtains, warming his cheek slightly. Blinking, Minho finally opened his eyes to be faced with the ceiling. 

He gave himself an internal pep talk to help him get through work that day before he turned to his side and came face to face with Taemin. Oh yeah, he had a man in his bed and didn't have to go into work today. Minho thanked his past self immensely. 

Minho hadn't had a chance to stare at Taemin's face since he first encountered the man as he lay on the rocks yesterday. Taemin really was beautiful. His eyelashes were long and delicate where they rested against his plump pink cheeks. His nose was sloped and rounded and made his face even cuter. Yet, Minho's favourite feature were his eyes; always so bright and full of emotion, currently hidden behind his eyelids. It made him look completely at peace. Taemin's lips were Minho's second favourite feature. They were thick and full and an enchanting shade of pink. They were slightly parted as Taemin's breath escaped. 

Minho took his time staring at Taemin's delicate face. The mole near the bridge of his nose held Minho's attention as he started running his thumb along Taemin's cheek and up to touch it lightly. Taemin stirred slightly at the touch. 

Minho's stomach started to rumble before he finally decided to leave the warm bed to make some food. He wished he had asked Taemin which foods he liked. He didn't have any seaweed (or whatever fish people eat), so normal food would have to do for now.

Minho allowed himself one last look at Taemin before carefully manoeuvring out of bed, making sure to not disturb the sleeping man. He got all the way to the door before he suddenly turned around and approached Taemin once again. 

Minho silently pressed his lips to Taemin’s forehead and then his cheek. Only when Taemin moved slightly did Minho jolt to the kitchen.


Taemin stretched his arms high above his head before turning and laying face down on the pillows. They smelled so strongly of Minho, he loved it. He turned to his side in hopes of snuggling close to the man before he noticed that the space next to him was empty. Minho’s warmth still lingered slightly, so Taemin wasn’t too worried. Pretending that he wasn't sad, Taemin wiggled his way out of bed. 

The pants that Minho gave him were still a bit too big. They bunched up around his legs and were just too uncomfortable to keep wearing. He quickly decided to take them off before putting on whatever this 'underwear' was that Minho mentioned yesterday. 

They went on much easier and left Taemin's legs free. He really enjoyed having them out, they were fascinating to look at. He still couldn't believe he had a pair for himself. Do all the parts of his legs have names? The silver haired man needed to know everything about them. 

Minho's shirt just about went to the middle of his thighs. That was long enough, it wasn't like Minho hadn't seen those parts anyway. Who knew that humans were such prudes? He couldn’t get used to all this covering up. Back at home no one wore anything like this. Sure they all wore the occasional fancy headpiece and scarf for ceremonies or armour when needed but how on earth was he expected to wear something all day everyday? Do the land walkers not run out of clothes?

Bored of his internal argument, Taemin waddled his way out of the bedroom and ventured towards the smell of something delicious. He had to admit to himself that his diet of cold sea plants was kind of boring. What wonderful foods did they have on the surface? 

He saw Minho standing in front of a large table looking thing. He seemed to be pushing something around inside a weird plate with a handle. 

"What are you doing?" Taemin clasped his arms around Minho's waist as he asked him a question. 

"Morning, Taemin. I'm making pancakes for you." Minho smiled as he felt Taemin's arms wrap around him. 

"Yay!" Taemin swayed cutely against Minho's back. "What's a pancake?"

 "Just wait and you'll find out."

Taemin took a moment to look at Minho. He was so happy that everything was not a dream. He probably would have cried if he woke up back in his normal bed with a tail. The thought that he would have to return back to his home hadn’t left his mind, but Minho’s presence had dulled it slightly. Taemin was going to savour every moment he could have with Minho, and if he had to be shameless to have some fun, then so be it.

Taemin poked Minho’s back, eager to get his attention. His body felt firm and he soon had his whole hand slapping Minho lightly. 




He carefully took the pan off the heat before turning around to face Taemin. The sight he was met with was like one out of a dream. Taemin had a subtle smile on his face as well as Minho’s favourite oversized shirt on. Minho’s eyes followed the shirt from the low coller until his eyes came to rest on Taemin’s thighs. He could have sworn he had pants on last night. Taemin’s lithe arms soon wrapped around his waist as he pulled Minho in for a tight hug.

