Chapter Three.

Ocean Kiss
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[CONTENTID2]"Oh! It's where one person wraps their legs around the other's waist. It's basically just being carried on someone's back. You don't have piggybacks in the ocean?"  Minho asked incredulously.

"Well, what do you think?" Taemin peered at Minho with a blank expression, his eyes ogling his legs, then giggled as he saw Minho's face scrunch with realisation. 

"We're not going anywhere soon, though. So the piggyback will have to wait. You can't go around . You'll get arrested." Minho supplied.

Taemin pretended that he knew what that meant before he whimpered. His legs had gradually become more unsteady the longer he stood. If it wasn’t for Minho’s support, he would have slammed face first into the water. He really should sit down. So, Taemin quickly fell to his knees within the water. The semi-shallow water gushed around his shoulders as he glanced up towards Minho who was continuing the conversation he was having with himself. 

"Actually, we might be able to solve this situation." Minho ran his hand through his hair as he thought. "I have a spare shirt that I left in my boss's car. But, I'd have to leave you on your own for a few minutes whilst I go and get it." 

Taemin grimaced at his idea before he enveloped Minho’s legs in a tight hug causing the taller one to wobble. "Minho, please don't leave me."

Minho's heart shattered into pieces as he crouched down to the merman’s level and held Taemin close. He would love to stay here and hug Taemin to keep the smile on his face but they were both going to freeze soon… or be spotted by one of the few people on the beach. Minho did not want to deal with that right now. He just needed to make sure Taemin didn’t crawl towards the shore, or that he didn't drown in his absence. Oh, and he would have to be quick too. Coming back to a frozen Taemin was not a nice thought.

“Taemin, you’re going to have to stay here for me, okay? We’ll go closer to the shore so that you can sit down comfortably, but promise me that you won’t stand up or go towards other people, yeah?” Minho spoke the words onto the top of Taemin’s head where it was still pressed against his chest. He gave Taemin one last squeeze before pulling away. “I promise I will be as quick as I can. Please don’t move from where you will be.”

Taemin’s reluctance was clear but a nice warm shirt (or whatever Minho called it) did sound really good. So, with a cute pout, he let Minho lead him closer to the shore where he then sat down again with a large splash. 

“Be quick, human!” He shouted at Minho as he threw a smile towards Taemin before quickly wading his way to the shore. As he took off into a fast jog, Taemin took a moment to think over what had happened that day. His dad slapped him, nice. He had worried Kibum, great. He had fled his kingdom. Awesome. He made out with Minho. Okay, he actually really did enjoy that. But the legs? Seriously, Taemin’s life couldn’t get any weirder. What’s next? Kibum comes running out at him? Taemin wouldn’t even be shocked. Taemin’s body shuddered trying to imagine Kibum with legs. He just hoped that Minho would be back soon. 




Minho’s jog had turned into a run by the time the sand under his feet turned into solid rock. He must have looked very odd to the few people he passed; completely soaked from head to toe, no shoes, running as fast as possible. He couldn’t find it in himself to care. With only Taemin (and his complete ) on his mind, he only wished that the car was parked closer. 

After what felt like an eternity of running, (which was probably only three minutes) Minho could finally see the car. He rushed to the small gate of the car park before practically forcing his way past two people innocently trying to get into their car. Secretly, he thanked Jinki for always being so well prepared. Working as a marine biologist was Minho’s pride and joy, but the amount of times he would somehow get covered in water during his field research was too many to count on one hand. Luckily, Jinki kept spare shirts in his car for moments like that.

Pulling the handle to open the car boot wasn’t working. . It was locked. Obviously it would be locked. Why didn’t Minho see this coming? Taemin’s sad face flooded Minho’s mind and the idea of getting scolded by Jinki was somehow more desirable. He just had to calm down and go ask him for the key nicely. They should all still be in the cafe after all. It was close too; only a few minutes away. Continuing his impromptu sunset jog, Minho soon made it to the cafe. He took a deep breath before pushing the doors open. 

, Jinki was nowhere to be seen. Minho could only see Chaewon chatting with some of the other girls at the table. He really did not want to talk to her right now. But, as he had learned just an hour ago, he would do anything for Taemin, and Taemin needed a shirt. Determined to make this as quick as possible, he walked calmly over to Chaewon. 

“Hey, I need the keys to Jinki’s car. I need to get my spare shirt.” Minho tried to sound like he wanted to speak to her, although his grimace probably ruined it.

“Woah. Minho, you what? Why?” Chaewon responded, as she took a minute to look at him. Suddenly, her face was overcome with anger. Great, this is exactly what Minho knew would happen. 

“You can’t just disappear and turn up randomly demanding that I give you the keys to my brother’s car!” Everyone at the table was now staring at Minho. “What do you need the keys for so bad you actually asked me for them?” 

Minho just looked at her before gesturing to himself. He was still dripping, a small puddle had accumulated at his feet.

“Look Minho, I don’t care! Make your way home and get something from there! You ignore me when I need you, so why should I do anything for you?” Chaewon’s voice grew louder as people at the other tables turned to watch the spectacle.

Annoyed and hoping to embarrass Chaewon, Minho decided that the only way to get the keys was to do something stupid. So, he pulled his shirt over his head. It was a relief to get the sopping thing off, but the look of utter h

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Hello! I've been writing quite a bit again so do look forward to new chapters soon! Maybe the plot actually advances for once ;)


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chucklumn #1
Hello I hope you are doing well. It’s been quite long this fic didn’t get updated, I’m looking forward to read the whole story and you can make it possible. Waiting for you and come back soon <3
747 streak #2
Chapter 6: Really enjoying this story so far, I see Taemin is adapting much quicker than Minho thought he would. Looking forward to the next update. I did try looking it up on AO3 but could not find it.
Would you post a link to your Ao3?
Shinee2020 #4
Chapter 6: Love this chapter! Taemin is learning how to live a human life. :) I wonder what will happened after... Minho can't pretend to be sick everyday.
Beau1996 1378 streak #5
Chapter 6: Such a good chapter - Taemin learning all about humans and connect 4!!
Beau1996 1378 streak #6
Chapter 5: Really enjoyed this chapter - Taemin's wonder over bubble bath and es while Minho is trying not to ually combust!!
Beau1996 1378 streak #7
Chapter 4: I love Taemin and bubble bath!! I'm looking forward to reading how these boys work things out in the upcoming days!!
Beau1996 1378 streak #8
Chapter 2: So did kissing Minho cause him to lose his tail?? It should be fun to see Taemin learn about the 'landwalkers' world!
Shinee2020 #9
Chapter 2: So glad you are back. :)
Shinee2020 #10
Chapter 1: Nice! Love this first chapter. But from reading Foreword, I guess not everything will go well for Taemin. He's gonna be capture and expose as if an animal in a zoo? Hopefully not, since Jinki and his sister are both marine biologist, so shouldn't be hurting a merman, right? Hopefully Jongin is not gonna cause a war with the landpeople. ;) Looking forward to read more! :)