Black Mamba 🐍

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Chapter 13 – Black Mamba

[오늘도 어김없이 오게 되죠

마주치면 어떡해?

조심스럽게 기다리고 있죠

아무것도 바라는 건 없죠

You’ll come again today, without fail

What happens if I see you?

I’m carefully waiting

But I’m not expecting anything]


Jimin scowls from her seat.

She sees Yuna with her hands around Jeongmin’s arm as both of them laugh repeatedly while everyone feasted on the main course. The grilled beef in front of her is left untouched as her attention is completely occupied by the despicable scene not too far from her.

She stabs the meat with her chopsticks and pretends like it was the other girl’s hands.

“Oh my goodness, just go talk to him already. That poor cow already died for you. Don’t torment it any further.”

Jiwoo complains as she removes the chopsticks from Jimin’s hands with a frown. Jimin doesn’t say anything in response, she keeps a straight face as her mind is fully occupied with thoughts.

He looks so happy now. Should she even do anything? She thinks as she observes Jeongmin laughing along with Yuna. He has probably moved on already. Why bother trying to do anything?

Jimin sighs.

“Yu Jimin, why the long sigh?”

The sudden deep voice startles her from her train of thoughts as she looks up to see a tall, tan and very handsome man looking at her fondly.

“I’m Kim Jongin by the way.”

“Yes sunbae, I’ve heard of you, from Jiwoo.”

“Jiwoo, how have you been?”

“I’m good sunbae, how are you? You look as handsome as ever.”

Jiwoo says with a big smile. Jimin didn’t miss how Jinhee frowns deeply at that.

“Always the charming one, Jiwoo. Is it okay if I sit here, Jimin?”

He asks softly, pointing to the empty seat next to her. Jimin nods, thinking it would be impolite to refuse him in front of everyone. He takes his seat and then proceeds to look at her with a smile.

Jimin fidgets. This is awkward. What should she do? Say something? Ask about his day?

“Sunbae, you’re not being very subtle.”

She hears Jiwoo say out of nowhere with a smirk, making the man beside her let out a chuckle.

“I guess I am not. I have never been good at being subtle anyways. You got me, Jiwoo. Well, I will just be honest with you then, Jimin.”

Jimin straightens herself and turns her body to face him completely, giving him her full attention. It seems it isn’t just her giving him her attention, because almost everyone in the room turn to look at the man as well. Unbothered, he pulls out a stalk of flower from his pocket and offers it to her.

“At first I thought you were just a pretty face, but after hearing how you scored the highest for the test that the Crown Prince have conducted, I realized that you are as intelligent as they say. I find that very admirable and I would like to get to know you better. Would you like to go on a date with me?”

Everyone at the table gasp at the sudden confession. Jimin stiffens. She briefly turns to look at Jeongmin who she notices is now fully focused on her. They lock eyes for a brief moment before he looks away.

Although brief, his unmistakable annoyed expression makes Jimin feel hopeful.

He does care, after all.

She looks back at her senior and says her next few words very carefully. She can’t exactly reject him here when they have the entire school looking at them. He must have done this on purpose, she thinks. Sneaky.

“Can I think about it first, sunbae?”

She hears her senior letting out a soft chuckle before putting the flower behind her ear. Jimin notices how there was no déjà vu this time. Strange.

“Sure, don’t take too long though.”

He says with a warm smile as he left the seat. Jimin smiles in response before she turns in front to see the unsightly couple missing from their seats.

Where did they go?


Control yourself, Kim Minjeong.

Minjeong lets out a big sigh.

She clenches her fists as she look up to the night sky with her eyebrows frowning. Not only did she made it obvious that she was bothered by the absolutely cringey, unnecessary public confession but everyone must have known by now, just how much she liked Jimin.

To watch their senior talking to Jimin is one thing but to see him doing the exact same thing to Jimin made her snap. She absolutely cannot take it any longer. Whatever self-restraint she had left was gone.

To make matters worse, that senior isn’t even lacking in any way. He has good grades, a handsome face and good body proportions. It’s ridiculous how they looked so perfect for each other. And oh, he is even taller than her.

This is not even a competition.

He wins hands down. How can she ever compare to someone like that?

She is not even a man to begin with.

This is hopeless.

She is hopeless, this one sided love is hopeless.

Everything’s hopeless.

Should she just head back to the palace? What was she even thinking? That this can end happily?


Minjeong turns around and feels a pair of arms embracing her tightly. The sudden close contact makes her less lonely but then again, she knows it isn’t her. She forces out a smile for the girl in front of her.

“Are you alright?”

“Yes, thanks Yuna. I think it’s the rice wine. Maybe I had too much.”

Minjeong says with a light chuckle, trying her best to unconvincingly hide the obvious fact that she literally stormed out of the hall out of pure jealousy.

“I know you still like her.”

She hears Yuna stating clearly as if there was no point for Minjeong to even lie. As if it is the most obvious thing in the world. As if she knew it from the very start. Yuna takes a step closer to close the distance between them and gently wrap her arms around her neck.

Minjeong thinks of how this situation is rather romantic.

There is no one around them and the moon is shining brightly, reflecting itself on Yuna’s

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sorry for the hiatus everyone! Please enjoy Chapter 20! :D


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Kannakobayashi09 #1
Is this complete?
Chapter 20: Wow when will you up this story?:(
Chapter 20: oohhh?👀👀
Chapter 20: i did not expect that, wow.
Chapter 19: Omg lezzgowww! Finally get to catch up with the latest chapter and honestly I enjoyed every bit of it. Can’t wait for the next chapter😊
Hamsterjeongie #6
Chapter 19: Oh here we come
Chapter 19: hmmm👀
oofiee 1081 streak #8
Chapter 19: no cause why wont she tell her D:
Chapter 19: "Lady Jimin, it's time" (sound effect) babam
Hamsterjeongie #10
Chapter 18: Shi- oh no