“Wow, you’re so solid! It’s like hugging a marble statue!” Taemin’s words were slightly muffled from where he spoke from between Minho’s chest. Minho could feel Taemin’s breath against his bare chest.

“Everything good, Taem?” he asked as he began running his fingers through Taemin’s hair.

“Yeah, I just wanted to touch you. I was scared that everything that happened yesterday wasn’t real. I’m glad you are real though, I don’t know what I would have done without you.” came a quiet reply.

Minho’s heart swelled as he pulled Taemin even closer. He pressed a kiss to Taemin’s forehead before letting go. 

“I don’t know what I would have done either.” Minho’s hand made its way to the younger man’s cheek before softly pinching it. “Go sit down and I’ll finish making our breakfast.”

Taemin looked so soft and happy as he shuffled towards the dining table. Minho could really get used to this.



Taemin moved to sit down at the table before a plate was placed before him. 

On the plate was a flat little cushion thing. Taemin poked the top of the cushion slowly. It dipped slightly but sprung back. 

"I've never seen food like this before." Taemin's head tilted as he continued to inspect the pancake. 

"It's a super basic food to hopefully get you used to it. It's nothing special either, just egg, flour, water and a bit of oil." Minho smiled as he sat down next to Taemin with his own plate. 

"I know what an egg is but that is just about it." Taemin said as he cut a piece of pancake off before sniffing it quietly. 

"Yeah, they come from chickens. Oil is a fat and can't mix with water, Flour is ground up wheat and you're very familiar with water." Minho supplied whilst chuckling. 

"What the hell is a chicken?" Taemin pondered before shoving the pancake into his mouth and chewing vigorously. 

"I'm used to eating salmon eggs, unfertilised of course, different types of seaweed and algae. You have to try it sometime, it tastes nice! But this is insane, I demand another one!" he said with his mouth full. 

"I'll give you half of mine, but don't go too crazy. By the way, do you- like- eat meat? Well I mean like fish. Or do you see them as your friends? I don't-" 

"How dare you! Of course I don't! What kind of monster do you think I am? We care for all the ocean animals so why on earth would we eat them when we can live off plants?" Taem

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Hello! I've been writing quite a bit again so do look forward to new chapters soon! Maybe the plot actually advances for once ;)


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chucklumn #1
Hello I hope you are doing well. It’s been quite long this fic didn’t get updated, I’m looking forward to read the whole story and you can make it possible. Waiting for you and come back soon <3
747 streak #2
Chapter 6: Really enjoying this story so far, I see Taemin is adapting much quicker than Minho thought he would. Looking forward to the next update. I did try looking it up on AO3 but could not find it.
Would you post a link to your Ao3?
Shinee2020 #4
Chapter 6: Love this chapter! Taemin is learning how to live a human life. :) I wonder what will happened after... Minho can't pretend to be sick everyday.
Beau1996 1379 streak #5
Chapter 6: Such a good chapter - Taemin learning all about humans and connect 4!!
Beau1996 1379 streak #6
Chapter 5: Really enjoyed this chapter - Taemin's wonder over bubble bath and es while Minho is trying not to ually combust!!
Beau1996 1379 streak #7
Chapter 4: I love Taemin and bubble bath!! I'm looking forward to reading how these boys work things out in the upcoming days!!
Beau1996 1379 streak #8
Chapter 2: So did kissing Minho cause him to lose his tail?? It should be fun to see Taemin learn about the 'landwalkers' world!
Shinee2020 #9
Chapter 2: So glad you are back. :)
Shinee2020 #10
Chapter 1: Nice! Love this first chapter. But from reading Foreword, I guess not everything will go well for Taemin. He's gonna be capture and expose as if an animal in a zoo? Hopefully not, since Jinki and his sister are both marine biologist, so shouldn't be hurting a merman, right? Hopefully Jongin is not gonna cause a war with the landpeople. ;) Looking forward to read more! :)